2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

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Well, they do kind of, they ask her if she has found ANY evidence or corroboration that proves that ANYTHING that Casey had told her of this entire fiasco to be the truth...and I do not believe Cindy HAD found anything that could show any single solitary thing that Casey told her was true.

It kind of makes you feel sorry for Cindy in a way that she slips in and out of reality like that...Casey has REALLY made a fool of her hasn't she?:blushing: And continues to do so as long as Cindy continues to slip in and out of this whole pack of lies!:banghead:

Wasn't that ever so true in the 48 Hr interview, when she on one hand showed Caylee's Death Certificate, and then in the end spout this stuff like Caylee is still alive & we are searching for her. I must admit, it really is so very pathetic. She has a grifter for a daughter, who murders her grand daughter. The scene where she tears up and says how she misses her girls, was so poignant. She had not had them in her house since June 15th 2008! I suppose I would fall apart and be out of touch with reality too. However, she created the monster who is Casey. And now she is paying BIG TIME
The court sealed the video of Casey when Caylee's remains were found.
The court sealed HOW the defense was paying FOR the defense.
The grand jury testimony of George is sealed.
The suicide note is sealed...


The court selaed the actual video. Not discussion of it nor is its existance of it disputed or denied by any side. So no questions Cindy could have been asked about it would approach the seal. (ie The SA could ask Cindy if she had seen the video and what her reaction was.)

Grand Jury testimony is always sealed. But it would be the SA raising abjections to any GJ testimonty being leaked. JB does not know what GJ testimnoy is, nor would Cindy. You could ask Cindy if GA had told her about his testimony, but that really has little value.

True the suicide note is sealed. But once again, that would be BC's objection to make, not JB's. JB has no standing with regard to GA.

Which leads us back to whatever he was telling Cindy to "zip it" about had to have been related to his compensation arrangements with KC. Given that the question involved a list of things that CA knew KC had given JB, it is a fair bet that this is what it involves. This would also be ablout the only legal reason JB could even speak in that deposition. (not that I think that would stop him.)
In part one of Cindy's deposition, in reference to the information that Dominic Casey was trying to find with Tony L and people who worked at Fusion, LDB asked Cindy she knew anything about the Sawgrass apartments and Society Entertainment. And she said she knew. Also asked if she had heard of a " black man" in reference to this and if she recognized any of the people in the photographs from there from casey's photobucket . Interesting that they would ask her this. They didn't make it clear why they were asking, but the implications, that Casey had a connection to Sawgrass, unrelated to ZFG must have made her squirm. I wonder if Cindy knows about the "bad" photos as George does. I can't recall them asking her about them

I had assumed that LE had discovered Casey's connections to Sawgrass, other than her claim that that is where she dropped off Caylee, but they must know way more about this, the bad photos and the Society Entertainment crowd.

Pg 98- 99

You know, I remember waaay back when, this guy -- I think his name was Derrick W-- actually came on WS and posted a little bit. Saying he understood there was some stuff being said, etc.......I do remember that. I'm sure it's up in the "REALLY OLD POSTS" thread somewhere....I am horrible with finding stuff. I can semi-remember everything, but I can't hunt it down!
Pages 412 & 413 - $14,000???? What is that about? A plan with TL?

Amy and Tony both said that KC said she (KC) had around $15K.

From Tony's LE interview (http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/Lazzaro,%20Anthony0728.pdf page 18, line 22):
Ah, she said she’s always said that she’s had like fifteen, ten to fifteen thousand dollars saved up.
When Tony talked to KC on her cell phone (after they had texted) before KC went to jail, Tony said he asked KC why she forged Amy's checks since supposedly she already had money.

Tony said KC told him she took money from Amy as a back-up plan. Cindy's deposition supports what Tony told LE, only Cindy puts a different spin on it.

Page 19 of one of Tony's LE interviews (http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/Lazzaro, Anthony0728.pdf)
A:Which baffled me you know. And the fact that she stole money from her friend too and I just like, bombarded with that information it was just too much. But ah, yeah I so I was asking her (Inaudible)... her a little bit this morning I was like, if you had fifteen.. you had this fifteen thousand dollars in the ban account. You know in another bank account that you say you have.

