2010.04.13 Theories thread as a result of the search

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What did he say when he was asked if the suspect had been interviewed in the last 24 hours? It sounded something like he was questioned this morning?

Oh, sorry, I don't recall that part. I'll have to go back over it, but I have to leave now so I can't listen until later.

Was /is Joe into drugs?
Could he of brought down drugs for sale in trade for Ron's gun
(stolen) found in ditch later.
Drug deal gone bad and baby died in middle of some fight?
Disposal of items off the dock, in the night? FULL MOON for light?
No dogs at docks barking?
No one saw anything?
Did they just toss a gun in there???
my brain is frying.........
My latest theory..
If indeed it is true Jo O is the one who is actually responsible for shooting Haleigh I suspect he and Ronald Cummings were having a showdown or either there was a struggle over a gun..No doubt in my mind Ron C was present and on the scene when the incident happened..I suspect all he did was call his momma and high tail it in to work so he would have an alibi.. Oh wait, he did make 90 plus calls that night to control the situation, give instructions, rehears a scene and I suspect set up those he knew were also involved..
Is he culpable for what happened to Haleigh? IMHO..YES..All just my opinion..JMO
Hell this could all come down to Haleigh had an asthma attack and the freaking pill heads had used up her inhaler getting high.

yeah, but I think someone would just call 911, baby had known health problems. No one would be blamed. Turners and asthma..........
I simply do not feel Ron was involved at all. I haven't thought that since day 1. His emotions were and are way too genuine to me and I also do not believe Misty would cover for him or anyone but herself. Just my instincts and opinion.

I have never thought Ron had anything to do with Haleigh being missing and if this case is solved and I pray that it is, imo he will be vindicated and will not be a part of the group arrested.

I believe there will be one main perpetrator. (At this time I do not believe it will be Misty) and then there will be a couple of arrests for those who may have covered up or help dispose of Haleigh's body.

So as of now I see three possible arrests.

Joe Overstreet
Misty Croslin
Tommy Croslin

That is subject to change of course as this case further unfolds.

yeah, but I think someone would just call 911, baby had known health problems. No one would be blamed. Turners and asthma..........

Not if they were all stoned out of their gord or the trailer was full of drugs or pot plants. It could have happened without anyone being aware of it till it was over.

I don't think that is true, a lot of people don't like Ron because what he subjected his children to over and over but I think most people just want the truth.

lol.....I am sorry I respectfully disagree, I was talking about the Croslin family of course, Hank, Lisa, Lyndsy and Chelsea....the community in Florida( from what the locals on the forum attested too) Rc was disliked by many. I wasn't referring to anyone on this forum. :waitasec:
Quick question, Lyndsy said she threw out Timmy and Tommy's work boots. Does anyone know if this was before or after she went to visit Timmy???

We heard her discuss it on the tapes after Lyndsy made her trip to Mass, not sure when she threw them out though, could have been either. We don't know when those tapes are from exactly....just a guesstimate.
I agree with every single thing that FBI agent said. ~SNIP~
Here is my snag. I have been working this whole thing over in my brain and there are parts that don't add up. First of all, according to reports, Tommy failed his polygraph. If he broke down and told the truth ....how could he still fail his poly?....2nd, Misty failed all of her poly's, but it appears that there is certain information that she disclosed that can be confirmed. Here is another thing. If it is one thing I believe...more than anything else in this case.....it's that Tommy Croslin adored Lyndsy, he absolutely did not want to lose her. Whenever he talked about his kids, to me, it seemed he had genuine love and need for them all to be in his life. ToC isn't a guy that is going to put it all on the line....risk his marriage and his family....his future with all the people he loves so much, for a lie. ToC knows what happened, and as much as I hate to admit it....because I have been Joe O's most extreme critic over the past year, but what if he played the smaller role in this, or isn't involved in Haleigh's disappearance at all?

