2010.03.17 NG: George denies affair, Woman tells NE about supposed affair.

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I looked as well, not seeing any link...anybody else?

Maybe they were ordered to cease and desist Did Latisha said THEY told her they lived in a house in a gated community but did not say where ??
The first time I heard the 911 tape my heart broke for Cindy.As soon as I found out an email address for them I sent an email out but I did not use the email that has my full name on it.With the Sunshine laws I felt better to be safe then sorry,cause you never know if it will show up on NG.And this was just an email of support!
Either Latisha or Elizabeth said on NG tonight that River has 3 children and that neither she nor Skye work. Where is she going to come up with an extra $5,000 to give to George. This just does not make sense.
ok I am sorry but I am trying to come up with a single reasonable explanation for having an affair with a man whose daughter has been arrested for murdering her daughter.
Not doubting the affair necessarily,just the rationale behind it. come on.

I was going to stick to lurking but had to reply to your post ... it confuses the dickens out of me ... but, I've known men like Georgie who cheat on their wives regularly ... one mistress after another ... and it has more to do with suckering (is that a word?) gullible woman into their poor me pity party ... my wife doesn't understand me ... my life is so upside down, I don't know what I'd do without you ... my wife and I have separate bedrooms ... we've stayed together because of the kids ... both George and Cindy are master manipulators, that's how they roll

Most woman though would be very cautious about getting involved with this family and a "missing", then murdered grandchild ... but a lot of people in the beginning were saying poor George, he seems like the only decent one in that family ... of course as time went on, he showed his true colors

My question is not why did she get involved with him so much as why the hell did she stay involved with him ??
I'm not so sure YET that Syke is lying as her sister River may not have told her she called NE.

they live together of course she knew and she did not really answer the question her answer was not no! She said I don't know where that story came from which is a trait used by dishonest people to sound more believable if it was not sold to the NE why not an emphatic No why the weave and bob answer?
I remember when we all were wondering "where's GA"
In November 2008, when it was reported that GA was standing staring into the woods - he wasn't seen by members of the media following him - a citizen "viewer" reported this
So GA could be out and about without the media on his tail

Posted: 4:35 pm EST November 4,2008Updated: 8:01 am EST November 5,2008
George Anthony Spotted Near Caylee Search Area

"An eyewitness reportedly saw George Anthony standing and staring into the woods near Hoffner Avenue in east Orange County"
"The WFTV viewer said she saw Caylee's grandfather George's car parked in the area around 6:15pm on October 30 and that he was staring into the woods"
OK so don't you think if George were really out drinking someone would have saw him?
Do you remamber how HUGE that sign was?

He could park it at 1 spot and walk to another..........
how many people actually looked for it on Thanksgiving day?
or if he went out of town?
She could of rode around with him as a volunteer and sold shirts???

..the media was still watching him on thanksgiving day 2008.

..the "mistress" says it was approx. thanksgiving 2008 that he told her that caylee died accidentally----snowballed out of control.

WFTV was told she met George in the summer of 2008 when she volunteered to help find Caylee and by Thanksgiving of that year, after their affair had started, George told her Caylee's death was an accident that snowballed out of control.
..the media say "lonesome george" was driving the billboard around thanksgiving 2008.
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Channel 9 learned Casey's father, George Anthony, spent part of his Thanksgiving driving by himself around downtown Orlando and Winter Park towing his "Where is Caylee billboard." Even after new evidence was released to support the theory Casey killed her daughter Caylee, George has continued searching for a live Caylee.
I was going to stick to lurking but had to reply to your post ... it confuses the dickens out of me ... but, I've known men like Georgie who cheat on their wives regularly ... one mistress after another ... and it has more to do with suckering (is that a word?) gullible woman into their poor me pity party ... my wife doesn't understand me ... my life is so upside down, I don't know what I'd do without you ... my wife and I have separate bedrooms ... we've stayed together because of the kids ... both George and Cindy are master manipulators, that's how they roll

Most woman though would be very cautious about getting involved with this family and a "missing", then murdered grandchild ... but a lot of people in the beginning were saying poor George, he seems like the only decent one in that family ... of course as time went on, he showed his true colors

My question is not why did she get involved with him so much as why the hell did she stay involved with him ??

