2009.11.12 Mallory Parker's Depo *read it here*

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She reminds me of that one case where a woman was being raped and murdered in the middle of a large apartment complex and almost no one called the police. They just shut their windows and pretended it wasn't happening. It's not Mallory's child, it's not Mallory's responsibility, so why should she ask about Caylee? I have the feeling she and Lee had this attitude. Let the parents handle it, and don't upset the balance by asking Casey serious questions. It galls and disgusts me that a precious child's life was not more important than princess Casey, not even to someone not of Anthony blood.

And I hope that the SA asks about that dinner when Mallory is on the stand. Doesn't sound like Casey was abused to me if she's having a happy family dinner with two people she says abused her! What a crock the abuse story is. That dinner proves it was the opposite. The A family was terrified of Casey!

Just in case people are wondering, you're talking about the Kitty Genovese case.
Mallory came to the Anthony's shortly after ICA was first arrested.
She was there to wit
ness Cindy's and ICA first phone call.
ICA's car was there.
Why couldn't she smell it?

I think she said she came over the following evening...? ICA was in custody by then and the car was gone IIRC.
Just in case people are wondering, you're talking about the Kitty Genovese case.

Thank you so much! The name would NOT come to me! But that is the case I'm referring to!
please let me save you 76 pages of your life.

mallory: casey who ?

I'll sum up the depo.

I don't know
Not that I recall
Not that I recall
Happy family dinner
I don't recall

Rinse and repeat.

Well the depo may not be worth a carp but I have a feeling the thread is going to be a side splitter...I'm just getting started reading it (the thread) and already I'm laughing out loud. I think I'll actually skip reading the depo.:rocker:
Actually, just thinking out loud here, but maybe they did all act "normal" and light because JB was there plus I'll bet they believed they were under surveillance. At least that's what I would think if I just got out of jail and my child was missing. I would assume my phone and house was bugged.

But maybe I've read too many detective novels.

They bought 4 bat phones to avoid LE getting their convos and texts.
You've heard the expression /joke "if I tell you ,I'd have to kill you" ?

Once you've crossed into some circles ,you aren't allowed to leave because you know to much.
Extreme scenario ,to be sure ,but .............................

I really think this family keeps secrets about each other and uses them as blackmail. Not for money ,but to buy your silence. JMHO

Anthonys: Bubble gum mafia.
Does anyone else get the impression LDB is pizzed when she's "clarifying a few things"?
Another thing I gleaned from the depo was Mr. Baez's mention, yet again, that huh... nobody knows if it was an accident, now do they?

To which she said "no."

Nice lob pass.
Mallory did not seem to know much if she's being honest. She said she believes there is and was a nanny. Its hard to believe anyone, especially close to KC believes the nanny story. What was Casey going to pay for a nanny with? Ca and Ga guessed she was not working from the beginning. They thought she had a babysitter that didn't charge her anything? They thought she would give her money that she stole from them? They all are just protecting KC.
It bothers me too that MP couldn't remember if LA had been out of town during June - July 2008. She says he is often gone two weeks out of the month but she, of course, can't recall if he was out of town either of those months. Mallory said 'that was a long time ago' as if she wouldn't have thought/figured out all the facts of her and Lee's own positions at the time it went public that Caylee was missing. I can hardly stand this anymore and hope someone gets the book thrown at them other than KC - it's a conspiracy!
IMO the "keeping it light" and "tip toeing" around is so much more about CA than ICA.
How dare GA try to commit suicide and upset CA? I remember them being asked about this on "good morning america" or a similar show and CA got really ticked off and chimed in "I was trying to commit suicide too" as if she was jealous of the attention GA got.
LOL Page 69...ICA told them she could get them tx and backstage passes to some concert at Hard Rock and at the last minute it fell through.
oh and Cindy was going to divorce George because she was inconvenienced by the timing of his suicide attempt?????interesting also about AMy "lying" that she knew her,was someone really posing as Mallory or didn't she want the Anthony's to know?

BBM - I picked up on this too when I glanced through Mallory's depo?? I don't care if George's suicide was real or fake... for Cindy to be upset by that becoming a distraction... is sick!! Puts a whole new meaning on the Larry King interview when Cindy jumped in and said... oh, but I wrote suicide notes too!! Look at me... feel bad for me. She HATES when everything isn't about HER. After reading this deposition... Casey is CINDY's child! Casey may get her laziness from George, but she is 99.9% Cindy Anthony!

She was ANGRY because the attention focused to George. People cared about George. I remember watching the news worried sick about George and was so relieved when he was found safe... that was pretty early in this case so I have that excuse!

Okay, I'm going to walk away for a while.
Mallory did not seem to know much if she's being honest. She said she believes there is and was a nanny. Its hard to believe anyone, especially close to KC believes the nanny story. What was Casey going to pay for a nanny with? Ca and Ga guessed she was not working from the beginning. They thought she had a babysitter that didn't charge her anything? They thought she would give her money that she stole from them? They all are just protecting KC.

Actually Mallory made a point of saying she and ICA were not close - once in a while exchanged texts with ICA, but never went "out" with her, had never been in her car, and even in early 2008, would sometimes go for two months without seeing ICA or Caylee, or speak to them. Not friends - ICA was her boyfriend's sister.
Everyone is remembering Baez and his wife were there, right?

Was this the first bail out? I wonder if LP and company were there. They are the ones who bonded KC out the first time.

Was TM in the picture yet? Yes, I think he was. No wonder he became disheartened so soon after beginning the search - he knew he was dealing with a bunch of liars.

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