2010.04.13 Theories thread as a result of the search

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Misty could have harmed Haleigh and handled the whole thing by herself if she had the van/vehicle.

She could have called for help afterwards and had JO do the disposal. I just don't think he would unless he were truly insane..

She may have disposed of Haliegh at the dock, and drove the van back to Chelseas and called someone for a ride back. Or she may have talked JO into driving to the dock and disposing on his way back to Chelsea's.

If it weren't for rc's behavior, this case would be easier to solve. For right now I will leave him out of the equation.

BBM, and IA 100% Ron's actions have cast doubt on his Innocence in this matter ...IMO.

I don't think that he could have come up with an "enemy closer plan" so soon after the 911 call. I also think that if there were ever such enemies to "rat out", and take some of the heat off ....... Misty would have done so over a year ago.

Misty could have harmed Haleigh and handled the whole thing by herself if she had the van/vehicle.

She could have called for help afterwards and had JO do the disposal. I just don't think he would unless he were truly insane..

She may have disposed of Haliegh at the dock, and drove the van back to Chelseas and called someone for a ride back. Or she may have talked JO into driving to the dock and disposing on his way back to Chelsea's.

If it weren't for rc's behavior, this case would be easier to solve. For right now I will leave him out of the equation.

I don't like the behavior of most of the people in either of these families. In both families, it seems that everyone has lied about something or another. My problem in picking out the one(s) I believe to be guilty is...who has lied the least and about what in direct association with HC and her disappearance/death. Does what I said make any sense to anyone besides me LOL. Geez, I need sleep lol.

This thread sure opened my eyes to theories that I haven't considered. I feel like a "thanks" clicking wh@re :)

I keep going back and forth on who is/is not involved.

I can definitely see LisaNY's theory as being spot on. I may have to eat my words, (and would actually rather be wrong about this)...but IMHO...I believe RC is involved.

However...I will say that one thing threw a wrench in it for me tonight. It was on NG's show....she went on and on about "how would you feel if you were at work and came home and your child was missing...like RC did?...etc"....blah...blah...

Could be that NG's "team" already shared with her SOMEthing (not yet made public) that corroborates her undying loyalty to RC. No way would she go on and on like that and be proven wrong...possibly tomorrow when hopefully find out more.

Like another poster said, I do not like any of these players...not ONE. And like everyone, I want Haleigh's remains found and ALL for those involved to pay.
Actually, if the stories we've been hearing are true, these people WOULD all have to be insane. & statistically speaking, what are the odds of that? Misty & Tommy could share a genetic link, but is Joe even blood related? & unless there's something we don't know, Ron is most definantly not kin. So no...there's got to be a simpler answer.
I'm going to say for the moment that RC was involved in all of this either directly or indirectly...just to get other theories in my brain. Ok if he was DIRECTLY involved then how was he involved? I read a post somewhere today that someone said maybe accidental shooting (please don't ask me where and who because I can't remember...have read TONS of posts today LOL). I don't see how this one is possible because wouldn't LE have found some evidence of blood in the MH? I assume at some point they would have searched for this? Unless I'm totally wrong there was no evidence of blood...had she been shot inside that home, there would have been blood somewhere...floor, mattress...idk but somewhere. Not to mention the fact that MH walls are VERY thin and SOMEONE would have heard a gunshot...you would think anyway. Accidental OD I can agree with considering that both RC and MC are in jail on drug charges. Abuse? Maybe but again, as far as I know there is no evidence of this except for when CS and/or her atty was on NG showing pics of the possible abuse and I believe it was found out that the pics they were showing was a result from a fall off the monkeybars at school and I believe (maybe) that the school had documented the fall. So these are the only things that really make sense to me as far as RC being directly involved. Ok now INDIRECTLY involved. I guess here, the possibilities are endless considering all of the lies that have been told by what seems like everyone in both of these families.
Now, do I believe that RC was involved either directly or indirectly? Directly, my opinion is no (unless something else comes out to convince me otherwise). Indirectly, I have to say that it is a possibility but in my opinion probably not unless you want to count the fact (which I really do) that he was stupid enough to leave his children with a person that just came off of a 2-3 day party binge just a day or 2 before HC went missing. This is really just me thinking outloud and is only MO
Probably from Misty saying he messed with her. That would be my guess (sorry to answer for Pittsburghgirl I'm sure she will do it herself tomorrow).

By the way Whisp-how many packs have you smoked today! Wow this is so surreal.

I'm sitting here smoking like a power plant here, mew. This whole day has become foggy, in more ways than one. After listening to NG's last comment and grabbing my box of tissues to cry along with her, I almost set myself on fire.
Whitepages currently has Kristy Overstreet at 130 Magnolia Drive in Satsuma. Not sure how well they keep current though.

