2010.04.13 - New search for Haleigh #2

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I don't think LE would have put both families in the same room. One room for RC's side and a different room for Crystal's.

As for the gun, IMO - could be - I've wrestled with this several times. Only thing IF Haleigh was shot - there would have been blood. Somewhere on something. But a fight over a gun - maybe TC and JO showed up at the MH before RC left for work - or RC left for work and forgot something and when he got back to the MH there was TC and JO trying to steal his gun(s).

This is crazy. But, then again, in this case - this is normal! :crazy:
She was taken into the car and then the door was shut, effectively shutting out the media. Standing at the back door to strap Chloe in would have left Marie vulnerable to the media's questions. I applaud her getting Chloe out of the mess.

I myself have got into the car then placed my daughter in her seat. Like when we had snow banks in our driveway. I would seriously doubt anyone would drive that far with a baby without a carseat! I too thought of it as a way to get away from the media quickly. OT but the baby was adorable!

As for Ron having no emotion, I can imagine he had a lot of thoughts going in his mind and was still taking it all in. I didn't see a smirk I seen a squinched up face from the sun. I don't think he looked happy or sad. I still believe RC is innocent and knows nothing as to Haleigh's disappearence!
MG saying there was no closure -- her grandbaby is dead. There will never be "closure".

That is not what she said. She said "I can't comment, that's all I can say."

I could have sworn I heard MG say "there is no closure"

I was commenting off thinking she said that. If she said "there is no closure", I am going on to say her grandbaby is dead. There will never be "closure".

Sorry for any confusion!
Hello everyone. I was gone for a bit and will get myself up to speed soon.

In the meantime, let's try and get back on topic as far as the search goes. There are a lot of threads where we can spread out and discuss other aspects of the case, including a new theory thread. Thanks so much!
I think JO is so involved...I think he has been under surveillance since day one waiting to get hard evidence to link him and an arrest will be made very soon.

LOL chesterp, I don't believe he has a single thing to do with it, but I will gladly eat my crow if I am wrong. I honestly would love to believe that Ronald didn't have anything to do with HaLeighs disappearance, but I don't. If he is involved as I believe, it just seems like a double tragedy vs someone else being the perp, ya know? :( Heartbreaking not matter what, that's for sure..
Well suspicious, personally I believe she is a sucky actress. That said, she does have a way of making some believe her...jmo..

I believe her....she lost a grandbaby.

From day one CS never believe RC had anything to do with Haleigh's (death) she has every right to be mad as he77. I do not think she has hate in her heart at this time....she needs to be strong for her other kids.
I still think that Misty miight have been so messed up, that she isn't sure. When I had my 2nd c section, it had become common practice, to keep the patient 'pain free'-even if we didn't want it. Oh, my God, I can't imagine living like that. If you don't go with the med & go to sleep, you're messed up beyond belief. When I tried to stand or walk, the world & my mind was in a slow moving swirl. I couldn't think, much less hold a conversation-& this was from a prescribed dose. So, just imagine pain pills, booze, pot...she would've been completely worthless. I'm not really buying the Joe story, but something happened, that's for bleeped sure.

People that abuse drugs usually don't get high like that. They keep taking the drug to keep from going through withdrawals and getting sick.
LOL chesterp, I don't believe he has a single thing to do with it, but I will gladly it my crow if I am wrong. I honestly would love to believe that Ronald didn't have anything to do with HaLeighs disappearance, but I don't. If he is involved as I believe, it just seems like a double tragedy vs someone else being the perp, ya know? :( Heartbreaking not matter what, that's for sure..

Once all the facts come out there will be plenty of proof to these allegations. I am not about to start rumor.
Who is Maria? Great-gma? I'm thinking one of Tommy's friend's talked to LE, maybe the one from TN ?!? He does appear pretty scary, there are a lot of wanna be gangster's in Antioch
I didn't see the video so I don't have an opinion but it always amazes me that 100 people (just an example number) can see the exact same video and get totally different things out of it. I have seen posts on here where they said he looked mad as he**, where they said he looked really sad, and posts that said he had a smirk and was arrogant. Guess it just depends on how you feel about the person (or whatever is being shown) on the video. JMO

I appreciate this post. It reminds me of one of my favourite quotes.

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are".
Okay, so if Tommy did it, why the rat? Why did Ron give him the rat? Why not just up and kill him instead of putting a rat in his mailbox and selling drugs with him?

Who says that RC knew "FOR SURE" that Tommy had been DIRECTLY involved???? Certainly that is not MY belief! His feelings and actions towards Tommy, IN MY OPINION,seem to point to RC always feeling as if Tommy were some how involved, tho has NOT kno0wn FOR SURE or had proof that he was. I BELIEVE that if RC had known FOR SURE about Tommys direct involvement there wouldn't have been a stupid dead rat, just a dead Tommy.

