2010.04.13 Theories thread as a result of the search

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After standing back and trying to ONLY include credible information - I have always thought RC & MC were involved together, prior to RC going to work. And it would make sense if RC freaked out and told MC to stay at the trailer that night and they would figure out what to do AFTER he got home from work. Explains WHY she wanted to get out of 'watching' the kids soooo bad. She wouldn't have wanted to stay in the mh if the body was there. And she didn't want to be around after RC got home.

He couldn't get a hold of her, probably because she was scared and didn't want to answer the phone. So, he calls ToC to check on MC @ the trailer, without telling him the whole truth. Toc shows up @ the mh with JO, probably 'buddying' around and 'high'.

MC doesn't seem like a person who can keep her mouth shut when it's a 'woes me' story so she tells ToC & JO what happened with HC, including RC into the story. They call RC on his cell and RC, probably furious that MC included them, tells them to dispose of the body or he will implicate them too! Would explain why ToC received the headless rat as a warning.

BUT, three things just don't comply with this scenario:

1) WHY would ToC continue to cover for MC & RC? I know MC is his sister, but does he strike anyone here as one to take a fall for his sister? Lose his family? Go to prison?

2) What 'hold' would RC have over JO talking? Why would he continue to be put under the microscope by LE if his only part was the disposal, not the actual act of murder and/or anything else hideous?

3) How could the ggm have seen HC between 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. that night? Was she lying to cover for MC?

Any ideas?

I cannot exclude RC from this scenario because no matter what different ideas I come up with - HOW, how could ANYONE marry the person who 'holds the key' to the death of your child? Absolutely, no other reason unless you/yourself are involved. Love may be blind, but it ain't 'blind, deaf and dumb' for goodness sakes!

Praying for full and complete justice for Haleigh!

1. RC's hold over ToC may be more than it seems on the surface. RC may be the person in control of the drugs - the drug dealer who supplies the others with their drugs. There may be crimes unrelated to Haleigh's disappearance, that RC could reveal that would incriminate any of the others.

2. JO's involvement may be limited to only the disposal. He may not know what happened - how Haleigh died or who did it. JO is the only one who is a bit removed from the immediate situation - not involved with the Croslin cousins on a regular basis and doesn't live there. He was a guest there at the time of Haleigh's disappearance. LE might consider him an independent - not aligned with the Croslins or the Cummings, and therefore not covering for anyone. LE went to Tenn. to interview JO, and interview that lasted 45 minutes. The thought has crossed my mind that LE might want the Croslins & Cummings to think they're concentrating on JO, when they're in fact looking closer at those there in Satsuma.

3. I think it's very possible that GGM, AS, is lying and covering up for MC and RC. She may not have gone over to the MH that day, or if she did, it was a lot earlier in the day.
I've got a new theory or thought. Ron didn't like any of the Croslins except for Timmy. The Croslins didn't like Ron and Joe supposedly took his gun the first time he met Ron. What if the Croslins were plotting to murder Ron, especially after the weekend and Misty telling that she'd been physically abused, but then went right back to him. I've not seen it mentioned whether or not Ron might have had life insurance through his job, or if Misty might have been a beneficiary. Haleigh could have heard them talking about getting Ron's gun or about killing Ron.
Another Theory: GGS did stop by that evening with laundry. Misty hurried and got Haleigh and Jr. to bed after that and snuck out. Ron was mad when he could not get Misty on the phone, so he was able to sneak off from work and drive home and when he got there, the kids were alone. He called ToC from there and asked if Misty was at his house. ToC said no. Ron is in a rage and something happens to Haleigh then. Ron disposes of body on his way back to PDM. ToC then calls Cousin Jo and says, hey, Rons at work, Misty is not home, lets go try to find that gun. So Jo takes the van and meets ToC over at Rons and they go in to look for the gun. Misty has someone drop her off about then and finds ToC and Jo in her house. She sees Haleigh missing and asks them where she is. They say, we don't know, we just came to steal a gun. They argue back and forth and Misty calls TiC to see what he knows. They try to find Haleigh and argue back and forth. Ron is back at work and is awaiting an emergency call, but it never comes, because Misty does not want to admit she left the kids alone. ToC and Jo don't want to admit they broke in to steal. Ron takes his time getting home, stopping at a convenience store, still waiting on a call that his daughter is missing. When he finally gets home, he is mad because Misty has not yet called 911 or him. The door could have been propped with a cinder block by A-Misty as an easy and quiet in a out. B-Tommy and Jo to steal stuff. C-Ronald so he could park at end of ramp to conceal carrying something out.
I am almost convinced that the kids were left alone by Misty at the trailer and Ron gave his permission because he is madly in love with Misty and he was scared she would just leave him again. Something happened either with a drug she gave the kids to make them sleep, an asthma attack or someone came in the trailer like Tommy and did something to her. I think Misty came home and found Haleigh dead or missing and the cover up started. I think Ron knew about it the whole time.
The cops said early on they had reason to believe that Misty wasn't home all night. Then much later, Tommy put himself @ the trailer. When I add those 2 things with a few red flags, I tend to think this theory makes sense. Misty said in an early interview that as soon as Ron got home, she asked him if he had Haleigh. She had to check the lock for the 911 operator, & it has been reported that a neighbor reported a woman's scream, & either the same neighbor or a different one, saw Misty in the yard, crying on the phone. This doesn't paint a picture of a murderer, or an accessory. It has also been speculated that Misty turned off her phone, after an argument with Ron. I think it's possible that miffed, Misty was partying with Tommy & the gang. Tommy, knowing that the kids were alone, seized an opportunity to sneak into the trailer, & either steal from them, or assault Haleigh. Jo very well may have been along, with the purpose of retrieving that gun. After the assault, they may have left Haleigh for Misty to find, but they probably put her in the dumpster, went back & got the van, & then disposed of her elsewhere. Misty, herself may have put Haleigh in the dumpster-on Timmy's or Ron's directions.This would explain Misty not having all of the answers on the different tests, & her suspecting Ron. Where does her vague dream of 3 or 4 men fit in? IDK, but this may have resulted from her own deduction. maybe she really did hide with Jr., when the guys went back? This would also fit in with her early suspicions of Jo & Tommy. Tommy said that Ron called him to check the trailer. This may have been how he found the kids home alone or Misty in a knocked out drug crash. & then he took advantage. But from Misty's voice on the 911, I don't think she was crashing. Also, if there really was a gun fight, & I'm assuming there was, I'm not so sure that Ron would call Tommy for the check up. I think he called for something else.
Sometime prior to Feb. 9/10, 2009 Ron made a drug dealer very angry. So angry they wanted revenge. The rumor that he robbed a drug dealer may be true. I am going to start the timeline at 8:30 pm on Monday Feb. 9 the last known time Misty’s phone was reported to be active until after 3am the next morning, believing all the events reported by GMA Sykes, Ron and Misty to be true up until that time.

