2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

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I am only just into Part 2 of the depo and what I noticed is that in a previous interview or it could be at the bond hearing Cindy stated that she "heard them in the bedroom" on the morning of June 16th.

Very different from what Cindy said in the depo. :waitasec:

Didn't Cindy said she heard them breathing in the bedroom? We'll never get a straight answer from this bunch. Soooo fruschtrating!
She could have been talking about pot, marijuana...and not cigarettes at all...:waitasec:

Definitely. LE knew that TonE and roomies smoked weed. I imagine that was why other friends mentioned she said she was smoking more during that time period. It was available, and she'd just done something to Caylee and had to lie low. THC showed up on the paper towel used to clean up the trunk which probably was a used paper towel from TonE's. Too bad she didn't get stinking drunk instead, and spill out some truth on where Caylee really was.

Casey really is a cool one. How did she stay composed watching those movies from Blockbuster? One movie was totally about people being murdered. I was a nervous wreck watching UNTRACEABLE. Perhaps, there is not even a shread of feeling in this girl. Cindy will not be able to believe this fact any time soon.

Odd, Cindy's deposition makes her sound completely trusting of Casey, even after she stole checks from her own brother, and all that other money from all those other people, and after Casey make Caylee go away.

Oh, I agree there is a robotic speech pattern Casey uses.

Do you ever feel like you fell down a rabbit hole when you got involved in this case?
Didn't Cindy said she heard them breathing in the bedroom? We'll never get a straight answer from this bunch. Soooo fruschtrating!

I don't recall if it was breathing or hearing, but Cindy heard them in one form or another. Total different statement to the State.
I don't recall if it was breathing or hearing, but Cindy heard them in one form or another. Total different statement to the State.
She stated she didn't "see them", but she knew they were there. The "heard them breathing" comment IMO was just a sarcastic response.
Not sure if this has been talked about but the 2nd part of CA's depo on page 203 she says "I'm not really sure the smell was an issue. Because at that point I still did not connect the smell to Caylee."

So is she admitting the smell was due to Caylee being in the trunk??
Not sure if this has been talked about but the 2nd part of CA's depo on page 203 she says "I'm not really sure the smell was an issue. Because at that point I still did not connect the smell to Caylee."

So is she admitting the smell was due to Caylee being in the trunk??

Accidents happen, she slipped and let the truth out.
Hey all. I'm way behind on this thread too, and still haven't finished CA's depo. It's taken me 3 days so far to warily and reluctantly sit down and force myself to read her nonsense.

So I'm sure all this has been pointed out but here's a few things I took from CA's state depo.

-KC "borrowed" a lot of money from CA, in the thousands.

-CA states that when she picked up KC from Tony L's house, she didn't say much to KC in front of Amy about the situation because she respects her daughter and wasn't going to reprimand her or discuss stuff in front of one of her friends. "I respect my kids and I have never done that." (Tony L states that when CA came into the house she told Tony and Clint? that she hoped they were rich because KC would clean them out.

-On page 366; line 24 CA said to KC, "Let's go find Caylee." (Noted only cause of how it was phrased. Why not, "let's go get Caylee?")

-CA states that she does not scream/yell at her children. (oh cindy, you so funny)

-On Jul 15th CA gave the patrol supervisor a stick note with "Zanny's" phone # and address. (Note: have we ever determined what/who's info that is? The 'Glenwood' number?)

-CA: "I'm not even sure if it was the next day we talked about it. I'm not really sure the smell was an issue. Because at that point I still did not connect the smell to Caylee."

-CA says KC thanked her for calling 911 because "she couldn't do that", or something.

Anyway, I'll go back over these depo's and make plenty of more notes but for now I'm dreadfully going back to the 200 or so pages I have left of CA. Wish me luck. If you don't hear from me in a few days it's because my body exploded from anthony-liar-pants-on-fire overload.
Not sure if this has been talked about but the 2nd part of CA's depo on page 203 she says "I'm not really sure the smell was an issue. Because at that point I still did not connect the smell to Caylee."

So is she admitting the smell was due to Caylee being in the trunk??

OMG...that was exactly the thought I had when I read that!
CA just replies, "Oh, not THAT JH." There IS no JH, as KC describes him.

Or, that is, KC's JH is as real as is ZFG.

CA is completely out of touch with reality. I read her deposition and you would swear everything KC told her was the gospel truth. I'm also 100% convinced that she is perfectly comfortable telling "half-truths" and "mis-truths." The chlorophyll thing knocked my socks off.
Hey all. I'm way behind on this thread too, and still haven't finished CA's depo. It's taken me 3 days so far to warily and reluctantly sit down and force myself to read her nonsense.

