2010.04.13 Theories thread as a result of the search

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If there is any truth to Misty's new story, (via her granny), this, in my opinion, is what makes it credible. Misty, in her original version, said that Tommy was @ the trailer, then left, & then went back. too convoluted. Now, according to granny, he stayed. THAT means a lot. IF Misty was really hiding, (traumatized), she didn't know for a fact what was going on, but she knew, nonetheless.. If she stayed in the bed until after Tommy & Jo left, the door etc...was probably already staged. (big time Tommy signiature). This would explain her confusion about the lock, etc...Now, my obvious question with this story, is 'why didn't she call the cops, after they left, or the next week, or month? after she got over the initial trauma. My guess would be that her parents pressured her into keeping quiet & probably Ron did also. She wanted to keep the family intact, & her friends by her side-Linsey & Chelsea. Yes, I would think that Timmy helped-& probably Ron. Why? the drug dealing, the guns,the teenaged sex, & custody. On the jail tapes, Misty acts as if everyone owes her, & I think there's a reason for this. Linsey doesn't even hold a grudge after Misty calls Tommy a molester & rats out his burglaries. She even says in an interview, that Misty is fun-loving. Huh? They all just praise & praise, & placate her-trying to keep the mouth happy. Now, even though I've made a case for this scenario, IDK if it's buyable. It's so horrible, that I can't imagine a gun, drug money, or an argument leading to it.
If there is any truth to Misty's new story, (via her granny), this, in my opinion, is what makes it credible. Misty, in her original version, said that Tommy was @ the trailer, then left, & then went back. too convoluted. Now, according to granny, he stayed. THAT means a lot. IF Misty was really hiding, (traumatized), she didn't know for a fact what was going on, but she knew, nonetheless.. If she stayed in the bed until after Tommy & Jo left, the door etc...was probably already staged. (big time Tommy signiature). This would explain her confusion about the lock, etc...Now, my obvious question with this story, is 'why didn't she call the cops, after they left, or the next week, or month? after she got over the initial trauma. My guess would be that her parents pressured her into keeping quiet & probably Ron did also. She wanted to keep the family intact, & her friends by her side-Linsey & Chelsea. Yes, I would think that Timmy helped-& probably Ron. Why? the drug dealing, the guns,the teenaged sex, & custody. On the jail tapes, Misty acts as if everyone owes her, & I think there's a reason for this. Linsey doesn't even hold a grudge after Misty calls Tommy a molester & rats out his burglaries. She even says in an interview, that Misty is fun-loving. Huh? They all just praise & praise, & placate her-trying to keep the mouth happy. Now, even though I've made a case for this scenario, IDK if it's buyable. It's so horrible, that I can't imagine a gun, drug money, or an argument leading to it.
also, if you go back & look @ some of Misty's earlier statements, it's as if she's trying to drop clues, but not actually blab. She threw suspicion on Tommy & Joe, she admitted the gun fight, she said that the door was unlocked, etc...but then Ron & his mom were there to correct her. & this scenario would also explain the confusion with the sleeping arrangements. Ron moved into that trailer to reportedly, follow CPS rules that each child have his own room. Haleigh had school the next day, so she was probably asleep in her own room. Jr. was evidently either awake or sleeping on the couch, so Misty grabbed him & took him with her to her room. anyway, something to think about.
One thing about Tommy leading cops to the river is that we don't know if he claims to have been there or is saying that Joe told him what happened. Jr. claimed that two black men visited Misty, but again, we don't know if it was that night or some other. But, if Tommy and Joe were both dressed in all black then it was preplanned and not just coming by for a gun.
Sorry if this is wrong place. What does "KWIM" stand for?




Hi Lili-If you go down to the bottom of the forum page you will find "forum finesse". It's chock full of usefull info about posting and things including lingo!!
Who does "TN" reference?

Theresa (Teresa sp?) Nevins, who is Ron C's mom.[/QUOTE]

Yep! Get out some paper to make notes on players initials-there's a ton of em!!:crazy:
Heck I just had a breaking news at 10:30am today saying the FBI, FDLE admitted they found bones and they were still being tested.

