2010.04.13 Theories thread as a result of the search

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I'm going to go back to some of my original thoughts on this case. We know now that Misty did not want to babysit that night. I think Ron perhaps told Misty to give Haleigh something (some of his illegal drugs) to help her sleep. Misty gives Haleigh the wrong medication or maybe too much of something and it kills her. I do believe it was an illegal substance because otherwise, they could have called 911 and simply said she got ahold of it herself.

Now Ron knows he's culpable because he is the one who told Misty to give Haleigh the drug, but Misty thinks she will be the one solely responsible for Haleigh's death because SHE is the one who gave her the lethal dose. Ron vows to stand by Misty (she thinks it's because he loves her, but he's really only covering his own complicity in the crime).

A coverup now begins. Ron knows he must have the established alibi at work, so he stays put and tries to control the situation from there, thus the 90+ calls that night.

Misty calls Tommy to help. She doesn't tell him what happened or how it happened, she just needs help now. Tommy needs the van, so he calls Joe or Timmy to bring it to him. Tommy thinks he is only covering for Misty. Maybe he was never told what really happened. Tommy and the other party (whoever that may be) then dispose of Haleigh to protect his baby sister.

I do believe at one time something was put in that dumpster. Perhaps it was one of the shirts Haleigh was wearing at the time she died. Whatever it was, someone later removed it.

This scenario would explain why Ronald is standing by Misty and Misty is covering for Misty. I really don't think that Misty is smart enough to know that Ron would also be held responsible for Haleigh's death. In her eyes, Ron is her hero who is not foresaking her.

As for Grandma Hollars, God bless her, but I don't think she knows much of anything. I do think that by now Chelsea and Timmy would have talked to Tommy through jailhouse phone calls and verified if any of the conversations with Hollars took place. I do think perhaps Tommy told Grandma that he couldn't live with it anymore and would she please contact his lawyer so he could set the record straight. Perhaps Joe is the one who carried Haleigh to the water's edge and threw her in. Somehow this got twisted into "Joe did it." However, it has been said that Misty failed her various tests when she gave the "Tommy and Joe killed Haleigh" stories. I'm thinking perhaps they helped with Haleigh's disposal, but Misty is the one who knows how Haleigh died.

In this scenario, everyone is covering for everyone and Ron is the biggest hero of all and in reality, he knows his duplicity in this case only too well.

The above is just my opinion, but it makes sense to me and yes, it could be this simple.

I agree with this, but I still have to work in TN being there first, because of the call to Misty to get her to babysit. Therefore, I suggest a theory that Ron told TN to give her something, and it was on TN's watch that it went down, and Misty came over to babysit and walked into a death scene, and it was THEY who worked up staging the MH......and all the rest of it can fall into place, and we still have everyone covering for everyone else.
I agree with this, but I still have to work in TN being there first, because of the call to Misty to get her to babysit. Therefore, I suggest a theory that Ron told TN to give her something, and it was on TN's watch that it went down, and Misty came over to babysit and walked into a death scene, and it was THEY who worked up staging the MH......and all the rest of it can fall into place, and we still have everyone covering for everyone else.

It could be that TN is riddled with guilt over insisting that Misty babysit that night. It could also be that Ron called TN and told her to go along with protecting Misty and said, but Mom, I'm the one who told Misty to give Haleigh the drug, so if we don't protect Misty, then I will go down too.

I'm thinking that Misty feels she is responsible and Ron is protecting her. In reality, Ron is protecting Ron.
Not sure where to put this but IIRC, LE stated there was an eyewitness around the time of this recent search. Then again, I have so much information going round in my head and I might be wrong on that. If LE has an eyewitness, would that person have had to tell LE he or she saw the act occur? Is it possible LE heard or saw someone do something which would make them know that person was an eyewitness and that person doesn't know that LE knows? Not saying this is what happened but am curious.
I have been rereading the rumors thread and the first pages up til 3/30/09
Common key words that are still important for 14 months are:
Misty is key
I was at werk
drugs (pills)
scratch on van
deer blood
cement, cinder blocks
St. John's river, docks
3 day party binge
and jealousy was said I think page 13, rumors thread when Misty showed off her engagement ring. (Haleigh wanted everything I got) wink
please feel free to add to list.
Forget the lies and use key words and see what we can get on a theory.
I just figured out why Tommy has come out with the story two types of rope were missing from the van, one type was yellow plastic and the other was cotton.