Q Uh-huh. (Affirmative)

A Why would you need to take money from your friends account? And she goes I needed for some kind of backup PLAN. I was like, what kind of backup PLAN you talking about. And she’s like, oh don’t.. I was like, I don’t want to hear about no back PLAN. I don’t want to hear anything that you have to say about stuff like that. And she’s like, oh no nothing like that. I’m like, I don’t... just don’t say anything about that I don’t want to hear it.
Technically Cindy is correct, Tony himself says he and KC DID talk about an amount of money between $10k and $15k and that the word plan was used. Cindy is telling her version of the story.
WOW, did anybody make it to the end? Starting about page 493 of Part 2, they get into the stuff that Cindy gave Baez and Baez finally tells Cindy to ZIP IT????!!!! Stops the proceedings???? Confers with Andrea privately????

Also, while Casey was out she found several hairs of Caylees????

I started reading backwards, looking at the pictures that are exhibits at the end of the depo, and saw this.
MM...do you know if these depos are somewhere besides WFTV 'cause I can't get at those with my computer (the link makes my puter shut out of it).
Hazy memory of one of KC's friends stating KC told them she had $14,000 in an acct.Maybe when she and Amy were looking at houses to rent????
Honestly,I'm too tired to look right now,but it might have been Amy. It went along with all all of KC's other lies.

KC DID tell Amy she had about that much in the bank.
The following dialogue was around page 264 (page 83 in the pdf of Cindy's second part). I just wanted to say that I think the first bolded statement, "Have you, in fact, learned that everything she told you was false, a lie?" is kind of unfair and unprofessional. Sounds like the kind of thing you see on TV dramas -- dramatic sweeping statements akin to, "So EVERYTHING was a LIE?!!?1!?" I say good for Cindy for being precise answering correctly, with, "No," and "I was answering you as honestly as I could with your broad statement." If she'd said yes, then she'd be saying that if Casey said "Hi Mom, it's Casey," she was lying.

Q All right. We just finished discussing the time line that Casey had given you as to her whereabouts from June 16th through at least July 14th of 2008.
A [Nods head affirmatively]
Q Is there anything about what she told you that you have learned was true?
A I'm not sure any of it.
Q Okay.
A I'm not sure.
Q Have you, in fact, learned that everything she told you was false, a lie?
A I'm not sure everything she told me during that time was a lie. But her whereabouts was a lie.
Q All right. A lot of the discussion that you had with her during that time frame was where she was?
... <dialogue on the order of, 'Was she here?' 'No.' 'How about here?' 'No.' etc.> ...
Q All right. Rather than me going back through all of what we've discussed probably for an hour, is there something that you told me that you can point to now as you definitely knowing was true?
A No. But your statement was, when I answered it, was everything that Casey told me and you were not specific about her whereabouts. So she told me she loved me. She told me things like that. So I can't say no. I mean --
Q Okay.
A -- I can't say that. So I was answering you as honestly as I could with your broad statement.
Q All right.
A So --
Q Regarding her whereabouts.
A I -- that again; correct. That's what I said, that her whereabouts was the one thing that I said it was not true.
Q And that would also be accurate as it relates to Caylee's whereabouts during that time frame?
A Correct.
Q Okay. Do you also believe that she lied about who she was with during that time frame?
A More than likely, yes.

Also, maybe this is old news, but it seems to me that the 'out' for Casey that Cindy wants to maintain is that someone else was in possession of the Pontiac. There was a lot of talk about who had keys. Also, IMHO, Cindy isn't consciously trying to collude or lie or cover up anything. I think it's just gotta be incredibly difficult, psychologically, to even acknowledge the possibility that your kid was responsible, in any capacity, for the death of your grandkid.
Not trying to be argumentative- I do agree it must be difficult to acknowledge that your own daughter may be responsible for the death of your own granddaughter- but we know that Cindy has lied (think squirrel). I also can't wrap my brain around her vacationing off money she received from selling pics of her granddaughter. I personally don't believe this is the only money she has received.
MM...do you know if these depos are somewhere besides WFTV 'cause I can't get at those with my computer (the link makes my puter shut out of it).

