2009.09.04 Cindy sent D.Casey/Hoover to remains site Addtional VIDEO RELEASED #2

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Yes - very telling IMHO. Of course, the question still remains how did DC get the info of exactly where the body is...but I think we can all surmise that KC told JB, JB told DC, as well as telling him not to call the police if he found the body....and here we sit today.

I'm still on the fence about how DC got the info, but IMO it has to be one of two ways: the telephone game you outline above, or CA finally putting the pieces together herself, maybe with LA's help, after months of studying KC's "clues."

(Although I don't remember KC giving clues that would lead DC to be so very very interested in black garbage bags at that time. :pullhair:)
Remember also that shortly after DC was out there hacking away at black garbage bags, picking up baby blankets, etc., CA/GA gave the infamous "Cindy's Silent Interview":


CA says not a word. GA says the system is broken, if family members aren't even allowed to look at supposed sightings of their granddaughter. And that the A's are no longer "playing by the rules." Between Garrison leaving, MN's departure, duelling Padilla/TES memorials, and this, November 2008 was an interesting month.

We had a thread about it at the time too:


This interview is also a favorite of mine. It clearly shows Cindy is aware her Caylee angel has passed away.

Does anyone have the exact date this interview happened?

But if DC actually located the remains in November, why were they still there in December? Would he not have removed them?

In other words, if we think DC was sent out to find the remains and he DID find them - then what? Just leave them there for anyone else to find? That doesn't make sense.

Well, drat. <shakes fist at common sense> You make a fine point there, AS!

This interview is also a favorite of mine. It clearly shows Cindy is aware her Caylee angel has passed away.

Does anyone have the exact date this interview happened?


November 21, 2008. DC and Hoover were out there Nov. 15/16. Caylee's Case Calendar and Linear Timeline

ETA: Direct link to Case Calendar
But if DC actually located the remains in November, why were they still there in December? Would he not have removed them?

In other words, if we think DC was sent out to find the remains and he DID find them - then what? Just leave them there for anyone else to find? That doesn't make sense.

That also leaves me at a loss ~

IF DC had found her at this time, it would have been only her skull, just as Roy Kronk had found, along with the laundry hamper, possibly the blanket.

The rest of Caylee was long gone and scattered by November, just as they were 2 and a half weeks later.

But, why would he not have removed the ultility bag and her skull at that time?
The rest of her remains would have been left in those woods, and, even if had someone come along at a later time and even IF they noticed them, chances are, they would have thought they were normal animal bones.
Her little clothes were ratty and tattered, and would have soon enough have been gone even further.

I wonder if DC found her also, and he wouldn't "do the deed", and was going to leave "that" to the Anthony's ~
And, the Anthony's hadn't drawn straws yet, or, didn't know what they would do with Caylee once they had her?
Where would they have hidden her skull?
I know there are probably lots of possibilities, but, once you have a skull in your hand, it may just make you really rethink your options and increase your paranioia.
It would me anyway.
But if DC actually located the remains in November, why were they still there in December? Would he not have removed them?

In other words, if we think DC was sent out to find the remains and he DID find them - then what? Just leave them there for anyone else to find? That doesn't make sense.

I've mentioned this several times before, but in an interview, Ginette (the psychic who was on the phone with DC while he was searching) stated the DC DID find remains and that it really freaked him out. Perhaps he was so freaked that he just wasn't sure what to do, especially upon realizing how scattered the bones were. And IIRC, isn't there something in one of DC's emails (perhaps to Cindy) that talks about returning in Nov or Dec, maybe when the ground is drier. Might explain why Casey was so upset when the body was found by Kronk -- maybe she was assured that everything had been cleaned up and taken care of?

Also, in that same interview Ginette mentioned that DC said there was water in that area in November. I have no idea where this interview is, I think it was someone (perhaps NG) asking the questions over the phone.
I'm still on the fence about how DC got the info, but IMO it has to be one of two ways: the telephone game you outline above, or CA finally putting the pieces together herself, maybe with LA's help, after months of studying KC's "clues."

(Although I don't remember KC giving clues that would lead DC to be so very very interested in black garbage bags at that time. :pullhair:)

As I recall, DC consulted a psychic, I can't remember her name, who apparently told him where the body was located and was on the phone with him while he looked. She was the one who told him about the blocks. This was all reported on Nancy Grace, who even briefly interviewed her. What surprised me the most was that he "matter of factly" told the guy that went with him to search, that Caylee is dead and he needs to go find the body. He was so sure the psychic was right..Did Cindy already get Casey to tell her what happened and than Cindy hired DC to get to the body first through a psychic....lots of illegal activity going on here.
Well, drat. <shakes fist at common sense> You make a fine point there, AS!

