2010.04.16 Ron in lockdown??

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Well, true or not, it is Shoemaker saying he was placed in GP

They talked to him about what had transpired and the fact that there were some new tips that they were searching. He was then put back -- he has to be put back into general population at that time. He has been in general population ever since then.

I don't understand why he corrects himself and changes it to "he has to be put back"

Donjeta I think it may have been an error in the transcript. I swear when he corrected himself he said "asked to be put back" but the transcript says "has to be put back".
Nothing has changed as far as this being a high profile case. There are people that will kick his azz in jail for that reason only.
Well for me the fact that RC spent most of this week going through all this without his attorney by his side says a lot more to me than the fact that the attorney may or may not have known who was at the meeting after the fact. But that's just my opinion. We can agree to disagree!

I thought it was very odd also, when I heard what Ron's attorney had to say and that he didn't mention specifically that Ron was with the rest of the family when they were given the news that Haleigh was most likely deceased, based on new information, and that the river was being searched.

But then I went back and read the transcript. I think that TS assumed that people know by now that Ron was with the rest of the family, since this has been reported in a number of new articles and on TV, and this is why he didn't reiterate this. He seemed to want to focus on another point, which was that Ron had been held originally separately from General Population. This was probably for both Ron's benefit (protection) and for benefit of the case (so he wouldn't talk to anyone). But his main point was that Ron was now in GP, based on his own request.

This says to me that LE doesn't feel that Ron being in GP and talking to others places the case at risk. Which reinforces to me that they don't believe that he was involved. Which, is what I believe was his lawyer's primary point.
Nothing has changed as far as this being a high profile case. There are people that will kick his azz in jail for that reason only.

Exactly why I am wondering why he wants to be in GP? Those locals who are his new cellmates have heard a lot about this man, his family etc so some of them might just give him a hard time. I think Whisp is right, if something happens to him, its a lawsuit in a matter of days. JMO
So we went from RC's attorney saying RC had requested to be placed into GP to a reporter saying he 'was placed into GP.'

I think this is how rumors start.

I'll believe he's in GP when LE says he is. Until then, it COULD be reporter error or interpretation, etc.

Like others have said, 'just because he asked to be placed in GP, doesn't mean he IS in GP.'

Just sayin'

I totally agree!! As far as I know, an inmate cannot request where they want to be housed, as it is the jail administration's decision as to what is best for the jail as to where they place someone.

If you could 'request' to be placed somewhere specific as to your liking in jail, I think I would like to be arrested in St John's County and 'request' to be put in MISTY'S CELL...just for 20 minutes....that's all I need....
Exactly why I am wondering why he wants to be in GP? Those locals who are his new cellmates have heard a lot about this man, his family etc so some of them might just give him a hard time. I think Whisp is right, if something happens to him, its a lawsuit in a matter of days. JMO

With the turnover in a county jail it is a lot easier to get message out. You just give them to a friend getting out.
Just putting this out here- What if RC was a plant for LE during this drug sting to get MC, and HC in jail in the hope they would spill their guts. Now don't throw any pies at me, please.

I respect your opinion, but do not agree. Ron could of done a lot of things to help LE in the past 14months and did not. Ron left Haleigh and Jr. in Misty care knowing her drug habits and other. That is child neglect and endangerment right there. I blame him even if he had no involvement just for leaving the children with Misty. This would of never happen IMO if DCF would of taken the children long ago and if Ron would of not exposed them to his type of lifestyle.

As for him being put in GP, that dose not mean that LE feels he is innocent, it just means they don't feel he has any enemies and he will be OK out in GP. Or could have some connections there in that Jail. It is known to happen.

Now, about the pie thing....can we all throw pies? :dance: It would be so much fun? Food fight! :dance: More fun than trying to figure out this whole cast of charachters..LOL.

