2009.08.21 Motions hearing #2

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I am so glad you stopped by. I am looking forward to hearing from you tomorrow night.

Thanks for sharing!
I think that the Anthony's having to live out this very personal tragedy in front of the world has left some people thinking the sound bites and short videos we see of them are EVERYTHING they are about. However, clever editing can, and is regularily done by the media to make people appear to be one-dimensional when in fact that is not who they truly are. I think the Anthony's have suffered from this extensively. They have been cast in the role of "bad parents" and "liars" by the media that is ONLY out to get ratings and make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ off the back of Caylee. It's pretty tragic, IMO. No wonder the Anthony's are frustrated and lashing out - which of course, the media uses to their advantage to make them look even worse. Yes, the Anthony's have some bad traits and surprise, surprise, they are MORE pronounced when they are under stress and can make them look very bad. The same can be said for MOST people. But I don't believe for a second that the way the media has portrayed them is the entirety of who they are.

You assume the media has formed our opinions and you are dead wrong.
Much of my opinion of this family is based on information provided by Lee, Cindy's own mother, brother, co-workers, and George himself. The behaviors I base my opinions on began long before Caylee went "missing".

Hey whatever gets you through, but at least know what we base our opinions on before you blame the media for our opinions!
So I guess I have to wake up early again tomorrow...oh, I can dvr it!
You assume the media has formed our opinions and you are dead wrong.
Much of my opinion of this family is based on information provided by Lee, Cindy's own mother, brother, co-workers, and George himself. The behaviors I base my opinions on began long before Caylee went "missing".

Hey whatever gets you through, but at least know what we base our opinions on before you blame the media for our opinions!

Thank you OLG for saying what I wanted to say and you put it perfectly.:blowkiss:
Weeeeeeeeee. That was fun.

Anyone else have a problem with part 4 and 5 of today's trial? Did we ever figure out who Casey was flipping off?
Whaaaat?? I'm still catching up. Did she really flip someone off? I have to see this-is there video?
Okay. I sense everybody's frustration with me calling out Leonard for his behaviors and yet I think the Anthony's are great. I in no way agree with how or why or anything they have done since Caylee went missing. Maybe they are bad people or back stabbers or the devil in disguise. I am probably way too naive. I give people the benefit of the doubt always. I gave Jose the same benefit. So be it. I am just saying that they have been very nice to talk to and to be around. I have seen them cry like I have never seen anybody cry. I have seen them in a situation that I would never wish on anybody. I have a christian attitude I guess in saying that I personably care for them. I can't tell them how to think or what to say or how to act. Those are their choices. I cannot control any of that. Same goes for Casey. I know that of course she was respectful to me because I did something extravagant for her. It would be hard to pass judgment because our interaction was "grandeured" by me bailing her "hiney" out of jail. I will grant you that. Plus I am no expert at Psychology. Everybody has a good quality at times and maybe I was just around at the right times.

To be fair (and, I'm NOT known for it;-) this sort of situation DOEs tend to bring out the worst in everyone.
And, Tony, if you want to talk, gossip, o just bounce things off people.. we're always here!

In fact, a number of us think we are here TOO much. :eek:

And ya had to quote my post. :crazy: I can take a hint ...... :blowkiss:
You assume the media has formed our opinions and you are dead wrong.
Much of my opinion of this family is based on information provided by Lee, Cindy's own mother, brother, co-workers, and George himself. The behaviors I base my opinions on began long before Caylee went "missing".

Hey whatever gets you through, but at least know what we base our opinions on before you blame the media for our opinions!

Could not agree with you more! If you really want to know someone speak with their family.
Whaaaat?? I'm still catching up. Did she really flip someone off? I have to see this-is there video?