So I'm sure all this has been pointed out but here's a few things I took from CA's state depo.

-KC "borrowed" a lot of money from CA, in the thousands.

-CA states that when she picked up KC from Tony L's house, she didn't say much to KC in front of Amy about the situation because she respects her daughter and wasn't going to reprimand her or discuss stuff in front of one of her friends. "I respect my kids and I have never done that." (Tony L states that when CA came into the house she told Tony and Clint? that she hoped they were rich because KC would clean them out.

-On page 366; line 24 CA said to KC, "Let's go find Caylee." (Noted only cause of how it was phrased. Why not, "let's go get Caylee?")

-CA states that she does not scream/yell at her children. (oh cindy, you so funny)

-On Jul 15th CA gave the patrol supervisor a stick note with "Zanny's" phone # and address. (Note: have we ever determined what/who's info that is? The 'Glenwood' number?)

-CA: "I'm not even sure if it was the next day we talked about it. I'm not really sure the smell was an issue. Because at that point I still did not connect the smell to Caylee."

-CA says KC thanked her for calling 911 because "she couldn't do that", or something.

Anyway, I'll go back over these depo's and make plenty of more notes but for now I'm dreadfully going back to the 200 or so pages I have left of CA. Wish me luck. If you don't hear from me in a few days it's because my body exploded from anthony-liar-pants-on-fire overload.

Yeah, it kinda makes you wish the ghost of crimes past would take CA through the past and back to a time where she could see herself saying the things and doing the things she lies about doing now. Would like to see what excuses she would come up with.

The Glenwood address is RM, don't know what number she had.
Hey all. I'm way behind on this thread too, and still haven't finished CA's depo. It's taken me 3 days so far to warily and reluctantly sit down and force myself to read her nonsense.

So I'm sure all this has been pointed out but here's a few things I took from CA's state depo.

-KC "borrowed" a lot of money from CA, in the thousands.

-CA states that when she picked up KC from Tony L's house, she didn't say much to KC in front of Amy about the situation because she respects her daughter and wasn't going to reprimand her or discuss stuff in front of one of her friends. "I respect my kids and I have never done that." (Tony L states that when CA came into the house she told Tony and Clint? that she hoped they were rich because KC would clean them out.

-On page 366; line 24 CA said to KC, "Let's go find Caylee." (Noted only cause of how it was phrased. Why not, "let's go get Caylee?")

-CA states that she does not scream/yell at her children. (oh cindy, you so funny)

-On Jul 15th CA gave the patrol supervisor a stick note with "Zanny's" phone # and address. (Note: have we ever determined what/who's info that is? The 'Glenwood' number?)

-CA: "I'm not even sure if it was the next day we talked about it. I'm not really sure the smell was an issue. Because at that point I still did not connect the smell to Caylee."

-CA says KC thanked her for calling 911 because "she couldn't do that", or something.
Anyway, I'll go back over these depo's and make plenty of more notes but for now I'm dreadfully going back to the 200 or so pages I have left of CA. Wish me luck. If you don't hear from me in a few days it's because my body exploded from anthony-liar-pants-on-fire overload.

BBM-This might be nearly true, I think KC was trying to play the good girl at that point, hoping she could apologize/learn her lesson quickly and get back to Fusian.
Yeah, it kinda makes you wish the ghost of crimes past would take CA through the past and back to a time where she could see herself saying the things and doing the things she lies about doing now. Would like to see what excuses she would come up with.

The Glenwood address is RM, don't know what number she had.
Yeah, no kidding 'bout the ghost of times/crimes past.

I know the Glenwood address is RM, but is that what was written on the sticky note is what I'm wondering.

I always knew that CA gave investigators the bogus address that KC gave her, but I never knew it was on a sticky note, and was given the first night to the initial officers.
CA isn't out of touch with reality. She is deflecting and manipulating the conversations and her responses to go with her version (coverup).

If anything she does have a grip on seriousness of the situation and is doing everything in her power to change history and how the murder happened.

You get one chance in the moment then your moment has passed. CA, there are no do-overs in life. She knows.
Yes, it was very telling when CA slipped with that comment of not conecting the smell to Caylee right off.

countzero said, "CA isn't out of touch with reality. She is deflecting and manipulating the conversations and her responses to go with her version (coverup).

If anything she does have a grip on seriousness of the situation and is doing everything in her power to change history and how the murder happened.

You get one chance in the moment then your moment has passed. CA, there are no do-overs in life. She knows."

