2010.04.05 Hearing Today Monday 10am EST

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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With the remains, no. IIRC, I believe the defense had stated that there were several hairs found inside the car. But with the remains, that's news to me.

Well it was reported that there was a 3rd party piece of dna on the duct tape that did not belong to Kc, Caylee or any Fbi agent. So that may be what he is refferring too.
EXACTLY! It is without a doubt the most tedious, mundane, trying work ever, BUT it IS NECESSARY. You can get so bored that you might miss something substantial, so...guess what? You go through them again. It is a total PIA, but it is the job of the atty./paralegal who wants to find the relevancy. And, honestly, though it sounds like a lot of docs, 4,000 pgs is not THAT much. Baez just wants to invade the privacy of every.single.searcher in hopes of finding a few other to throw under a caravan of buses.

Anyone who has ever worked in the legal field knows he is making a total idiot of himself and insulting Judge Strickland.

Amen! I laughed out loud your post. If JB's method of not-really-caring-about-the-facts worked, everyone would do it! Law firms don't run sweatshop type doc reviews because they like torturing their paralegals and associates. Think of all the money in bandaids and bribery-snacks they'd save if you could do it JBs way. :banghead:
Well it was reported that there was a 3rd party piece of dna on the duct tape that did not belong to Kc, Caylee or any Fbi agent. So that may be what he is refferring too.

You mean like B Conway reported on CNN that there was NO duct tape on Caylee????
uh huh.
I don't. I wish I did :) I have it on my dvr and was rewinding it there. I looked on the In Session website, but don't see the interview posted there. I don't know if they do that or not.

Lots of people online are talking about it and it will be on Youtube before long.
It will be titled- Mr Mason makes his debut and inserts foot carelessly into mouth! ha
I may be wrong here, but JB is arguing that he doesn't have all the searchers who searched Suburban, BUT he is arguing LB searched and never found Caylee even though she never was listed as a searcher there. Is that correct?
You mean like B Conway reported on CNN that there was NO duct tape on Caylee????
uh huh.

Mason and conway are one and the same at this point. I have no respect for either of them.
YAY! The hearing is being aired on TruTV on the west coast now!
Well it was reported that there was a 3rd party piece of dna on the duct tape that did not belong to Kc, Caylee or any Fbi agent. So that may be what he is refferring too.

AH, thank you for reminding me. This hair could very well be the mystery dna.
EXACTLY! It is without a doubt the most tedious, mundane, trying work ever, BUT it IS NECESSARY. You can get so bored that you might miss something substantial, so...guess what? You go through them again. It is a total PIA, but it is the job of the atty./paralegal who wants to find the relevancy. And, honestly, though it sounds like a lot of docs, 4,000 pgs is not THAT much. Baez just wants to invade the privacy of every.single.searcher in hopes of finding a few other to throw under a caravan of buses.

Anyone who has ever worked in the legal field knows he is making a total idiot of himself and insulting Judge Strickland.

Baez seems to think his best bet is playing to the cameras and the public. Otherwise he would not be running his case this way. Just look at how he is making an *advertiser censored* of himself in front of JS. He is not helping himself or his client with this "performance" but then I should not be shocked. I can't see where he has mounted much of a defense, but then, how EXACTLY do you go about defending the indefensible? :tsktsk:
Here. Have a Twix. :)

Thanks! But, I really need a stiff cocktail, I think. ;)

First, KC and Baez....then Tiger Woods yapping in 30 minutes at his presser. What I REALLY need is a hot shower. lol
Overall I think Jb did a good job today. He established that these records could hold the key to the truth or the pathway to the truth. At any rate the records are very important to the fair trial system. I was surprized to see the SA siding with Tes. If they say there is nothing in the records, then why object to the defense seeing them?

I think the Judge understood to just look at 4000 records with your eyes and not be able to record them is pretty much useless. The Judge should have known this when he made the first order. Now it comes back to haunt him.

I believe he will side with the defense on this issue, otherwise the defense will go to Mn office and flag every single record for review by the judge. Time to quit trying to hide things and put the evidence on the table. It is the state that is causing all these delays. The defense has a right to investigate and the Judge should support them in anyway he can.

Mn did not make a good argument at all for keeping the records secret and keeping the records from the court. I was under the understanding that he was a really good Lawyer. Not impressed at all. The truth shall prevail, Mn, Tm, and Sa do not have a monopoly on the truth. IMO


MN isn't keeping anything secret. Baez is welcome to come to MN's office and review the 4000 records anytime he wants. The court has sanctioned this. If there are any records, other than the 32 the SA has identified as being relevant that Baez wants, he's been instructed to approach the court and have the judge make a decision on relevancy.

All those files have been waiting for Baez to review in MN's office. AND MN personally delivered the 32 most pertinent files to Baez at his office.

It was a court ruling last year that it be done this way. Baez unfortunately hasn't found the time to follow it.

I can't agree Baez did well in court today however. The word Dufus fits.
AH, thank you for reminding me. This hair could very well be the mystery dna.

I never heard it was a "hair" that was the mystery DNA..Does NTS have a link to back that up?
No rulings yet. Later today or Tomarrow, per the Judge. Not sure on the videos.

I think it is just easier for JS to say - "NO WAY JOSE" in writing, without putting up with the obvious whining that will follow.

And to give Baez the impression he actually had to think about it.
Well it was reported that there was a 3rd party piece of dna on the duct tape that did not belong to Kc, Caylee or any Fbi agent. So that may be what he is refferring too.

This is incorrect. The DNA on the duct tape was consistent with one of the FBI agents. There was a hair at the crime scene that was not Casey or Caylee's, but I can't recall exactly where it was found.

A picture is worth 1000 words.
Mason and conway are one and the same at this point. I have no respect for either of them.

Whoever coined the phrase "Liar for Hire" hit the nail on the head..:innocent:
All this nonsense about JJ. The police brought him in and he said it was all nonsense he should have never said what he did. Nobody went past the cooler and baby blanket found because of the water that was there.

JJ was acting like a detective and he was wrong with the assumptions he was jumping to and admitted to it under questioning by the police.
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