2009.09.04 Cindy sent D.Casey/Hoover to remains site Addtional VIDEO RELEASED #2

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I am in violent agreement with you on this point...No one should ever be expected to pay for a service to help find a missing loved one..in my opinion, if I loose my wallet or car keys or even my dog, I may consider payment for some insights to be fair...but not a person. There are many psychics out there that do this kind of work at no charge, or without expectation of getting "credit" or even thanks for that matter. If a psychic wants to be paid or wants to be written up in the news...run away - fast!
I totally agree. There are some human acts that should never be contingent on money.
I can tell you, emphatically, there was no map provided. Please consider, that when the first news reports came out that a little girl was missing, the search was on to find a missing, living, child - there is a very high element of incorrectly interpreting psychic impressions when speed is of the essence in trying to support a search for a missing person. These early impressions were, in hindsight, wrong and regrettable.

With respect.....how do you know emphatically what was provided?
The only person that knows what she was provided is her. She admits to communication either directly or through the would be middle man for months. Only God knows what buckets of information Mr. Casey unloaded on her. Come on. For the purpose of this discussion if Cindy sent Dominic ...the only thing I know for sure is Cindy has been caught in some whoppers so I do not believe anything she says and I do not put anything past her. One doesn't need throw and toss phones if they have nothing to hide..not in my world. The good news is despite the delays, Dominic did have to answer the state attorney's office questions and the truth will be revealed to us through them, as he will not only be under oath..but after an extensive investigation they likely know the answers to every question they posed to him and those they did not ..they will make a diligent effort to confirm. That is about the only thing I know for sure. What some psychic did or did not have in her hand is wholly irrelevant and silly to me. I want to know who Dom was talking to on each and every phone he had..and not just for that day...
I want to see Cindy, George and Lee's records for their normal phone and bat phones from that day and the days surrounding it too.I could not care less if he were speaking to the tooth fairy on one of his calls...I just want to see the comprehensive logs for all of his phones. I don't like the lying by omission that Cindy does to federal officers...so especially in important matters in this case I have learned one must have all of the information..in context or you really have only half the story. Just because he wasn't talking to the person who he really went there for on that day, does not mean through talks with Cindy the seed didn't get planted in his mind on an earlier day. I KNOW Mrs. Drane Burdick or Mr. Ashton will have gotten to the bottom of this and that is good enough for me.

In tape three we learn that Dom had at least three different cell phones

In tape seven LP says one of the folks Dom was on the phone to in the woods was JOY [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgyKqP0l_1w[/ame]


Alrighty then..I have rest my case. Anyone could have guessed this area...everyone did guess this area.. I found her saying in her own words she was looking at maps and posted that for you. I am certainly not perfect or above apologizing so for saying I don't believe her I said I am sorry. Normally we hold ourselves to very high standards here and if we can't prove it with a direct quote, a link or a video...we don't post it. I try hard to always post my proof. I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE DISPARAGE PEOPLE WITH NO GOOD REASON OR PROOF..LIKE MR. MILLER BEING CALLED SHADY OR JESSE GETTING BLAMED, OR MR. KRONK...with absolutely nothing to substantiate claims against them. I don't ever want to do that. So, even though I do not care to listen to them...I found them for you in her own words. It is irrelevant, in my opinion...because he had three phones and we need the full story. I do not think it is wrong to want the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I am sure by now the state attorney's office has gotten it and I am HAPPY!!!
With respect.....how do you know emphatically what was provided?
The only person that knows what she was provided is her.
She admits to communication either directly or through the would be middle man for months. Only God knows what buckets of information Mr. Casey unloaded on her. Come on. For the purpose of this discussion if Cindy sent Dominic ...the only thing I know for sure is Cindy has been caught in some whoppers so I do not believe anything she says and I do not put anything past her. One doesn't need throw and toss phones if they have nothing to hide..not in my world. The good news is despite the delays, Dominic did have to answer the state attorney's office questions and the truth will be revealed to us through them, as he will not only be under oath..but after an extensive investigation they likely know the answers to every question they posed to him and those they did not ..they will make a diligent effort to confirm. That is about the only thing I know for sure. What some psychic did or did not have in her hand is wholly irrelevant and silly to me. I want to know who Dom was talking to on each and every phone he had..and not just for that day...
I want to see Cindy, George and Lee's records for their normal phone and bat phones from that day and the days surrounding it too.I could not care less if he were speaking to the tooth fairy on one of his calls...I just want to see the comprehensive logs for all of his phones. I don't like the lying by omission that Cindy does to federal officers...so especially in important matters in this case I have learned one must have all of the information..in context or you really have only half the story. Just because he wasn't talking to the person who he really went there for on that day, does not mean through talks with Cindy the seed didn't get planted in his mind on an earlier day. I KNOW Mrs. Drane Burdick or Mr. Ashton will have gotten to the bottom of this and that is good enough for me.