Just thought... Try it using a different browser. Firefox, Safari, Mozilla etc. And download them instead of trying to view them online might help too.

And make sure your PDF Reader (Acrobat or otherwise) is up to date.
CA talks about Jeff Hopkins and his son?? I know there was a Jeff Hopkins, maybe a friend of Lee's, but thought it was established that there was not a Jeff Hopkins with a son named Zack, that Zanny babysat for?:waitasec: This was apparently another lie? So, why does CA still go on about him in these depos, as though he exists??:waitasec: Talking about clothes his mother gave Caylee, how he used ZFG for a babsitter and was how KC met them?? If indeed, this has been proven to be another outrageous lie, and no person exists, why do they let her go on about him without picking her up on this?

CA just replies, "Oh, not THAT JH." There IS no JH, as KC describes him.

Or, that is, KC's JH is as real as is ZFG.
Chlorophyl? No really? She is now claiming that the chloroform searches must have been from her searching whether or not the chlorophyl in plants is bad for the dogs? OMG!

So she has that much difficulty between the two? She's still a nurse? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After reading CA's deposition I am frightened that people this out of touch with reality are walking the streets. There aren't words to described how baffled I am........I keep wanting to put into words something that will make my head quit swimming with anger, frustration, bewilderment.....but there are no words.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa!!!!!!
Casey didn't make a fool of Cindy.. Cindy makes a fool of Cindy. She lies because she is a liar... no one makes her lie. She chooses to. I don't feel sorry for her at all. She is just as bad as Casey....minus a murder.


and add that she taught Casey how to lie!
WOW, did anybody make it to the end? Starting about page 493 of Part 2, they get into the stuff that Cindy gave Baez and Baez finally tells Cindy to ZIP IT????!!!! Stops the proceedings???? Confers with Andrea privately????

Also, while Casey was out she found several hairs of Caylees????

I started reading backwards, looking at the pictures that are exhibits at the end of the depo, and saw this.

I apologize in advance if this has been subsequently discussed further along in this thread but when all the back and forth started about this, and what was sealed and what wasn't....I have the distinct feeling that either Casey and/or Cindy were attempting to alter or provide false evidence, i.e. why was Casey getting Cindy's hairs....if this was a defense request for use in their own testing, don't you think their experts or even counsel would have made proper arrangements? The chain of custody questions alone would have negated any reason for Casey herself to be doing this! To me, this was the most interesting part of the whole depo....JB and AL didn't want Cindy to even answer what she observed Casey might have taken.

BTW, this was a truly pathetic example of Cindy trying to sanitize the truth of what happened and backing away from any comment, behavior or action that could even remotely damage Casey's case. truly sickening.
CA part 2 wftv
Page 275
Line 10 (referring to morning of June 16th)
Q: All right. Had you also heard Caylee and Casey in the room --
CA: On the --
Q: --the morning of the 16th?
CA: No. That morning I didn't. I actually left probably
a half hour or 45 minutes earlier than normal and I didn't
want to go in and disturb them

I am only just into Part 2 of the depo and what I noticed is that in a previous interview or it could be at the bond hearing Cindy stated that she "heard them in the bedroom" on the morning of June 16th.

Very different from what Cindy said in the depo. :waitasec:
Since I am way behind on this thread and only reading the deposition, something popped out regarding June 8th or 9th.

Way back in the beginning before July 16th became the date of Caylee's disappearance, Cindy had stated that Casey left the house on June 8th or 9th in order to bond with Casey.

Not sure if it was the bond hearing, interviews or the media. At this point they are all running together in my head. :crazy:

As I read the deposition on Page 242, Part 2, Line 10 - 12; Cindy indicates the first week of June when Cindy was off, Cindy states that Caylee spent the entire week together and it was Cindy's time to bond with Caylee ....

It wasn't until July 3rd, did Cindy hear from Casey that Casey was going to re-bond with Caylee. Page 242, Line 16 - 22.


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