Ron told Cobra a dd would not know where he lived. Maybe he was being honest about that, maybe that is what he thought but it probably wouldn’t be too hard for the dd to find out where Ron lives. Dd goes to 202 Green Lane to retrieve what Ron stole from him, could be money, could be drugs, could be a gun. Misty lets him in. Dd ransacks the place and threatens Misty (may have even held a knife to her throat) to tell where what he came there to retrieve is. (I recall hearing drugs were found in a non-running car at Ron’s home at the beginning of the case-there is a pic of a car in the backyard at 202 Green Lane from early in the case-could this be the drugs the dd was after and Ron forgot to remove them before LE arrived? LE would not comment on the drugs found in a car rumor) She does not know. She calls Ron to ask him. Ron is working, doesn’t hear his phone, doesn’t know she called. Dd gets mad when it is not found within the home and since he can’t have his property back he decides to take something away from Ron, something that means the world to him, something that he loves very much and is very fond of. That something would be Haleigh. Dd makes Misty turn her phone off and rapes her on the couch. Ron eventually sees Misty called and tries to call her back but she does not answer. Dd takes Haleigh to the couch along with her blanket, rapes her and strangles her. When Haleigh passes she soils the blanket, explaining why Misty had to wash it. Her clothes were either disposed of with her or washed with the blanket and put away. (this explains what Jr. said he saw/heard-black man in black took Haleigh and the couch was bouncing, squeaky shoes woke him up, could have been couch squeaking) Misty and Jr. are in the bedroom now. (this fits with what GMA Flo described) Ron keeps trying to get Misty on the phone, calls Tommy to go check on her. Tommy waits until Lindsy gets home (she was at school) so he doesn’t have to leave the kids home alone or take them with him while he goes to check on Misty. Tommy arrives at Green Lane but Misty is too scared to answer the door until Tommy calls out to her and she answers. Misty tells Tommy what happened. Tommy calls Ron from his cell phone and tells him what happened. Ron knows he can’t leave work, he needs to be there for an alibi. He works overtime and stops at the store on the way home so everything appears to be normal.

Ron tells Tommy and Misty what to do. They wrap her in the missing blanket Misty talked about and Tommy carries her to the dumpster area to hide her explaining the dumpster hits by the cadaver dogs. Tommy calls Timmy because he needs the van to transport Haleigh to the Shell Harbour boat dock. He doesn’t want to use his truck because it will wake up Lindsy. Tommy does not want Lindsy to know what is going on so he goes back home, tells her everything is fine and sneaks out later. Timmy and Joe go to Tyler (after Chelsea is asleep or she may know what happened) to pick up Tommy then they go to the dumpster area and get Haleigh. They do as Ron says, using rope and cinder blocks. They put her in a container so cadaver dogs will not pick up the scent in the van. They take her to the closest public dock, not wanting to go far with her in the van and making it look like the perp assaulted her and dumped her. Somehow the van gets damaged. Timmy takes Tommy home, then goes home. Ron leaves work at 3am, Misty calls Timmy to make sure he got home ok, then the staged call to Ron and 911. Ron rants in the background, stating he is going to kill the mf who did this. LE takes his handgun because of the threats, afraid he will act on them. C. Jones says he overheard Ron asking OT to get him a dirty gun, maybe Ron was planning on harming the dd or wanting it for protection. Maybe he thought it through and decided against harming the dd for fear of more revenge against his loved ones by the dd **** friends or family members. Ron disposes of the gun where Haleigh is, it is recovered along with the other items Tommy said would be there.

Ron tells Misty to stage the home to make it look like a sex offender came in and abducted Haleigh. He thinks her body will be recovered soon and all of the dna the perp or anyone else left on her will be washed off from the river water and will not be linked back to the dd or the Croslins. This could explain the comment Art stated Jerry Santos told him about Ron saying he would see Ron is innocent when her body is pulled from the river. Haleigh was not recovered quickly like Ron thought so he has to keep up the charade.
Joe goes back to Tennessee but is haunted by what he witnessed. Tommy is also haunted, explaining his escalated drug use. Timmy and Tommy stay out of the spotlight in the early days of this case. Ron provided them with drugs in exchange for their help. They also wouldn’t rat on the dd and Ron for fear of something happening to them or their family. They may not even know who the dd is that harmed Haleigh. After Joe leaves the finger pointing at him begins.

I think there will be at least 6 people charged in Haleigh’s case, if not more. Ron, Misty, Tommy, Timmy, Joe and the main perp/drug dealer.
LE is correct when they say Ron is not a suspect in his daughter’s disappearance. He was at work. He is not directly responsible for Haleigh’s death, but he is most definitely responsible indirectly.
His actions led to her death. He always has to be in control and could not bear to lose Jr. He plotted the disposal and aftermath of Haleigh’s death. He figured Haleigh is already gone, I can’t save her but I can still save myself. This explains why he would not implicate Joe publicly but he would tell stories about Joe and alligators to Cobra and others. Joe could rat Ron out. Same goes for Ratgate and Tommy. I think Tommy threatened to expose Ron which led to the rat incident. This explains why Ron would not return to live at 202 Green Lane. Haleigh died there because of him. Tommy did not harm Haleigh. I agree with Sheryl on last night’s Levi show, Tommy is the weakest link. He is cracking. Joe did not harm Haleigh. Timmy did not harm Haleigh. They are not child molesters or murderers. I am not making excuses for what they did after the fact. They are big boys and made their own decisions. If they are involved in the cover-up they should pay.

