2009.07.28 / 2009.07.29 Deposition Cindy Anthony Transcript parts 1 and 2

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As the mother of 2 boys, ages 4 and 8, I can't even imagine leaving them to fend for themselves like that in the morning. My oldest is loving to pour his own milk and juice, but the 4 yr. old -- NOT.

It was very sad thinking of Caylee having to get her own breakfast while her trifling mother zzzz'd it up in the mornings because she had a hard day and night of texting.

I only feel better thinking that maybe she "thought" that she was being a "big girl" by doing it for herself and Cindy & George indulged her that way.

It bet they can't even eat cereal anymore in the mornings, just thinking about Caylee's "routine".

There is a special place in hell for these people.
As the mother of 2 boys, ages 4 and 8, I can't even imagine leaving them to fend for themselves like that in the morning. My oldest is loving to pour his own milk and juice, but the 4 yr. old -- NOT.

It was very sad thinking of Caylee having to get her own breakfast while her trifling mother zzzz'd it up in the mornings because she had a hard day and night of texting.

I only feel better thinking that maybe she "thought" that she was being a "big girl" by doing it for herself and Cindy & George indulged her that way.

It bet they can't even eat cereal anymore in the mornings, just thinking about Caylee's "routine".

There is a special place in hell for these people.
Yes. There is definitely a special place somewhere for these "people". I am so disgusted at this point that I can only "peek" in occasionally to see where things are...I cannot read/listen to a single more bs disposition/interview with any of them; particularly CA.



I read a Twitter post from 3 hours ago about "100 missing pages" from Pt II of Cindy's deposition. Not sure if anyone has seen these but there is info here I have not read commented upon. FWIW.

On page 321, Baez becomes really upset when LDB is asking Cindy about what items Casey gave to Baez (i.e., photos, videos, etc.) JB is saying this info is "sealed" and he doesn't want it "on the record." Also, Cindy is questioned about the duct tape and she admits to it being in the garage and shed, and having been used at the command post. One thing that might be very significant is, while Cindy denies she has/had any canvas laundry bags, she talks about a tablecloth and rug that she uses when she cuts Lee's hair. These items are stored in the garage laundry area. I am wondering if any of the "fringe hair" discovered at the crime scene may have come from this tablecloth or rug. I don't recall seeing this portion of Cindy's depo being discussed previously. If so just disregard. I am on information overload!

Thank you Lacey! This is the part that wasn't in what WFTV originally put up. I've been waiting to read this!!! :)
Baez sure doesn't want her to talk about this! Gotta go read the rest now...

No he doesn't. I'm still reading too. But I'll give you this: LDB will have NO problem come trial time. She is a dynamo!
I am still reading. It will take me a couple of days to get through CA's depo.

Question please?

At the end of the depo there are pictures that I do not remember seeing before, I admit I haven't followed as closely as others have here, please take the time to answer my questions because I'm confused...thank you!

Page numbers in question:

424 - Who's name tag does that belong to? Why was it photo'ed as discovery? It's from universal and it says Chris. TIA.

427- top portion of page, two sheets of paper side by side, I don't remember seeing that released? Does anyone know what the piece of paper to the right says? I see the word Mom. TIA.

I know that I probably haved missed those when they were released thank you!
p 110

I can't believe Cindy described Casey stealing/forging/cashing Lee's checks as an "isolated incident".
Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't get the big deal about the lanyard. Someone fill me in on that? What's the significance?
Message for Texas Mist and anyone else interested.

Exhibit 35 in CA's depo. Is a picture shown of Caylee in the Big Trouble T shirt.

LA in his depo Identified the child as Caylee when showed the same picture.
GA indentifed the child as Caylee in his depo when showed the same picture> (although he denied that even though Caylee was in a pink shirt the last day he saw her alive it was not this shirt he said).

Page 355 part 2 (the part two that has the missing 100 pages)

line 12 through 19

When shown the picture CA says she really doesn't think she has seen this picture before. She says again, I really don't think I've ever seen this picture before.

She is asked to you believe this to be Caylee?

She says Yes, It looks like Caylee. I can't tell you where this picture was taken.

To sum it up, this picture was presented to all three Anthony's during their depo's as exhibits.

The SA was able to ask all three about this picture (IIRC this picture may have been property of Rev. Grund) have all three identify the child in this picture as Caylee and the child in the picture is wearing a tee shirt that looks to read Big Trouble.

Did they just connect the letters found at the crime scene to Caylee? Man they are smooooooove. I almost didn't catch that! Color me impressed and grinnin' to beat the band!
Only could make it thru Cindy Part One so far. I find I can read Cindy without getting too sick, but even then so much of what she says seems off kilter. In her own words her daughter was perfectly normal, well yeah, she just stole money from her brother, grandma, and Cindy herself, but she wasn't bad enough in Cindy's eyes...and even now that it looks like Caylee is gone at the hands of Casey. What gets me is this undercurrent of how Cindy presents everything she did like she really had things under control. I find it strange that she could look up cholorphyl worried over her dogs, but never bothered to meet Zanny or notice how pregnant Casey was, or that Casey wasn't working, etc., etc., Let me read Part Two and maybe I'll see Cindy in a better light.
I hope I don't offend anyone, but Caylee seemed to have had a lot of different baby sitters for someone so young...and at least two of them were men that Cindy said she didn't know very well (at least, from what I gathered). That kind of shocked me. I wonder how well Casey knew them. I don't have a child, so I can't gauge from experience, but I can count on one hand (and not even get to five) the number of people (outside of immediate family) who have watched my nieces and nephews. I certainly don't mean to offend anyone, I was just curious as to how common this is. I can understand this if Caylee were older, but how many baby sitters can you need in almost three years when you don't have a job most of this time? Especially when you are lucky enough to have family living with you to help you out...

