2010.04.13 Theories thread as a result of the search

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HLN - is reporting that Misty's lawyer is saying she spilled the beans. If this is the case, I take Joe with a grain of salt KWIM?
Another issue with me is that if Joe was the perp....Tommy would have told months ago when LE was hounding him and arresting him at every turn in the road. Also, Timmy or Tommy(or Misty herself) was with Joe because he is from Tennessee and I seriously doubt he would know where to go to dump a body. Even if he had been fishing there before.....he would need help getting back to it in my opinion.
Probably from Misty saying he messed with her. That would be my guess (sorry to answer for Pittsburghgirl I'm sure she will do it herself tomorrow).

By the way Whisp-how many packs have you smoked today! Wow this is so surreal.

Joe is 20/Misty is 18.........kissin cousins?
Misty says everyone in the world has raped her.........cried wolf so many times.
IMO I think RC is involved and had TN,GGS cover for him.
IMO I think Misty is equally involved and called her brothers to cover for her.
Timmy & Chelsea got out of dodge, may be smarter not to be involved, but they also know details.
Tommy got involved up to his neck.
Lindsey knows through Tommy.
The whole family unit knows something.
I remember the huge fight of hank Sr/Ron/ Misty and one of the brothers
what really sparked that????
Drugs is their common bond...........JMOO
Joe is no angel and was around but I think they are all just pinning it on him through hate.

It does look like TN,GGS have been covering for him but the PI said he doesn't think Ron's involved so maybe they simply didn't believe him (seriously why would they?) & felt like they had to do it? ITA re: Tommy..I've suspected Joe all along & nothing has changed on that end.
What is sad in this case is that everyone is a liar. Now it appears all this hangs on a guys word that that just a few weeks ago swears in phone calls that he knows nothing and he is not going to lie about Joe just to get out of jail.

Tommy was under the belief too( stated in his jail calls) that Steve Brown worked for his Attorney and I think by law anything Tommy told him under that belief would be protected unless Tommy signed his rights away.

If it comes out that Misty and Tommy and Joe all are involved then I am betting it was some kind of freak get even with Ron. I have a feeling Ron got rough and smacked Misty around that day.
To be honest, with all we've learned from this whole cast of characters over the last 14 months, I'm going to be shocked whoever it is that ISN'T involved!

The only thing that surprises me is how they've all managed to keep their mouths shut for so long.
Am I the only one who feels that this was solely Misty?:angel:

We can't rule that out can we. Someone had to help her out with a vehicle though, the blue van that she usually used was in Chelsea's possession on 2/9, Chelsea C said she had to go pick up Lisa C at the hospital in Gainsville in the morning so she had the blue van. I can't see her carrying it out alone.

I can't see Misty doing this all on her own, or Tommy covering for her with a story that implicates himself in some way. Not when they could all just blame it on RC....who everyone would love to believe was involved, imo. I know Hank SR would love to hear RC did it.JMO
What is sad in this case is that everyone is a liar. Now it appears all this hangs on a guys word that that just a few weeks ago swears in phone calls that he knows nothing and he is not going to lie about Joe just to get out of jail.

Tommy was under the belief too( stated in his jail calls) that Steve Brown worked for his Attorney and I think by law anything Tommy told him under that belief would be protected unless Tommy signed his rights away.

If it comes out that Misty and Tommy and Joe all are involved then I am betting it was some kind of freak get even with Ron. I have a feeling Ron got rough and smacked Misty around that day.

Dr F what do you think about the interview this morning where Mr. Brown says that crystal was his client....or had been his client. That was a surprise to me because I thought that He was working for Werter, Tommy's attorney. Boy, we still have so much information that is going to come out. JMO
So was Haleigh originally spotted in Tennessee? How long did "they" keep her alive? When was she killed? I feel sick. Please let this case come to a close. That poor little girl, and in my opinion, they are all guilty, one way or another. If they thought that keeping silent about what they knew would bring Haleigh back alive, they were apparently wrong. This case should be a prime example of why people should not do drugs...every decision that has been made by these people have led to this circumstance. I cannot think of one single thing that has been done that wasn't some type of drug-induced, hare-brained scheme. As has been repeated over and over and over again, Tell the truth. Tell what you know.
Ron has such a temper..........
If he thought Joe messed with Haleigh in anyway day 1, he would of gone after him.
The Charlie Jones chase, ratgate, etc.........shows Rc controls.
My guess is not Joe.
More like MC/RC/ during a fight before work.
When Haleigh died, Misty panics and calls TN, GGS,Tim,Tom and gets help.
Tim leaves town, Joe leaves town.............
TN,GGS,RC,MC,Tom keep the lies alive.....esp TN on TV.
TN loves the camera and attention.
Tom /Misty familiar with dock area...........parents lived there at 1 time.
Oh what a mess............everyone lies!!!!
Praying the case gets closure now and justice for Haleigh.
This came as no surprise to Crystal and mom if they were working with retired FBI
Brown...........they saw it coming...........Mon.
The others were caught off guard IMO
We can't rule that out can we. Someone had to help her out with a vehicle though, the blue van that she usually used was in Chelsea's possession on 2/9, Chelsea C said she had to go pick up Lisa C at the hospital in Gainsville in the morning so she had the blue van. I can't see her carrying it out alone.