November 21, 2008. DC and Hoover were out there Nov. 15/16. Caylee's Case Calendar and Linear Timeline

ETA: Direct link to Case Calendar

Thank You, both of you ~!!!

Ewwwww...........the Anthony's SO KNEW that DC DID find their grand-daughter, if you take into account the dates of these videos and that interview of Silent Cindy.

I remember the first time that I saw that video of George and Cindy, and, I just knew that something had gone down.

I've just never had those videos laid out slapping ya in the face like this before.
I remember also everyone talking about these, and then, putting them "together" after the DC video was released, and, others telling the dates of them.

But, when seen side-by-side like this, it is a smack upside the head, IMO.

Yeah ~ They knew alright.

And, those "disappeared and missing moments", I so hope that it wasn't simply Hoover stopping the taping, or, that it has been erased.
Though, I think if it was erased, they are ways of retrieving that.

Hopefully, that DC and Hoover tape will be the next smoking gun and gotcha when Casey's trial ends.
They can go after the rest of the motley crew. Though, I do feel sorry for the state at the added expense of another Anthony/s trial.
But if DC actually located the remains in November, why were they still there in December? Would he not have removed them?

In other words, if we think DC was sent out to find the remains and he DID find them - then what? Just leave them there for anyone else to find? That doesn't make sense.

I do not believe that DC found Caylee's skull. I do believe that if this is the laundry bag, that he found may have found some of her bones... bones he may have just told himself were animal bones. I still fully believe that everyone who searched for Caylee did not expect her to be scattered the way she was. I believe people thought that she would be found intact... a whole skeleton. I do not believe people, even DC, were searching for her bones here and there.

I think the most logical explanation for why DC, or anyone else for that matter, did not do anything with what he found was because he could not bring himself to make that phone call he was supposed to make to JB. I think he knew full well what was going to happen if he made that phone call, so he decided to allow things be. I don't even know that he told Cindy about everything he found out in those woods. He could have very well have told Cindy that it would be impossible to find Caylee in those woods. He could have simply told her about finding the baby blanket to satisfy her. I think he also had realized, IF he did find Caylee or her bones, that he was out there with his bare hands digging through these things. His DNA could be all over the crime scene. He was also tampering with evidence. Possibly could be considered an accessory after the fact. I think these were other reasons that DC could not make that phone call. None of it had to do with the well being of Caylee though! Which makes me sick!
Let's say DC was given info that Caylee was dead and her body was located off Suburban "near three pavers". This info came from Casey Anthony. How it got to Dominic, we do not know at this time, but I will NEVER believe it came from any "phsycic".

And I would strongly suspect that LE has been told by DC exactly who gave him the info, when they gave it to him, and what else they told him. In DC's taped interview they start questioning him about what he was told and then they end up shutting off the tape - this takes place near the end of the interview. Re-read the transcript. Then when the tape picks up again, the subject discussed is entirely different. No further mention of "what he was told and by whom".

I would think that during that "break" in the interview that Dominic Casey was informed as to what a world of hurt he would be in if he witheld any information from LE on this subject.

RE: The 11/20/08 "silent Cindy" interview. Well, obviously SOMETHING was going on!
She is obviously VERY sedated. Why? Dominic Casey, to whom she was still "very close" at the time most likely told her something. Did he tell her that he had been told that Caylee was dead? Did he tell her that he found a blanket?

The only thing that does not make sense to me in all of the above is that IF Dominic was told - for sure - that the body was there right off the side of the road on Suburban, why did he not persist in looking until he actually found the body? Was the water still up high at that point or had it already gone down?
Ginnette Lucas questioned by defense expert Richard Hornsby regarding Suburban


Let me help lighten things up for you. They may as well call Ms. Lucas and see how that works for the jury. If you have not heard Florida defense expert Richard Hornsby question her about Suburban Dr. you must listen to this. It certainly is revealing. She says they kept sending her pictures of different people homes after she claimed in her visions she was seeing the killer leave the Anthony home, that the baby had been kept in a garage, that they should head down their street and take a right, etc. etc. .......
oh and my favorite.... she saw a suburban. Mr. Hornsby sure did, like our very capable prosecutors will make short order of nonsense. (Just a side note, she also told Mr. Hornsby and Mr. Watts that this was Dominic Casey's first and only case.)
She claims that Dominic DID find Caylee but he started crying, freaked out and couldn't deal with it, so he left. She told him to go put his big boy pants on and go back the next day. Moreover, that he left the woods because there were three coral snakes at his feet when he found her.

