2010.04.13 - What's going on in Tennessee? Joe talks to the media

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Don't underestimate those little wiry guys... sometimes they're a lot stronger than they look. Since he wasn't arrested and brought back to FL, I really think he had nothing to do with this.
This is going to make a whole lot of people really disappointed if this little tip and the search yields nothing and this case is at a dead end again. And if they thought bringing Misty out to the river in handcuffs was going to intimidate her into giving them useful information... guess again. She and Tommy are just trying to buy their way out of jail.
I honestly believe that Joe is absolutely right, the Croslins are just deflecting attention away from them.

A thought has come to mind and that thought is what if one put Ron's name into the scenerio that the Croslins are now spouting. Use Ron's name instead of Joe's and see if that doesn't make much more sense. It did to me.

Including that Ron is a whole lot closer and has alot of family around that could be revenge driven if anyone told on him for something that happened.
I honestly believe that Joe is absolutely right, the Croslins are just deflecting attention away from them.

A thought has come to mind and that thought is what if one put Ron's name into the scenerio that the Croslins are now spouting. Use Ron's name instead of Joe's and see if that doesn't make much more sense. It did to me.

Including that Ron is a whole lot closer and has alot of family around that could be revenge driven if anyone told on him for something that happened.

And I suspect if anyone ever held a knife to her throat or pointing a gun at her it was Ron C. JMO
I wonder if he has... I wonder if all along he has been forthcoming with the events that evening, i.e., where everyone was. Only, he may not really KNOW what happened to HaLeigh... just the events of the evening. Soo... when asking everyone else about the events of the evening, they are all lying, except Joe. Maybe Joe is LE's only hope and they need to cooberate new info with Joe, who is the only one speaking the truth as HE knows it that evening...

Maybe... lol

Here lately I have been working on a new theory and it involves Jo being the one telling the truth and LE using information that he is giving them. I know this theory will not be liked by some but this is all JMO.

Here goes:

I believe that Misty was the one who picked up Haleigh from the bus stop. I think that eyewitnesses who state that Ron was there is also correct. Maybe Misty wasn't suppose to pick her up as far as Ron was concerned. Didn't TN call HER to babysit? Okay...

I think that an altercation broke out before Ron went to work between HIM and Misty...Out of fear, Misty calls her brother and HER brother came running with Timmy and Jo in tow (they've done it before). All of this happening before Ron went to work. I don't know if the altercation went down at the mh or somewhere else. But I feel that where ever they all ended up Ron got into a scuffle with the Croslins. Because Ron is out numbered 3 to 1, he goes for his gun......He starts shooting and Timmy, Jo, and Tommy try to haul azz AWAY from the gun fire. In the mist of trying to get away, the blue van is scratched/broken light....

While Ron is shooting he accidentally hits Haleigh. By the time this happens though, the Croslins are out of dodge. They are unaware that because of the gunfire Haleigh was hit.

I don't think that Haleigh sustained a fatal wound but let me tell you why. 1) they did not take her to the ER, 2) Ron thought that the injury could be fixed....We don't know what time Ron got to work that evening, but Ron's lawyer says he was there by 5p (don't know that I believe this).
TN says that SHE is the one who sent the "family member over there" not "family members" so to me TN was trying to avoid telling about the AUNT/Nurse going to the mh with GMS. Let's say that GMS did get to the mh around 7pm-ish.....That would mean that TN called her before this, maybe between 6pm-7pm-ish. That would mean that Ron called TN before that...maybe between 5pm-6pm-ish....Right after arriving at work.The problem had already begun.

While GMS and the aunt is there, they realize that the problem could not be fixed and somewhere around this time (7p-8:30p) Haleigh dies from her injury. At 8:30p Ron and Misty argue over the phone about babysitting. I think the argument had to do with the fact that Misty wasn't suppose to be babysitting his kids in the first place, I think that responsibility was given to TN but TN put it on Misty and Ron was mad......He is blaming her for the altercation that led up to all of this. Misty is believing that she was the cause of it, therefore, blaming herself for what happened to Haleigh. So she sticks with Ron like glue and vice versa.

Ron made over 90 calls that evening so that tells me that something was definitely wrong long before the 911 call.

LE was interested in the hours 8p-3a. This is around the time that GMS and the aunt left. I got a feeling TN made it there too around this time. LE wants to know what went down after that. IMO, they knew about the altercation and the possibility that Haleigh died in the middle of it...They just needed to know what happened after that so they could locate her body.