I don’t think TN or AS are involved but they may have learned after the fact. Lindsy is not involved. Chelsea I’m on the fence. Hank and Lisa are not involved.
I never thought Ron harmed Haleigh intentionally. I thought accidental drug od or discipline that went too far. I threw out the revenge theory a long time ago but went back to it these past 2 weeks. The Cobra tapes answered a lot for me. Ron denies the dd connection, points the finger at Joe for revenge of the gun incident (which I am not sure ever happened), witnesses state Ron said he was 75% sure who did this, then denies it on the Geraldo show, explains why they all slept in the same room allegedly with a 9mm under the pillow, changing the locks on the doors so “something like this would not happen”, Tommy saying he would not lie and implicate Joe to get out of jail, explains why he never blamed Misty, he’s right, it isn’t her fault this happened, bringing up the child support and court papers right before Haleigh disappeared, telling Cobra suspicions about Marie, deflect, deflect, deflect. I sure wish I had the phone records to narrow it down more. Ron can use the excuse for multiple phone calls to Timmy or Tommy saying he was trying to find Misty because she would not answer her phone. I think it is very possible Chelsea was at the bus stop picking up her nephew and was watching To and L’s children while they were at work/school and Jerry S. mistook her for Misty. I think Haleigh was at school all day Monday, maybe a little late. I think Jr. and Haleigh were in Welaka with GMA Sykes, Ron overslept and was rushing to go get Haleigh and get her to school Monday morning.

I do believe Jr. was at the home all night. I think he woke when the dd was raping Misty then witnessed him take Haleigh from the bed, heard what was going on in the lr, (he would not know what a sexual act is at his age so he could not describe what dd did to Haleigh) and went back to sleep. I think Misty stayed at the home all night. She turned her phone off and was too shaken up to turn it back on until she had to, saying she just wanted to sleep and turned it off after the 8:30 disagreement with Ron.

Misty is covering for Ron because she loves him. She didn’t hurt Haleigh.
I think Haleigh was dearly loved by everyone that surrounded her. It is a shame her father didn’t love his daughter more than himself.
The pieces of the puzzle are fitting together quite nicely now, at least in my mind.
Hang on Haleigh, justice is coming for you real soon, then you can rest in peace.

I am including this video because I think it goes along with my theory.


Sometime prior to Feb. 9/10, 2009 Ron made a drug dealer very angry. So angry they wanted revenge. The rumor that he robbed a drug dealer may be true. I am going to start the timeline at 8:30 pm on Monday Feb. 9 the last known time Misty’s phone was reported to be active until after 3am the next morning, believing all the events reported by GMA Sykes, Ron and Misty to be true up until that time.

Ron told Cobra a dd would not know where he lived. Maybe he was being honest about that, maybe that is what he thought but it probably wouldn’t be too hard for the dd to find out where Ron lives. Dd goes to 202 Green Lane to retrieve what Ron stole from him, could be money, could be drugs, could be a gun. Misty lets him in. Dd ransacks the place and threatens Misty (may have even held a knife to her throat) to tell where what he came there to retrieve is. (I recall hearing drugs were found in a non-running car at Ron’s home at the beginning of the case-there is a pic of a car in the backyard at 202 Green Lane from early in the case-could this be the drugs the dd was after and Ron forgot to remove them before LE arrived? LE would not comment on the drugs found in a car rumor) She does not know. She calls Ron to ask him. Ron is working, doesn’t hear his phone, doesn’t know she called. Dd gets mad when it is not found within the home and since he can’t have his property back he decides to take something away from Ron, something that means the world to him, something that he loves very much and is very fond of. That something would be Haleigh. Dd makes Misty turn her phone off and rapes her on the couch. Ron eventually sees Misty called and tries to call her back but she does not answer. Dd takes Haleigh to the couch along with her blanket, rapes her and strangles her. When Haleigh passes she soils the blanket, explaining why Misty had to wash it. Her clothes were either disposed of with her or washed with the blanket and put away. (this explains what Jr. said he saw/heard-black man in black took Haleigh and the couch was bouncing, squeaky shoes woke him up, could have been couch squeaking) Misty and Jr. are in the bedroom now. (this fits with what GMA Flo described) Ron keeps trying to get Misty on the phone, calls Tommy to go check on her. Tommy waits until Lindsy gets home (she was at school) so he doesn’t have to leave the kids home alone or take them with him while he goes to check on Misty. Tommy arrives at Green Lane but Misty is too scared to answer the door until Tommy calls out to her and she answers. Misty tells Tommy what happened. Tommy calls Ron from his cell phone and tells him what happened. Ron knows he can’t leave work, he needs to be there for an alibi. He works overtime and stops at the store on the way home so everything appears to be normal.

Ron tells Tommy and Misty what to do. They wrap her in the missing blanket Misty talked about and Tommy carries her to the dumpster area to hide her explaining the dumpster hits by the cadaver dogs. Tommy calls Timmy because he needs the van to transport Haleigh to the Shell Harbour boat dock. He doesn’t want to use his truck because it will wake up Lindsy. Tommy does not want Lindsy to know what is going on so he goes back home, tells her everything is fine and sneaks out later. Timmy and Joe go to Tyler (after Chelsea is asleep or she may know what happened) to pick up Tommy then they go to the dumpster area and get Haleigh. They do as Ron says, using rope and cinder blocks. They put her in a container so cadaver dogs will not pick up the scent in the van. They take her to the closest public dock, not wanting to go far with her in the van and making it look like the perp assaulted her and dumped her. Somehow the van gets damaged. Timmy takes Tommy home, then goes home. Ron leaves work at 3am, Misty calls Timmy to make sure he got home ok, then the staged call to Ron and 911. Ron rants in the background, stating he is going to kill the mf who did this. LE takes his handgun because of the threats, afraid he will act on them. C. Jones says he overheard Ron asking OT to get him a dirty gun, maybe Ron was planning on harming the dd or wanting it for protection. Maybe he thought it through and decided against harming the dd for fear of more revenge against his loved ones by the dd friends or family members. Ron disposes of the gun where Haleigh is, it is recovered along with the other items Tommy said would be there.

