2010.04.06 KC's jail house letters released

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One of the things that really stands out in these letters is just how dull KC is, how boring and unimaginative and cliched and vain and dreary. She seems to view herself as an artist and an intellectual and a theologian, but she is just a mindless consumer and platitudinous parroter of pop culture sprinkled with hearts and biblical references.
Even if she wasn't charged with being a cold-blooded killer I would be repulsed by her.
I don't know that Baez truly read these letters. Inmate Anthony makes reference to the cholorform she used to put Cays to sleep and that her mother brought it home from work. How Zenaida really didn't exist..

Inmate Robyn Adams, who interacted with Casey verbally in jail and through dozens of letters, told investigators Casey told her that Caylee had trouble sleeping and she had to use chloroform to put her to sleep. Also, Casey implied to Robyn Adams that her mother, Cindy Anthony, brought chloroform home from the clinic where she worked.

Also mentions Zany, how she forgives her and knows she didn't do this to Caylee and she doesn't blame her for not showing her face..WTH? Woman is delusional..

She also wrote to inmate Robyn Adams, "I know that Caylee's nanny, the real Zenaida, the girl who was my friend for four years, I know in my heart that she's not responsible. And I don't blame her for not showing her face." Casey also said she "was going to take Caylee and move away. Unfortunately, my plans got beyond tangled when Zanny wouldn't tell me where she and Cays were.

"However, Casey confided to Adams that there was no “Zenaida.”

Adams also told investigators that, on the day Caylee was found and after the jail chaplain already told Casey that Caylee’s remains had been found, Casey told Adams that Caylee was found in a baby blanket in a black trash bag. However, the chaplain didn't know that at the time.

She talks about mental, physical and sexual abuse. Lee used to come into her room, sit on the floor with a flashlight, always touching her breasts and thinks her father did too. Told her mom, who didn't believe her and asked if that's why she's a *advertiser censored*..Inmate Anthony states she only been with 7 guys if that makes her a *advertiser censored*!

This to me in regards to Caylee and the nanny are very damning but good for the prosecution. There is no way to sever her ties with the cholorform and now Inmate Anthony states Zany is not responsible in one breathe then in another breath, there was no Zenaida...BOMBSHELL???

She is very angry with CA...

Derkovic told Melich during the interview that, when Casey would return to her cell from visits with her family, she would make derogatory remarks about her mother Cindy. Seems Caylee was more important to her and now she knows what it feels like to miss someone and feel pain!

“Her parents would come and that’s when she would make comments about her mom. And I asked her, ’Well how was your visit and how did it go?’ And she’ll make comments like, ’Well it’s alright; at least the b**** knows how I feel now,'" Derkovic told Melich. “She’ll talk about, well, how her mom never really cared about her that much. All she cared about was Caylee and she knows what it fells like to miss somebody and to feel pain and stuff like that.”

Baez has been taking letters in and out of jail from Inmate Anthony to her parents. Does he truly want to get disbarred??? Why would he even risk it. She is enamored with him, refers to him as her "daddy", he's a good friend. She feels she is a celebrity, wants to make herself 'pretty' for court.

She's found God and thinks he communicates to her through "sneezes"! She prays for her parents enlightenment...woman is delusion, she thinks she and Robyn will travel when they are released from jail. They will get an RV and trek around the globe...Baez is doing a bad deed if he is convicing Inmate Anthony of this alleged acquittal he's looking forward to. He may want to rethink his strategy and get Inmate Anthony to plead guilty and save her life now. He may wind up with no license to defend anyone after this. He's breaking the rules, she's breaking the rules and thinks it's exciting to do so. I think this is the most damning evidence to date, the prosecution must be in their glory for they now have a motive, IMO...the hatred for her mother, just as grandma Plesea stated, KC hated Cindy more than she loved Caylee...this should be the prosecutions closing....poor Caylee, the more I think about her, the more I see, this precious child was only a pawn in these two womans' sick minds...JMHO

