2009.09.04 Cindy sent D.Casey/Hoover to remains site Addtional VIDEO RELEASED #2

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Yep, if you want to know more about this Luke character, read that article...very informative ! I saw that yesterday Tally and was laughing, other searchers were walking away from this guy...sad.

You know, I must say that since I have been following this case from day 1, some of the characters that have come up again and again in different missing children searches (some of them posters on forums under fake names) absolutely AMAZES me. There seems to be this underbelly of individuals who follow these tragic cases and insert themselves simply to make a name for themselves. Joy Wray, now this Luke character, and others I can't name here....just AMAZING.:banghead:

Here she says she had been on the case since August and her thoughts were on the GONZLAEZ HOUSE...unless she ran a title search to go along with her maps Luke sent her....how did she know the name of the home owner? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khj6bW3ivCc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMIxHJc4Tow

BBM: Because she was a psychic silly! :blushing: j/k!

I just wanted to throw this potato chip out there to see if anyone bites....

Maybe CA sent DC out there not just to "find" Caylee, but to plant SODDI evidence at the site????
searchfortruth and The World According--thanks for these videos! My interest in the case came late..I didn't watch it unfold from the beginning, like many of you have. I have looked at early videos in an effort to bring me up to date--but what a labyrinth of videos there is! I usually choose something to watch that is of very little help to me (for understanding)--it is time consuming! That video of Cindy in her driveway is revealing in many ways.

I come from a family that bears many similarities with the Anthonys..but I THINK my even my grandiose family would have drawn the line at "conducting their own investigation to mastermind a "suitable" outcome! My family would have been able to forecast the difficulties associated with trying to orchestrate a "preferred" conclusion! The entire state of Florida has been watching them, not the mention the entire country. Did they REALLY think that they could outsmart everyone--especially with so many watching them?

Where do you think GA is in all this? I think it is logical that CA & LA did all this (found out where Caylee was & sent Dominic Casey to find her) without GA's approval. It would make sense that he would not approve..because he (as former LE) would know what could happen to them regarding accessory and obstruction.

Bold Red Mine.

Affinity, did you see the one of Cindy being interviewed by (shoot, I can't remember her name, but it was the one that Cindy said "no more interviews for you!"...) was it Holly?...anyway it was on Cindy's enclosed back porch and was just a totally mind blowing mess of oral vomit. It someone can find it, I'd like to watch it again. TIA.
Bold Red Mine.

Affinity, did you see the one of Cindy being interviewed by (shoot, I can't remember her name, but it was the one that Cindy said "no more interviews for you!"...) was it Holly?...anyway it was on Cindy's enclosed back porch and was just a totally mind blowing mess of oral vomit. It someone can find it, I'd like to watch it again. TIA.
No, I haven't seen it. One of the more interesting ones was very early when she was rubbing a black reporter's arm! She was talking, I think, about a black child who was missing. I had to wonder what he thought of all that rubbing! When I heard that she was also hand holding and rubbing Dominic Casey... I thought that she simply likes to stroke people...for whatever reason.
searchfortruth and The World According--thanks for these videos! My interest in the case came late..I didn't watch it unfold from the beginning, like many of you have. I have looked at early videos in an effort to bring me up to date--but what a labyrinth of videos there is! I usually choose something to watch that is of very little help to me (for understanding)--it is time consuming! That video of Cindy in her driveway is revealing in many ways.

I come from a family that bears many similarities with the Anthonys..but I THINK my even my grandiose family would have drawn the line at "conducting their own investigation to mastermind a "suitable" outcome! My family would have been able to forecast the difficulties associated with trying to orchestrate a "preferred" conclusion! The entire state of Florida has been watching them, not the mention the entire country. Did they REALLY think that they could outsmart everyone--especially with so many watching them?

Where do you think GA is in all this? I think it is logical that CA & LA did all this (found out where Caylee was & sent Dominic Casey to find her) without GA's approval. It would make sense that he would not approve..because he (as former LE) would know what could happen to them regarding accessory and obstruction.