Ran across this:

"The area being searched is around Shell Harbour Road, close to where Misty Croslin's parents lived on Magnolia Drive before Haleigh disappeared. Her father said Overstreet had stayed at the residence before."

I think Kristy is Joe's sister. But Hank and Lisa just may use her name for rental, phone and utility bills. Maybe she has never lived there.
Whitepages currently has Kristy Overstreet at 130 Magnolia Drive in Satsuma. Not sure how well they keep current though.

Ran across this:

"The area being searched is around Shell Harbour Road, close to where Misty Croslin's parents lived on Magnolia Drive before Haleigh disappeared. Her father said Overstreet had stayed at the residence before."

I think Kristy is Joe's sister. But Hank and Lisa just may use her name for rental, phone and utility bills. Maybe she has never lived there.

Also, the RC/CJ car chase incident started at Shell Harbor and 309. I posted this last night, but here's a map showing the locations:


  • HaleighShell.jpg
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Ghst..yeah, I am having a difficult time with him directly also....but I do think he is violent and those school pics can be questionable since the school stated a small cut on the nose.

Anyway, I have never firmly had a theory...well, except at a time, I though maybe misty drowned Haleigh in a fit of rage. That was because we were led to believe there was no evidence in the MH. So I though maybe Haleigh was in water and that is why there was no sign of a deceased haleigh in the house.

Now that I assume we were led astray by LE from the gitgo...I can just keep it in the back of my head. Haleigh died from one of three possibilities.

1. accident
2. killed in a rage
3. from a sudden illness.

Many people will go with accident in most of these kind of cases. It just seems easier to deal with and they don't want to be jumping to conclusions. Facts support though, that many times it is not an accident.

Regarding a sudden illness and death, sometimes people panic and dispose of the body. I have learned that young adults will do this sometimes if a roomate or friend dies of alcohol or drugs. BUT, can't imagine anyone sitting in jail due to an accidental death, not very long anyway.

That leaves us with a death by rage or a death by negligence.

I now think that LE had found evidence in the MH of a crime. I say this for two reason, 1. they never pursued a stranger; they never asked the public for help. They knew almost from the start that the crime occurred within the home and they had reason to suspect a known perp.

Ron's behavior is odd but he is odd. I think he married misty to prevent the public from thinking he is a pedophile because that is where it was going. If LEl wanted to or more likely if misty wanted to she could have pressed charges and he would be doing twenty years about now for sex charges, since she was 16 at the time and he was over 24.

He protected misty and he denied things that were stupid....like he KNOWS the door was locked when he wasn't home and another was....silly rants on his part. Each time LE shared more reasons to doubt misty, he wouldn't go there. He never took her to the LE even when they wanted to talk. He hired a Criminal Defense Attorney right out of the gate.

Regardless of all these things, I haven't been able to place him killing Haleigh...but I can't for the life of me figure out why he would go this far to protect misty without being involved; but he is a very quirky guy, to say the least. He is a violent guy also and he is a bully. These characteristics lead people right down the "He's guilty" path.

I do not see anyone with a motive but possibly misty. Ronald could have given her permission to drug Haleigh for sleep and she went overboard. Or she did it on her own and said to him, they were his drugs, so he is guilty too.

Mind is rambling now....I should call it a night.
Whitepages currently has Kristy Overstreet at 130 Magnolia Drive in Satsuma. Not sure how well they keep current though.

Ran across this:

"The area being searched is around Shell Harbour Road, close to where Misty Croslin's parents lived on Magnolia Drive before Haleigh disappeared. Her father said Overstreet had stayed at the residence before."

I think Kristy is Joe's sister. But Hank and Lisa just may use her name for rental, phone and utility bills. Maybe she has never lived there.

I don't like White Pages since anyone can change the information at any time, but it's a start. There are so many people searches available now, you can get dizzy. Some are very good.
The Magnolia in Crescent City does not list an Overstreet; however, there are seven of them listed in Crescent City...none related that I can tell.

The one in Satsuma does not list that name either but they we just don't know. I found another Magnoliia in San Mateo too...lol.
Let's discuss theories as a result of today's events here.

For me, at least, nothing has changed as to the beliefs I hold or the opinions I've formed as a result of yesterday's events. I have been looking for Haleigh Cummings and the truth for 15 months and until some one shows me something more than "Misty said this" or "Tommy said that", I plan to continue my journey for the truth.

Misty C. has MISERABLY failed every single LDT and LVA they have ever strapped her up to. Tommy C., just last week, blew the fuses on his LDT and MISERABLY failed to tell the truth. By definition, they are liars.