Justice for Caylee is getting closer.....:dance:
Ok - I'm up this morning with fresh mind and fresh eyes. It has occurred to me that JB and team knows how totally wacked this girl is, and in his inexperienced, stupid way thinks he can get her off on a "not guilty by reason of insanity" defense. Hence (or "hints") his "she is not guilty and you will find out at trial" statements. He thinks if all of her wackyness is shown in court, her upbringing with wacko parents, etc. she will get off. Truly, he doesn't understand the insanity defense. You know, let's go to the mat with thing and see what happens instead of pleading her out from the get go. Nothing else makes sense. Yes she one sick puppy, but she's not insane and she clearly knew the difference between right and wrong, or why else hid the body in the trunk of your car. Why not just say "oops"?

Unless her lead "guy" is a delusional as she is. I hope the new cracker jack attorney does the smart thing and plays let's make a deal with the SA.
LE is under no obligation to inform Baez of details during their investigations, and in fact, Baez wasn't even allowed to enter into Caylee's dump site if you remember.

LE kept him out, where he belonged.
. Yep, as a matter of fact, the remains were not even identified as Caylee's for several days. I really don't believe they would have told JB anything. Would LOVE to see the jailhouse video of KC when she hears about it. I don't think this is going to trial. Of course ,KC might be willing to gamble with her life. She may insist on taking this all way,like she walked down the hallway at Universal .
Do you think, after reading the letters, that Lee, George and Cindy will suddenly start sitting on the prosecution side of the courtroom? I could see it :)

I see cindy saying the same ole thing......."Nothing to see here ,folks.Move along.Nothing incriminating in these letters. Those other jailbirds are probably lying to save their own skins,but not MY jailbird.Those other girls in jail are way worse than KC. ". CA had the audacity to take a very pregnant KC to a family wedding and claim she was not pregnant.She will also have the audacity to say there's nothing to these letters and the jail house snitches.She will continue to sit at the bus stop . Question : LE subpeoned the A's computer. Who's computer were they using to e-mail letters to JB to pass to KC ? Lee's? The Milstead's? Holly G? The Library?
In jailhouse letters, Casey admitted there is no nanny and that she used chloroform on Caylee. (04/06/10)

Hey, I know that's what some news stations are reporting but it is not true.

There is nothing like that in the letters. Those statements are from witness testimonies about Casey Anthony, not something she put down in writing herself.
Okay, creepy. Page 139

"May the sun shine it's healing on you, the moon bring it's quiet rest to you, the stars fill your spirit with peace... and may you know how much you are thought of everyday."

I think she's getting this crap from the cards her "fans" send to her. :sick: It sure sounds like a Hallmark moment.
Ok - I'm up this morning with fresh mind and fresh eyes. It has occurred to me that JB and team knows how totally wacked this girl is, and in his inexperienced, stupid way thinks he can get her off on a "not guilty by reason of insanity" defense. Hence (or "hints") his "she is not guilty and you will find out at trial" statements. He thinks if all of her wackyness is shown in court, her upbringing with wacko parents, etc. she will get off. Truly, he doesn't understand the insanity defense. You know, let's go to the mat with thing and see what happens instead of pleading her out from the get go. Nothing else makes sense. Yes she one sick puppy, but she's not insane and she clearly knew the difference between right and wrong, or why else hid the body in the trunk of your car. Why not just say "oops"?

Unless her lead "guy" is a delusional as she is. I hope the new cracker jack attorney does the smart thing and plays let's make a deal with the SA.
I am awake this morning too, but can't confirm it's with a fresh mind.

I agree that there is some feigning going on here with these letters. I don't remember Casey ever having delusions related to sneezing episodes, prompted by a sign from God. In fact, I don't remember her ever mentioning God or anything religious, before all of this transformation took place.

I think a plea deal is down the road (IF Jose's ego will allow), and if the state feels like offering her anything, other than what she is facing now. Personally, I would like to see this go to trial. Watching Casey squirm, in her seat, while her daughters murder is detailed in front of her, would make it worth while for me. I want her to go to prison for a long time, so that having children, riding around in an RV and opening up a sports bar are only figments of her vivid imagination.
I do not see evidence of a spiritual change and her comments about the Lord are next to blasphemy, IMO. I am not her judge, no I'm not. But I don't see any spiritual fruit in her and hope that people reading this don't believe that her comments in these letters are Christian.

