2009.11.23 & 2009.12.10 Joy Wray Transcripts

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Found Joy's interviews entertaining to say the least. She is unstable and I pray for her children. That said, two comments that stood as my favorites:

JW: yeah, before I was a protester, me and my husband would go over there (Anthony's) and put a blanket out in the grass and just watch"

Wow - :crazy:

I really love me some JA. He has got to have the patience of a saint::angel:

JA: yes, Joy, well we know a lot, yes we know lots of things.

I've paraphrased these comments as I've already closed out the interview pages and I'm cross eyed from all the reading to go back and find them.

Night night fellow WS'ers!
Found Joy's interviews entertaining to say the least. She is unstable and I pray for her children. That said, two comments that stood as my favorites:

JW: yeah, before I was a protester, me and my husband would go over there (Anthony's) and put a blanket out in the grass and just watch"

Wow - :crazy:

I really love me some JA. He has got to have the patience of a saint::angel:

JA: yes, Joy, well we know a lot, yes we know lots of things.

I've paraphrased these comments as I've already closed out the interview pages and I'm cross eyed from all the reading to go back and find them.

Night night fellow WS'ers!
I have loved him since the Universal interview and his "is the obituary in your office too?" and which police agency did you call when KC said "she received a call from Caylee at noon the day before"
Okay I'm 20 pages in and my head is spinning. I'm not sure if I can even finish reading this.
Oh and just an fyi for everyone, George Bush mailed me a wedding card when we got married LMAO.
Next thing you know, Joy is going to come forward as one of Tiger Wood's alleged mistresses. This woman clearly suffers from delusions of grandeur.

In that case she would be suffering from delusions of skankeur.
When I began reading Joy's first interview, I thought (stupidly), why is everyone saying she's crazy? She's making perfect sense. By the time I got to somewhere near page 30, my head was ACHING. I never did figure out the business with Best Best and the computers. WTH? My head was spinning when they were talking about her being crazy and others thinking she's crazy and how she doesn't want people to think she's crazy. :crosseyed: OMG.

Then several pages later she says how she went into the woods three times, ten to twenty times, then twelve times. I think the poor detectives' heads must have exploded. I know mine felt like it was going to! He questions her about going into the woods twelve times, the woods where Caylee was found. She went on a hunch. She brought young children with her. She said someone was following her. She wasn't afraid. She was afraid. She called the police. She brought children out there twice? three times? Yet, there was a possible child murderer lurking? :waitasec:

There's the business with the pictures and the videos, Frankenstein, werewolf George, vampire Baez. Holy smoke! Did those detectives go out for BIG drinks after? I'm not envying their jobs. No way. :banghead: I'm feeling very sorry for them. Let's not forget, they also had to deal with Casey, Cindy, George, and Lee at one point. OMG! I hope these detectives are in line for huge raises.

I still haven't finished reading Joy's first interview. I can't read much of this stuff without a break! :eek: Holy moley.

Re: computers (top of page 64, 1st document)

JW: Well, you're going to find that I e-mailed the White House.

Detective: The one in Washington, DC?

I could swear I heard the poor detective's brain snap on that one. I'm surprised George Bush didn't hop on Air Force One and head straight to JW's house to chat with her. I got a kick out of how many times the interviewer chuckled during that part.

The stuff about the President was definitely the funniest part. "The one in Washington?" The detectives have shown great restraint in not just laughing out loud in most of these interviews.
"..The one in Washington" ? LOL Did he really have to question which White House she was talking about? LOL. I would have loved to have seen his face when he asked her that

I had my voice reader on When I heard that I sprayed my screen LOL

jw to ja about jb in the 11-23 interview that SusiQ linked
"...i think all he cares about is kc. and he dont care who he points the finger to, as long as its not kc, so he gets his billion dollar book deal."
"or movies and stuff. thats all he cares about is money."
ja "the book deals and the movie deals?"
jw "yes"
ja "do you know is he using the same publisher you're using?"

i had to take a break from reading to declare myself a proud member of the "coffee-on-the-keyboard" club! lolol :dance:
I know this isn't going to go over well but I don't think she is as crazy as she is making herself seem in these interviews. I think she uses the crazy card like Kanye uses the race card. I believe she is mentally ill but I don't think she is as delusional as she wants LE to think she is.. it seems whenever she gets around LE she turns crazy (the times she has called LE on others too), the rest of the time she functions reasonably well. She's never held for long when she is "baker acted" and I'm sorry but once your mind is that far gone (the president.. people out to get you etc etc) it does not go back to thinking normally over night.

Clearly she's got HUGE issues, but I don't think they are as huge as she wants us (and LE) to think.

