2010.04.15 Two cinder blocks found at search site.

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Cinder blocks found? Now how convenient is that?
One thing for certain, someone with a true criminal mind arranged and set up that scenario and someone who is stupid as stupid can be was dumb enough to follow their instructions....JMO
I was talking about lots where they make them. Like carpet colors have lot #'s and like the cement mix in the Laci Peterson case. How many other MH's or cement block homes were put up or built in the same year having cement blocks delivered by the same company around the same time to the same area. Unless they used a broken one that LE has a match to it may be difficult to prove or they can get dna off one that was in the water for 14 months. Science has never been my friend so if anyone can let us know if they can actually prove where the blocks came from it would be greatly appreciated.
I was, too. LOL I have no idea how many cinder blocks are in a typical "lot", manufacturing lot, not property lot or how much distinction there is between them. My thought was that blocks in the area could be from mixed lots. Oh, never mind. I'm confusing myself now. :crazy:
I've realized now, that I have to remember ... that the souls of these little angels, are with the Lord after their terrible death, so that it's easier to separate the 'remains' ... from the whole child they were.

So glad God takes them back ... and makes them whole again.

Edited to add: not MUCH easier though. :(

I hear ya. Every time I get involved in one of these cases I tell myself that while the rest of us are in turmoil, the little one is at peace, and the location of the body or its condition doesn't change that. It's when I allow myself to think of what happened while they were still among us that I start to lose it. Cheers to you for keeping the faith.
Look, I seem to remember very very early on a very very intuitive member of our board....I hope she doesn't mind if I mention her name. BERN.....becoming very focused on a cinder block, researching cinder blocks( yes, it most assuredly can be done) the maker, the quality of stone and what they are made of....how long it has been around, imagine two handfuls of dirt, the one in your right is from your yard and then one in your left is from your neighbors yard 3 houses down. There is 100% difference in the chemicals, substances, everything. Testing these blocks can and will be done. We should be praying that they are linked to the brick that LE has in their crime lab already. I have 100% belief in forensics and 100% belief that these LE officials fell in love with Haleigh and want the person who viciously murdered her to rot.( preferably wrapped up in rope and tied to some cinder blocks if that is indeed what happened)

Bern, I am searching for your post about you talking about how Haleigh kept telling you to please focus on the brick.....or not to forget about the brick. I think "brick" or "block" is exactly what Haleigh would call it. I want to read exactly what you said back then because I can't believe how accurate everything you have posted or said is coming to be, you are amazing. If you find it before I do please post it.....Please! TIA
I posted this awhile ago, and I still think it's possible, especially after learning that cinder blocks might've been used in the crime.

We've speculated that the cinder block was a simply a prop, as in a stage prop, to implicate Joe, which is altogether possible. The logic is that it wasn't necessary to hold the door open to carry a child through it. Well, suppose they really did use the cinder block as a door prop but forgot to move it. Then Misty noticed it during the 911 call and on a whim told the operator because she thought it added to the story. But if you used a cinder block to weight down a child's body in the river, you wouldn't want to draw attention to one, would you? You'd stash it before LE arrived. Unless you're a mastermind like Misty. I know Ron's anger sure escalated quickly when Misty started talking about "the brick" and the 911 operator questioned her about it.

In the 911 call, Misty mentions the brick voluntarily. When asked by the operator to check to see if the back door is still open, Misty takes the time to go from wherever she is in the MH to the back door. There's a pause, then she says yes, it's still open.

This was not an impulsive addition to Misty's story. It was intrinsic.
In the 911 call, Misty mentions the brick voluntarily. When asked by the operator to check to see if the back door is still open, Misty takes the time to go from wherever she is in the MH to the back door. There's a pause, then she says yes, it's still open.

This was not an impulsive addition to Misty's story. It was intrinsic.

She knew there was going to be a brick there because that was the plan. What she had to go and check for is how far the door was open because whoever helped stage for her did not tell her how they were going to leave the back door. She had to go look.

Whisp, I know you'll remember. Cinder blocks were so oddly referred to by Misty and Ron. Misty stating that there was a brick opening the door, Ronald stating the door had been bricked, then stating he'd never seen it before or if he had it wasn't in the place where that one was found but he'd never seen it in his yard before.......something.

In any case, I found it quite odd that it would be such a ....... distancing from this one item.
Cinder or concrete blocks are heavy. I can't imagine one person picking up and throwing two blocks plus a child into the river at the same time. I guess they could push everything off the end of the dock though.

Do we actually have any visual sightings of the blocks being pulled out of the water? Maybe there is a rope attached that has not been mentioned. I don't know what that would prove because a block "anchor" would normally have a rope tied to it.

I don't know why I even tried to write this because I am just contradicting myself.
The problem I see with analyzing cement blocks is that they are so common one tends to not even notice they are there. Just as an example, if someone asked me if I had any on hand I might initially say no. But, when I think about it, I have several used as a makeshift step to an old building on my property and not one of those blocks is the same. I got them from a contractor at work who left samples when we were building a new building. I may even have inherited one or two from my neighbor. You can buy them individually at Home Depot and places. The chances of getting 2 or 3 out of the same lot would be almost miraculous IMO.