GA knew and worked with them in the conspiracy to cover up the murder of Caylee. As former LE, he KNEW from the instant he found the car at the tow lot what had happened. He did not call the police, no, he drove the car home and then worked with CA to clean it up, to tamper with and destroy murder. I feel no sympathy for GA, I think he is as guilty as CA and they both belong behind bars for a long time. I think his "suicide attempt" was not a suicide attempt, but, simply a ploy or publicity stunt to garner sympathy. As former LE, he knew what he was doing, what charges they would face, and did it all anyway.
When I went back and read Hoover's deposition looking for the time that they were out in the woods I came across something that was very interesting to me that I didn't think I knew before. In it Hoover talks about the relationship between D Casey and Cindy. The hand holding in front of George, the "you're my rock" comment in front of George and then what really blew me away was the fact that Cindy rode with D Casey back to the Ritz while George rode with Hoover. Hoover said that it only took him and George 15 mins or so to get to the hotel whereas it took D Casey and Cindy alot longer and that Hoover thought it was very strange. Hoover goes on to talk about how he felt that the relationship between D Casey and Cindy was inappropriate. I know that some have asked why D Casey would put himself into this situation of helping the Anthony family when he could risk some jail time himself and for me this is the answer. Cindy does just like Casey does, find a guy, sweet talk him and get him to do what you want. Makes me wonder if George even knew about the field trip that Hoover and D Casey took to those woods.
When I went back and read Hoover's deposition looking for the time that they were out in the woods I came across something that was very interesting to me that I didn't think I knew before. In it Hoover talks about the relationship between D Casey and Cindy. The hand holding in front of George, the "you're my rock" comment in front of George and then what really blew me away was the fact that Cindy rode with D Casey back to the Ritz while George rode with Hoover. Hoover said that it only took him and George 15 mins or so to get to the hotel whereas it took D Casey and Cindy alot longer and that Hoover thought it was very strange. Hoover goes on to talk about how he felt that the relationship between D Casey and Cindy was inappropriate. I know that some have asked why D Casey would put himself into this situation of helping the Anthony family when he could risk some jail time himself and for me this is the answer. Cindy does just like Casey does, find a guy, sweet talk him and get him to do what you want. Makes me wonder if George even knew about the field trip that Hoover and D Casey took to those woods.

George is only there under sufferance. He is to do the car maintenance and repair, clean the cars and cut grass. He knows his place and stays in it...
You know, I must say that since I have been following this case from day 1, some of the characters that have come up again and again in different missing children searches (some of them posters on forums under fake names) absolutely AMAZES me. There seems to be this underbelly of individuals who follow these tragic cases and insert themselves simply to make a name for themselves. Joy Wray, now this Luke character, and others I can't name here....just AMAZING.:banghead:

Crime groupies... it's the only thrill in their dull lives.
When I went back and read Hoover's deposition looking for the time that they were out in the woods I came across something that was very interesting to me that I didn't think I knew before. In it Hoover talks about the relationship between D Casey and Cindy. The hand holding in front of George, the "you're my rock" comment in front of George and then what really blew me away was the fact that Cindy rode with D Casey back to the Ritz while George rode with Hoover. Hoover said that it only took him and George 15 mins or so to get to the hotel whereas it took D Casey and Cindy alot longer and that Hoover thought it was very strange. Hoover goes on to talk about how he felt that the relationship between D Casey and Cindy was inappropriate. I know that some have asked why D Casey would put himself into this situation of helping the Anthony family when he could risk some jail time himself and for me this is the answer. Cindy does just like Casey does, find a guy, sweet talk him and get him to do what you want. Makes me wonder if George even knew about the field trip that Hoover and D Casey took to those woods.

Does anyone else suspect that perhaps DC and Cindy were already acquainted before this case? Could explain why this brand new PI quickly road in on his white horse. Just guessing, don't have anything to support this.

Check out the caption on the bottom of Geraldo's show.[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85blM88eT44[/ame]


All along I have taken Cindy's statement that she sent "her people" down to Suburban to search, in November, as the truth. I believe she did know about the search, but what if she told LE that to keep the real source of the information from them. The real source being Casey to Jose B to Dominic. The more I look at the time line, the more I believe Jose gave the information to Dominic on November 14th. The portion of the time line that makes me think this (copied from another site) is below. BBM.