THEN within TEN MINUTES: a poster put up an article that siad all bones found were animal...supersonic testing at that lab.

Well, first, I'm ROTFFL at the "supersonic" remark.

Here's what might explain it. The cops wanted to fool Misty and Tommy re: the bones so as to gauge their (MC and TC' reactions). The cops might have known all along they were animal bones but didn't want even the media to know this immediately for fear that jail cell calls from Croslins and possibly Cummngs to friend/relative might clear up the animal bones business.

But, I could be wrong.

This is not my #1 theory, but just throwing it in the mix.
First a quick question....when the woman scream was heard in the 2am hour, was that following a gunshot? I thought I read that somewhere. If so, maybe Misty, Tommy, Timmy, Joe were (or any combination thereof) were partying at Ron's trailer and the kids were sleeping. Perhaps they were sitting in the van and they had the windows rolled down and the MH door propped open so Misty could hear the kids crying if they got up or something. Since deer was not in season (but they hunted them, kept the meat, threw carcasses in the river) say they were getting stoned and one gets out a gun/ any gun to poach a deer that he sees in the yard or in the distance of the MH and unbeknownst to them, Haleigh who woke up moments before comes running down the ramp to see what Misty was up to. Shot goes off, hits Haleigh. Woman (Misty) screams. Cover up begins. This would also fit if Mama Lisa was babysitting in place of Misty cuz Misty had gone out... boys were hanging out with Mama doing the same thing (poaching) and Haleigh got in the way. Disposal of body takes place, Misty comes back to find Haleigh gone and just Junior there, everybody comes up with the kidnap story. Maybe the shot went thru Haleigh and even hit the deer as well. This would explain why they had fresh deer blood to rub her down with, if that is actually true.
Kenziema wrote

So pretty much, as a result of the St John's search, we've learned nothing new.

I respectfully disagree :) We know Flora Hollers is willing to contact LE even if it hurts her own grandkids. The only onther possibility is Ms Hollars wants her 15 minutes of fame but that seems a remote possibility IMNOHO
Ok disregard, I went a digging and I couldn't find the gunshot mentioned with the scream, only a loud vehicle somewhere in the neighborhood. That scenario I mentioned would only possibly fit if the cros. boys had a silencer on whatever they typically shoot deer with OR if there was a "drive by" from someone with a grudge and they were all sitting outside including Haleigh and someone drove by with a silenced weapon, fired hitting Haleigh, woman screams, and loud drive by vehicle took off from the neighborhood. And, of course, if another party such as drive by was involved, why would they not be telling that story!?
I'm not sure if this was mentioned already, but during the search of the river, LE held that presser and at one point was asked by a reporter if they believed that Haleigh was killed at the river. The officer responded (not verbatum) that it was highly likely that that was what occured. However, he didn't say when. Is it possible that she wasn't killed the night she went missing? If she was killed some time later, wouldn't that open a whole new POI cesspool?

Yeah, unless the child was hurt by Croslins but not dead until she was thown into the St Johns, later. Perhaps she was molested by a relative or Misty hit her too hard and the Croslins feared Haleigh would either tell her Dad about the molestation or Ron would see marks on her when Ron returned from home.
Here's a thought. The whole JO coming by to steal a gun story just seems so outrageous and unbelievable. How would he even know about the gun? He had only been in town two weeks tops, had only met RC once or twice and supposedly RC didn't like him.

RC knows MC is not happy to be stuck babysitting after her 3 day bender. He calls home to check in on MC and for some reason wants to talk to Haleigh. MC's response sets off RC's alarm bells.

Something has happened to Haleigh while on MC's watch. She places panicked call to TC, needs help disposing of a body. TC happens to need a vehicle and calls JO who has access to van keys where he is staying. TC and MC promise JO a gun belonging to RC for his assistance with a problem.