If they matched them by soil attached to them--that would be more reasonable, but if a block has been in the water for over a year sitting in the river silt, the chances of any old soil from the MH would again be unlikely. All JMO
The problem I see with analyzing cement blocks is that they are so common one tends to not even notice they are there. Just as an example, if someone asked me if I had any on hand I might initially say no. But, when I think about it, I have several used as a makeshift step to an old building on my property and not one of those blocks is the same. I got them from a contractor at work who left samples when we were building a new building. I may even have inherited one or two from my neighbor. You can buy them individually at Home Depot and places. The chances of getting 2 or 3 out of the same lot would be almost miraculous IMO.

If they matched them by soil attached to them--that would be more reasonable, but if a block has been in the water for over a year sitting in the river silt, the chances of any old soil from the MH would again be unlikely. All JMO

They have the brick that was propping open the screen door and I believe skin cells off it. Dr Joseph Biden said they could be recovered from it early on in the case. Even if there are no skin cells on the bricks they recovered from the scene.....it can be matched to the brick already in custody at the crime lab. I have hope this is going to be connected it some way. And the rope, we have heard nothing about the rope. I pray they find something.
Once again, I must point out that IF this fury of phone calls between MC and ToC to Gma Holler DID ACTUALLY TAKE PLACE with all the juicy details of three different scenerios, don't you think we would have HEARD them by now on the news (as we did in the CaseyA case). All prisoner phone calls are recorded and listened in on by jail officials.

I need to buy a new hinkymeter, mine just exploded......
They have the brick that was propping open the screen door and I believe skin cells off it. Dr Joseph Biden said they could be recovered from it early on in the case. Even if there are no skin cells on the bricks they recovered from the scene.....it can be matched to the brick already in custody at the crime lab. I have hope this is going to be connected it some way. And the rope, we have heard nothing about the rope. I pray they find something.

Elle--I did not know they had any skin cells off the door prop block. Surely they could be crossmatched to one of the current suspects then to see who put it there in the first place? Just a thought
You need the dual-column gas chromatograph, B-S model 5710a with flame analyzing detectors. Comes turbo-charged.

(with thanks to my cousin vinny)
Elle--I did not know they had any skin cells off the door prop block. Surely they could be crossmatched to one of the current suspects then to see who put it there in the first place? Just a thought

lol....please don't misunderstand me...LE absolutely have not reported any evidence they have or do not have in this case. I was just stating that they do have the block and Dr Biden went into some detail about recovering skin or fiber evidence off the brick, he said it was indeed possible to do so.

As to the second part of your post, we know only from people who have voluntarily offered the information about giving a DNA sample. I don't know who did give one or how many samples they may have to compare it to.

Does anyone know when they take DNA from a perp is it after they are convicted of a crime? Also, what type of crime? TIA
I agree. A logical person, (not that ANY of these people are logical) you would think, just wouldn't even mention it if they wanted to distance their self from it.
Maybe that's why Ronald kept hanging up during the 911 call? To shut her up?
Bern found it.....simply amazing! Begin reading at post 117

Dreams/Visions? - Page 5 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

snip~I had this crazy dream that Haleigh was reading our site, and she couldn't believe we didn't solve this yet. She was pointing to the "Cinder block" thread, and said we needed to watch this one. She was also afraid the thread would fade and no one would come anymore, it was a really sad dream for me. I woke up feeling like, what is it you need LE to see? And I hoped that this would get solved because she needs that. I don't know if it is just on my mind or if my guide is coming through, but it made me feel that there is too much discussion about who did what to who in this case and it needs to be about the clues. ~ end

much more in that thread
March 1st 2009 was the day Bern started posting about that dream.....Gosh....can you imagine.....She was trying to tell you where to look all along Bern...
Bern found it.....simply amazing! Begin reading at post 117

Dreams/Visions? - Page 5 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

snip~I had this crazy dream that Haleigh was reading our site, and she couldn't believe we didn't solve this yet. She was pointing to the "Cinder block" thread, and said we needed to watch this one. She was also afraid the thread would fade and no one would come anymore, it was a really sad dream for me. I woke up feeling like, what is it you need LE to see? And I hoped that this would get solved because she needs that. I don't know if it is just on my mind or if my guide is coming through, but it made me feel that there is too much discussion about who did what to who in this case and it needs to be about the clues. ~ end

much more in that thread

Wow Bern. And this was Mar 2009. you were on the money, hunny...LOL

Maybe now that they have the cinderblocks hopefully they will find her.
Does anyone know when they take DNA from a perp is it after they are convicted of a crime? Also, what type of crime? TIA

Respectfully snipped...

Here in Michigan anyone convicted of a felony has to submit their DNA after they have been sentenced. Otherwise, LE can request DNA samples from anyone as part of a homicide investigation but you aren't required to give a sample. LE can also secretly obtain your DNA (off cig butts or drinking cups, etc) if they are investigation someone for a crime.

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