2010.04.05 Hearing Today Monday 10am EST

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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:rant: 4000 TES volunteers searched for Caylee, I am of the opinion that out of that 4000+ Not one Anthony was a member, nor DC and Hoover. :furious:
I see something very wrong with that picture now, as I did then. All the items that were found in the past, George Anthony Seen Near Woods Where Teams Searched For Caylee, near Hoffner Avenue in east Orange County .
November, 2008. Dominic searching the area near where the remains were found in Nov, sent a red flag alert right away to me. Could it be someone was throwing off the searchers by planting so called evidence? I remember when Cindy got so mad at Tim when he said he would come back and search the area later because it was underwater and he didn't want to destroy little Caylee's remains if she were there. The defense has the nerve to want to expose 4000+ searchers for what reason? People put themselves in harms way to search for Caylee and this is the thanks and respect they get? I pray the judge finally puts Baez in his place! :truce:
Well its probably for another thread, but I disagree. Both pieces of Dna are not accounted for at all. IMO If you could provide a link to an official document that shows that both pieces are accounted for. I will gladly put this to rest. thanks
Look in the docs released 9/29/09. There were two unidentified...one was the lab technician ...one was a partial (tape) and was assumed to be "unidentified"...at least then it was...not sure if somewhere else it later came out whose it was.
The point I think your missing though NTS is that TES, TM, and MN, were compliant with the courts order. The files were at MN's office for the defense to review as was directed by the court order. The defense failed to comply with that order. This current motion by the defense would hold greater weight if the defense actually showed up to review the files in accordance with the Judges order. I personally don't see where the defense provided enough of an argument to over turn the original order considering that the defense failed to follow that original order. In fact MN's office was nice enough to "hand deliver" the 32 files of searchers because the defense never picked them up.

The original order by the Judge was very clear. TES and it's representatives have complied fully with the order. The Defense has not. The defense was ordered to go review those files at MN's office and they didn't do so....period.

The defense did comply in my opinion. They sent in an proffessional company to look at the records. After all, the records are un organized. Furthermore, just based on what so many people say, Jb is not intellegent enough to handle this kind of job. Mn denied access. So there you have it. Moo
This motion being denied did not come soon enough for this HEATED thread.
The defense did comply in my opinion. They sent in an proffessional company to look at the records. After all, the records are un organized. Furthermore, just based on what so many people say, Jb is not intellegent enough to handle this kind of job. Mn denied access. So there you have it. Moo

MN said in the hearing today that that company was a copy company, to make copies for defense.
I haven't had the time to catch up on this thread...promise I will later...but whatever happened with RK? Didn't he supposedly report in August that he thought he saw "something"? I'm confused by what the defense hopes to accomplish with this? First they seemed to want to discredit RK with JK's testimony and when that backlashed they veered in another direction? Are they saying that RK not only did the dastardly deed, but also moved the body when Casey was in jail so it would look like she didn't do it? Now, does this make any sense to anyone?
Judge to Casey Anthony defense: Look at records before requesting more access

Judge could issue order today regarding volunteer records

By Amy L. Edwards, Bianca Prieto and Sarah Lundy, Orlando Sentinel

4:37 p.m. EDT, April 5, 2010
"Snip" http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news...nthony-court-hearing-20100405,0,6990498.story

After listening to two attorneys bicker about access to records earlier today, Judge Stan Strickland ordered Casey Anthony's defense team to look at records that have been available to them for seven months.

Strickland today denied a request by the defense for all records from Texas EquuSearch, a volunteer group whose members looked for missing Caylee Marie Anthony in 2008.

However, Strickland ordered the defense go through records of 32 searchers, records that have been available since late August in a local attorney's office.

If the defense needs access to more records, it is free to request those, Strickland said in a three-page ruling.

EquuSearch claims 32 people searched the woods around the location where the remains were found but that they did not go to the exact spot because the area was flooded at the time.

Attorney: Records are available for inspection

Texas EquuSearch attorney Mark NeJame fired back at Baez's claims, saying Baez has had plenty of time and access to view all the volunteer records. He called Baez's lack of doing so "either laziness or sloppiness."

NeJame said Texas EquuSearch can't be responsible for what searches people did on their own time, separate from the organization.

The defense did comply in my opinion. They sent in an proffessional company to look at the records. After all, the records are un organized. Furthermore, just based on what so many people say, Jb is not intellegent enough to handle this kind of job. Mn denied access. So there you have it. Moo

MN did not deny access to JB - MN denied a "copy company" from coming to his office and making copies, and rightfully so, it would have been against the Judges order.
Orlando News Channel 13 just reported that JS has ruled that TES does not have to turn over it's records. No link yet, it just came over the wires.

Yeah! Baez shot down in flames again! :woohoo:
I haven't had the time to catch up on this thread...promise I will later...but whatever happened with RK? Didn't he supposedly report in August that he thought he saw "something"? I'm confused by what the defense hopes to accomplish with this? First they seemed to want to discredit RK with JK's testimony and when that backlashed they veered in another direction? Are they saying that RK not only did the dastardly deed, but also moved the body when Casey was in jail so it would look like she didn't do it? Now, does this make any sense to anyone?

Running around in circles comes to mind..
The defense did comply in my opinion. They sent in an proffessional company to look at the records. After all, the records are un organized. Furthermore, just based on what so many people say, Jb is not intellegent enough to handle this kind of job. Mn denied access. So there you have it. Moo
Where did this information come from? He sent in a professional company of "readers"? I'm confused.

ETA: and if JB isn't "intelligent" as you claim (because others think so), then what business does he have representing his DP eligible client?
The defense did comply in my opinion. They sent in an proffessional company to look at the records. After all, the records are un organized. Furthermore, just based on what so many people say, Jb is not intellegent enough to handle this kind of job. Mn denied access. So there you have it. Moo

No, they tried to send in a company to COPY the records. Ain't gonna happen based on the ruling that JS set forth.
Please tell me what is wrong with JB or his team in doing the job they were hired to do???? The company they were going to send in were going to (I repeat) COPY the documents. :banghead:
Wow. I missed the entire thing.

Is there another site that has the full video of the hearing besides WFTV? I checked the news links and didn't see anything. I also checked Patty's youtube but she just linked back to wftv lol.

I always have trouble with that site streaming video. It has to buffer every 2secs. Any help or alternate sites would be appreciated!
Tm said on Ng that it would be a cold day in **** before he would let the defense see any records. So I respectfully disagree. This is an all out war. They are not going to be reasonable. They may have to go to Texas, afterall thats where Le found Lb's records. Talk about a coincidence. This is not a law suit, this is a capital case and the truth needs to prevail here. The Judge can decide to hold the truth at bay here if he chooses, but it would only result in an appeal later on. Three cheers for the truth, lets get everything out on the table so we can all move on. IMO

This is not a fact, nor is it a true statement.
JB has access, all he has to do is "show up" which he doesn't seem to have a problem doing if there is a camera involved.
No, they tried to send in a company to COPY the records. Ain't gonna happen based on the ruling that JS set forth.
Please tell me what is wrong with JB or his team in doing the job they were hired to do???? The company they were going to send in were going to (I repeat) COPY the documents. :banghead:

Don't forget that once they were told that they wouldn't be able to copy the documents, they wanted MN to FAX the docs over to JB's office..
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