When TC and JO arrive it is discovered that the gun is not where MC knows it is usually kept because RC has hidden it, fearing TC would try to steal it. JO is p*ssed off. Now he is up to his eyeballs in a murder scenerio. The three dispose of remains, MC is dropped back at the mobile home. Her phone is off because RC is trying frantically to reach/check up on her and she has no idea what to say/do. RC calls TC, who is in the process of helping MC clean up. He tells RC he tried to check on MC at the MH but got no answer. What else is he going to say? "I'm busy helping her hide your daughter's body right now"?

Just some random thoughts. I am a great believer that there is always some miniscule kernel of truth in nearly every lie.

Very plausible theory IMNSHO
Asleep in the mobile home and left alone unsupervised or perhaps one of the 3 main suspects stayed behind at the MH while the other 2 went and took care of disposing evidence.

Not a fully formed theory yet, just stream of conscience thought process.

Yeah, because JR. is sleeping and last thing Misty wants is for JR to wake up and find no one home, not Misty, not Haleigh, not Dad, and tell Ron later.

The other two need a way to to get rid of the body so they ask JO to bring over the van and stay with JR.

Now, they've place JO at the scene and maybe his van will be noticed by a neighbor.

Blaming JO may come in handy later, they think. (Are they this smart, though?)

Remember, rope from TC's house has been recovered and cincer blocks were available by the Cummings home and pulled from the river.

Investigators have interviewed JO and have not arrested him. Maybe he told the cops what happened.

I'm so confused and tired. I hope this makes sense
This kinda dawned on me while reading Levi's thread, I don't know why..but
here goes a kinda 'out there' thought, but hey I'm grasping....

Since I believe that Ron was ultimately responsible for HaLeigh's death..and my reasons for believing that he and not Misty is the one that ultimately commited whatever action led to HaLeighs demise are not based on any of the rumors or speculation, but his actions/non actions, behavior etc. and in great part, his STAUNCH and unwavering defense of his VERY soon to be wifey at the time and in no small part due to the fact that he apparently did pitifully little - absolutely nothing as far as I can tell in the way of questioning or pushing her for answers if their story was remotely true.

Ronald may very well love his children, but IMHO he loves no one more than himself and I believe there is absolutely no way he would have covered up for her if he played no part, nor do I believe that he is stupid enough not to recognize the insurmountable problems with her story. :snooty:(and I'm not even getting starting with his stories..

If any of the other Croslin's are involved, I wonder if it was possible that Ron talked Misty into telling her brothers a tale of some accident that she was responsible for and that she needed their help or she was going to jail for life or the DP OR maybe even she even told them that Ron would kill her. I can so totally see Ronald setting that up (given what Ive seen of his personality) and with Misty's probable mindset and the fact that 'she loved him so much' :rolleyes: I can see her falling hook, line and sinker for it. In her mind that would be the ultimate show of love...a secret and a bond that he would be indebted to her for, for life ... I'm going to have to stop before I throw up..

I say this because I think that as her 2 older bubbas, not exactly pillars themselves, would prolly do pretty much anything to protect her, maybe JO would too, who knows? But they damn sure wouldn't for Ron....nor would Tommy have held out this long if he thought he was protecting Ron and not Misty, assuming he knows the truth about what DID happen...it would also make sense if that were the case for the rest of the Croslins to be throwing JO under the bus, whether he had any part or not. Misty is 'sissy' something tells me they would do anything to protect her..

Pondering, I think this is very plausible. I've always felt that misty's family would do anything to protect their own. And ron is not one of them. I agree that misty would follow whatever ron told her to do AND we know she will throw her own family under the bus. I think this is why there is such a disconnect between the cummings and croslins. The only thread between them is/was misty.(also the drugs but business is different than family)imo
My latest theory is that in between the time that Haleigh was dropped off at home and the time ron went to work, something happened to Haleigh. In one interview, misty "sounds" surprized that while tommy and his kids were there that Haleigh was fine riding her bike in the yard. imo. Maybe ron in his hurry to get out to work, accidently hit her in the head w/ the car door? or backed into her on her bike but did not to much outward physical damage. As the evening/night progressed misty noticed Haleigh getting worse, GGS is called to check on her, ron is informed how bad she is, then the coverup starts. misty turns her phone off so that it looks like they are fighting.
Omgosh as I type I can change my theory about 5 times. Urgg!
They would flip on ron in a sceond, if they thought they helped ron not misty. iykwim?
I'm going to go back to some of my original thoughts on this case. We know now that Misty did not want to babysit that night. I think Ron perhaps told Misty to give Haleigh something (some of his illegal drugs) to help her sleep. Misty gives Haleigh the wrong medication or maybe too much of something and it kills her. I do believe it was an illegal substance because otherwise, they could have called 911 and simply said she got ahold of it herself.