Ron tells Misty to stage the home to make it look like a sex offender came in and abducted Haleigh. He thinks her body will be recovered soon and all of the dna the perp or anyone else left on her will be washed off from the river water and will not be linked back to the dd or the Croslins. This could explain the comment Art stated Jerry Santos told him about Ron saying he would see Ron is innocent when her body is pulled from the river. Haleigh was not recovered quickly like Ron thought so he has to keep up the charade.
Joe goes back to Tennessee but is haunted by what he witnessed. Tommy is also haunted, explaining his escalated drug use. Timmy and Tommy stay out of the spotlight in the early days of this case. Ron provided them with drugs in exchange for their help. They also wouldn’t rat on the dd and Ron for fear of something happening to them or their family. They may not even know who the dd is that took Haleigh. After Joe leaves the finger pointing at him begins.

I think there will be at least 6 people charged in Haleigh’s case, if not more. Ron, Misty, Tommy, Timmy, Joe and the main perp/drug dealer.
LE is correct when they say Ron is not a suspect in his daughter’s disappearance. He was at work. He is not directly responsible for Haleigh’s death, but he is most definitely responsible indirectly.
His actions led to her death. He always has to be in control and could not bear to lose Jr. He plotted the disposal and aftermath of Haleigh’s death. He figured Haleigh is already gone, I can’t save her but I can still save myself. This explains why he would not implicate Joe publicly but he would tell stories about Joe and alligators to Cobra and others. Joe could rat Ron out. Same goes for Ratgate and Tommy. I think Tommy threatened to expose Ron which led to the rat incident. This explains why Ron would not return to live at 202 Green Lane. Haleigh died there because of him. Tommy did not harm Haleigh. I agree with Sheryl on last night’s Levi show, Tommy is the weakest link. He is cracking. Joe did not harm Haleigh. Timmy did not harm Haleigh. They are not child molesters or murderers. I am not making excuses for what they did after the fact. They are big boys and made their own decisions. If they are involved in the cover-up they should pay.

I don’t think TN or AS are involved but they may have learned after the fact. Lindsy is not involved. Chelsea I’m on the fence. Hank and Lisa are not involved.
I never thought Ron harmed Haleigh intentionally. I thought accidental drug od or discipline that went too far. I threw out the revenge theory a long time ago but went back to it these past 2 weeks. The Cobra tapes answered a lot for me. Ron denies the dd connection, points the finger at Joe for revenge of the gun incident (which I am not sure ever happened), witnesses state Ron said he was 75% sure who did this, then denies it on the Geraldo show, explains why they all slept in the same room allegedly with a 9mm under the pillow, changing the locks on the doors so “something like this would not happen”, Tommy saying he would not lie and implicate Joe to get out of jail, explains why he never blamed Misty, he’s right, it isn’t her fault this happened, bringing up the child support and court papers right before Haleigh disappeared, telling Cobra suspicions about Marie, deflect, deflect, deflect. I sure wish I had the phone records to narrow it down more. Ron can use the excuse for multiple phone calls to Timmy or Tommy saying he was trying to find Misty because she would not answer her phone. I think it is very possible Chelsea was at the bus stop picking up her nephew and was watching To and L’s children while they were at work/school and Jerry S. mistook her for Misty. I think Haleigh was at school all day Monday, maybe a little late. I think Jr. and Haleigh were in Welaka with GMA Sykes, Ron overslept and was rushing to go get Haleigh and get her to school Monday morning.

I do believe Jr. was at the home all night. I think he woke when the dd was raping Misty then witnessed him take Haleigh from the bed, heard what was going on in the lr, (he would not know what a sexual act is at his age so he could not describe what dd did to Haleigh) and went back to sleep. I think Misty stayed at the home all night. She turned her phone off and was too shaken up to turn it back on until she had to, saying she just wanted to sleep and turned it off after the 8:30 disagreement with Ron.

Misty is covering for Ron because she loves him. She didn’t hurt Haleigh.
I think Haleigh was dearly loved by everyone that surrounded her. It is a shame her father didn’t love his daughter more than himself.
The pieces of the puzzle are fitting together quite nicely now, at least in my mind.
Hang on Haleigh, justice is coming for you real soon, then you can rest in peace.

I am including this video because I think it goes along with my theory.


This theory would explain a lot-especially Ron's involvement, which a lot of us can't consider a theory without it. It would explain why Misty & Tommy seem to be trading, 'you tell, no you tell, no let's blame it on Joe & let him tell' barbs. It also would go a long way in explaining why these guys are not pointing fingers @ Ron. Not only would it be technically not true, but it would also drag them all down. & for what?
I believe Granny Hollars too. She appears to be honestly conveying the conversations she has had with Misty and Tommy. I think that she is heart sick and disgusted at what she has learned and in furious that her grandchildren would be involved with something so sinister. I am very interested in the latest bit of info regarding Misty and Jr. hiding, with a sheet over them as Haleigh screams in the next room, supposedly being raped. This is just totally disgusting to me, I can only wonder at how disgusting it would be to hear this from your own granddaughter. I admit that I am surprised that Granny is going national telling this to the media . I have not seen any confirmation on this. Ron dismissed it as BS from Crystal's side of the family. LE did not seem interested in it after their people talked with Jr. Who knows maybe Jr. needs to be questioned again. Don't know if he will remember anything after a year but as tramatic as the event is, he may never forget it. I wonder if the counseling sessions that Jr. was suppose to attend ever revealed anything. We will probably never hear about that though.

Lonetraveler, i agree with you on your post and that Granny Hollars told authorities out of moral obligation.

Misty may not be a genius, however she does have some street smarts, so i'm wondering if she knows that they tape jailhouse phone calls; if she heard about the Casey A case, she'd know that they tape the calls and visits.