Richard Hornsby asked her, "Did you think there was a nanny involved"?
"No", she answered.

Mr. Watts asked her, so if you see the killer in your vision, who is the murderer, who killed Caylee? She laughed and answered "I guess you'll find out, eventually, wont you". She mentioned that she could not, or would not work on the things further without compensation. She details how they kept calling her, telling her they have this lead and that lead, that is entirely different than the description of her calling Dom of her own accord on the day of the search. She asked for a photo, toy, anything. They months later sent her a teddy bear and then it came to her...Suburban. She says in one spot the body had been moved several times. A garage in a a laundry bag like Navy boys used years ago is what she saw the body in. She told Dominic he should look for trash. "She was thrown out like trash", she told him.

When dealing with the defense team, keep in mind, Jose Baez is the one who hired Dominic Casey and that will help you exhale and carry on your day. In the words of Mark Nejame, "I am being overly generous in my characterization".

Dominic was crying because he kept thinking the kid was alive, he really believed he could bring her home alive. Then she explained to Mr. Hornsby that she knew Caylee was there because on the phone with Dominic, she could "Smell it through the phone", that she (Ginette) has "Died a couple of times".

She eludes to this being an accident on the part of Casey, although Mr. Hornsby reminds her she already said the murderer was a man. I cannot make heads or tails of the ever evolving story. At another point of the interview Steph asked her again what is the cause of Caylee's death, to which she answered "Neglegence".

The reason I am bringing up this episode is just to illustrate how wholly misguided and inexperienced Dominic was, and remind us who hired this person so our TES members will not be intimidated.

Richard Hornsby , "Did Dominic go to the police"? "No, " she answered. "He couldn't go to the cops ; because, he was embarrassed to tell them a psychic found the body, and I'm done".

Richard Hornsby asked Ms. Lucas, " Well, then...did you call the police if you knew where the body was?" "No", she answered.

Although she hedged a few times, Mr. Hornsby pinned her down to tell that the secretive "let's call him Mr. Smith" intermediary she mentions who was working with the Anthonys and sending her stuff...... works with Find Me.

Steph details that he (Steph) was at those woods and they were "So dense...you could NOT go in there".

Steph Watts October 3 at 10:45pm Report
appreciate you listening here it is
CASES AND FACES 8/8/2010 - Steph Watts | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
Thanks The world according....Ginnette Lucas, that was her name!!! I didn't even know about all these fine details, I never saw this interview, only NG's short meeting with her. I remember when I saw her on NG, I contacted her via her website to let her know that she was in fact correct about certain things and kudos to her for not caring what the whole world thought of her as a psychic. She replied to me that she has worked many many huge missing persons cases, both with LE and individuals and that in this case they didn't want to give her the recognization that she deserved and she left it at that.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to The World According! I knew I had heard that exchange, and as you relate it, it's even better than I remember! From everything I've read, I get the impression that DC is a very superstitious person and was working closely with several psychics at that time. I truly believe that if he found the body he was extremely frightened. At that time, he no longer had any obligation to tell Baez anything. But he was working for George and Cindy, and Cindy even said she sent him there, so he would have told them.
I only even posted about her to illustrate how far off in the deep weeds Domic Casey was reaching out to foolishness like that to try to locate the missing child. Her inteview illustrates for us that he is no private detective, is not to be trusted or taken seriously, and in the words of Mark Nejame, "I am being ovely generous in my characterization". If you could hear her on that interview ( link wont work for some reason) you would hear the sounds of your grandmother's coo coo clock. IMO

As Mr. Hornsby indicates, the only thing we learned in her entire interview was that
this was Dominic's first and only private investigation.

That leads me straight to why in the world would Jose Baez, an attorney represnting a young girl with her freedom and even life on the line, hire someone who is a novice, never ever before worked a missing person case, and is cerainly not specialized with expertise in that? Even opening the phone book would have found him experts in missing people. So what in the world did he hire Dominic for in the first place? That was a big, big clue into his very very poor ability to defend a case, let alone a murder case.