FRI, November 14, 2008 – Dr. Henry Lee on behalf of the Defense Atty. Baez examines Casey Anthony’s car. Police said they found evidence of human decomposition and a hair belonging to Caylee in the trunk.

P.I. Jim Hoover said P.I. Dominic Casey called him to request his presence at the KFN Meet & Greet which is being held tomorrow morning. P.I. Casey instructed Hoover to meet him at his office in Longwood, FL.

SAT, November 15, 2008 – At 8:15 a.m. P.I. James Hoover met with P.I. Dominic Casey at his office - D & A Investigations, Longwood, FL. At that time P.I. Casey told P.I. Hoover that he knew where Caylee Anthony was…P.I. Hoover said, “ok, let’s go get her”…P.I. Casey then said, “she’s dead!”

According to P.I. Hoover, the only information P.I. Casey would disclose was he got the information about Caylee from a tip…. he did not name the tipster. They drove to the Suburban DR, Orlando, FL site in P.I. Hoover’s vehicle with hopes of finding Caylee’s remains. P.I. Hoover video taped P.I. Casey performing the search.


I think Dr. Lee's examination of the car, on the 14th is key. First of all the smell would still be there and I am sure Dr. Lee shared his opinion of that smell on that day with JB. Dr. Lee and JB never came back to the car as they said they would, after their lunch on November 14th.

That same day, Nov 14th, DC calls JH and requests his presence the next day at the Meet and Greet, but he asks JH to meet him at his office the next morning, not at the Meet and Greet location. DC did not tell JH about the Suburban search until the next morning. I also found it interesting that DC has JH take his car to carry them both to the site, while DC left his car at his office.

Did Jose go to visit Casey at the jail after Dr. Lee looked at the car, on the 14th, or did he already know where the remains were ? Or did Jose call Cindy that day and tell her about the smell and Dr. Lee's opinions and she gave some information to him and/or DC ?

Just throwing some thoughts out there to see what sticks...
Check out DC's website...he has a whole library of Casey stuff.

Yes...and the funny thing is that many many of the docs he has listed linked are from Muzikman's docstoc account. Mr. Casey......did you give him proper credit????
All along I have taken Cindy's statement that she sent "her people" down to Suburban to search, in November, as the truth. I believe she did know about the search, but what if she told LE that to keep the real source of the information from them. The real source being Casey to Jose B to Dominic. The more I look at the time line, the more I believe Jose gave the information to Dominic on November 14th. The portion of the time line that makes me think this (copied from another site) is below. BBM.

FRI, November 14, 2008 – Dr. Henry Lee on behalf of the Defense Atty. Baez examines Casey Anthony’s car. Police said they found evidence of human decomposition and a hair belonging to Caylee in the trunk.

P.I. Jim Hoover said P.I. Dominic Casey called him to request his presence at the KFN Meet & Greet which is being held tomorrow morning. P.I. Casey instructed Hoover to meet him at his office in Longwood, FL.

SAT, November 15, 2008 – At 8:15 a.m. P.I. James Hoover met with P.I. Dominic Casey at his office - D & A Investigations, Longwood, FL. At that time P.I. Casey told P.I. Hoover that he knew where Caylee Anthony was…P.I. Hoover said, “ok, let’s go get her”…P.I. Casey then said, “she’s dead!”

According to P.I. Hoover, the only information P.I. Casey would disclose was he got the information about Caylee from a tip…. he did not name the tipster. They drove to the Suburban DR, Orlando, FL site in P.I. Hoover’s vehicle with hopes of finding Caylee’s remains. P.I. Hoover video taped P.I. Casey performing the search.


I think Dr. Lee's examination of the car, on the 14th is key. First of all the smell would still be there and I am sure Dr. Lee shared his opinion of that smell on that day with JB. Dr. Lee and JB never came back to the car as they said they would, after their lunch on November 14th.