The info about Misty and JR hiding under the blanket in the van while Tommy and or Joe had Haleigh (who was crying and screaming) in another room, is very interesting, as in the beginning Misty had mentioned a blanket that had been left in the van.
In this old video Misty spews about the blanket, it's almost a word salad involving the blanket:

Flora Hollars mentions Misty told her that Tommy and Joe tied a brick around Haleigh and dropped her in the river:

The mentioning of the "bricking" of the door and cinderblocks being used to dispose of the body later on.. it's as if the bits and pieces of Misty's tales have truth in them i.e. (bricks, blankets) now only if everything would come together..

Versions of 3 different tales told to Granny Hollars:

Misty told her Tommy & Joe took Haleigh wrapped in a yellow rope tied to a brick and thrown her in the river. Alleged spectulation of molestation?

Misty knocked Haleigh in the head with some type of piece of wood or "something", killing her, and Joe & Tommy disposed of her.
As for reasons why, Granny Hollars is thinking the overdose.

Joe killed Haleigh

Here's a video in which Grandma Hollars thinks it's a conspiracy between the 3:

Hollars states Misty and Joe were always friends, and Misty always wanted to go over Joe's house when she lived there. Conspiracy possible between all 3 of them.

Joe mentions to Tommy & his daddy that the river would be a great place to commit a murder (said prior to Haliegh's disappearance)..
In the second video link above, G. Hollars mentions she thinks Ron married Misty since he didn't think she could testify against him, and thinks Ron is also involved in the conspiracy with Tommy, Joe & Misty, due to Ron marrying misty and then turning around" saying the law made him divorce her".

Why would Ron be part of the conspiracy to kill his own daughter? Maybe he'd marry Misty so she wouldn't testify about drug issues, however IMO i don't see him gaining anything out of murdering his daughter.. i don't see a motive with Ron for that.

What i don't understand is, in the theory that Haleigh was molested and killed by Tommy and Joe, and Misty took Jr and hid under a blanket in the van, well why wouldn't Misty call the police if she was that scared? Why would she keep silent about what happened if she wasn't culpable and was hiding in a van? Probably another Misty lie...
In the second video link above, G. Hollars mentions she thinks Ron married Misty since he didn't think she could testify against him, and thinks Ron is also involved in the conspiracy with Tommy, Joe & Misty, due to Ron marrying misty and then turning around" saying the law made him divorce her".

Why would Ron be part of the conspiracy to kill his own daughter? Maybe he'd marry Misty so she wouldn't testify about drug issues, however IMO i don't see him gaining anything out of murdering his daughter.. i don't see a motive with Ron for that. <snipped respectfully>

yeah. G. Hollars talks a lot. About stuff. She's heard or read.
We have that in common, I suppose. :)

I differ in translation on this point.

My thinking on the wedding "motive" is simple:
It's all about Ron keeping custody of Butterbean after the loss of his daughter, Haleigh under suspicious circumstances.

Just another part of the on-going "Ron's a great dude" spin/cover-up that Ron, TN & GGMS deemed appropriate when Haleigh's case garnered national attention. (Campaigning for Misty's sainthood was another part of same spin cycle.) Ron was roundly criticized for his live-in-love-in relationship with the minor Misty, and it came to light that she was NOT the first child he'd had relations with... Lots of things we find hinky could be viewed as efforts to protect Ron's reputation. JHMO.
Lonetraveler, i agree with you on your post and that Granny Hollars told authorities out of moral obligation.

Misty may not be a genius, however she does have some street smarts, so i'm wondering if she knows that they tape jailhouse phone calls; if she heard about the Casey A case, she'd know that they tape the calls and visits.

The info about Misty and JR hiding under the blanket in the van while Tommy and or Joe had Haleigh (who was crying and screaming) in another room, is very interesting, as in the beginning Misty had mentioned a blanket that had been left in the van.
In this old video Misty spews about the blanket, it's almost a word salad involving the blanket:
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/yTl4PUY6o_E&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/yTl4PUY6o_E&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Flora Hollars mentions Misty told her that Tommy and Joe tied a brick around Haleigh and dropped her in the river:

The mentioning of the "bricking" of the door and cinderblocks being used to dispose of the body later on.. it's as if the bits and pieces of Misty's tales have truth in them i.e. (bricks, blankets) now only if everything would come together..

Versions of 3 different tales told to Granny Hollars:

Misty told her Tommy & Joe took Haleigh wrapped in a yellow rope tied to a brick and thrown her in the river. Alleged spectulation of molestation?

Misty knocked Haleigh in the head with some type of piece of wood or "something", killing her, and Joe & Tommy disposed of her.
As for reasons why, Granny Hollars is thinking the overdose.

Joe killed Haleigh

Here's a video in which Grandma Hollars thinks it's a conspiracy between the 3:

Hollars states Misty and Joe were always friends, and Misty always wanted to go over Joe's house when she lived there. Conspiracy possible between all 3 of them.

Joe mentions to Tommy & his daddy that the river would be a great place to commit a murder (said prior to Haliegh's disappearance)..

Maybe, if it's even true, the talk of murder and body disposal was about getting rid of Ron.
Sometime prior to Feb. 9/10, 2009 Ron made a drug dealer very angry. So angry they wanted revenge. The rumor that he robbed a drug dealer may be true. I am going to start the timeline at 8:30 pm on Monday Feb. 9 the last known time Misty’s phone was reported to be active until after 3am the next morning, believing all the events reported by GMA Sykes, Ron and Misty to be true up until that time.