Cindy, Lauren, Kristina, Holly, Jesse, Richard, Lee, Lee's friend Justin, Adam...oh, and of course, the elusive Zanny :rolleyes:

And about Kristina babysitting Caylee because their kids had playdates...I wonder if Casey every reciprocated the babysitting. :rolleyes:
I hope I don't offend anyone, but Caylee seemed to have had a lot of different baby sitters for someone so young...and at least two of them were men that Cindy said she didn't know very well. At least, from what I gathered. That kind of shocked me. I wonder how well Casey knew them. I don't have a child, so I can't gauge from experience, but I can count on one hand the number of people who have watched my nieces and nephews. I certainly don't mean to offend anyone, I was just curious as to how common this is.

Cindy, Lauren, Kristina, Holly, Jesse, Richard, Lee, Lee's friend Justin, Adam...oh, and of course, the elusive Zanny :rolleyes:

And about Kristina babysitting Caylee because their kids had playdates...I wonder if Casey every reciprocated the babysitting. :rolleyes:

To be honest, I was weirded out that KC would just leave Caylee with some guys she didn't know very well.

And as far as KC paying back Kristina for babysitting, I'm sure she reciprocated as well as she paid back her own brother for the Sunbird. ;)
I extracted the original resolution version from the PDF. I think this one might be mostly legible...


The top picture in that exhibit (the on that you extracted panama) is identified as one of the pictures that was sealed. (page 497 lines 24-25 and 498 line 1)

Baez is about to jump out of his seat. Did Baez tell CA or Conway to "Zip it"?

Dang I wish I could read what was on it!
What all has been sealed in this case? Can someone give me a link to a post or list?

The huge discussion is about something that has been sealed, it directly follows an objection by Baez as to the line of questioning in which the SA asks CA did she ever see KC removing any photos, videos or images of Caylee..(Photographs)

Baez objects and there are pages of discussion between lawyers.
according to every site I've found, including this link from Time magazine, chlorophyll is often given to dogs. In fact, many vets will prescribe it for dogs.


specifically, this article states that a dog would have to eat six times as much (relatively speaking) than a human for the chlorophyll to even helpfully take effect:)

Those Yorkies must have really been wolfin' down some bamboo.

Also, I'd like to know how Cindy ended up finding ANY information about Chlorofil [sic] making dogs sick when she misspelled it.

Every article I've found said chlorophyll tablets will just help your pets digestive system, making them..er..smell better:)
Also, I'd like to know how Cindy ended up finding ANY information about Chlorofil [sic] making dogs sick when she misspelled it.

--respectfully snipped

oh, she had an answer for that! she said she was a bad speller and she liked that google would say, " Did you mean 'chlorophyll'?

cindy anticipates every little whim. how sweet. :)
--respectfully snipped

oh, she had an answer for that! she said she was a bad speller and she liked that google would say, " Did you mean 'chlorophyll'?

cindy anticipates every little whim. how sweet. :)

yeah, I just got to that :rolleyes:

Shoulda known.
--respectfully snipped

oh, she had an answer for that! she said she was a bad speller and she liked that google would say, " Did you mean 'chlorophyll'?

cindy anticipates every little whim. how sweet. :)

that was one part of the depo (puking dogs, google searches, request for writing pad) that I really wished I had video for...I sense that she may have smirked a little -- or a lot. LOL

I'd be willing to bet it was a 'dramatic' scene, too. LOL

I read a Twitter post from 3 hours ago about "100 missing pages" from Pt II of Cindy's deposition. Not sure if anyone has seen these but there is info here I have not read commented upon. FWIW.

On page 321, Baez becomes really upset when LDB is asking Cindy about what items Casey gave to Baez (i.e., photos, videos, etc.) JB is saying this info is "sealed" and he doesn't want it "on the record." Also, Cindy is questioned about the duct tape and she admits to it being in the garage and shed, and having been used at the command post. One thing that might be very significant is, while Cindy denies she has/had any canvas laundry bags, she talks about a tablecloth and rug that she uses when she cuts Lee's hair. These items are stored in the garage laundry area. I am wondering if any of the "fringe hair" discovered at the crime scene may have come from this tablecloth or rug. I don't recall seeing this portion of Cindy's depo being discussed previously. If so just disregard. I am on information overload!

I don't think hair clippings from a grown man would be confused with fringe hair from a child. Fringe hairs are hairs originating from areas of the body outside those specifically designated as head or pubic. These hairs might originate from the neck, sideburns, abdomen, upper leg, and back.

His hair is probably much coarser than Caylee's body hair would have been.

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