They are liars with the most obvious of all reasons to lie. They are in jail for a long, long time with no hope of freedom. What do they have to lose by throwing out a "Joe killed Haleigh" story?

I just hope LE has got something besides what these two have said to warrant all of the events of yesterday.
For me, at least, nothing has changed as to the beliefs I hold or the opinions I've formed as a result of yesterday's events. I have been looking for Haleigh Cummings and the truth for 15 months and until some one shows me something more than "Misty said this" or "Tommy said that", I plan to continue my journey for the truth.

Misty C. has MISERABLY failed every single LDT and LVA they have ever strapped her up to. Tommy C., just last week, blew the fuses on his LDT and MISERABLY failed to tell the truth. By definition, they are liars.

They are liars with the most obvious of all reasons to lie. They are in jail for a long, long time with no hope of freedom. What do they have to lose by throwing out a "Joe killed Haleigh" story?

I just hope LE has got something besides what these two have said to warrant all of the events of yesterday.

Gotta go along with you, Papa. Even if the "Joe killed Haleigh" story is true, these people were all covering it up for him, and that makes them guilty in my book and in Florida's law, too, I believe. Nor would I let this gang get away with concealing facts and endangering this child for so long. They can fry, hang, be stoned, or be given nice strong doses of lethal injections for all I care, but I would like to see them rot in prison for a while, too. What that gang of misfits have done is unforgivable. They can read all the Bibles they want, it doesn't excuse what they have done in this life - and partied all the while the child has been missing! :furious:

No, this "Joe did it" story doesn't cut it for me. :tsktsk: Little HaLeigh is much more than that.

Although, honestly, I've always believe everyone knew the truth, including Ronald, and everyone was covering for each other. I'm willing to bet whatever happened to HaLeigh happened much earlier than when Misty said she herself went to bed "around 10 o'clock". I'd even go with a bit earlier, since they were so insistent about who visited that mh and what time, and that RON was the one who picked up HaLeigh at the bus stop. Why so insistent about that when some witnesses claimed it was Misty? Too, too many question, too many holes in their stories. The 911 call was bizarre and Misty couldn't even give the operator "the facts".
Ghst..yeah, I am having a difficult time with him directly also....but I do think he is violent and those school pics can be questionable since the school stated a small cut on the nose.........

I know in almost all of my posts it sounds like I am defending RC but I'm really not...not on purpose anyway. I, like everyone else, am just trying to make sense out of sensless act against a defensless child. But anyway, here I go again......
Do you think it's also possible that he really wasn't protecting her? Meaning that he married her for the possiblility of her trusting him more in hopes of getting information from her? This could also account for the quick divorce...he saw that it wasn't working so no point in staying married to her?
I am probably WAY off the charts with that one but to me it could make sense.
I don't deny that he is a violent man...but I also don't believe that MC was afraid of him. (well, if she is indeed the guilty one in this case and IF RC isn't, she may be now because of what he may do to her when/if he gets the chance) I have stated the reason I don't think she was afraid of him on another thread but I will say it again here. If he was as controlling over her as some people think he was there is no way she would have been out on a 2-3 day party binge. I have been in an abusive and cotrolling situation with my ex husband and I couldn't have gotten my nerve up enough to go out and party like that....if I would have gotten the nerve then I wouldn't have gone back home because I know without a doubt in my mind that I would have been beaten and it would have been visible.
You said yourself that RC is odd...that being said, as far as the fight over the gun....is it possible that he didn't think it was as big of a deal as the other people in that situation...thus denying the fight because in his warped mind there really was no fight?
As for protecting JO and ToC, I can't account for that in any way. If something happened to my son and I believed it was because of a deliberate act of someone else, I wouldn't care if it was my own mother...I would do what I had to do to make sure that person didn't get away with it. hmmm my next point is going to shake this one down I'm afraid.
As far as how RC acted after being told the news of whatever he was told by LE yesterday ... I have no idea how he acted because I can only go by different posts (everyone seeing the same video and getting different reactions from different ppl on it) I didn't actually see the video....and also the way he acted the night she disappeard...I have never gone through something like this (and I pray to GOD that I never do) so I have no idea how I would react if I was put in this situation. Yeah, I could sit here and say that I would, with 100% certainty, do one thing but then faced with the situation who knows??? Okay, there were a few more points that I wanted to touch upon but this post has gotten REALLY long and I am extremely tired so I'm ending it here. Please people, don't throw rotton eggs at me for this post...I am just throwing out possibilities....doesn't mean that I am in agreement with everything I stated.
I am very tired, so forgive me if my post seems scattered. I was reading through all of the posts this morning, and I came across a thread about myspace pages. As I was looking at all of the connections to the Croslin family, I saw some references to someone named "Bo" who apparently has recently passed away. I one of the jailhouse conversations with her father, MC keeps referring to "Bo". I am curious as to what the circumstances of his death were. I dont know if this has been brought up before or not. If I am in the wrong thread, I apologize. I posted it here since I saw where there was some talk about Lindsy using her maiden name on her myspace page. :waitasec:
In reference to myself, I'm not leaving Ron C out of any equation... And right now, I don't have a clue as to whats going down, but I do suspect whatever it is the wrong people are being set up to take the fall for being stupid enough to help Ron C out instead of calling LE immediately...