I believe he was there that day, I believe RC knew he was there that day. I believe that is the reason for GGS visit to the trailer at 7, because when RC called misty earlier in the day Tommy was over there and I don't think he liked it. Tommy or Joe just stole his gun from him days before....I very seriously doubt that RC wanted them at his house when he wasn't there. So after talking to Misty around 5 when the AC Guy was there, (remember RC asked to talk to the AC Guy) He probably asked the AC guy who all was at his house. Misty wasn't listening to RC, maybe they were arguing on the phone, GGS goes over around 7 to make sure Misty is there and Tommy and Joe are gone....maybe they were gone at that point, but I think they came back, or just Tommy came back. Maybe Misty was gone and left the kids alone or maybe she was crashed and her brother knew it. This is where I lose it...I think Misty did put Haleigh to bed like she said at 8:30, did she leave? Did she take pills and crash? She turned her phone off....we do know that. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Still working on this but....for some reason I just feel like Tommy is blaming Joe for all of it and now after a year of researching Joe O and figuring him as the perp....I am wondering what his role truly was. Ronald even seemed like he didn't think Joe was the perp. :banghead: and the first person Misty is reported to have called when she turned her phone back on at 3:15 is her brother Timmy C.... The answers are here somewhere.

Elle, I have the impression that Tommy first took the polygraph, then was told he failed, and then gave up the truth to his lawyer and the person who administered the polygraph. I think he hated jail and thought he could do better than his sister at fooling the LDT, and got desperate enough to attempt taking it.

I agree with your reasoning and think that both Joe and Tommy came back to the MH, possibly with the idea of all doing drugs. Joe may have also wanted to try and get his hands on Ron's gun. I think LE has known certain parts of what happened that night, but not the whole story. It appears that Tommy, and possibly Misty, has finally cracked and provided the details.

One thing I am fairly certain about is that whatever happened that night in the MH is something that neither Tommy nor Misty wanted their families to find out about because, had they learned the truth, their families would have left them. This is why they kept their secrets, because they would have lost what they cared about most. And now they will.

It's pretty clear that Ron had no involvement. I'm sure that he suspected various people, including Misty, but had no more luck than LE getting to the truth. He tried in his own way to find out what happened. He must have had an incredible love for Haleigh to have married someone that he had suspicions about, thinking he could get her trust so she would break down and tell the truth. He sure underestimated her.

I think the reason that LE said that both parents were not considered suspects, but did not clear them, was that they actually had a smaller group of suspects than the public realized. If they had officially cleared both Ron and Crystal, then it would have been a tip off to Misty, Tommy, and Joe that LE was narrowing down the candidates. LE didn't want them to be on their guard, hoping that they would slip up.
My latest theory..
If indeed it is true Jo O is the one who is actually responsible for shooting Haleigh I suspect he and Ronald Cummings were having a showdown or either there was a struggle over a gun..No doubt in my mind Ron C was present and on the scene when the incident happened..I suspect all he did was call his momma and high tail it in to work so he would have an alibi.. Oh wait, he did make 90 plus calls that night to control the situation, give instructions, rehears a scene and I suspect set up those he knew were also involved..
Is he culpable for what happened to Haleigh? IMHO..YES..All just my opinion..JMO

ITA! Something went on that day and I do believe that more than 2 people were involved in all this. I always felt there were some kind of altercation.. We had banged up cars, people selling cars, Ron's hands bruised up, people moved out of town.....This was a family affair....
Elle, I have the impression that Tommy first took the polygraph, then was told he failed, and then gave up the truth to his lawyer and the person who administered the polygraph. I think he hated jail and thought he could do better than his sister at fooling the LDT, and got desperate enough to attempt taking it.

I agree with your reasoning and think that both Joe and Tommy came back to the MH, possibly with the idea of all doing drugs. Joe may have also wanted to try and get his hands on Ron's gun. I think LE has known certain parts of what happened that night, but not the whole story. It appears that Tommy, and possibly Misty, has finally cracked and provided the details.

One thing I am fairly certain about is that whatever happened that night in the MH is something that neither Tommy nor Misty wanted their families to find out about because, had they learned the truth, their families would have left them. This is why they kept their secrets, because they would have lost what they cared about most. And now they will.

It's pretty clear that Ron had no involvement. I'm sure that he suspected various people, including Misty, but had no more luck than LE getting to the truth. He tried in his own way to find out what happened. He must have had an incredible love for Haleigh to have married someone that he had suspicions about, thinking he could get her trust so she would break down and tell the truth. He sure underestimated her.

I think the reason that LE said that both parents were not considered suspects, but did not clear them, was that they actually had a smaller group of suspects than the public realized. If they had officially cleared both Ron and Crystal, then it would have been a tip off to Misty, Tommy, and Joe that LE was narrowing down the candidates. LE didn't want them to be on their guard, hoping that they would slip up.