No she didn't. She was wiping her eye with a tissue and a person or two said it looked like she was flipping her dad the "Lee". No flipping anyone off that I saw.
And ya had to quote my post. :crazy: I can take a hint ...... :blowkiss:

I'm left thoroughly confused by TP. All of his nicest sentiments went to GA, CA and KC and he was so very critical of LP. Very strange IMO.
The records are in Nejame's office. I don't see the big deal why the records can't be copied at his office and given to JB. TM has seen them, MN has seen them, Conway has seen them so guess what - JB gets to see them too. I fear reversible error if the Judge allows Nejame and Conway to decide which documents they must produce.

JB no doubt requested every piece of paper invovled in the search for Caylee. He is entitled to see what was and was not found during that time. If he wants to send a set of Interrogatories to every searcher, he must be allowed to do so.

It's ridiculous to think that the prosecution OR a material witness such as TM should be allowed to determine what is or is not important or exculpatory. Just how bothered would you be to get a set of questions if you had been a searcher? I wouldn't be bothered in the least.

"I wasn't in the area. I didn't search there. I have never been in that area."

Stick on a 44 cent stamp and be done with it. It will cost JB $3K in materials and stamps just to send these out and he'll have to hire a secretary just to type the names and addresses and keep up with who has and has not answered in time. But, he is right. He is duty bound to do this. 4,000 people searched for Caylee and he is entitled to feret out who searched in that area, not to rely on someone else's word - especially from 2 lawyers who don't represent the State or the defendant.

As for the argument that no one could have seen anything in the underbrush even if they were a foot away, so limiting the circle of searchers to those within 200 yards of the dump site is reasonable, runs afoul of Kronk's sighting of a bag/skull/whatever from the street on August 10 - quite a few feet away. Nejame stepped on himself there. (chuckle. faux pas. ) Was KC in jail then?

Well, then he should also have his staff scour all the local newspapers and note the names of any and all of the Orlando population who also volunteered on their own and track them down, too. Gosh, maybe there were people who searched and it was never reported anywhere. Maybe he should send out "Interrogatories" to everyone who lives within an hour's drive of Orlando to make sure they didn't search on Suburban and find nothing.

And it is not the prosecution or TM (who is not at the moment a material witness) who will be determining this issue. It is Judge Strickland.

I am not bothered in the least to answer any questions. It's nothing compared to the huge effort already expended by those 4,000 other searchers. I even have the 44 cents for the stamp. What bothers me is that something meant for good is coming under a cloud of suspicion where there is a distinct possibility that it will have an effect on future volunteers. Not to mention the privacy issue. AL said everyone's' privacy would be protected but she is giving herself grandiose powers ~ That is not within her power to control.

There must be a line drawn somewhere. I agree with the reasonableness of MN's and TM's proposal. Casey's life is at stake here now but if we discourage future volunteer activities there could be several lives lost in the future! MOO
I'm left thoroughly confused by TP. All of his nicest sentiments went to GA, CA and KC and he was so very critical of LP. Very strange IMO.

He is like many here. So many, not me, were supporters of GA and CA and now after we were handed so many family opinions as well as their behaviors, CA and GA are viewed in a much more negative light.

Tony, having Leonard for a relative, has also seen the change in him.

Difference is Tony still loves Leonard regardless of his behaviors. Me, I didn't and still don't like the A clan.
Understand that Leonard's intentions were correct at the beginning. He really thought Caylee was alive. But he became obsessed by the media. He relished every second he could be on TV. It became very bothersome to me that he was basically using this poor girl's death as a forum for his own satisfaction.

That is tough! And, very frustrating! I'm sorry.

It happened to Judge Ito, during the OJ trial, too.
Okay I'm off to dinner with my family. I will check back tomorrow evening. A full slate of soccer for my daughter tomorrow. It's going to be tough getting everything out tomorrow in the short period of time the Today Show allows but I will try. It should be live between 7:30 and 8 east coast time. Thanks you to everybody!!! You are all very helpful and kind! I also respect the thoughts and prayers for Caylee that you all share! Until tomorrow good night!

Thank you for stopping by...:seeya:
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