Glad you posted. What I mean is, there is no healthy reason for a grown person that has their chit together to choose to have an affair with a man that is surrounded by a situation of this magnitude. Healthy people seek other healthy people. It's not the affair part, it is the dynamics of this high profile situation that set it apart. Just like groupies of condemned murderers and the like.
I suspect she either has deep psychological issues of her own that would draw her to a situation like this so she can be close to it or it is about money. Of course, I have no way of knowing.
but I can say with certainty that she has to have issues of some kind or she would have not gotten involved in these kind of dynamics that involve murder and deceit.
JMHO of course.
I am still just baffled....I cannot believe they would have come out with this story etc., if there was not some truth to it.....yes I know I am wayyyyyyyyyyyy too trusting......just makes my head hurt.
We get a lot of the local news about the West Memphis Three on our local stations....a week or so ago they interviewed Damion (sp) wife...very intelligent woman, comes from a good family...but she married him and he is on death row for the murder of three small boys....I will never understand.

she married him because she believes in his innocence, and she loves him.
From what I understand, she supposedly met him after Caylee "went missing". Just my ignorance about the NE, but is it possible they didn't pay anyone for the story and just ran with what has already been out in the news? It's that picture NG mentioned, the same one she showed, that makes me wonder. I'd think if they paid anybody for the story, they'd have the "goods". MOO

That's made me wonder too ... only because Brad was the first one to bring up NE ... I think there's a possibility that someone, to discredit these two sisters, sent them the story ... it would be pretty clever of Brad or George even, to do that ... I don't put anything past them ... Skye said LE asked her sister not to talk to anyone and Skye has done most of the talking, so I'm wondering why River would take the chance of getting in trouble with a tell all story ...
Guess I'll have to wait and see what is actually in the article ... I'm still on the fence ...
Maybe they were ordered to cease and desist Did Latisha said THEY told her they lived in a house in a gated community but did not say where ??

Maybe WHO was told to cease & desist? And by Whom?
There is a pic or video out there somewhere of that sign George was driving around with. It was sitting by itself on the grass at a very busy intersection, IIRC. JMO, but I do believe that George had plenty of time to have the alledged affair. All he had to do was unhook the trailer from the truck and drive away.

I also remember lots of interviews with Cindy alone, and have no idea where George was at the time.

As in 'Show me the money' - show me some proof. This story has been dragging out since last Friday, hasn't it? As far as I'm concerned, this alledged affair could or could not have happened. True or not, to me this whole thing is trashy. I am honestly disgusted by it all. Is there no end to the exploitation of little Caylee???

If George did not have an affair why has he not denied it?
If George did not have an affair why has he not denied it?
He did deny it through his atty.

Channel 9 Eyewitness News reports that George Anthony's attorney is commenting on his alleged affair.

On national television, Anthony's attorney Brad Conway released a statement denying George Anthony was ever involved with River Cruz. He also said Cruz never gave George Anthony thousands of dollars and denied George said Caylee's death was an accident that snowballed out of control. In the statement, Conway said, "George did not have a sexual relationship with her (River Cruz). He did not receive $5,000 or whatever she is claiming she gave him."

Glad you posted. What I mean is, there is no healthy reason for a grown person that has their chit together to choose to have an affair with a man that is surrounded by a situation of this magnitude. Healthy people seek other healthy people. It's not the affair part, it is the dynamics of this high profile situation that set it apart. Just like groupies of condemned murderers and the like.
I suspect she either has deep psychological issues of her own that would draw her to a situation like this so she can be close to it or it is about money. Of course, I have no way of knowing.
but I can say with certainty that she has to have issues of some kind or she would have not gotten involved in these kind of dynamics that involve murder and deceit.
JMHO of course.

Extremely well stated, JBean! I just totally agree with every word in this post!
Since I will be babysitting tomorrow I probably won't get to see the hearing but does anyone know what time it is to be on?
Glad you posted. What I mean is, there is no healthy reason for a grown person that has their chit together to choose to have an affair with a man that is surrounded by a situation of this magnitude. Healthy people seek other healthy people. It's not the affair part, it is the dynamics of this high profile situation that set it apart. Just like groupies of condemned murderers and the like.
I suspect she either has deep psychological issues of her own that would draw her to a situation like this so she can be close to it or it is about money. Of course, I have no way of knowing.
but I can say with certainty that she has to have issues of some kind or she would have not gotten involved in these kind of dynamics that involve murder and deceit.
JMHO of course.

I totally agree that she has issues, serious ones .. as does anyone getting involved with these people and this horrific crime, much less having an affair with one of them ...though I don't think it's about the money or she would have tried to cash in by now ... but a year long affair ?? That one's got me stumped ...
If the naked pictures have both of them in it with blurred spots on them then I will believe it was taken during an affair.But if its just a picture of George naked hopefully blurred then she might have just flirted and got him to send a naked pic of himself.
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