<stepping off soap box>

Pardon me for saying, but one's super-natural beliefs should have little bearing in assigning guilt ... or punishment.

Remorse for one's actions is not predicated on a belief in gods.
For those who keep throwing up the bipolar thing. I am bipolar, and so are several family members. Just because you are bipolar does NOT make you a liar or a murderer, which Casey is. I am just not seeing how people think KC is Bipolar. Bipolar individuals switch between moods, not thoughts. If anything KC seems ADHD, but not bipolar! I do not see her having manic phases, where she goes from being extremely depressed to being happy, which is what bipolar people do. In the two years I have followed this case I see nothing Bipolar about Casey. ADHD yes, Narcissistic yes, social path yes, pure evil yes, but not bipolar.
SO please stop talking as though murderers are all bipolar because that is not true, nor is it fair to state such things... I see it everywhere, ohhh...she killed her kid she is bipolar, she robbed a bank she is bipolar, she is crazy she is bipolar. People need to look into what bipolar is, and besides Casey was seen by a psychiatrist when she was first arrested and it was not diagnosed then and has yet to be diagnosed.

ITA that all murderers are not bipolar. Some might happen to have bipolar but yes they might be just pure evil. I (as some family members) have been dx'd having bipolar (nos), PMDD, major depression, anxiety and ADD. I too think it's ridiculous when you hear someone robbed a bank, etc and they report the person has bipolar because people who don't know anything about bipolar automatically think that's why they committed the crime.

It's JMOO that KC might be bipolar or have some type of mental disorder as I said before. I absolutely DO NOT believe that's why she killed her daughter. It's just my feeling/opinion, that's all.

So not to confuse people, I won't use the B word anymore. Now to get back on topic... :)
ps...hmm are these letters why the SA want transcriptions for Aug hearing???

The judge asked Mrs. Drane Burdick to get the transcript; because she ( mistakenly, imo) mentioned in court that in that hearing the defense waived the argument that TES was an agent of the State, Baez said no they did not.

I like, trust and respect Mrs. DB, but she is mistaken. I remember exactly what happened around that topic in that hearing in August. The judge said after some back and forth with Baez and Nejame, no one has waived it, I just didn't address it.
So once they get the transcript and everyone's memory is refreshed, they will schedule a hearing on the matter for the judge to determine in TES was acting as an agent of the state. No worries about this, she had witnesses available to testify on the matter in August and I trust she will simply avail them to the court on the hearing date. Not to worry at all!

On page 74 of the letters Casey is saying that Brad filed a bar complaint against Baez. Do we know if that is correct? I only knew of the Judge's and also Dominic's. One thing we learned in the letters is what we have guessed all along, the defense team and the parents are at odds, big time, and the we stand by our daughter mantra is an act. Baez and Brad do not agree on things, no kidding.
Sorry if this has already been posted -- I'm only on page 2 of the letters...but wasn't Casey already pregnant when she hooked up with Jesse? I thought that was common knowledge, but she's saying on page 1-2, something to the effect of him taking a paternity test....but why since she knew he wasn't the father...?
Am I missing something?

ETA: OK, I'm on still on the first letter....is she (Casey) just desperate for someone to "like" her, or is she flirting with this girl she's writing to? She says she has "exotic" looks (Cookie)...but from the pics I've seen of her, she looks like she's been through the wringer frontwards, backwards and sideways...
We don't know what Jb knew. I am sure he was being updated by the hour. Sa is obligated to inform him of investigations by law. How can you state it as fact that he didn't know. What is your source? My source is the law. He is to be informed of investigations. IMO

No he specifically was not. This we know. In fact his "team" of investigators was specifically barred from the remains site while it was under active investigation. The sum total of the information comunicated to him were that human remains, possibly those of a child, had been discovered in an area that could possibly be related to his clients case. The state and the coroner were specifically barred by law from releasing anything further then that to the defense. I seem to recall that Dr. G spelled this out explicitly in one of the few brief press conferences she held at the time. Until Caylee was positively identified by the coroner and her findings released to the public, JB would have no right to any information of that investigation. (what is the remains were not in fact Caylee. The coroner would have shared confidential info with a third party). JB was getting his information from the news channels the same as the rest of us.