Of course this is MY OPINION, but I have always stood firm in my belief, tho "unpopular" as its always been here at WS, that RC was not directly involved. ( Could Rcs reckless lifestyle have led to something done to Haleigh,yes. But him directly involved in her being harmed, NEVER)
LOL chesterp, I don't believe he has a single thing to do with it, but I will gladly it my crow if I am wrong. I honestly would love to believe that Ronald didn't have anything to do with HaLeighs disappearance, but I don't. If he is involved as I believe, it just seems like a double tragedy vs someone else being the perp, ya know? :( Heartbreaking not matter what, that's for sure..
I understand your double tragedy statement, but I could understand family anger & violence. If Tommy did something perverted to that child, & then killed her? That would be hard to understand, & a much worse for Haleigh, I think.
I agree jessigirl, I've not for a moment felt RC had anything to do with it!
If I was Crystal, I would sue the judge that put the kids in Rons care... Just sayin.

Please forgive me if i'm wrong but didn't CS pretty much lose custody because she failed to appear at the custody hearing? I thought I had read that somewhere but I could be wrong. Also, I thought that I had read somewhere that she is/was also a druggie. I don't know if this is true but if it is then IMO neither of these parents should have ever had custody of those kids.
Just an observation here. If Joe was suppose to have been so angry because the gun he wanted to steal couldn't be found so he took Haleigh instead, then how did Misty find the gun in the driveway culvert via instructions from Ron, after the gun was stolen???

I know this is going to be way far behind, just got all my kids tucked in, the three year old is a booger to get down...

Maybe Ron stole the gun from Joe :waitasec: That is how he knew right where it was.
Joe returned to get the gun couldn't find the gun and well took Haleigh in a rage ... We know all the players are strung out on drugs so anything is possible when you mix rage, drugs, ego and well what ever you would like to add here....moo
When the reporter guy asked Marie if there was any closure all she did was shake her head no. I don't know what she said after that but there was def a head shaking no answer to that question.
I believe her....she lost a grandbaby.

From day one CS never believe RC had anything to do with Haleigh's (death) she has every right to be mad as he77. I do not think she has hate in her heart at this time....she needs to be strong for her other kids.

chester, I saw grief in her eyes especially in the beginning and having lost 2 children myself I understand it completely. But I also saw something else, what I perceive as a need to protect Ron at all costs. If he hadn't done anything she wouldn't have had to worry about that. I'm not even saying that she knew/knows for sure what happened IMO..maybe, maybe not..but I do think at the very least she suspects. I may very well be wrong and I realize that you are local and may know more than many of us. That's just what I see from where I'm standing..peace my friend?
btw~ I don't think that Crystal ever WANTED to believe that Ron could have had any part in this..but all this is jmo..:)
Hasn't he though?! Me thinks someone keeps Ronalds commissary acct. flush with plenty of money for snacks and goodies..:sick:

As a side note-looking back at the vid of Ronald coming out of the 'meeting' today..
http://www.firstcoastnews.com/video...atka+Jail/50619441001/50624658001/77863861001 ..about 1:39..

he looks like he has a sly sneaky smile on face..to me anyway.:furious:.. Of course I can't stand Ron and believe with everything in my soul that he is guilty in HaLeigh's disappearance and probable death, soo..I'm a little biased from the get-go, lol..

:furious: I sooooo agree with you!

What jumped out at me, also, about the video - is that they say the search is in Waleka. If I'm remembering this halfway correctly...........didn't some girlfriend of Ronald's say that he would tell her - if he ever had to get rid of a body, he would drop it off the bridge at Waleka.

Who says that RC knew "FOR SURE" that Tommy had been DIRECTLY involved???? Certainly that is not MY belief! His feelings and actions towards Tommy, IN MY OPINION,seem to point to RC always feeling as if Tommy were some how involved, tho has NOT kno0wn FOR SURE or had proof that he was. I BELIEVE that if RC had known FOR SURE about Tommys direct involvement there wouldn't have been a stupid dead rat, just a dead Tommy.

Of course this is MY OPINION, but I have always stood firm in my belief, tho "unpopular" as its always been here at WS, that RC was not directly involved. ( Could Rcs reckless lifestyle have led to something done to Haleigh,yes. But him directly involved in her being harmed, NEVER)
I get what you're saying, but him sleeping with a teenaged/druggie babysitter & then marrying her, & covering for her means he is involved. Ron is a smart man. If he wsn't involved, but Misty was...he knew it. of that I have no doubt. Him covering for her would be no different than Misty covering for Joe or Tommy. which is all despicable, imo.
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