TWA, there is one other person who would know what was given by the middleman to GL...the middleman. I would love to hear directly from him what he gave GL, what he told her, who gave him the items, and what that person told him.
TWA, there is one other person who would know what was given by the middleman to GL...the middleman. I would love to hear directly from him what he gave GL, what he told her, who gave him the items, and what that person told him.

I want to thank you for being here and helping us so with all of our questions all the time!!! Yes, so right Luke would know what he gave her, but I was wondering if other people like Dom, for example, also gave her stuff. She says here that Dom had been e mailing her back and forth SINCE AUGUST, FOUR MONTHS!! ALSO SHE STATES THAT THE INTERMEDIARY CAME TO HER HOME AND SHE MET DOM OVER THE PHONE AROUND NOVEMBER 1ST. I am so happy about Muzikman's documents he got for us.... Off to read them..hot off the press.

I want to thank you for being here and helping us so with all of our questions all the time!!! Yes, so right Luke would know what he gave her, but I was wondering if other people like Dom, for example, also gave her stuff. She says here that Dom had been e mailing her back and forth SINCE AUGUST, FOUR MONTHS!! ALSO SHE STATES THAT THE INTERMEDIARY CAME TO HER HOME AND SHE MET DOM OVER THE PHONE AROUND NOVEMBER 1ST. I am so happy about Muzikman's documents he got for us.... Off to read them..hot off the press.


I have been out of pocket with a death in the family and am just really getting into the last few days' discussion on this. This interview with Ginette is interesting for several reasons - the first being that she mentions that her perception was "down near the Gonzalez house". I remember someone else here making that point, but I think it is good enough to bring up again, LOL! She claims to be using the "Gonzalez house" as a "landmark" and that Dominic should be going to the right of it. OK then, so why is he ripping through bags there if her instructions were to go to the right and away from the house??? And the obvious question, is how did she know that was the "Gonzalez house" to begin with??? She says she had maps of the area - these could have been sent by DC (we don't know) or as Dearmont pointed out, I believe, maps can easily be obtained off of the internet. Google Earth comes to mind - my husband uses it all of the time, and it is amazing how much detail you can see. Of course, Google Earth wouldn't identify "the Gonzalez house" specifically. Whatever the source of the map, she had (at least) one and a picture of Caylee, and she says the Anthony family sent her the teddy bear. To me the crucial question is "How did you come by the information that that particular empty house was the "Gonzalez house"? I wouldn't be surprised if that particular nugget of info was supplied by DC and that is how she came to use it as her "landmark" from which he was to search.
As for the money issue - a person claiming to be GL ( I guess there's no way to prove that it really is her, but she does promote herself and her website, and it sure sounds like her) wrote a comment about another psychic's story. I'll quote her:

"We consistently locate missing persons, without recognition and at times without pay" BBM

So, does she sometimes charge for services??

Tally, sorry for your loss. Awhile back on one of the threads there was a discussion about the H. Gonzales house and how when someone did a search of old phone numbers a Zenida showed up living next door as a resident but not as the owner of the home. Anyone following WS's at that time could have read that information for themselves and if they lived in Orlando could have verified it. What really stuck out was that one person lived at 4xx1 and the other at 4xx9. KC said she dropped Caylee off between 9 and 1 and depending on what type of grass was in the swampy area....technically KC is not lying. I see if I can find that thread. JMO

Okay, I found it. It is on: "Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming" Post number 1311. Sorry don't know how to link this up for you.
Tally, sorry for your loss. Awhile back on one of the threads there was a discussion about the H. Gonzales house and how when someone did a search of old phone numbers a Zenida showed up living next door as a resident but not as the owner of the home. Anyone following WS's at that time could have read that information for themselves and if they lived in Orlando could have verified it. What really stuck out was that one person lived at 4xx1 and the other at 4xx9. KC said she dropped Caylee off between 9 and 1 and depending on what type of grass was in the swampy area....technically KC is not lying. I see if I can find that thread. JMO

Okay, I found it. It is on: "Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming" Post number 1311. Sorry don't know how to link this up for you.