That same day, Nov 14th, DC calls JH and requests his presence the next day at the Meet and Greet, but he asks JH to meet him at his office the next morning, not at the Meet and Greet location. DC did not tell JH about the Suburban search until the next morning. I also found it interesting that DC has JH take his car to carry them both to the site, while DC left his car at his office.

Did Jose go to visit Casey at the jail after Dr. Lee looked at the car, on the 14th, or did he already know where the remains were ? Or did Jose call Cindy that day and tell her about the smell and Dr. Lee's opinions and she gave some information to him and/or DC ?

Just throwing some thoughts out there to see what sticks...

November 14, 2008

10:18 a.m. Henry Lee, Baez and Baez's in-house PI arrive at the Forensics office of OCSO. They meet with Michael Vincent (OSCO Forensics), Officers Allen, Melich, and Edwards, and Nick Savage from the FBI.

10:40 a.m. Henry Lee began inspection of right & left trunk liners and spare tire cover (which had been removed from the car and placed in sealed boxes).

12:48 pm Henry Lee, Baez, and Baez's PI left for lunch.

2:15 pm Henry Lee, Baez and Baez's PI returned from lunch [not sure how the myth that they never returned got started] and began to examine the items that were removed from the white trash bag that the tow yard guy had removed from Casey's trunk and thrown in the dumpster. 3 hairs were found on the items from the trash bag.

3:40 pm Henry Lee began to examine the car. He found one hair in the trunk.

4:10 pm Henry Lee, Baez and Baez's paralegal left. (Pretty short inspection of the car, if you ask me.)

Forensics officer Bloise decided to look over the trash and vehicle again since Henry Lee had found 4 hairs. Over the next couple of days, Bloise found 7 more hairs on items from the trash and 7 more hairs on items from the trunk.

Timeline beginning on p. 33:

There were no attorney visits that night.
November 14, 2008

10:18 a.m. Henry Lee, Baez and Baez's in-house PI arrive at the Forensics office of OCSO. They meet with Michael Vincent (OSCO Forensics), Officers Allen, Melich, and Edwards, and Nick Savage from the FBI.

10:40 a.m. Henry Lee began inspection of right & left trunk liners and spare tire cover (which had been removed from the car and placed in sealed boxes).

12:48 pm Henry Lee, Baez, and Baez's PI left for lunch.

2:15 pm Henry Lee, Baez and Baez's PI returned from lunch [not sure how the myth that they never returned got started] and began to examine the items that were removed from the white trash bag that the tow yard guy had removed from Casey's trunk and thrown in the dumpster. 3 hairs were found on the items from the trash bag.

3:40 pm Henry Lee began to examine the car. He found one hair in the trunk.

4:10 pm Henry Lee, Baez and Baez's paralegal left. (Pretty short inspection of the car, if you ask me.)

Forensics officer Bloise decided to look over the trash and vehicle again since Henry Lee had found 4 hairs. Over the next couple of days, Bloise found 7 more hairs on items from the trash and 7 more hairs on items from the trunk.

Timeline beginning on p. 33:

There were no attorney visits that night.
Thanks for that info AZ, I thought that I remembered LDB stating (in court) that JB and Dr. Lee failed to return from their extended lunch...but, maybe I heard it wrong.

At any rate, I wonder what Dr. Lee really thought of the smell ?
This PI of Mr. Baez that accompanied he and Dr. Lee..is that the same person that accompanied Dom the day he went to the jail to visit Casey? TIA
BBM. Tally, your post got me curious about this video of Cindy and her statement that "if we could prove that something happened to Caylee after Casey was taken into custody then EVERYBODY is to blame". These old videos are priceless.

Link to statement below at about 6:40.


4:03 (regarding Casey's "Ugly coping") "Actions speak, sometimes louder than words, as far as what you are trying to do..." - C.A.
From moms mouth to the jury's ears! :Jumpie:

I still can't believe these people couldn't kept from going on, and on, and on. It's no wonder Lee seemed to lose his stuff then fade into the background and MN resigned :snooty:
Have we seen the forensic's on the additional hairs that Dr. Lee, just so happened to have found?

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