Really, really excellent post kam! I have missed your input very much!
Elle, I have the impression that Tommy first took the polygraph, then was told he failed, and then gave up the truth to his lawyer and the person who administered the polygraph. I think he hated jail and thought he could do better than his sister at fooling the LDT, and got desperate enough to attempt taking it.

I agree with your reasoning and think that both Joe and Tommy came back to the MH, possibly with the idea of all doing drugs. Joe may have also wanted to try and get his hands on Ron's gun. I think LE has known certain parts of what happened that night, but not the whole story. It appears that Tommy, and possibly Misty, has finally cracked and provided the details.

One thing I am fairly certain about is that whatever happened that night in the MH is something that neither Tommy nor Misty wanted their families to find out about because, had they learned the truth, their families would have left them. This is why they kept their secrets, because they would have lost what they cared about most. And now they will.

It's pretty clear that Ron had no involvement. I'm sure that he suspected various people, including Misty, but had no more luck than LE getting to the truth. He tried in his own way to find out what happened. He must have had an incredible love for Haleigh to have married someone that he had suspicions about, thinking he could get her trust so she would break down and tell the truth. He sure underestimated her.

I think the reason that LE said that both parents were not considered suspects, but did not clear them, was that they actually had a smaller group of suspects than the public realized. If they had officially cleared both Ron and Crystal, then it would have been a tip off to Misty, Tommy, and Joe that LE was narrowing down the candidates. LE didn't want them to be on their guard, hoping that they would slip up.


The number 1 thing in a pill heads life is getting the next pill, they don't have time or energy to waste on anything other then getting that next fix. The number 2 thing in their life is covering up their use of said drugs. That is their life, their soul. Haleigh came in third. Finding out who killed his daughter was probably way down on the list because he had to protect number 1 and 2.
I, like many of my other dear WSer's, am full of so many emotions this morning, but one thing remains clear, at least for me, at this point; If I knowingly bring home a rattlesnake(s), set it lose in my house - with children - and the rattlesnake bites and kills one of my children, I BEAR RESPONSIBILITY - PERIOD. IMO, not being home ("I was at werk"...) does not negate my responsibility - if anything, it proves that I am a completely incompetent parent. MOO~
In hindsight, I'm sure that even Ron would agree with you. But the world is littered with parents, and non-parents, who unknowing welcomed a rattlesnake into their homes with loving, open arms. There are many people on this site who have thought they loved a wonderful person, but that person turned out to be abusive, or addicted to alcohol or drugs, or maybe was an uncaring, emotionless person.

We all make mistakes in judgement because we are attracted to certain things in someone and don't see the other parts of them. Most of the time, we either figure it out and end things, or we are left with a broken heart. But in some cases, there are horrifying results, like in this case. I don't think it's fair for us to judge so harshly and say that he is at fault because he never should have let Misty into his life. He didn't have a crystal ball. I'm sure that he knew she had flaws, but she also had seemingly good parts. The kids liked her. Misty fooled Ron, she fooled his kids, she fooled Ron's mother & grandmother, she even fooled Crystal Sheffield. Misty fooled her family, she fooled LE, she fooled us...in short she fooled everybody.
I went back to re-listen to the tape of Tommy and Lindsy where they talk about him taking the LDT with LP. Lindsy tells Tommy to call LP as soon as she leaves the jail. At one point Tommy says, if they come at me with that crazy s***, I'm just gonna hang up. Lindsy gets upset and tells him to just call LP! He continues to protest, saying if I knew anything I would have told it a long time ago. He says Steven Brown has told him that LE can make a LDT say anything they want it to say. Tommy says that is the reason he won't take a LDT administered by LE. Tommy says he will not go along with a lie. He is not going to put it on his cousin, when he doesn't know if he did anything wrong or not. He's not going to put him in jail for the rest of his life for no reason. If he knew he (Joe) did something, he would have killed him himself. He says he could get out of jail now, if he would go along with "their" little story, but he is not going to do that! He doesn't know why Misty would make up a story like that! This is all just a bunch of bull s***.