Thank you for the condolences, LambChop. And I completely agree with your post. Anyone who reads WS could have come up with that - it is entirely possible.
Supposedly a Zenida Hernandez lived at 4709 Hopespring and Hernan Gonzales lived at 4701 Hopespring. Remains were behind 4701. Too much of a coincidence when you think about the way KC said, "The last time I saw my daughter was with ZFG." Followed by the "She's close." Almost chilling to think about. In her code talk KC was telling LE exactly where Caylee was. I don't know how JB can argue this point if it is true that a Z. Hernandez did actually live at 4709. No wonder defense wants to get away from the ZFG did it story. JMO
I have been out of pocket with a death in the family and am just really getting into the last few days' discussion on this. This interview with Ginette is interesting for several reasons - the first being that she mentions that her perception was "down near the Gonzalez house". I remember someone else here making that point, but I think it is good enough to bring up again, LOL! She claims to be using the "Gonzalez house" as a "landmark" and that Dominic should be going to the right of it. OK then, so why is he ripping through bags there if her instructions were to go to the right and away from the house??? And the obvious question, is how did she know that was the "Gonzalez house" to begin with??? She says she had maps of the area - these could have been sent by DC (we don't know) or as Dearmont pointed out, I believe, maps can easily be obtained off of the internet. Google Earth comes to mind - my husband uses it all of the time, and it is amazing how much detail you can see. Of course, Google Earth wouldn't identify "the Gonzalez house" specifically. Whatever the source of the map, she had (at least) one and a picture of Caylee, and she says the Anthony family sent her the teddy bear. To me the crucial question is "How did you come by the information that that particular empty house was the "Gonzalez house"? I wouldn't be surprised if that particular nugget of info was supplied by DC and that is how she came to use it as her "landmark" from which he was to search.

I am sorry you lost someone. Contrast in your mind the behavior of your family during this difficult time, with Casey coming home from jail all chipper and surfing myspace for boys, playing games with her body guards.
What are the chances your family would sell precious photos of your loved one for money? Zero, right? When a person dies later in life, the family can reflect on their long and beautiful life, but little Caylee's life had just begun. How Cindy could do anything to impede the investigation or turn TES away I will never understand. I adore my siblings, but if one of them ever murdered one of my nieces or nephews, I could never even consider helping them cover it up. If they came to me in a panic, I would call the police and a lawyer for them and tell them ..you are on your own.
I am nowhere near as good of a Christian as Mr. Miller. I think some things in this life are unforgivable. Even allowing for Cindy having forgiven Casey...lying to federal officers and thwarting an investigation in order to help her may be a mother's love in Cindy's mind. According to the state of Florida it is a federal crime. For the sake of the message it sends to the families such as the Croslins, et al, I do want Cindy held accountable if the state can prove she did anything that rises to the level of a felony.

Big Texas sized hugs for your loss friend.
I am sorry you lost someone. Contrast in your mind the behavior of your family during this difficult time, with Casey coming home from jail all chipper and surfing myspace for boys, playing games with her body guards.
What are the chances your family would sell precious photos of your loved one for money? Zero, right? When a person dies later in life, the family can reflect on their long and beautiful life, but little Caylee's life had just begun. How Cindy could do anything to impede the investigation or turn TES away I will never understand. I adore my siblings, but if one of them ever murdered one of my nieces or nephews, I could never even consider helping them cover it up. If they came to me in a panic, I would call the police and a lawyer for them and tell them ..you are on your own.
I am nowhere near as good of a Christian as Mr. Miller. I think some things in this life are unforgivable. Even allowing for Cindy having forgiven Casey...lying to federal officers and thwarting an investigation in order to help her may be a mother's love in Cindy's mind. According to the state of Florida it is a federal crime. For the sake of the message it sends to the families such as the Croslins, et al, I do want Cindy held accountable if the state can prove she did anything that rises to the level of a felony.

