2010.04.05 Hearing Today Monday 10am EST

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I would expect they would only ask for information on the searchers, not the rest of ws. That being said, I would expect Tricia to cooperate with the courts. If the Judge feels the information is pertinent and ask for the records, then I would expect her to turn them over. I would not expect her to put up a huge fight, and I doubt that she would have to. Everything is wide open here for anyone to see. I don't expect Tricia to protect me, or pay to have me represented. I am responsible for my own actions. If I were on a search mission, I would know darned well that I could stumble upon a body and end up in court. I would not expect any protection, I am a grown up and can take care of myself. IMO

And with that, you just made the same point TES has made.

Baez wants to show people searched the area by Suburban Dr. where Caylee's remains were found, and found nothing. Therefore, he does not need the identifying info on the searchers around the airport, the searchers around J. Blanchard Park, and/or the searchers in the countless other areas.

Regardless, the records for every single searcher associated with TES have been made available to Baez. He simply is not allowed to walk out with them. The records of the 32 people who did search in the Suburban Drive area were copied and hand delivered to Baez's office by NeJame's office, as a courtesy, because they certainly did not have to do it. He can go to NeJame's office, go through every single record there, flag the ones he finds relevant, jot a little note of why he thinks they are relevant, and if the judge determines they are indeed relevant, Baez will be allowed copies of those records as well.

JMHO, I don't think it is a concern about having to appear in court, I think it is more of a concern of having all your identifying info out there floating around in cyberspace, which is certainly not unfounded.

The point is the only thing standing in the way of Baez having access to any more of the searchers records other than the 32 he has been given is Baez getting off his lazy behind and going through them. No one is stopping him, hiding records, etc. etc.
Overall I think Jb did a good job today. He established that these records could hold the key to the truth or the pathway to the truth. At any rate the records are very important to the fair trial system. I was surprized to see the SA siding with Tes. If they say there is nothing in the records, then why object to the defense seeing them?

I think the Judge understood to just look at 4000 records with your eyes and not be able to record them is pretty much useless. The Judge should have known this when he made the first order. Now it comes back to haunt him.

I believe he will side with the defense on this issue, otherwise the defense will go to Mn office and flag every single record for review by the judge. Time to quit trying to hide things and put the evidence on the table. It is the state that is causing all these delays. The defense has a right to investigate and the Judge should support them in anyway he can.

Mn did not make a good argument at all for keeping the records secret and keeping the records from the court. I was under the understanding that he was a really good Lawyer. Not impressed at all. The truth shall prevail, Mn, Tm, and Sa do not have a monopoly on the truth. IMO

I some what agree. I feel that both attorneys made their point heard. It looks bad on JB that he did not even bother to go down and attempt to go through the evidence though. Had he have done that his argument today would have been stronger. Then he could say, "I attempted to look through it all and it was in no order and impossible to keep track of with out writing down notes or making copies." The fact that he did not do that...gives TES some valid ground. I mean how do you know it is impossible until you try??

I like how TES used JB words against him and said "This IS a capital murder case" Which means JB needs to MAKE the time to at least attempt to do this.

That being said, I feel that the defense should be given access to all records, copies and all. It is only fair in my opinion. I like how JB said "Why don't we want the truth to come out?" In my mind, with out having these records gives reasonable doubt. I say give them everything and then you will get you conviction. Leave no room for doubt. The exact location is hard to track and in my opinion too many people are saying it was under water, not including the remains themselves says this. One or two people saying otherwise is not going to hurt the states case at all. It is just too hard to pin point the exact location and it is easy to search the same place and not have someone see it. I can't count how many times my kids told me they looked in a spot for something and could not find it, only to have me go and find it within minutes in the same spot. This is a mute point to me. The body was there. Whether it was spotted or not is not relevant. IMO Just give him the documents so they can find something else to cry about.
In the interest of conserving space I will post what I shared with a friend today off the forum.....That way...logicalgirl will see I was present and accounted for yet didn't attend roll call.

He has not ruled on anything yet. He said it would be end of the day at the earliest or Wed at the latest. After the live feeds went off.....Tru TV stayed on as they typically do and they interviewed Baez and Mason. I find a few things about their interview curious.

Let's remember when Mason first came out of the gates.....he stated that he offered his assistance and that he thought it would be "fun". According to his comments today after the hearing....he is now saying that "he was asked to join" and that his belief is that all the evidence thus far is exculpatory and that nothing ties KC to this crime. He also stated that with his experience he wants to do some good.

Baez stated that he was NOT going to file a motion against the release of the letters because nothing in them even comes close to a confession and that while his client will take a hit for a few comments she made in them, that there would be far more speculation if he fought against the release. He downplayed the fact that KC broke the rules by saying that she was "allowed to exchange letters". Totally bypassing the issue of her knowingly breaking the jail rules. Then when asked if he was going to follow up on the guards that passed the letters he stated they would follow up on everything.

Mason and Baez stated that they will be having a budget hearing with the JAC soon...... That they are only expecting a level playing field (read......they will demand dollar for dollar budget) nothing more....nothing less. It looks like they will be creating quite a stir with the JAC regarding their financial constraints.

I noticed that Andrea was NOT in the courtroom today and wonder if now that her initial book tour is over, she will be limiting her involvement because she has already gotten most of the mitigation out of the way. Notably, Baez in court played a scene right out of the Andrea Lyon how to make impact statements and "STORYTELLING" lectures playbook. JB was rebutting an argument presented by Nejame and he turned and said "the state wants to kill my client (maybe said KC)" and we can not save her life if we are "handcuffed at every turn". Remember the infamous Andrea story where she handcuffed herself to the witness box?????
If nothing else...at least he has listened to something and seems to have retained it.