I have very firm opinions about these folks, individually and collectively. My opinions are irrelvant, judge the nonsense for yourself, here are some of the silly, silly e mails.
O/T my opinion of her is that she is not credible, ridiculous, out for 15 minutes and silly.....at best. I do not believe in her magic visions, I only even posted about her to illustrate how far off in the deep weeds Domic Casey was reaching out to foolishness like that to try to locate the missing child. Her inteview illustrates for us that he is no private detective, is not to be trusted or taken seriously, and in the words of Mark Nejame, "I am being ovely generous in my characterization". If you could hear her on that interview ( link wont work for some reason) you would hear the sounds of your grandmother's coo coo clock. IMO

Agreed, in fact..I believe when Cindy sent that Bear for her to get "vibes" off of..it included a note on where caylee is. MOO
Well, drat. <shakes fist at common sense> You make a fine point there, AS!

November 21, 2008. DC and Hoover were out there Nov. 15/16. Caylee's Case Calendar and Linear Timeline

ETA: Direct link to Case Calendar

Remember also that shortly after DC was out there hacking away at black garbage bags, picking up baby blankets, etc., CA/GA gave the infamous "Cindy's Silent Interview":


CA says not a word. GA says the system is broken, if family members aren't even allowed to look at supposed sightings of their granddaughter. And that the A's are no longer "playing by the rules." Between Garrison leaving, MN's departure, duelling Padilla/TES memorials, and this, November 2008 was an interesting month.

We had a thread about it at the time too:


George also mentions in this clip, about half way through, that they had in fact had a chance to review a "video", "a couple of weeks ago"; when asked about sightings, etc.

But, he doesn't tell who the video came from, or, what it's content is.

This would correspond with the video that Hoover did with Dominic Casey in the woods date wise.
I only even posted about her to illustrate how far off in the deep weeds Domic Casey was reaching out to foolishness like that to try to locate the missing child. Her inteview illustrates for us that he is no private detective, is not to be trusted or taken seriously, and in the words of Mark Nejame, "I am being ovely generous in my characterization". If you could hear her on that interview ( link wont work for some reason) you would hear the sounds of your grandmother's coo coo clock. IMO

As Mr. Hornsby indicates, the only thing we learned in her entire interview was that
this was Dominic's first and only private investigation.

That leads me straight to why in the world would Jose Baez, an attorney represnting a young girl with her freedom and even life on the line, hire someone who is a novice, never ever before worked a missing person case, and is cerainly not specialized with expertise in that? Even opening the phone book would have found him experts in missing people. So what in the world did he hire Dominic for in the first place? That was a big, big clue into his very very poor ability to defend a case, let alone a murder case.

Cause Baez needed a "patsy", a person that would be taken in with the media overload of this.
Someone that he could intimidate and control and lead around by the by the nose and leave in the dark; and would not ask any questions if told not to.

He would not have gotton that with an experienced, valid PI.
Cause Baez needed a "patsy", a person that would be taken in with the media overload of this.
Someone that he could intimidate and control and lead around by the by the nose and leave in the dark; and would not ask any questions if told not to.

He would not have gotton that with an experienced, valid PI.

Bingo. The last thing he needed was a professional PI. He fished around in the pond and got the perfect scum for the job.
I keep remembering K. Belich's description of the audio in that vid. She said DC specifically announced: "It should be RIGHT HERE."

He had definite instructions, not some vague area to search. This is my opinion. I've always thought he didn't quite find her. He was within a hair but missed. Of course he went to that spot several other times without Hoover, without a video, so we really don't know. Yet.

I think he spilled his guts in his investigative interview and there's very little the SA doesn't know about what he found or didn't find or how he came to be there. I sure hope we get the info too.
Cause Baez needed a "patsy", a person that would be taken in with the media overload of this.
Someone that he could intimidate and control and lead around by the by the nose and leave in the dark; and would not ask any questions if told not to.

He would not have gotton that with an experienced, valid PI.

ITA. And has DC ever been paid? Nope. No valid PI would stand for that. Look at Mort and the other guy. They sure are being paid. DC was a patsy for sure. He better thank GOD everyday that Kronk is the one who found those remains and became famous for doing so. I have the distinct feeling that person was supposed to be DC, and not in a good way at all.

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