I can't see Misty doing this all on her own, or Tommy covering for her with a story that implicates himself in some way. Not when they could all just blame it on RC....who everyone would love to believe was involved, imo. I know Hank SR would love to hear RC did it.JMO


I don't think that is true, a lot of people don't like Ron because what he subjected his children to over and over but I think most people just want the truth.
Quite interesting indeed. I ain't touching that one with a ten-foot pole.

He did say, 'Yes,' to the possibility the suspect is out of state.

He did say, 'Yes,' to there being MORE than one perp.

This should help those that have studied this case closely, imho.


PS.........when asked about Misty's involvement, he said something to the effect that that'll have to be worked out? or ??? Anyway, he said 'she was there by her own words' or something like that. Sounded to me like possible accessory just because she was present when Haleigh disappeared. Who knows, maybe she was asleep or passed out WHILE someone else was there and when she woke up, Haleigh was gone but she couldn't really recall or things before she went to sleep were {fuzzy}?
Dr F what do you think about the interview this morning where Mr. Brown says that crystal was his client....or had been his client. That was a surprise to me because I thought that He was working for Werter, Tommy's attorney. Boy, we still have so much information that is going to come out. JMO

I think that is a real sticking point. If Tommy believed he was working for his attorney then anything he tells him is protected. Anything found from that information could be thrown out of court.
Quick question, Lyndsy said she threw out Timmy and Tommy's work boots. Does anyone know if this was before or after she went to visit Timmy???
I simply do not feel Ron was involved at all. I haven't thought that since day 1. His emotions were and are way too genuine to me and I also do not believe Misty would cover for him or anyone but herself. Just my instincts and opinion.
Ron goes to work, Misty is grudgingly left with the kids, despite her prior three day binge. Tommy and Joe come by and want to party or want to score some on credit or want to collect on a debt owed by either Misty or Ron. An argument ensues. Ron suspects or knows Misty has company and does not like it, hence the calls.

What stymies me is what happens next. Does something happen to Haleigh in the MH requiring a panicked removal/coverup? Is she taken away alive for some nefarious purpose? I haven't figured that one out.

Tommy and Joe leave, one or both of them with Haleigh (alive or dead?). Haleigh is disposed of at a popular fishing spot located in an area Misty, Tommy and probably cousin Joe were extrememly familiar with during their childhoods.

Misty is in a panic/damage control mode. Ron, who is still pissed off and worried about the possible presence of Tommy and Joe in his trailer when he is not there gets home. Finds Misty scrambling to explain where little Haleigh is and 911 is called. I think at this point, Ron does not know what has happened to Haleigh or by whom, but he has all sorts of suspicions. But all of the players he suspects have lots and lots of dirt on him and he is hesitant to suggest suspects or possible motives to LE because everything about his associations and dealings with these individuals makes him suspect as well.

As far as why he married Misty, I think it was to keep her from being able to testify against him for any or the dirt he thought may come out during the investigation of Haleigh's disappearnce. I think he is complicit after the fact. I think all these people were so busy covering their own behinds from all the mud that was being flung that not one Cummings or Croslin was concerned with Haleigh being found.
He did say, 'Yes,' to the possibility the suspect is out of state.

He did say, 'Yes,' to there being MORE than one perp.

This should help those that have studied this case closely, imho.


What did he say when he was asked if the suspect had been interviewed in the last 24 hours? It sounded something like he was questioned this morning?
He did say, 'Yes,' to the possibility the suspect is out of state.

He did say, 'Yes,' to there being MORE than one perp.This should help those that have studied this case closely, imho.


who is out of state-Joe,Timmy, Chelsea and now Lindsey?
I do think there will be more than 1 perp...........atleast 4, IMO
cover up, murder, disposal of evidence (Haleigh) etc
Hell this could all come down to Haleigh had an asthma attack and the freaking pill heads had used up her inhaler getting high.
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