Do I believe Tommy and cousin Jo know what happened and even helped with the disposal? Yes, I do... Could very well be they were even present and on the scene with Ron C when the incident occurred..
No doubt in my mind from the beginning it was planned when push came to shove for Jo O and Tommy to take the FALL ....
TN did tell one truth though.. She stated they didn't care who was implicated..But she forgot to mention as long as it is not her son...JMO

M. Scott Peck wrote about human Evil in "People Of The Lie"... This case and ALL it's players come to mind...JMO
I'm going to say for the moment that RC was involved in all of this either directly or indirectly...just to get other theories in my brain. Ok if he was DIRECTLY involved then how was he involved? I read a post somewhere today that someone said maybe accidental shooting (please don't ask me where and who because I can't remember...have read TONS of posts today LOL). I don't see how this one is possible because wouldn't LE have found some evidence of blood in the MH? I assume at some point they would have searched for this? Unless I'm totally wrong there was no evidence of blood...had she been shot inside that home, there would have been blood somewhere...floor, mattress...idk but somewhere. Not to mention the fact that MH walls are VERY thin and SOMEONE would have heard a gunshot...you would think anyway. Accidental OD I can agree with considering that both RC and MC are in jail on drug charges. Abuse? Maybe but again, as far as I know there is no evidence of this except for when CS and/or her atty was on NG showing pics of the possible abuse and I believe it was found out that the pics they were showing was a result from a fall off the monkeybars at school and I believe (maybe) that the school had documented the fall. So these are the only things that really make sense to me as far as RC being directly involved. Ok now INDIRECTLY involved. I guess here, the possibilities are endless considering all of the lies that have been told by what seems like everyone in both of these families.
Now, do I believe that RC was involved either directly or indirectly? Directly, my opinion is no (unless something else comes out to convince me otherwise). Indirectly, I have to say that it is a possibility but in my opinion probably not unless you want to count the fact (which I really do) that he was stupid enough to leave his children with a person that just came off of a 2-3 day party binge just a day or 2 before HC went missing. This is really just me thinking outloud and is only MO

BBM.. I could be the one you are referring to since that is my theory and has been for over a year now..
IMHO.. He is directly involved..
I just want to know if RC was seen on this boat ramp on Christmas day talking to Haleigh.
Didn't LE say the suspect was in custody? As far as I know, Joe is NOT in custody.

Something is really strange about all this and the reports about cousin Joe being implicated. Are we relying on Art Harris and his conversation with the Signal 20 Grandma? It makes no sense that Misty was afraid to implicate Joe because she's been implicating him from day one.

I think I'm going to wait this one out.
I'm sitting here smoking like a power plant here, mew. This whole day has become foggy, in more ways than one. After listening to NG's last comment and grabbing my box of tissues to cry along with her, I almost set myself on fire.

Whisperer, you are so funny! I needed a laugh as am crying along with rest of you.

The playground incident was well documented and I repeat, it showed a natural progression of the original injury at school.
As far as Ron's violent tendancies, I think he was all talk. None of his girlfriends have a paper trail to prove a physical attack happened to them. I am sure the parents of these girls would have filed reports,as everyone in that town calls the police for fights and more.

It seems that many are sure of the correct way Ron should look after hearing
his baby is probably dead. Have you ever had a child murdered or abducted?
Have you ever had a child die? There is no correct way, there is no clossure.
To me he looked like he was in shock. Many who have the lose of a child do
things to stop feeling the pain-to stop feeling at all. I have lost a child and the pain is indescribable, it is worse than the deaths of my parents, the wrong order of things. You are never the same, part of your heart is gone. If
my child had been removed from my home, hurt and murdered, I just don't
know..... The wrong part of me wishes Ron could be released to whoever hurt his babygirl.

I would just like us to get more facts before adding to anyones agony.
I don't buy the Ron marrying Misty to "keep his enemies close" because if Misty had harmed Haleigh why in the world would she ever come clean to Ron especially after he made the threat that he did.
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