-Jo left town
-Timmy eventually left town
-Tommy ended up with a dead rat in his mailbox

I will stop right there for now....

I think that's why it is so easy for Misty to put the blame on them but can't really implicate them. THEY had something do with the altercation that led up to this but did not directly kill Haleigh. Ron did..

There's too much talk about a gun.

I think at the time all Jo, Timmy, and Tommy knew was there was an altercation and Ron starting shooting. They did not know Haleigh was caught in the crossfire and later died. That would explain why everyone seemed so scared to talk.. Can you imagine starting a fight that killed an innocent child? I would probably be scared to tell too, knowing that I was part of it somehow but not directly, KWIM?

I think JO has given police that part of it because that's all he knows. The rest of it became a Cummings affair/coverup.

This case is so crazy, but I think your theory is viable, Suspicious1. But wouldn't a gunshot/s have been heard by someone?
This case is so crazy, but I think your theory is viable, Suspicious1. But wouldn't a gunshot/s have been heard by someone?

It depends on where they ended up.....maybe around the mh...YES....but what if they ended up somewhere secluded? Maybe somewhere closer to this dock. IDK.
That would certainly all fit except there was nothing found in the motor home........nothing and bullets would certainly have been there as well as blood.........I just do not understand how that child just disappeared and there apparently was not one iota of evidence in that home.............or was there and we don't know about it?:banghead:
That would certainly all fit except there was nothing found in the motor home........nothing and bullets would certainly have been there as well as blood.........I just do not understand how that child just disappeared and there apparently was not one iota of evidence in that home.............or was there and we don't know about it?:banghead:

Hey Nana. Maybe this incident didnt happen at the mh. Witnesses at the bus stop said Misty went in the opposite direction of the mh after picking up Haleigh.
It depends on where they ended up.....maybe around the mh...YES....but what if they ended up somewhere secluded? Maybe somewhere closer to this dock. IDK.

The dock isn't secluded. There are houses very close.
Wasn't it the PI who said something about 1 person being involved directly and several others indirectly involved. Based on my theory it is all centering around Ron. And those indirectly involved, are those who started the altercation (Croslins) and those who helped cover it up (Cummings). JMO
The dock isn't secluded. There are houses very close.

I don't mean like on the same street as this dock or the neighborhood but somewhere fairly close but secluded. I'm just thinking out loud.
Maybe it happened at the mondex! They took the body elsewhere!

You may be right. That would probably explain why GMS showed up for that search, she knew that's where the altercation took place, maybe? Just thinking.

ETA: what if that is the reason LE drained that pond? Maybe they knew that's where the altercation took place and thought Haleigh was dumped there. But actually she was taken somewhere else. IDK
Here lately I have been working on a new theory and it involves Jo being the one telling the truth and LE using information that he is giving them. I know this theory will not be liked by some but this is all JMO.

Here goes:

I believe that Misty was the one who picked up Haleigh from the bus stop. I think that eyewitnesses who state that Ron was there is also correct. Maybe Misty wasn't suppose to pick her up as far as Ron was concerned. Didn't TN call HER to babysit? Okay...

I think that an altercation broke out before Ron went to work between HIM and Misty...Out of fear, Misty calls her brother and HER brother came running with Timmy and Jo in tow (they've done it before). All of this happening before Ron went to work. I don't know if the altercation went down at the mh or somewhere else. But I feel that where ever they all ended up Ron got into a scuffle with the Croslins. Because Ron is out numbered 3 to 1, he goes for his gun......He starts shooting and Timmy, Jo, and Tommy try to haul azz AWAY from the gun fire. In the mist of trying to get away, the blue van is scratched/broken light....

While Ron is shooting he accidentally hits Haleigh. By the time this happens though, the Croslins are out of dodge. They are unaware that because of the gunfire Haleigh was hit.

I don't think that Haleigh sustained a fatal wound but let me tell you why. 1) they did not take her to the ER, 2) Ron thought that the injury could be fixed....We don't know what time Ron got to work that evening, but Ron's lawyer says he was there by 5p (don't know that I believe this).
TN says that SHE is the one who sent the "family member over there" not "family members" so to me TN was trying to avoid telling about the AUNT/Nurse going to the mh with GMS. Let's say that GMS did get to the mh around 7pm-ish.....That would mean that TN called her before this, maybe between 6pm-7pm-ish. That would mean that Ron called TN before that...maybe between 5pm-6pm-ish....Right after arriving at work.The problem had already begun.