Ron told Cobra a dd would not know where he lived. Maybe he was being honest about that, maybe that is what he thought but it probably wouldn’t be too hard for the dd to find out where Ron lives. Dd goes to 202 Green Lane to retrieve what Ron stole from him, could be money, could be drugs, could be a gun. Misty lets him in. Dd ransacks the place and threatens Misty (may have even held a knife to her throat) to tell where what he came there to retrieve is. (I recall hearing drugs were found in a non-running car at Ron’s home at the beginning of the case-there is a pic of a car in the backyard at 202 Green Lane from early in the case-could this be the drugs the dd was after and Ron forgot to remove them before LE arrived? LE would not comment on the drugs found in a car rumor) She does not know. She calls Ron to ask him. Ron is working, doesn’t hear his phone, doesn’t know she called. Dd gets mad when it is not found within the home and since he can’t have his property back he decides to take something away from Ron, something that means the world to him, something that he loves very much and is very fond of. That something would be Haleigh. Dd makes Misty turn her phone off and rapes her on the couch. Ron eventually sees Misty called and tries to call her back but she does not answer. Dd takes Haleigh to the couch along with her blanket, rapes her and strangles her. When Haleigh passes she soils the blanket, explaining why Misty had to wash it. Her clothes were either disposed of with her or washed with the blanket and put away. (this explains what Jr. said he saw/heard-black man in black took Haleigh and the couch was bouncing, squeaky shoes woke him up, could have been couch squeaking) Misty and Jr. are in the bedroom now. (this fits with what GMA Flo described) Ron keeps trying to get Misty on the phone, calls Tommy to go check on her. Tommy waits until Lindsy gets home (she was at school) so he doesn’t have to leave the kids home alone or take them with him while he goes to check on Misty. Tommy arrives at Green Lane but Misty is too scared to answer the door until Tommy calls out to her and she answers. Misty tells Tommy what happened. Tommy calls Ron from his cell phone and tells him what happened. Ron knows he can’t leave work, he needs to be there for an alibi. He works overtime and stops at the store on the way home so everything appears to be normal.

Ron tells Tommy and Misty what to do. They wrap her in the missing blanket Misty talked about and Tommy carries her to the dumpster area to hide her explaining the dumpster hits by the cadaver dogs. Tommy calls Timmy because he needs the van to transport Haleigh to the Shell Harbour boat dock. He doesn’t want to use his truck because it will wake up Lindsy. Tommy does not want Lindsy to know what is going on so he goes back home, tells her everything is fine and sneaks out later. Timmy and Joe go to Tyler (after Chelsea is asleep or she may know what happened) to pick up Tommy then they go to the dumpster area and get Haleigh. They do as Ron says, using rope and cinder blocks. They put her in a container so cadaver dogs will not pick up the scent in the van. They take her to the closest public dock, not wanting to go far with her in the van and making it look like the perp assaulted her and dumped her. Somehow the van gets damaged. Timmy takes Tommy home, then goes home. Ron leaves work at 3am, Misty calls Timmy to make sure he got home ok, then the staged call to Ron and 911. Ron rants in the background, stating he is going to kill the mf who did this. LE takes his handgun because of the threats, afraid he will act on them. C. Jones says he overheard Ron asking OT to get him a dirty gun, maybe Ron was planning on harming the dd or wanting it for protection. Maybe he thought it through and decided against harming the dd for fear of more revenge against his loved ones by the dd friends or family members. Ron disposes of the gun where Haleigh is, it is recovered along with the other items Tommy said would be there.

Ron tells Misty to stage the home to make it look like a sex offender came in and abducted Haleigh. He thinks her body will be recovered soon and all of the dna the perp or anyone else left on her will be washed off from the river water and will not be linked back to the dd or the Croslins. This could explain the comment Art stated Jerry Santos told him about Ron saying he would see Ron is innocent when her body is pulled from the river. Haleigh was not recovered quickly like Ron thought so he has to keep up the charade.
Joe goes back to Tennessee but is haunted by what he witnessed. Tommy is also haunted, explaining his escalated drug use. Timmy and Tommy stay out of the spotlight in the early days of this case. Ron provided them with drugs in exchange for their help. They also wouldn’t rat on the dd and Ron for fear of something happening to them or their family. They may not even know who the dd is that took Haleigh. After Joe leaves the finger pointing at him begins.

I think there will be at least 6 people charged in Haleigh’s case, if not more. Ron, Misty, Tommy, Timmy, Joe and the main perp/drug dealer.
LE is correct when they say Ron is not a suspect in his daughter’s disappearance. He was at work. He is not directly responsible for Haleigh’s death, but he is most definitely responsible indirectly.
His actions led to her death. He always has to be in control and could not bear to lose Jr. He plotted the disposal and aftermath of Haleigh’s death. He figured Haleigh is already gone, I can’t save her but I can still save myself. This explains why he would not implicate Joe publicly but he would tell stories about Joe and alligators to Cobra and others. Joe could rat Ron out. Same goes for Ratgate and Tommy. I think Tommy threatened to expose Ron which led to the rat incident. This explains why Ron would not return to live at 202 Green Lane. Haleigh died there because of him. Tommy did not harm Haleigh. I agree with Sheryl on last night’s Levi show, Tommy is the weakest link. He is cracking. Joe did not harm Haleigh. Timmy did not harm Haleigh. They are not child molesters or murderers. I am not making excuses for what they did after the fact. They are big boys and made their own decisions. If they are involved in the cover-up they should pay.

I don’t think TN or AS are involved but they may have learned after the fact. Lindsy is not involved. Chelsea I’m on the fence. Hank and Lisa are not involved.
I never thought Ron harmed Haleigh intentionally. I thought accidental drug od or discipline that went too far. I threw out the revenge theory a long time ago but went back to it these past 2 weeks. The Cobra tapes answered a lot for me. Ron denies the dd connection, points the finger at Joe for revenge of the gun incident (which I am not sure ever happened), witnesses state Ron said he was 75% sure who did this, then denies it on the Geraldo show, explains why they all slept in the same room allegedly with a 9mm under the pillow, changing the locks on the doors so “something like this would not happen”, Tommy saying he would not lie and implicate Joe to get out of jail, explains why he never blamed Misty, he’s right, it isn’t her fault this happened, bringing up the child support and court papers right before Haleigh disappeared, telling Cobra suspicions about Marie, deflect, deflect, deflect. I sure wish I had the phone records to narrow it down more. Ron can use the excuse for multiple phone calls to Timmy or Tommy saying he was trying to find Misty because she would not answer her phone. I think it is very possible Chelsea was at the bus stop picking up her nephew and was watching To and L’s children while they were at work/school and Jerry S. mistook her for Misty. I think Haleigh was at school all day Monday, maybe a little late. I think Jr. and Haleigh were in Welaka with GMA Sykes, Ron overslept and was rushing to go get Haleigh and get her to school Monday morning.