Now Ron knows he's culpable because he is the one who told Misty to give Haleigh the drug, but Misty thinks she will be the one solely responsible for Haleigh's death because SHE is the one who gave her the lethal dose. Ron vows to stand by Misty (she thinks it's because he loves her, but he's really only covering his own complicity in the crime).

A coverup now begins. Ron knows he must have the established alibi at work, so he stays put and tries to control the situation from there, thus the 90+ calls that night.

Misty calls Tommy to help. She doesn't tell him what happened or how it happened, she just needs help now. Tommy needs the van, so he calls Joe or Timmy to bring it to him. Tommy thinks he is only covering for Misty. Maybe he was never told what really happened. Tommy and the other party (whoever that may be) then dispose of Haleigh to protect his baby sister.

I do believe at one time something was put in that dumpster. Perhaps it was one of the shirts Haleigh was wearing at the time she died. Whatever it was, someone later removed it.

This scenario would explain why Ronald is standing by Misty and Misty is covering for Misty. I really don't think that Misty is smart enough to know that Ron would also be held responsible for Haleigh's death. In her eyes, Ron is her hero who is not foresaking her.

As for Grandma Hollars, God bless her, but I don't think she knows much of anything. I do think that by now Chelsea and Timmy would have talked to Tommy through jailhouse phone calls and verified if any of the conversations with Hollars took place. I do think perhaps Tommy told Grandma that he couldn't live with it anymore and would she please contact his lawyer so he could set the record straight. Perhaps Joe is the one who carried Haleigh to the water's edge and threw her in. Somehow this got twisted into "Joe did it." However, it has been said that Misty failed her various tests when she gave the "Tommy and Joe killed Haleigh" stories. I'm thinking perhaps they helped with Haleigh's disposal, but Misty is the one who knows how Haleigh died.

In this scenario, everyone is covering for everyone and Ron is the biggest hero of all and in reality, he knows his duplicity in this case only too well.

The above is just my opinion, but it makes sense to me and yes, it could be this simple.
Here's my theory. I'm taking this all back to the simplest explanation until LE release more evidence.

The only person I believe is telling the truth is Junior. If it is true that he said "a man in black," "squeaky shoes," "couch was bouncing," I'm going to assume the following:

Misty, Haleigh and Junior where in the MH that night.

Someone else was there either having sex with Misty or molesting Haleigh. Based on their drug dealings, I am going to assume that this person was involved in the drug ring, perhaps high up and people aren't talking because he is still free and they are all afraid of him. The need for Ron to have an automatic weapon says a lot to me.

Haleigh was taken/hurt by the person described by Junior, but she was not killed in the MH. (No cadavar dogs hit in the home)

Ron was not there. I think JR would mention it -- maybe he did but we don't know.

Ron found out who was there and may have been given a half true story from Misty about what happened. I don't trust her to EVER tell the truth under any circumstances.

Ron went into cover/lie mode because of his own involvement in drug dealing but he still doesn't have the whole story from Misty.

Misty may have called her brother for help and he may have gotten JO involved in the coverup.

That's all I got...
We can all look at things in such different ways and it's all a part of being human. We all try to think as rational adults and unfortunately, adulthood is something Haleigh will never experience due to someone's irrational act.

Having said that, I've posted a number of my theories and have been willing to adjust them based on what someone else has pointed out. I'm open to change my opinion as to what happened to Haleigh. One thing I've felt and over the last 14 months has not changed, RC has some responsibility in this. I'm willing to be open to the degree of responsibility but I will not change my mind that he's not at fault somewhat.
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