While GMS and the aunt is there, they realize that the problem could not be fixed and somewhere around this time (7p-8:30p) Haleigh dies from her injury. At 8:30p Ron and Misty argue over the phone about babysitting. I think the argument had to do with the fact that Misty wasn't suppose to be babysitting his kids in the first place, I think that responsibility was given to TN but TN put it on Misty and Ron was mad......He is blaming her for the altercation that led up to all of this. Misty is believing that she was the cause of it, therefore, blaming herself for what happened to Haleigh. So she sticks with Ron like glue and vice versa.

Ron made over 90 calls that evening so that tells me that something was definitely wrong long before the 911 call.

LE was interested in the hours 8p-3a. This is around the time that GMS and the aunt left. I got a feeling TN made it there too around this time. LE wants to know what went down after that. IMO, they knew about the altercation and the possibility that Haleigh died in the middle of it...They just needed to know what happened after that so they could locate her body.

-Jo left town
-Timmy eventually left town
-Tommy ended up with a dead rat in his mailbox

I will stop right there for now....

I think that's why it is so easy for Misty to put the blame on them but can't really implicate them. THEY had something do with the altercation that led up to this but did not directly kill Haleigh. Ron did..

There's too much talk about a gun.

I think at the time all Jo, Timmy, and Tommy knew was there was an altercation and Ron starting shooting. They did not know Haleigh was caught in the crossfire and later died. That would explain why everyone seemed so scared to talk.. Can you imagine starting a fight that killed an innocent child? I would probably be scared to tell too, knowing that I was part of it somehow but not directly, KWIM?

I think JO has given police that part of it because that's all he knows. The rest of it became a Cummings affair/coverup.


A very sound theory if one asks me. This theory would also explain how Joe's attorney knows what is going to happen next.
AH has answered some questions in his latest article about when the gun was allegedly stolen from RC by Joe and who it was recovered by, though the where I am not clear on, by the house, does that mean by Ron's house? Info. came from Chelsea.

Both Misty Croslin in letters to family we reported here, and now, Tommy Croslin, have implicated their cousin as the kidnapper. The motive, they claim, is revenge against father Ronald Cummings who humiliated him in front of family after he suspected Joe had stolen a pistol Chelsea Croslin says she and Misty recovered searching near the house.
It was a week later, though, during another visit to Ronald Cummings’ trailer to steal another weapon, that Misty Croslin has claimed Joe and Tommy both searched the house, and when they couldn’t find the weapon, her brother left alone, and cousin Joe snatched Haleigh.
end snip


RC denies all of this-I would like to know WHY and I would like to know why (if true Joe stole a gun) didn't RC call LE and report it stolen? He had no problem calling LE to report Timmy's harassing phone calls.
If the gun search and snatching Haleigh is true, and Misty was wide awake, then why didn't she call Tommy's home after a bit or call Timmy's a bunch of times to warn him and his family. Joe might even have had a cell phone and no calls to him have been mentioned. I don't believe it happened this way, but may be bits of truth in it.
Old News Article
Dated: Monday, February 23, 2009

Neves said "Joe" and Ronald Cummings got into a fight over a gun during his visit, and that the cousin left town the same day Haleigh disappeared.

But Cummings denies that fight ever happened.

"There was no fight with no cousin over a gun," he told MyFOXOrlando.com.

I wish there was somewhere we could see the full uncut video. I can't get feel for him. The lawyer states in the video that he has a pretty good idea what they are going to do next( investigators). I do have a heart, and to see the little bit of him I saw, well...of course he looked scared and very upset, I can understand why authorities have been treading so delicately around Joe Overstreet.

What does everyone else think?
I don't believe a word any of them says, including Joe...if he was so freaking honest and innocent, he'd have spilled anything he knew long before now. AND, IMO, he knows or suspects *something*. The fact that Fl. LE flew to see him right after these latest developments tell me that he's not 'cleared' in their minds...dude might not be the perp, but he's not an innocent bystander being 'framed' either, IMO...he's as involved as the rest of them.
Is there any interview clip of him telling what his version of events is? What has he told the police about what he was doing while something happened to Haleigh, what is his alibi supposed to be? There was nothing like that in the news clip I saw.

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