But seriously, we are all right with our opinions and theories. :blowkiss:
Exactly why I am wondering why he wants to be in GP? Those locals who are his new cellmates have heard a lot about this man, his family etc so some of them might just give him a hard time. I think Whisp is right, if something happens to him, its a lawsuit in a matter of days. JMO

I thought of something. My heart bleeds for Ron because I don't think he had anything to do with Haleigh's dissappearance except having poor judgement having Misty babysit along with drugs and guns in the home, but I truly believe he's innocent as far as Haleigh goes. Right after he was told the news about Misty, Tommy and Joe and the stories about her being in the river was when he wanted to be put in gen. pop. I can't get out of my mind him saying over and over he'll kill the person who hurt Haleigh. Do you think he wants to be in gen pop to get connections to possibly get to Joe before LE does? I can't say I'd blame him if what they are saying is true. You hear these stories that people in jail have outside connectons and can get drugs and other things done, etc. Just a thought!! Maybe they are holding Ron for his own protection and that's why his bail is so high so he doesn't kill someone. RIP Haleigh
I thought of something. My heart bleeds for Ron because I don't think he had anything to do with Haleigh's dissappearance except having poor judgement having Misty babysit along with drugs and guns in the home, but I truly believe he's innocent as far as Haleigh goes. Right after he was told the news about Misty, Tommy and Joe and the stories about her being in the river was when he wanted to be put in gen. pop. I can't get out of my mind him saying over and over he'll kill the person who hurt Haleigh. Do you think he wants to be in gen pop to get connections to possibly get to Joe before LE does? I can't say I'd blame him if what they are saying is true. You hear these stories that people in jail have outside connectons and can get drugs and other things done, etc. Just a thought!! Maybe they are holding Ron for his own protection and that's why his bail is so high so he doesn't kill someone. RIP Haleigh

If they were holding him for his own protection.......they would have done that from day 1. He is in jail because he is a criminal. He's a drug dealer. He is a druggie. He's where he needs to be because of that.
Just putting this out here- What if RC was a plant for LE during this drug sting to get MC, and HC in jail in the hope they would spill their guts. Now don't throw any pies at me, please.

Snitches like that are not held in jail after the bust. He is a drug/poison seller and he is in jail for that and will be for a long time.

TN has some kind of idea that Ron got Misty busted. If what she says is true then the drug dealing was all Ron's responsibility and he was the ring leader.
Haven't posted on this case yet but have been following since the beginning.

The interesting thing about Ron going into GP...

He was put into protective custody just like Misty and Tommy since their arrests to supposedly protect them, as it is the jail's responsibility to protect inmates from harm from others or them harming other inmates.

I believe LE used this as an excuse to isolate each one of them, making sure they had no contact with others, locked alone in cells 23 hours, little rec time, etc with the intention of putting on the pressure.

LE knew these restless, uneducated drug users were used to doing what they wanted, when they wanted and LE knows these kind of people are high strung with no self control and this type of isolation would help "break" them.

It appears this strategy is working. According to LE, people are beginning to talk.

Also, Misty states during her visitation that she is upset that Joe is out free doing whatever he wants while she is locked up in GP. She also wants out of isolation bad. She is seeing others involved that are not being punished like she is.

So now she sees that Ron gets to go into GP just by asking and his lawyer is very careful not to say if he was with his family while they were updated on the case. (If he was allowed to be there with his family for the briefing, IMO, that means LE believes he is not a suspect but part of the family seeking answers.)

I think LE is now watching to get Misty's reaction to Ron's new "freedom" and to see if she says or does anything now to implicate him. This might be LE's way of making sure he is or is not involved.

The question is, is Ron in on this with LE or is he also, like Misty, being played?
I thought of something. My heart bleeds for Ron because I don't think he had anything to do with Haleigh's dissappearance except having poor judgement having Misty babysit along with drugs and guns in the home, but I truly believe he's innocent as far as Haleigh goes. Right after he was told the news about Misty, Tommy and Joe and the stories about her being in the river was when he wanted to be put in gen. pop. I can't get out of my mind him saying over and over he'll kill the person who hurt Haleigh. Do you think he wants to be in gen pop to get connections to possibly get to Joe before LE does? I can't say I'd blame him if what they are saying is true. You hear these stories that people in jail have outside connectons and can get drugs and other things done, etc. Just a thought!! Maybe they are holding Ron for his own protection and that's why his bail is so high so he doesn't kill someone. RIP Haleigh

In some cases, MaryAnn, I'd think so also, but I think in this case that it's really a matter that the circumstances of the case have changed dramatically with the recent news. Ron is not considered "special" anymore because the focus is on others as being behind this crime. I think that the other inmates are more apt to have some sympathy for a man whose child has been killed and won't give him any grief in GP.