I do believe Jr. was at the home all night. I think he woke when the dd was raping Misty then witnessed him take Haleigh from the bed, heard what was going on in the lr, (he would not know what a sexual act is at his age so he could not describe what dd did to Haleigh) and went back to sleep. I think Misty stayed at the home all night. She turned her phone off and was too shaken up to turn it back on until she had to, saying she just wanted to sleep and turned it off after the 8:30 disagreement with Ron.

Misty is covering for Ron because she loves him. She didn’t hurt Haleigh.
I think Haleigh was dearly loved by everyone that surrounded her. It is a shame her father didn’t love his daughter more than himself.
The pieces of the puzzle are fitting together quite nicely now, at least in my mind.
Hang on Haleigh, justice is coming for you real soon, then you can rest in peace.

I am including this video because I think it goes along with my theory.


& another thing about this theory...if this turns out to be close, the last thing I want to hear, are a bunch of news people trying to exonerate Ron by accusing Misty of being THAT dishonest drug dealer. I've been wondering why such an emphasis has been put on MISTY's drug dealing versus Ron's, & I think I see a 'mastermind, ringleader' bus coming her way. In my opinion, Misty couldn't mastermind her way out of a paper bag.
Well I didn't know where to post this. Still in shock in how this is being reported. It says the remains are of alligators? I thought that was the reason the anthropologist was there? Would he not know the difference? I guess they sent alligator bones and teeth out for DNA just to be on the safe side? I would think that gator bones and teeth would be much larger than a child's?

I thought this was a good source for news. Maybe I am wrong. Anyway..read for yourself as I am confused as always when it comes to this case. Mod's please move if needed to the right place. TIA

U.S. News

Bones not those of missing girl

Published: April 26, 2010
"Snip" http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2010/04/26/Bones-not-those-of-missing-girl/UPI-25871272302568/

SATSUMA, Fla., April 26 (UPI) -- Bones and teeth recovered from a Florida river proved to be animal remains and not those of Haleigh Cummings, authorities said.

Haleigh Cummings disappeared in February 2009 in Satsuma, Fla., near where the remains were recovered this month from the St. John's River.
An anthropologist at the scene identified the remains as alligator claws and teeth and other animal bones, the Putnam County Sheriff's Office said in a release Monday.
Misty Croslin, said she was taken to the river by police and shown the bones, The Bald Truth Blog reported last week. "Misty Croslin could have easily seen these items while she was at the dock while the dive operation was in progress," the sheriff's office said.

Detectives are treating the case as a homicide and had described the river site, which is infested with alligators, as a possible crime scene.
the stories about Misty sleeping with a pistol under her pillow totally discredits the stories about Misty being too scared to stop Joe from raping, kidnapping and murdering Haleigh. That is why I think that if any of Misty's family showed up at the MH, they were there as far as they knew, to help Misty cover up something that she did. I say, as far as they knew, because I do not think they would willingly help Ron. I think Misty promised them some of Ron's stash and weapons and that sweetened the pot, so to speak. But I think that Haleigh was dead long before Misty's family was drafted to help out. I don't think that Misty bothered to tell them that she didn't kill Haleigh, her mission was to protect Ron, then herself. I do believe that there is a "fatal attraction" between Misty and Ron. I truly believe that Ron is so in love with Misty that he agreed to do anything he could to get her back into the MH. Misty was so tired and hung over that night and Ron as well. Remember almost nothing is said about what Ron was doing those three days that Misty was gone. I believe that he was desperately trying to find her, make up and get her back home. I think that he had been without sleep, drugged out, drunk and having to actually tend to the children for once in his .......... life. I do think that Haleigh and Jr. did not fare very well under Ron's rage. Either Ron knocked the he77 out of Haleigh which resulted in death or he drugged Haleigh in order to convince Misty to babysit, or he instructed Misty to drug Haleigh so that she would not be a bother. He left for work. Called Tommy to go clean up the MH so that 911 could be called later (drugs, guns, whatever). Tommy called Timmy because he needed the van (maybe there were pot plants in the MH). Timmy was (in pain) so he sent Joe. Ron promised Tommy that he would give him and Joe the gun after the job was done. Ron hid the gun in the culvert but later changed his mind about giving him the gun and retrieved it. Misty could not stand for Haleigh's body to be in the MH so she relocated her at the dumpster for someone in Ron's family to pick up.
Some people are claiming that you can't put a body in the back of a pickup truck and drive anywhere with it. Why not? It is done all the time. All you have to do is conceal the body so that no one can see a body in the back of a pickup truck in the dark. How hard could that be?
My new theory:

They need to search the water by Ron's work!! How far is the area of the St. John's River that they are searching from the area of the St. John's River where he works??

I had no idea Ron basically right on the St. John's River. Had no concept of the geography until Ger posted her pictures. Thanks Ger!
The only honest eye witness in this whole thing is Junior, and he must have told a little more than we've been told up until Granny Hollars started talking. Misty is still madly in love with Ron and doesn't want to lose him, so she has to make her story fit with Jr.'s story. Junior claimed that two black men came to see Misty and the couch was bouncing, plus a man dressed all in black took Haleigh. Now, Flo tells that covers were pulled over the head of Misty and Jr. while Haleigh was crying in the other room.
Maybe Jr. was the only one in bed and he pulled the covers up while Haleigh was crying. Haleigh could have said she'd tell Ron about the two male visitors and the bouncing couch. Maybe even about Tommy and Joe coming over and looking for the gun if it's true. Misty could have hurt Haleigh then got Tommy over to dispose of Haleigh. Dressed all in black. Misty wants her story to fit Jr.s, and both Tommy and Misty want to implicate Joe. They both want to implicate someone else, because they want lesser prison sentences and they fear general population. If Joe is involved or helped with disposal, he could have demanded the gun in exchange, but Misty couldn't find it. Junior could have heard this and heard Haleigh still crying out from a head or other injury. Misty needs it all to fit with what Junior saw and heard that night.
In my thoughts lately txsvicki, I'm thinking that Jr. was given "something" to sleep as well and slept through the whole thing.