I know she's "alittle" off, but I find it extremely amusing sometimes. Still reading, and haven't reached that white house you mean in DC part yet.

Had no idea she was going to sound so Anthony programmed. It sounds like they messed with her vunerable mind. Again, questionable behavior by them.

How many books are going to be out there on this case?
who says that makes it a fact? I doubt CA filled her head with anything? She is obviously a sick person so has no credibility we don't know what she says they said to her is true either

After reading JW's transcripts to LE it is quite clear that this woman has mental problems. I find it hard to believe that spending more than a few hours with JW the A's came to the same conclusion, but still allowed this woman into their lives. The question is why? Was she supposed to be the person who did dirty work for the A's? Well, she is the perfect person for the job isn't she. If she gets caught doing something illegal like playing with the dates on photo's she should be excused because she is mentally ill...right. That was the plan all along for JW. The A's took advantage of this woman and allowed her into the A's club. Shame on you A's.
It's hours later now, still reading.

Honestly starting to lose my train of thought. Why am I reading this stuff again?

I had no idea all this was going on in this woman's mind. It's shocking her involvement. Me thinks "crazy like a fox" because even she has plans to write a book. She and everybody else (dragged into it) because they all have their selfish agendas. This case
has made me more cynical, I'd say.
jw to ja about jb in the 11-23 interview that SusiQ linked
"...i think all he cares about is kc. and he dont care who he points the finger to, as long as its not kc, so he gets his billion dollar book deal."
"or movies and stuff. thats all he cares about is money."
ja "the book deals and the movie deals?"
jw "yes"
ja "do you know is he using the same publisher you're using?"

i had to take a break from reading to declare myself a proud member of the "coffee-on-the-keyboard" club! lolol :dance:

bbm that was so funny
poor JA I hope he was able to get a good stiff drink after that interview
but I love his remarks.
Can't wait to read the forensic report from her computer..should be interesting.

Page 40-43

The Monster Mash song/video Joy made on Jib Jab. J Allen is asking her to tell him who the characters are..

Casey=the Mad Scientist
George=a Dog or whatever, a Puppy..okay a Werewolf
Baez= a Vampire
And she put her face on the body of a woman

Yeah, and notice no Cindy...hmmmm. When they ask her who her caricature is she claims "the mom of the house"...a little creepy in my opinion. Almost like she as an obsession with George or an extreme dislike for Cindy. The defense could use her to create doubt. She was act the crime scene multiple times. She is obsessed with being part of this story and may have very well tampered with evidence. She also had access to the A's house and she has admitted more times than not to being mentally unstable.

She seems to be a delusional crackpot who seems to seek to insert herself into this case. They are not that uncommon in criinal matters that spark alot of public attention. LE is normally pretty good at keeping these people out of actual investigations, but the A's and the defense sadly gave her just enough contact to legitimize her fantasies. Trust nothing she says about any conversations that were not witnessed by at least 1 other fully independent observer (he husband or both CA and GA don't con't). As much as we may want to believe what the things she says that GA and CA said, chances are these conversations only occured in her mind. Or in cases of actual conversations were interpreted and rewritten by her to fit whatever her current view of reality and her role in it is.

There is noway any sane or competant attorney would ever put this person on the stand. Even if the defense was seeking to cloud the evidence with conflicting reports and doubts, I can't see how subjecting JW to cross examination or the direct scrutiny of the jury would in any way help their client. "See she must be innocent! The crazy woman thinks so!" Does not tend to be a winning or effective defense strategy.

Unfortunately, this crazy women took pictures of Kronk in the woods before the body was found. So she says anyways. It gets crazy when crazy people can produce proof of some kind.I am thinking these photos might be photos in her mind...
There's a thread in the Parking Lot I just bumped up about JW that is quite interesting-it deserves a trip downstairs!! IMO:innocent:
Thank you essies. You are correct, it's worth a trip. I was really thinking about that thread when I read about Joy W hanging from trees. It reminded me of when she was arrested for fleeing a cop in the A's neighborhood. She was Baker Acted....again.
I only skimmed through one of them and didn't bother with the other as it seemed she was Baker Acted almost every time she open her mouth. Surely they will not put her on the stand will they???
I have to admit I had moved away from the finer details of this case for a while and missed the whole nutty goodness that is JW, but after a big old one day dose of her it leaves me with only one burning question: If she can be "Baker'd" 5 times, why they heck haven't whoever has that power come out with the ginormous fruit loop nets and got Cindy, at least once?
Ta Totally agree?

But I could be wrong I already got one wrong BBM LOL!

I'm still trying to catch up here. I didn't notice the Ta, but haven't read the second interview yet. My mom, or I should say Mum, says Ta, meaning thank you (especially after receiving her tea). I wonder if that is what she is saying.
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