2009.09.04 Cindy sent D.Casey/Hoover to remains site Addtional VIDEO RELEASED #2

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DNA Solves
OK, so GL got the maps from Luke. Is that correct? And was it ever stated where Luke got the maps from?

Thanks much! :)
No it wasn't (stated who gave Luke the maps). I assume it was Dominic, who Cindy herself had hooked him up with, but that is just an assumption.
Thanks so much Tally, I felt sure her claims about being in the Smithsonian were false. I can't believe she would go on TV telling these stories when they could be so easily disproved. What a crock. I am sure the state has her real number by now.

I just noticed that that particular article says "abstract" - does that mean there was more to it that was not put online? I imagine that is possible, but who knows. On her website, she lists "Smithsonian Magazine, Dowsing, page 70". Well, what issue??? Who was the author?? She lists The Washington Post (searched that online and found nothing on her, her father, or dowsing) and Time Magazine (searched that, found a few articles on dowsing, nothing on her or her father). She doen't list a single specific reference, it's all very vague and hard to track down. Surprise, surprise!

BBM. Tally, your post got me curious about this video of Cindy and her statement that "if we could prove that something happened to Caylee after Casey was taken into custody then EVERYBODY is to blame". These old videos are priceless.

Link to statement below at about 6:40.


(insert sarcasm) No wonder we like her sooooo much. :snooty:
Ok ya'll - back to the psychic mess, lol! I just found an interview between Holly Bristow and Ginette Lucas in which Ginette tells that "Luke the intermediary" had sent her Caylee's teddy bear and some maps and these are what she went off of to determine Caylee's location. One question - why was she given maps of the area near the Anthony home to use as her parameters???? Caylee was supposedly in far away places, such as Puerto Rico, as we were told. I am starting to think that even Ginette may have been "used" by this bunch, and I'd like to see Luke the Intermediary deposed.

ETA link to the interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJPPUJ5-BIs&NR=1

I may have missed something along the way here, but how did Luke the Iintermediary get Caylee's teddy bear to pass on to Ginette the Psychic?
I just noticed that that particular article says "abstract" - does that mean there was more to it that was not put online? I imagine that is possible, but who knows. On her website, she lists "Smithsonian Magazine, Dowsing, page 70". Well, what issue??? Who was the author?? She lists The Washington Post (searched that online and found nothing on her, her father, or dowsing) and Time Magazine (searched that, found a few articles on dowsing, nothing on her or her father). She doen't list a single specific reference, it's all very vague and hard to track down. Surprise, surprise!

Exactamundo...no links to exact articles, general, very vague directions like page 70, no specific issue, year...and did you notice that after all of her references she says, "just to name a few" ? The few she named are bogus, I have a "vision" that the rest are too.
I may have missed something along the way here, but how did Luke the Iintermediary get Caylee's teddy bear to pass on to Ginette the Psychic?

I am guessing here... since Luke was involved in the case from July 21, 2008 and Cindy said she hooked Luke and Dominic up, I am guessing it came from Cindy ? Luke was providing the OCSO with live Caylee tips (visions), so Cindy probably sent the Teddy Bear as a thank you gift. All speculation on my part though.
I may have missed something along the way here, but how did Luke the Iintermediary get Caylee's teddy bear to pass on to Ginette the Psychic?

Great question. It almost had to be Dominic, who Cindy admits to hooking up with Luke in her deposition. (But that's an assumption - we may find out otherwise).
I am guessing here... since Luke was involved in the case from July 21, 2008 and Cindy said she hooked Luke and Dominic up, I am guessing it came from Cindy ? Luke was providing the OCSO with live Caylee tips (visions), so Cindy probably sent the Teddy Bear as a thank you gift. All speculation on my part though.

JINX - You owe me a coke! LOL - that's what my middle schooler says when two people say the same thing at the same time. You beat me to it! :)
JINX - You owe me a coke! LOL - that's what my middle schooler says when two people say the same thing at the same time. You beat me to it! :)

The Coke is on the way...

IDK, the Teddy Bear thing sounds like a Cindy move to me. I'll bet she sent them out to everyone that provided a live Caylee sighting tip to the OCSO. I can hear her on the phone now...ok, you say you saw her in what state ? I need you to call Det. Allen at his home number right now and call me right back to tell me if he bought it (I mean tell me what he says).
Just read another article from the Hinky Meter, Val is tearing it up over there ! A great read for anyone interested in this search subject.
I ask this question here because I'm inquiring about something during the search. Have we seen GL's phone records from when DC searched and are there calsl from ONLY DC's known number or is there another number on there that might belong to a "bat phone"?
Just read another article from the Hinky Meter, Val is tearing it up over there ! A great read for anyone interested in this search subject.