What made Tommy change his mind? I honestly believed him when he was saying all that stuff. Would he finally give in to the pressure, if LE offered him a get-out-of-jail-free pass? I would be very disappointed in everyone involved if this is the case.
I don't think I can post the link for the tape on this thread, but it's tape 3 on Bloggers News Network dated April 8th.
I went back to re-listen to the tape of Tommy and Lindsy where they talk about him taking the LDT with LP. Lindsy tells Tommy to call LP as soon as she leaves the jail. At one point Tommy says, if they come at me with that crazy s***, I'm just gonna hang up. Lindsy gets upset and tells him to just call LP! He continues to protest, saying if I knew anything I would have told it a long time ago. He says Steven Brown has told him that LE can make a LDT say anything they want it to say. Tommy says that is the reason he won't take a LDT administered by LE. Tommy says he is not going to go along with a lie! Tommy says he will not go along with a lie. He is not going to put it on his cousin, when he doesn't know if he did anything wrong or not. He's not going to put him in jail for the rest of his life for no reason. If he knew he (Joe) did something, he would have killed him himself. He says he could get out of jail now, if he would go along with "their" little story, but he is not going to do that! He doesn't know why Misty would make up a story like that! This is all just a bunch of bull s***.

What made Tommy change his mind? I honestly believed him when he was saying all that stuff. Would he finally give in to the pressure, if LE offered him a get-out-of-jail-free pass? I would be very disappointed in everyone involved if this is the case.
I don't think I can post the link for the tape on this thread, but it's tape 3 on Bloggers News Network dated April 8th.

Thanks Maryann! This is the reason why I do not think Tommy is the one who had given the tip. It's someone else, IMO.
I'm all out of theories. The only thing that I've consistently believed is that Ron and Misty know exactly what happened to Haleigh and where she is. Other than that, I'm completely confused..:waitasec:
In hindsight, I'm sure that even Ron would agree with you. But the world is littered with parents, and non-parents, who unknowing welcomed a rattlesnake into their homes with loving, open arms. There are many people on this site who have thought they loved a wonderful person, but that person turned out to be abusive, or addicted to alcohol or drugs, or maybe was an uncaring, emotionless person.

We all make mistakes in judgement because we are attracted to certain things in someone and don't see the other parts of them. Most of the time, we either figure it out and end things, or we are left with a broken heart. But in some cases, there are horrifying results, like in this case. I don't think it's fair for us to judge so harshly and say that he is at fault because he never should have let Misty into his life. He didn't have a crystal ball. I'm sure that he knew she had flaws, but she also had seemingly good parts. The kids liked her. Misty fooled Ron, she fooled his kids, she fooled Ron's mother & grandmother, she even fooled Crystal Sheffield. Misty fooled her family, she fooled LE, she fooled us...in short she fooled everybody.

I don't think she fooled anyone. I think she was one of the few players in this case not addicted to narcotics. Anyone is a1 in their book as long has they help support their drug habit which free babysitting did and they know how to keep their mouth shut. All these people are addicts still to this day and will be for the rest of their life. You are a great person if you can help them get the next pill and not tell anyone about it. That is the sum of their judgment.
I'm all out of theories. The only thing that I've consistently believed is that Ron and Misty know exactly what happened to Haleigh and where she is. Other than that, I'm completely confused..:waitasec:

Me too Amster. I know we still have some Ron supporters so I guess we will have to wait and see.
Thanks Maryann! This is the reason why I do not think Tommy is the one who had given the tip. It's someone else, IMO.

Maybe Lindsay?? Is she being pressured? I think so. Is she being told that she could lose her kids?
Ron, IMO, HAS to know what has happned to Haleigh even if he was not there when it happened -his phone records alone show he knew something extraordinary was happening and his stopping off on way home from work is nothing more than a set up for an alibi, to me, to act as though he knew nothing until he pulled into driveway. I can't NOT believe that...he has not been acting at all like an innocent man, other than his hangdog tears when shown on NG or in the media. Instead of searching for Haleigh all year long he is continuing involvement in drug deals-who does that, when their child is missing? Who marries the girl, and then says that idiotic nonsense about keeping enemies close? I know we are not dealing with a brain surgeon...but these are not indicative of innocence to me. There is something there...he at least knew AFTER it happened and was quite possibly the reason, if it had to do with drugs...IMO-

I will wait until it all shakes out, if it ever does, but I don't see Ron being off the hook here...
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