Since they didn't find any yellow rope on the blocks then they had to explain why and the cotton rope comes in. Cotton rope would degrade and rot in the water and come off.
I'm going to go back to some of my original thoughts on this case. We know now that Misty did not want to babysit that night. I think Ron perhaps told Misty to give Haleigh something (some of his illegal drugs) to help her sleep. Misty gives Haleigh the wrong medication or maybe too much of something and it kills her. I do believe it was an illegal substance because otherwise, they could have called 911 and simply said she got ahold of it herself.

Now Ron knows he's culpable because he is the one who told Misty to give Haleigh the drug, but Misty thinks she will be the one solely responsible for Haleigh's death because SHE is the one who gave her the lethal dose. Ron vows to stand by Misty (she thinks it's because he loves her, but he's really only covering his own complicity in the crime).

A coverup now begins. Ron knows he must have the established alibi at work, so he stays put and tries to control the situation from there, thus the 90+ calls that night.

Misty calls Tommy to help. She doesn't tell him what happened or how it happened, she just needs help now. Tommy needs the van, so he calls Joe or Timmy to bring it to him. Tommy thinks he is only covering for Misty. Maybe he was never told what really happened. Tommy and the other party (whoever that may be) then dispose of Haleigh to protect his baby sister.

I do believe at one time something was put in that dumpster. Perhaps it was one of the shirts Haleigh was wearing at the time she died. Whatever it was, someone later removed it.

This scenario would explain why Ronald is standing by Misty and Misty is covering for Misty. I really don't think that Misty is smart enough to know that Ron would also be held responsible for Haleigh's death. In her eyes, Ron is her hero who is not foresaking her.

As for Grandma Hollars, God bless her, but I don't think she knows much of anything. I do think that by now Chelsea and Timmy would have talked to Tommy through jailhouse phone calls and verified if any of the conversations with Hollars took place. I do think perhaps Tommy told Grandma that he couldn't live with it anymore and would she please contact his lawyer so he could set the record straight. Perhaps Joe is the one who carried Haleigh to the water's edge and threw her in. Somehow this got twisted into "Joe did it." However, it has been said that Misty failed her various tests when she gave the "Tommy and Joe killed Haleigh" stories. I'm thinking perhaps they helped with Haleigh's disposal, but Misty is the one who knows how Haleigh died.

In this scenario, everyone is covering for everyone and Ron is the biggest hero of all and in reality, he knows his duplicity in this case only too well.

The above is just my opinion, but it makes sense to me and yes, it could be this simple.

SoSueMe, if they gave grades for theories, this would rate an A+. It fits. It does have simplicity but you have assigned a sensible and believable role to all the players. jmo
SoSueMe, if they gave grades for theories, this would rate an A+. It fits. It does have simplicity but you have assigned a sensible and believable role to all the players. jmo

I like it too, SoSueMe.

Under this theory the 911 call would then be completely fabricated. The motor home was staged. Some pretty good acting on Ron's part required there.

I think, perhaps, Misty & family took care of business and she did not tell Ron the truth about the overdose until after the fact. Ron realized later that Misty only did what she told him to do, (dose Haleigh), and then, on her own, she tried to save both of their arses by concocting the abduction story.

(A story which Ron actually believed when he arrived home.)

i.e. Ron may have actually thought there was an abduction, until Misty came clean with him later.

By then, they thought all they were going to get away with not being implicated in Haleigh's death at all. And so an initial cover-up became a bigger cover-up.

I also think Misty has more than enough on Ron to rat him out, should he rat her out.