I think it will be very interesting to see what happens with the bond amounts. I wouldn't be surprised to see the drug bonds reduced dramatically for all 5, once there are criminal charges made. Those who receive new charges will have high bonds for the new charges.
Stay On Topic Please . This is not a general discussion thread about Ron.
Respectfully snipped for space

Haven't posted on this case yet but have been following since the beginning

So now she sees that Ron gets to go into GP just by asking and his lawyer is very careful not to say if he was with his family while they were updated on the case. (If he was allowed to be there with his family for the briefing, IMO, that means LE believes he is not a suspect but part of the family seeking answers.)


According to Connie Sheffield Ron was at the family meeting:

Tuesday, Putnam County Sheriff Jeff Hardy brought the families together to update them on the investigation. Connie Sheffield, stepmother to HaLeigh's birth mother, Crystal Sheffield, said Wednesday that about a dozen members of the Sheffield and Cummings families, including Ronald Cummings, were together for the latest updates.

Though the two families have been at odds during the past year, she said they were all in the room together crying. She said it was the first time the families had been called together as a group.

Well, true or not, it is Shoemaker saying he was placed in GP

They talked to him about what had transpired and the fact that there were some new tips that they were searching. He was then put back -- he has to be put back into general population at that time. He has been in general population ever since then.

I don't understand why he corrects himself and changes it to "he has to be put back"
also, Ron probably did request to be put into GP-but who actually knows when-weeks ago? maybe the request is technically true, but not the actual reason.
I think it's wonderful that Ron is in GP, but I'm not so sure it's going to be good for him-- who's going to prevent him from getting in trouble? No GGS to send him back into the house, no TN to censor his mail, no Misty to catch all the flak, no Shoey to fend off the hard PR.

Imo, Ron hasn't done too well without a strong-armed handler (ref. ratgate, and CJ gun chase for a couple of examples right off the cuff)... I'm truly eager to see him wing it. :dance:


Two Cinder Blocks Pulled from River in Search for Haleigh

Aired April 16, 2010 - 20:00:00 ET

CASAREZ: So you`re saying that he was taken from protective custody being alone, which he has been from the beginning, into general population?

SHOEMAKER: Yes. And -- yes, ma`am. And actually, that was Ronald`s request. He didn`t feel as though he was in any danger, and he didn`t think that he actually needed to be in any protective custody. And he asked to be put -- or placed back -- or into general population

Ron doesn't do anything without an ulterior motive . . .


Two Cinder Blocks Pulled from River in Search for Haleigh

Aired April 16, 2010 - 20:00:00 ET

CASAREZ: So you`re saying that he was taken from protective custody being alone, which he has been from the beginning, into general population?

SHOEMAKER: Yes. And -- yes, ma`am. And actually, that was Ronald`s request. He didn`t feel as though he was in any danger, and he didn`t think that he actually needed to be in any protective custody. And he asked to be put -- or placed back -- or into general population

Ron doesn't do anything without an ulterior motive . . .

ITA! There has to be a reason why he wants to go to GP.
The main reason is he cannot be alone...he goes crazy(in the professional sense) if left alone.

He most likely is on mood stabilizers and is not acting up. I had to laugh when Shoey says it is okay now because he knows no one is going to hurt him. I always looked at it the other way around.

Wow, GP has a new vulture in the midst. He can wheel and deal people now. He is going to be fat cat and attain the position he always wanted. A big shot who can control others. He can find his real skills here and reach his full potential.

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