2010.04.05 Hearing Today Monday 10am EST

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The facts are key to any legal strategy. 1st and 2nd year lawyers in a firm spend ALL their time digging through the facts, pulling out what helps their case, and working with more experienced lawyers to develop a coherent legal strategy.

No lawyer worth anything would ever ALLOW his adversary to pick out what documents are "relevant." You suck it up, sit in opposing counsel's office, and pick through all of the documents. Not only is it NOT your adversary's job to choose the "important" documents (as that gives away their legal strategy), but you shouldn't WANT that. You should WANT to look at EVERYTHING. It's called... ready for this... being PREPARED!

I think I'd have a chair thrown at me if a partner asked me to plan out the document review strategy and I said, "Oh don't worry boss, opposing counsel is going to send us the good stuff."
Not in court, but in an interview on In Session afterward. I rewound it several times to make sure that I had the wording correct. It was a WOW statement.

That is a WOW statement! Makes me go Hmmmm.....
God, JBs incompetence is unbelievable. Has he worked as a lawyer before? His only job is to find SOME KERNEL of reasonable doubt, and get SOME JUROR to buy it. And he's asking... MN to do it for him?

"Listen, I don't want to come to your office and look through all the files to DEVELOP MY OWN LEGAL STRATEGY.. so, be a pal and pick out the files you think give me some reasonable doubt, okay?"

That was funny!
I think what Mason is saying is if she didn't put the body there then logic would say she might not have been the one to kill her since someone else had the body.
CM saying all evidence is exculpatory. No place of death, time of death, cause of death or who did it. Wants to do something relelvant at this point in his life. He was asked to join the defense.


Wow! He just said that today?

Yes. Also when he said about wanting to do something relevant at this point in this life I thought "and this is the best you can do?" What about volunteering at a homeless shelter, or Big Brothers, or missing children, but helping get KC off for murder???

Wow! He just said that today?

"That means that somebody else was involved. Doesn't mean that somebody else did the actual killing."

Yep, it's kinda right up with what-his-names slip of "Grieving the loss of the life of this child" before Caylee's body was even found. :slap:
No Ruling For Anthony Search Records Motion

Updated 12:15 pm EDT April 5,2010

Judge Stan Strickland witholds ruling on a motion from Casey Anthony's defense regarding records for thousands of volunteers who searched for Casey's daughter, Caylee.
The defense said the records can help prove Anthony's innocence.
Strickland said he could rule as early as today.
More Details - IMAGES Court Pictures: http://www.clickorlando.com/news/230...104052010&ts=H
I must say, I am impressed with In Session's coverage and panel regarding today's hearing. Aside from speaking intelligibly, TL's atty is nice to look at, too boot.....

In session now covering TES background.....
The facts are key to any legal strategy. 1st and 2nd year lawyers in a firm spend ALL their time digging through the facts, pulling out what helps their case, and working with more experienced lawyers to develop a coherent legal strategy.

No lawyer worth anything would ever ALLOW his adversary to pick out what documents are "relevant." You suck it up, sit in opposing counsel's office, and pick through all of the documents. Not only is it NOT your adversary's job to choose the "important" documents (as that gives away their legal strategy), but you shouldn't WANT that. You should WANT to look at EVERYTHING. It's called... ready for this... being PREPARED!

I think I'd have a chair thrown at me if a partner asked me to plan out the document review strategy and I said, "Oh don't worry boss, opposing counsel is going to send us the good stuff."

I have been on many, many fact finding missions! Sitting going through all the dirty, dusty, grimy boxes of docs.......tabbing or writing down the document number for later reference, or evey using their copying machine to copy documents on the spot when allowed. No it's not pretty, no it's not fun....but it is necessary to every case because you just might find that smoking gun among all of those dusty, dirty, grimy records that nobody else wants to touch.
Overall I think Jb did a good job today. He established that these records could hold the key to the truth or the pathway to the truth. At any rate the records are very important to the fair trial system. I was surprized to see the SA siding with Tes. If they say there is nothing in the records, then why object to the defense seeing them?

I think the Judge understood to just look at 4000 records with your eyes and not be able to record them is pretty much useless. The Judge should have known this when he made the first order. Now it comes back to haunt him.

I believe he will side with the defense on this issue, otherwise the defense will go to Mn office and flag every single record for review by the judge. Time to quit trying to hide things and put the evidence on the table. It is the state that is causing all these delays. The defense has a right to investigate and the Judge should support them in anyway he can.

Mn did not make a good argument at all for keeping the records secret and keeping the records from the court. I was under the understanding that he was a really good Lawyer. Not impressed at all. The truth shall prevail, Mn, Tm, and Sa do not have a monopoly on the truth. IMO
I think what Mason is saying is if she didn't put the body there then logic would say she might not have been the one to kill her since someone else had the body.