So Jose would have known that there was an investigation in progress. he would not have any details of that investigation until it was concluded and it became evidence. (about 2 or 3 weeks before it becomes public).

He most certainly did not recieve hourly updates about any of these more recent investigations into the letters. The SA specifically went to the judge and requested that they delay releasing any information to the defense. Given that some of it may implicate JB in some unethical behavior, you can see why it was granted.
The judge asked Mrs. Drane Burdick to get the transcript; because she ( mistakenly, imo) mentioned in court that in that hearing the defense waived the argument that TES was an agent of the State, Baez said no they did not.

I like, trust and respect Mrs. DB, but she is mistaken. I remember exactly what happened around that topic in that hearing in August. The judge said after some back and forth with Baez and Nejame, no one has waived it, I just didn't address it.
So once they get the transcript and everyone's memory is refreshed, they will schedule a hearing on the matter for the judge to determine in TES was acting as an agent of the state. No worries about this, she had witnesses available to testify on the matter in August and I trust she will simply avail them to the court on the hearing date. Not to worry at all!

On page 74 of the letters Casey is saying that Brad filed a bar complaint against Baez. Do we know if that is correct? I only knew of the Judge's and also Dominic's. One thing we learned in the letters is what we have guessed all along, the defense team and the parents are at odds, big time, and the we stand by our daughter mantra is an act. Baez and Brad do not agree on things, no kidding.
I wonder if Casey got Brad mixed up with Dominic. I haven't heard of any bar complaint from Brad either.
Casey does not mention chloroform in her letters - Robyn claims that "that" particular conversation took place verbally between them - not on the record, as in written or tape recorded. Simply Robyn's word.

I could swear I read Casey told Robyn she also used antihistamines to put Caylee to sleep. I thought it was in the Sheriff's report but can't find it now. Am I imagining this?
People who fantasize a lot, often fantasize in groups, or with partners. Starts as a form of coping, and becomes a form of manipulation for the strongest fantasizer in the group. I've also heard that chameleon types will simply match another persons personality until they are in the comfort zone, and then they can "be themselves" after they are trusted.

After listening to Steph Watts show, and JBs response to these letters, I think this case may be losing its luster for JB.
A few things I noted (with my unprofessional opinion)

These letters cement for me, that Casey is, without a doubt, a Sociopath.
I don't believe they are a plant from the defense.
I don't believe Biaz read them before releasing them, however, I don't think he could stop the judge from ordering them to be released to the public, as I think they will be admissible in court.

The abuse is possibly real. It is possible. It could garner some sympathy and could possibly come into play in the sentencing.

I would love to see a handwriting analysis of her letters!
i say snitch cause the key testiomon that she'll give isnt the letters.....it's hearsay about what casey said that theres' no proof other then her word on it. not exactly reliable is she?

sorry, i know casey is dead guilty, and probably, did say the stuff about the chloroform. but i had an experience with a snitch that would say any bs the da's fed her, just to get a lighter sentence. so im biased in that regard.

If I'm not mistaken, it's not considered hearsay because Robyn claims this is what Casey said to her. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong about this.

Whether it's truthful or not is for a jury to decide.
Through all of these pages, there was not one bit of speculation on her part about what happend to Caylee. She did exhonorate Zany, though. Not one word about the family being in danger or how worried they were about Caylee. Not one time did she put into words about how she wondered and worried about any pain or suffering that Caylee may have gone through during the death process. IMO no way this was this planned or planted by the defense. There are too many obvious omissions of thoughts that a normal person would have after having her daughter kidnapped and then killed. I think these letters just reinforce the thought process of KC that so many have already known. She has not, does not, and will not truly care for anyone other than herself, unless she is getting some value out of the relationship.
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