Noticed he had a handsome new pocket square to match his tie.

I also found curious, the fact that he lambasted Nejame in court for calling press conferences and doing interviews yet not 40 minutes later......there he was sitting for an exclusive in all his glory. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

At the end of the hearing the defense team and SA office held a brief private (in the hallway) meeting and KC was left to sit at the table and wait. Never once did she turn to her family. I swear I heard someone off camera saying "KC KC" though it may have just been whispering. BUT NEVER once did she attempt to even turn her head.
Tm said on Ng that it would be a cold day in **** before he would let the defense see any records. So I respectfully disagree. This is an all out war. They are not going to be reasonable. They may have to go to Texas, afterall thats where Le found Lb's records. Talk about a coincidence. This is not a law suit, this is a capital case and the truth needs to prevail here. The Judge can decide to hold the truth at bay here if he chooses, but it would only result in an appeal later on. Three cheers for the truth, lets get everything out on the table so we can all move on. IMO

Link please?
This thread will be closing soon. Please find the appropriate threads for discussing topics you are most interested in that came up from this hearing. Thank you!
Woohoo. I think Stan Strickland is an outstanding Judge who follows the Law. Thank goodness for his voice of reason in this matter. Baez has NO reasonable excuse for not filtering through those files on his own... ridiculous, to say the least. I hope he has to pay for TM/TES court costs today! I am happy at this ruling!

Motion Denied After Tempers Flare During Casey Hearing

Updated: 4:55 pm EDT April 5,2010

"Snip" http://www.wftv.com/news/23053460/detail.html

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Lawyers yelled in court Monday during the latest hearing in Casey Anthony's murder case, but Casey sat expressionless, rarely cracking a smile and hardly saying a word to her lawyers. In the end, Judge Stan Strickland denied Casey's defense team their request (read order).

JUDGE'S ORDER: Judge Denies Defense Request http://www.wftv.com/pdf/23059303/detail.html

CASEY ARRIVES: Raw Video http://www.wftv.com/video/23054538/index.html

See Images: http://www.wftv.com/slideshow/news/23054592/detail.html


Part 1 http://www.wftv.com/video/23056801/index.html

Part 2 http://www.wftv.com/video/23057236/index.html

VIDEO REPORT: Casey Attends Court Hearing http://www.clickorlando.com/video/23056497/index.html

Thank you for your help my friend, but I was looking for an alternate link that was not wftv, because it never streams right for me there. I can't find anywhere else who has the hearing in it's entirety.
Ok, here is a simple solution to this no brainer problem that JB has created.

I would propose to MN that he amend the motion to allow only JB to bring one sheet of paper, one pencil and only write down the page number of the TES records he wants to further review. Oh and JB has to be patted down to ensure that no cell phone/PDA or any other electronic device is on his person while reviewing the documents. Not that we don't trust ya, JB. JB is the only defense member to be permitted in the room along with a member of NMs staff to supervise this review of documents. And also the inspect the pencil and sheet of paper JB has written (if he does) on when he is finished. No food, drinks of potty breaks allowed, however MN staff may be replaced with another during the inspection of documents.

Upon getting these TES page numbers, he then can go back to Judge Strickland (as written in the denial motion) with a new motion stating why he should see this/these specific TES record(s).

By the way, Judge Strickland made the correct decision to deny JB's motion. And to respond to JB's comment about "wanting the truth to come out" ..... JB .... if your client would acknowledge her participation in Caylee's murder, you would have the truth and spare yourself and the taxpayers of Fla a tax increase to cover this trial. It's beyond the time for JB to drink a bucketful and more of common sense kool-aid.
That being said, I feel that the defense should be given access to all records, copies and all.

..but that was the point made by NJ---------from the previous order of aug.09---------baez was to COME to NJ's office , have full access to all 4000 searchers records--------flag those they deemed relevant--the judge would then look at them, decide if they were in fact relevant and if so, baez and co. would get copies of those as well.

..the door to NJ's office has been open to baez since aug.09--------baez has not bothered to step through it.

..therefore the judge ruled today that he was not "modifying" his order since last aug, it remains the same.

..basically telling baez, you haven't followed THAT order yet.

..and for baez to whine and complain that the records are " a mess, or in no particluar order" ( or some such thing) ---conway managed to go through them, LDB went through them...

..baez is simply lazy, and wanted the easy way out of having the copy co. bring it all TO him..

..no shock that the judge changed nothing today------since baez has done nothing re: these records since last august.

..the only thing new today---------was baez proved that he himself can continue to make a bigger fool of himself at any given oppurtunity. ( wait----------that's nothing new..)
With the remains, no. IIRC, I believe the defense had stated that there were several hairs found inside the car. But with the remains, that's news to me.

Sounds like he might be referring to the hairs that were found on the garbage in the bag from KC's trunk after Dr. Lee found one when he went to examine the car, etc.

I love the way (NOT :banghead:) that C. Mason tho, implies that the hair was with the remains, by not really telling where the hair was actually found. Just more chit thrown out to the public to try for reasonable doubt with the jury pool.

Let's just complete all those depos you haven't had time (money actually) for, Jose, and get to the dang trial. Keep your fat *SS outta the media and do some freakin' work for a change! :furious:
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