Big Texas sized hugs for your loss friend.

Thanks so much TWA! And you must be psychic (LOL!) because I almost just posted how my grandmother's death was "how things are supposed to be" - she was 94 and went peacefully in her sleep at home. Not before her third birthday in a trash bag with duct tape covering her mouth and nose. And it is noteworthy that even though I am the only one in my family to really follow Caylee's case closely, others in my family have seen enough to think CA is crazy. My mom (who pretty much just watches Fox News) says she's the most obnoxious person she's ever seen, and tha's saying a whole lot because my mom is a teacher and has had to deal with "boatloads" of obnoxious parents over the years!
Does anyone know if Dominic moved out of his house, or if he opened up shop for his PI business at location B after closing down location A?
Thanks for asking this question again, TWA. I've asked it a few times as I can't believe that some local Orlando sleuthers haven't checked on this. I remember all the activity when we were trying to locate the abandoned house. Local sleuthers, have any of you been able to determine where DC is? Has he been spotted anywhere?
I just took a look at his site and it seems pretty current to me. He has a page for Haleigh, and a page for Casey, and a CMA Document index that lists all the latest transcripts released this week, and court filings up through March 19.

Supposedly a Zenida Hernandez lived at 4709 Hopespring and Hernan Gonzales lived at 4701 Hopespring. Remains were behind 4701. Too much of a coincidence when you think about the way KC said, "The last time I saw my daughter was with ZFG." Followed by the "She's close." Almost chilling to think about. In her code talk KC was telling LE exactly where Caylee was. I don't know how JB can argue this point if it is true that a Z. Hernandez did actually live at 4709. No wonder defense wants to get away from the ZFG did it story. JMO

Interesting that early on CA referred to imagi-nanny as Zenaida Hernandez Gonzalez-Always thought this was just a mistake on CA's part, but maybe it was more Freudian than we think?
Thanks for asking this question again, TWA. I've asked it a few times as I can't believe that some local Orlando sleuthers haven't checked on this. I remember all the activity when we were trying to locate the abandoned house. Local sleuthers, have any of you been able to determine where DC is? Has he been spotted anywhere?

I heard he and JW were spotted in the batmobile, disguised as Brangelina, on their way to Vegas to have Elvis marry them-But they were interrupted by Vladmir Putin, who had to give them a secret KGB assignment involving a cactus and a magic sombrero.

Interesting that early on CA referred to imagi-nanny as Zenaida Hernandez Gonzalez-Always thought this was just a mistake on CA's part, but maybe it was more Freudian than we think?

I've always wondered about this, too!
I've always wondered about this, too!

Any good liar, and we have to admit, Casey probably considers herself a pretty good one, considering she has spent pretty much her adult life perfecting that ability on a daily basis, sprinkles bits of the truth in the heart of the lie. Freudian slip or purposeful sprinkling of truths to make the big whoppers roll off the tongue better and make them easier for us to swallow?

Either way, it sure is interesting.
Any good liar, and we have to admit, Casey probably considers herself a pretty good one, considering she has spent pretty much her adult life perfecting that ability on a daily basis, sprinkles bits of the truth in the heart of the lie. Freudian slip or purposeful sprinkling of truths to make the big whoppers roll off the tongue better and make them easier for us to swallow?

Either way, it sure is interesting.

With the coincidences surrounding where Caylee was found, I always go back to one of kc's first jail calls with Christina when kc says "If they would only listen to what I'm trying to tell them, they'd find Caylee".
WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer says Hoover's alleged tip could have been part of a defense ruse to try to pin the blame on someone else.“Hoover and [Dominic] Casey go out to the area that they wanted EquuSearch to search in order to make this video so that the defense can later argue, ‘Well, our investigators went out there and searched and no body,’” Sheaffer said (watch full interview).The defense claims someone else put the body there after Casey was locked up in October and after the private eyes' so-called search in November. Cindy also admitted to detectives, after Caylee was found, that she had sent someone there to search. http://www.wftv.com/news/22912545/detail.html

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