Gee, won't it be great when we can stop thinking up theories? :crazy:
SoSueMe, if they gave grades for theories, this would rate an A+. It fits. It does have simplicity but you have assigned a sensible and believable role to all the players. jmo

I like this theory too. Sometimes it's better to pinpoint the accusations that these people have not thrown out, instead of rackin' our brains on what they are throwing out. It's what they're avoiding that might be important. Until last night, when I heard Chelsea speak, I've never heard anyone blame the drugs. The drugs are the pink elephant in this case. Now that they're sitting in jail, on hefty drug charges, maybe they'll stop dancing around this subject. Another thing that has been avoided, is Ron's possible involvement. I noticed that GGS's main purpose on the NG show was to deny drugs in the house and to deny that Misty was "strung out." I don't know what she knows, but it was obvious that she was attempting to remove Ron from that situation. & considering the horrifying stories that Granny Flo was relating, I would think that should've been the farthest thing from her mind.
This is O/T but just had to share. I've been on this forum so much that now when I grab a diet coke and a cigarette, my dogs run to my bedroom and sit by my computer.
I can't find the article so excuse me if I'm wrong to post this. The article I read said Ron was guilty for leaving the kids with misty while she was still high. It mentioned misty heard the couch squeaking while haleigh was being molested by JO and her brother. She and Ron jr were asleep but she covered her head and ignored it. Does this story go with Ron jr. about a squeaky couch? My son is three and he is pretty smart and very observant. This may also this explain why Haleighs pjs were found in the MH. Maybe misty drugged Haleigh to go to sleep. Ron is guilty for tellng misty to give Haleigh something for sleep. Ron doesn't know she allowed the two men to molest haleigh. Misty may have told Ron Haleigh died as overdose per his orders to do so and the family had to cover for him. that's why he didn't rat out the brothers or cousin bc he feel they help him cover this up . In reality it goes alot deeper than what he knows...Just my opinion
The problem with any theory I have is that I have thought it through.

And there's the flaw. In every theory I think of.

My new theory is that I don't think like these people think. I need re-programming.

Can someone please tell me what school I need to go to in order to be able to think the way these folks think?
I can't find the article so excuse me if I'm wrong to post this. The article I read said Ron was guilty for leaving the kids with misty while she was still high. It mentioned misty heard the couch squeaking while haleigh was being molested by JO and her brother. She and Ron jr were asleep but she covered her head and ignored it. Does this story go with Ron jr. about a squeaky couch? My son is three and he is pretty smart and very observant. This may also this explain why Haleighs pjs were found in the MH. Maybe misty drugged Haleigh to go to sleep. Ron is guilty for tellng misty to give Haleigh something for sleep. Ron doesn't know she allowed the two men to molest haleigh. Misty may have told Ron Haleigh died as overdose per his orders to do so and the family had to cover for him. that's why he didn't rat out the brothers or cousin bc he feel they help him cover this up . In reality it goes alot deeper than what he knows...Just my opinion
I think the gun & fight were involved somehow, but like you, I've wondered if maybe they're just a part if the lead up. Say everything that Misty claims about Jo is true. He threatened her & then assaulted Haleigh. After they left, she could've given Haleigh something to calm her down & that's what actually killed her. I doubt that she would confess the rape to Ron & she just let him think it was an accidental od. Or on a darker note, Misty may have od'd Haleigh on purpose to keep her from telling Ron that she did nothing to stop the rape. But in this scenario, she could've lied to the cops & said that Jo gave Haleigh the dope, or he left it laying around to find. So, I just don't know. These stories have me sickened & confused.
the problem with any theory i have is that i have thought it through.

And there's the flaw. In every theory i think of.

My new theory is that i don't think like these people think. I need re-programming.

Can someone please tell me what school i need to go to in order to be able to think the way these folks think?

hard knocks
The problem with any theory I have is that I have thought it through.

And there's the flaw. In every theory I think of.

My new theory is that I don't think like these people think. I need re-programming.

Can someone please tell me what school I need to go to in order to be able to think the way these folks think?
It's too late. You've already been to real school. & that's our problem. We can't think like an uneducated, unparented, liar who doesn't follow accepted society rules. We may think about doing something in the heat of anger or whatever, but we don't follow through. These people don't have a problem busting through civilized barriers & following through.
It's too late. You've already been to real school. & that's our problem. We can't think like an uneducated, unparented, liar who doesn't follow accepted society rules. We may think about doing something in the heat of anger or whatever, but we don't follow through. These people don't have a problem busting through civilized barriers & following through.