Oh, but you may not realize CA can change the very molecules of existence with her tricky ways. CA was made for this arena where she can attempt to erase, distort, and lie and change history. She seems to have always been able to stubbornly cling to the idea that she can manipulate reality, or deny it, or gloss it over with a pretty lie. Doesn't she seem undaunted by the truth that is right in her face? Her brother, Rick, really knew his sister and the extent of her stubborn denial. She knows now, but that doesn't stop her from distorting what you think you heard/saw. Only CA can change the smell of death to pizza right before your eyes.
Yes, it was very telling when CA slipped with that comment of not conecting the smell to Caylee right off.

countzero said, "CA isn't out of touch with reality. She is deflecting and manipulating the conversations and her responses to go with her version (coverup).

If anything she does have a grip on seriousness of the situation and is doing everything in her power to change history and how the murder happened.

You get one chance in the moment then your moment has passed. CA, there are no do-overs in life. She knows."

Oh, but you may not realize CA can change the very molecules of existence with her tricky ways. CA was made for this arena where she can attempt to erase, distort, and lie and change history. She seems to have always been able to stubbornly cling to the idea that she can manipulate reality, or deny it, or gloss it over with a pretty lie. Doesn't she seem undaunted by the truth that is right in her face? Her brother, Rick, really knew his sister and the extent of her stubborn denial. She knows now, but that doesn't stop her from distorting what you think you heard/saw. Only CA can change the smell of death to pizza right before your eyes.
...and obviously the "truth' doesn't pay as well.
CA is completely out of touch with reality. I read her deposition and you would swear everything KC told her was the gospel truth. I'm also 100% convinced that she is perfectly comfortable telling "half-truths" and "mis-truths." The chlorophyll thing knocked my socks off.

In her disorderd mind she has moved things around to fit where she wants (needs) them to. It's a pattern with this family, IMO. Casey's pregnancy going unnoticed for about 8 months, her not graduating but they only found out on like the last day of school( yeah right). Stealing from Lee in high school etc etc. They have created an entire life, an entirely different person for who Casey is... all so Cindy wouldn't get upset, so they could "keep the peace". These people don't even know who Casey is because they have been so busy for so many years creating their false reality.

She shoves aside facts, proof, evidence, everything and re-creates her own truths based on what she feels, what she needs to cling to in order to "keep going". These things have in many ways become her truth.. that's why she's so outraged.. she is a victim, yaknow! :angel:

Okay, I'm reading page 392 of PT2. You've gotta be freaking kidding me.

CA states when she called 911 the 3rd time KC's demeanor was crying and shaking as if she was breaking down, which is completely opposite of the actual call. The operators ask to talk to KC and CA says .. "talk to them", and KC says "what do they wanna talk to me for?" (I'm paraphrasing, sorry). Then when she does get on the phone she sounds monotone and detached.

This would be right before Lee said in his LE interview that KC was crying but wasn't bawling or anything. But when CA came in screaming, she became defensive and combative.

CA makes it seem like she was having an emotional breakdown...when in reality KC was acting like a little snotty kid who got caught smoking cigarettes. Give me a break.
Hmmm, early on in PII CA states that it hadnt rained in weeks. However GA says it rained on the way home which increased the smell of the car.

Which is it A's?

(there is much much more but my head is spinning)

Oh and the HORROR of the stink of cigarette smoke... obviously TL must be involved because he SMOKES!!!

And all the nefarious "black gentlemen". There are really just NO WORDS.
Definitely. LE knew that TonE and roomies smoked weed. I imagine that was why other friends mentioned she said she was smoking more during that time period. It was available, and she'd just done something to Caylee and had to lie low. THC showed up on the paper towel used to clean up the trunk which probably was a used paper towel from TonE's. Too bad she didn't get stinking drunk instead, and spill out some truth on where Caylee really was.

Do you ever feel like you fell down a rabbit hole when you got involved in this case?

<Respectfully snipped by me>
In CA's deposition, she also states that she knows Amy and Ricardo are into heroin. Now IMO, that's a pretty strong accusation to be flinging around.

And yes, didn't we all fall down the rabbit hole?

I know it's different looking into AnthonyLand than anywhere else I've been.
Hmmm, early on in PII CA states that it hadnt rained in weeks. However GA says it rained on the way home which increased the smell of the car.

Which is it A's?

(there is much much more but my head is spinning)

Oh and the HORROR of the stink of cigarette smoke... obviously TA must be involved because he SMOKES!!!

And all the nefarious "black gentlemen". There are really just NO WORDS.

No kidding.. using the word gentlemen so her use of the word BLACK as a means of describing a man looks less racist (or so she hoped!). She makes me sick!

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