Mason also stated that there was an unidenified hair found with the remains...I don't remember seeing any discovery regarding that...Anyone else remember that infomation being released?
Maybe someone did move the body there after the first searches as they thought that area had been cleared. Perhaps when George was starring out into a field near the airport he knew it was Cayless first spot and after the search, the site down the street became the second spot. Maybe why George puked in the hallway, maybe he had to help her under a directive from Cindy. Just a possibility as they are really hanging on to this thought.
I sat quietly (except for some head banging on desk and wishing I could reach through my screen and give Baez a smack on the side of the head) watching this hearing and couldn't even bring myself to add to the running commentary with thanks to the posters who did.

Geez - what to say! Baez is a MORON - I would think he'd get bored making a complete *advertiser censored* of himself over and over again - but NO! We get to see it again.

Wow - and Missie Casey no longer thinks he is her hero - did you see the looks on her face she gave him? Whew!

And Cheney? Good thing he has a mustache and beard - but even he wasn't able to hide his expression of resigned amazement - instead of the poker face he wanted.

Nejame - 10/10 - Baez - 1/10 Baez gets one point for showing up.

And welcome to the 474 (some WSers and some guests) we've had on this thread.

Maybe he should have stayed home today.:loser:
Sorry...I just coldn't resist.
Seriously, I was actually laughing while watching todays sad attempts.

WHY won't Baez just go to NeJames office and do his job already/:banghead:duh
I wonder if ms. inmate thought things went just swell today.:loser:
Poor Caylee.:cry:
"That means that somebody else was involved. Doesn't mean that somebody else did the actual killing."

Mark my words, GA under the bus.....fits right in with the suicide attempt, all the grieving, etc. He disposed of the body in a stupor, trying to protect his loving daughter from her wicked mother.......he knew CA would kill KC, so he covered up her crime.

Yeah, right.
I think what Mason is saying is if she didn't put the body there then logic would say she might not have been the one to kill her since someone else had the body.

That was not how it sounded when he said it if that is what he meant. I have listened to it about 10 times now. "Doesn't mean that necessarily somebody else did the actual killing..."
I volunteered with TES on three different days. While I am waiting for JS's ruling on this motion, I am practicing hanging up my phone very loudly - just in case JB gets his way and all the documents are released to the defense. While I am practicing hanging up my phone very loudly, I am trying to think of something appropriate to say just before I slam the phone down. I have come up with a few possibilities, but since I really like it here at WS and don't want to get a time out or banned, I can't tell you all what I am thinking of saying, so just use your imagination :)
Overall I think Jb did a good job today. He established that these records could hold the key to the truth or the pathway to the truth. At any rate the records are very important to the fair trial system. I was surprized to see the SA siding with Tes. If they say there is nothing in the records, then why object to the defense seeing them?

I think the Judge understood to just look at 4000 records with your eyes and not be able to record them is pretty much useless. The Judge should have known this when he made the first order. Now it comes back to haunt him.

I believe he will side with the defense on this issue, otherwise the defense will go to Mn office and flag every single record for review by the judge. Time to quit trying to hide things and put the evidence on the table. It is the state that is causing all these delays. The defense has a right to investigate and the Judge should support them in anyway he can.

Mn did not make a good argument at all for keeping the records secret and keeping the records from the court. I was under the understanding that he was a really good Lawyer. Not impressed at all. The truth shall prevail, Mn, Tm, and Sa do not have a monopoly on the truth. IMO

You are joking, right?
Overall I think Jb did a good job today. He established that these records could hold the key to the truth or the pathway to the truth. At any rate the records are very important to the fair trial system. I was surprized to see the SA siding with Tes. If they say there is nothing in the records, then why object to the defense seeing them?

I think the Judge understood to just look at 4000 records with your eyes and not be able to record them is pretty much useless. The Judge should have known this when he made the first order. Now it comes back to haunt him.

I believe he will side with the defense on this issue, otherwise the defense will go to Mn office and flag every single record for review by the judge. Time to quit trying to hide things and put the evidence on the table. It is the state that is causing all these delays. The defense has a right to investigate and the Judge should support them in anyway he can.

Mn did not make a good argument at all for keeping the records secret and keeping the records from the court. I was under the understanding that he was a really good Lawyer. Not impressed at all. The truth shall prevail, Mn, Tm, and Sa do not have a monopoly on the truth. IMO

They are not objecting to them seeing them just the fashoin in which is done.
LOL! Oh, that was good.

JS all ready knew the imporance of the records. He also knows the importance of keeping them private. He has all ready compormised by allowing the Defense to go look at the records. And IF they find ANY records, all they need is pull the file. That file will be sent to the Judge for him to review.

What does JB need to take notes for? If the file is relivent, then he will get a whole copy of it.
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