Val can say it like no other!! I am still laughing at her "Patsy With A Camera" reference to JH a couple of days ago. She's awesome!!
I ask this question here because I'm inquiring about something during the search. Have we seen GL's phone records from when DC searched and are there calsl from ONLY DC's known number or is there another number on there that might belong to a "bat phone"?

I don't think we have seen the whole records. If I remember correctly there were redactions.
Once again, you guys are awesome! I hadn't even thought that they might have sent him out there to NOT find the body so that they could say it wasn't there and poor KC (gag me) was set up. They might not have talked about what to do if he actually found something just yet. That makes more sense than what I suggested earlier, lol.

He would be more likely, IMO, to go out there if he thought there wasn't anything there. That abandoned house might be a possibility if he did find something, but I don't think they ever really got that far. At this point, they still wanted to clear their daughter anyway they could, and it didn't matter who the scapegoat was as long as it took the heat off of their own flesh and blood.

And maybe Lee did mark it with pavers at first, and then they sent Laurel and Hardy out there to also find nothing, but if something was found, at least the finger couldn't be readily pointed at the A's for doing something incriminating. They could blame the two bungling investigators they sent out there instead.

That may also be the reason for the psychic, just another patsy in the A's scheme in case something was found. We all know it's them versus the world, so they would make dang sure that if something was found, it wouldn't look bad on them in any way, and they'd still be the grieving grandparents and uncle.

All the while, poor Caylee WAS out there, and you'd think they'd care more about getting her back to lay her to rest, but no, they cared more about making sure she wasn't there, like she really had vanished into thin air so her murderer could go free. Makes me sick!!!![/QUOTE]


Me, too! :banghead:

I still think the search at the abandoned house was for something other than Caylee. If not, why the two places? They were too close to her in the woods for it to be a coincidence, so the woods search was definately to find Caylee. Assuming this to be true, then what exactly did they need to find at that house? And did they find it? And does this have anything to do with the recent motion to delay discovery? Ooooh! I sure hope so! Moo.

What if the plan was to gather DNA of some sort from the house and leave it where the remains were found? I have no clue, really reaching here. I have to admit that it really bugs me that their is unknown DNA on the ductape. No DNA from Caylee, or Casey..but DNA from the lab tech and of an unknown source....that might be enough to create benefit of the doubt in a jury. At least me. I mean, everyone is saying how dumb Casey is and how her actions after her daughter became "missing" were not very bright. If I was the defense, I would use the states evidence against them. The tape killed Caylee. Casey..left tons of evidence that she was partying, pictures etc, stole checks that she KNEW would be pointed back to her...clearly the girl lived in the moment and did not think about what would happen WHEN she was caught. So knowing this, it makes NO SENSE that her DNA would NOT be at the crime scene.

Don't get me wrong, I think she did it. But...I also believed OJ did it. Look how that trial went. :waitasec: In my opinion, the State has to explain WHO the unknown DNA belongs to. Otherwise...there is room for doubt.
Ok - something new to ponder. I googled Luke P and dowsing, and came up with this. Oh my. Seems our intermediary likes big cases! (Assuming this is the same Luke P who is into dowsing) You've got to read pretty much the whole article.

Yep, if you want to know more about this Luke character, read that article...very informative ! I saw that yesterday Tally and was laughing, other searchers were walking away from this guy...sad.
And to add to that, weren't they just a clipped portion of a cellphone bill (showing a couple of calls) that DC released to the press himself (and was not through doc dump)????

(Think AZLawyer posted in old thread?)
That sounds right to me too.
And to add to that, weren't they just a clipped portion of a cellphone bill (showing a couple of calls) that DC released to the press himself (and was not through doc dump)????

(Think AZLawyer posted in old thread?)
I usually look at everything that is released, but for some reason I missed the phone records (I don't know exactly what was released and what was held back). Here is a link to the phone records that I found on an old thread here...

Regarding how the maps, etc. got to GL, I believe it's a simple process of elimination. As for me, I can only track down to the initial source; CA.

She was the one with the teddy bear.

JMO :)

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