Here's my "theory of the day" (and actually this has been my first theory from the get go).

RC goes to "werk". MC is exhausted from her "weekend" and pizzed because she couldn't pawn the kids off on TN (or AS). MC and RC fight over the phone. Then MC turns her phone off - Haleigh and Jr. are asleep (and will stay that way because MC gave them "something"). MC leaves the MH to party (or at least bring her "back up").

RC is calling and calling. He leaves work, runs home to see what is going on. Haleigh wakes up and tells daddy that MC has done this before or just plain doesn't know where MC is. Either way - RC flies into a rage. He throws something or swings and connects with Haleigh. This puts him into a rage/panic mode.

He wraps up Haleigh and takes her with him. Either he leaves Jr. in MH alone - asleep; or he calls ToC to come sit with him because "his dumb b*tch sister left his kids alone". ToC gets there - either ToC asks about where Haleigh is and RC says she's probably with MC or ToC doesn't even ask.

RC leaves, disposes and goes back to work. ToC could either stay until MC gets home - or he gets tired and leaves as well. MC gets back to MH - she FREAKS. She either tells ToC that Haleigh wasn't with her or he doesn't ask - either way Haleigh is gone. It is now close to RC getting home.

RC comes home - now either he fesses up to her and they get their story straight as he might have even put his gun in her mouth and told he that its all her fault for leaving the kids. RC could even tell her that Haleigh was already gone when he got there earlier. For whatever - they have to get their stories together.

As for Jr. - I'm kinda thinking he was a very heavy sleeper and slept through most of this (or he was "helped to sleep" too).

Its funny that you don't hear Jr. on the 911 call and neither RC or MR refer to him at all. Maybe Gms did come by and that's how she's involved - she don't know much - just that Haleigh was gone.

RC grins like a chesire cat all the time. Listening to that radio show last night brought this all back. IF RC is an intravenous drug user - that's bad. Did he have to take a drug test to go to work for PDM? He could very easily get away with this - maybe.
Sorry - but to follow my post with, yet another post -

This theory would also explain why LE has kep with the "Misty is the key" line.

LE needs MC to fess up that she wasn't in the MH that night - and they need it bad.

Whether or not RC has confided in MC or ToC or both doesn't matter. Well, it kinda does - that could be why ToC is cracking.

MC will never crack. She knows if she says she wasn't there - she goes down for child negligence charges at best and accessory to manslaughter at worst. She's in a loose-loose situation.

Meanwhile, RC sits back in gen pop probably doing the best drugs around.

I've changed my theory from Misty trading Haleigh for drugs. I lost my audience on that theory a few months ago!

However, I still believe that Misty resented Haleigh. Haleigh was Ron's heart, they say. And she was either still high or crashing from a three day drug binge and I believe it when they say she didn't want to babysit. I think she was reckless in caring for Haleigh. Because of this lack of caring for Haleigh, Haleigh died. I don't know if they were messing with her, giving her drugs to make her sleep, if Misty got mad at her because she was going to "tell her daddy" or what - but she died in the process. :(

Then Ron came home. The 911 call was made. I don't know if Misty told him what happened just prior to the call or if she told him later, but I believe at some point Ron was told what happened to Haleigh. Why he kept this a secret? I'm not sure but it certainly has to do with Ron's # one priority - drugs. That is what all of these people in this case revolve around - drugs. And just like any addict, they would go to great lengths to protect their drug lifestyle, even if that meant "dealing with Haleigh's death" themselves. They don't trust the cops. The 911 call was probably their biggest mistake in their eyes.

It could be because of the drugs, but if not, I think Ron's first interview with him crying looks fake. The minute I saw that video I said "Oh, this family is involved". Then Misty's first interview came out where she is pushing out those tears. Oh my gosh, now we all know what she REALLY sounds like when she's upset!!! The interviews of Ron with Misty are so telling. She is looking to him for affirmation to make sure he approves of her answers.

Thanks for reading my long late night post. I still am on the fence about this whole case. This is just my number one theory for now.
I've changed my theory from Misty trading Haleigh for drugs. I lost my audience on that theory a few months ago!

However, I still believe that Misty resented Haleigh. Haleigh was Ron's heart, they say. And she was either still high or crashing from a three day drug binge and I believe it when they say she didn't want to babysit. I think she was reckless in caring for Haleigh. Because of this lack of caring for Haleigh, Haleigh died. I don't know if they were messing with her, giving her drugs to make her sleep, if Misty got mad at her because she was going to "tell her daddy" or what - but she died in the process. :(

Then Ron came home. The 911 call was made. I don't know if Misty told him what happened just prior to the call or if she told him later, but I believe at some point Ron was told what happened to Haleigh. Why he kept this a secret? I'm not sure but it certainly has to do with Ron's # one priority - drugs. That is what all of these people in this case revolve around - drugs. And just like any addict, they would go to great lengths to protect their drug lifestyle, even if that meant "dealing with Haleigh's death" themselves. They don't trust the cops. The 911 call was probably their biggest mistake in their eyes.

It could be because of the drugs, but if not, I think Ron's first interview with him crying looks fake. The minute I saw that video I said "Oh, this family is involved". Then Misty's first interview came out where she is pushing out those tears. Oh my gosh, now we all know what she REALLY sounds like when she's upset!!! The interviews of Ron with Misty are so telling. She is looking to him for affirmation to make sure he approves of her answers.

Thanks for reading my long late night post. I still am on the fence about this whole case. This is just my number one theory for now.

ITA with this, word for word. I might be a little more inclined to think he found out a little earlier though, just because of all those hinky calls Ron made from work, followed by his driving past his exit to go the the convenience store before going home.

I dunno, but it seems like a stretch for a coincidence, doesn't it?

I might give that a pass, but I also think he/they would have spent more than a few minutes agreeing on their story before calling 911. From what Ron said, LE strongly questioned his ability to get home as fast as he did, so there couldn't have been much time at all between his arrival and the call.
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