This is what amazes me, that these uneducated, unparented, lying etc. are able to fool LE & everyone who looks at the facts of this case. Could it be that they have such a strong code of silence, that they may get away with this. Apparently RC has experience is getting his charges dropped, does keep your mouth shut and noone gets hurt really mean someone can get away with this horrific crime? (foolish me - I can't get out of a parking ticket) Is it possible that there is NO concrete evidence? How can LE possible convict any one of these players based on the testimony of one of the others when all are FAILING LDTs over and over again.

I lost my point and started to rant ... sorry :waitasec:
This is what amazes me, that these uneducated, unparented, lying etc. are able to fool LE & everyone who looks at the facts of this case. Could it be that they have such a strong code of silence, that they may get away with this. Apparently RC has experience is getting his charges dropped, does keep your mouth shut and noone gets hurt really mean someone can get away with this horrific crime? (foolish me - I can't get out of a parking ticket) Is it possible that there is NO concrete evidence? How can LE possible convict any one of these players based on the testimony of one of the others when all are FAILING LDTs over and over again.

I lost my point and started to rant ... sorry :waitasec:
I think for LE to solve this case, somebody is gonna have to be able to put himself in Misty's shoes & figure out what she would do, step by step. In other words, they can't assume that anything is unreasonable, because people don't behave that way. If I need money, I might have the passing thought, 'I should hold up a liquor store', but I wouldn't follow through. I'd just get a 2nd job. Tommy would follow through, & Ron's 2nd job would be selling extra dope. If somebody really pizzed me off, I might think about a grand scheme of revenge, but I'd more than likely, just let things drop. Ron, on the other hand, would follow through with throwing punches, or terrorizing his target in a road rage. Where we stop ourselves from making threats or deliberately embarrassing someone, Misty called Amber out on her myspace-for all to see. So, they don't have a problem with following through & 'going there'.
Do you think Misty's lawyer knows what happened to Haleigh? I could NEVER be a defense attorney.

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Do you think Misty's lawyer knows what happened to Haleigh? I could NEVER be a defense attorney.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not a chance. I really don't think she has told him.
I like it too, SoSueMe.

Under this theory the 911 call would then be completely fabricated. The motor home was staged. Some pretty good acting on Ron's part required there.

I think, perhaps, Misty & family took care of business and she did not tell Ron the truth about the overdose until after the fact. Ron realized later that Misty only did what she told him to do, (dose Haleigh), and then, on her own, she tried to save both of their arses by concocting the abduction story.

(A story which Ron actually believed when he arrived home.)

i.e. Ron may have actually thought there was an abduction, until Misty came clean with him later.

By then, they thought all they were going to get away with not being implicated in Haleigh's death at all. And so an initial cover-up became a bigger cover-up.

I also think Misty has more than enough on Ron to rat him out, should he rat her out.

Gee, won't it be great when we can stop thinking up theories? :crazy:

Sorry Emma, but I don't think Misty kept this from Ron until he arrived home. He was clearly trying to orchestrate something from his phone at work. He also made the trip by the store so he could be seen on camera. I think Ron knew what had happened and he had to come to terms with Haleigh's death before he got home that night.

I think it was all a crazy accident and everyone tried to cover it up to save their own behind.
Some keep bringing up what Junior may have seen that night and what he relayed to Crystal and Geraldo. I have to ask, wasn't this some time after February 9th? Like a week later?

Perhaps Junior's last memory of his sister is someone bouncing on the couch. If true, I would think this is someone trying to give Haleigh CPR.

While some 3 year olds are very bright, I'm not so sure that this describes Junior. When Tim Miller was asked about Junior, the only thing I remember Tim Miller saying, as he sadly shook his head no, was, "that family was so dysfunctional...." and he trailed off.

While I know very bright 3 year olds who probably could have given an account of a night, if asked the very next day, I don't think even some of the brightest could recall a particular night a week later. They just don't seem to have any sort of conception of time. JMO
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