2010-04.18 Assuming the suspect is not in jail...

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Another website mentioned:

"Steve Brown made the comment “You would never guess who did it'."

This may or may not be a correct/accurate quote from Mr. Brown, but it got me thinking.

Let's assume that Cousin Joe would be incarcerated if LE believed he was the actual person responsible...

Looking away from the "usual" suspects (Misty, Ron, Tommy,) for a moment, who else could have actually been responsible for this?
Another website mentioned:

"Steve Brown made the comment “You would never guess who did it'."

This may or may not be a correct/accurate quote from Mr. Brown, but it got me thinking.

Let's assume that Cousin Joe would be incarcerated if LE believed he was the actual person responsible...

Looking away from the "usual" suspects (Misty, Ron, Tommy,) for a moment, who else could have actually been responsible for this?

Professor Plum, with a rope, in the conservatory.
(sorry, though perhaps we needed a wee bit of humor) :woohoo:
As a good friend pointed out, he is also quoted as saying "I'm sure you'll know who it is." (close enough.)

The end result is the same: He has information that you don't, and some people will say "I always knew" ('know who it is') and some people will say "I would never have guessed." ('...never guess...').
My guess would be someone on the Cummings side of the family..JMO though
Steve Brown seems to be saying with the above statement "that you would never guess who did it" that the person responsible is highly improbable. With this in mind, I would guess the woman who Misty threatened on her my space page saying that she took her boyfriend and now she is going to take her child. I think her name is Amber. This is way out in left field but this could be a true retaliation scenario and with these type of people one would never know what they could be capable of and the lengths that they would go to seek revenge.
Steve Brown seems to be saying that the person responsible is highly improbable. With this in mind, I would guess the woman who Misty threatened on her my space page saying that she took her boyfriend and now she is going to take her child. I think her name is Amber. This is way out in left field but this could be a true retaliation scenario and with these type of people one would never know what they could be capable of and the lengths that they would go to seek revenge.

Not sure if this is a fact or not, but I read it here that Amber poured some sort of green liquid in NayNays trunk after she got it stuck in the mud, and also, that some of Misty's clothes were in there.

I don't know who Steve Brown is alluding to, but I don't believe for one minute it is Amber.
I know we have some cross over here. If you want to discuss Mr. Brown's entire statement and listen to his video go here

2010.04.14 - Former FBI Agent claims Haleigh case is now a "Homicide" investigation - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

It is OK to base your opinion on this topic on what Mr. Brown said and refer to that statement of Mr. Brown,.... but please lets remember this thread is about "Assuming the subject is not in jail".

So let's keep that theme here, and yes Mr. Brown's comment does play in and can be discussed in this one instance. Beyond that any other discussion about what Brown said unless it relates to this topic should go to the link I provided. Thanks.

This is not about any post already here you are all doing well. Crossover is difficult. I just want to prevent this from turning into a second Mr. Brown thread.
is there a link to this comment by Mr. Brown?

I cannot find a link to the quote being referenced...only a direct opposite statement by Brown below. Anyone find a link?


Brown said he believes the Putnam County Sheriff's Office knows who is responsible for Haleigh's disappearance.

"There may be other people culpable, but as to who killed Haleigh, that's not going to be a big surprise," Brown said.
Steve Brown seems to be saying with the above statement "that you would never guess who did it" that the person responsible is highly improbable. With this in mind, I would guess the woman who Misty threatened on her my space page saying that she took her boyfriend and now she is going to take her child. I think her name is Amber. This is way out in left field but this could be a true retaliation scenario and with these type of people one would never know what they could be capable of and the lengths that they would go to seek revenge.
She was the only person who IMO, had a motive that would've involved Haleigh-get Ron's 1st born. But I think Steve Brown was speaking to people who got their info from tv-in other words, those who had been saturated with the 'Misty did it' slant. So to them, anybody besides Misty would be a shock.
Would it be TN?

That's what I was thinking MA. IMO, TN fits somewhere in this story....somewhere.

Remeber TN told Ron -"I am so proud of you".

Maybe she is "proud of him"- for not telling on her or somebody else related to her.
2 guesses:

1. If a retaliation hit, it may be a name or names we haven't even heard.

2. WBG. If Misty had him over that night to make the couch bounce and extend their drug party. (He did call her that morning while she was at the hospital, and they were in the heat of their new "fling"...were they planning?) And, then the Croslins are on a hunt for him. Did the Croslins overhear the phone conversation at the hospital (or at least enough to put 2+2 together?) Like..Ronald leaves at such n such time.. sneak thru the back door so the neighbors don't see, i'll leave it unlocked. Maybe they DID give Haleigh a pill so she would not tell Ron, and she died. Maybe she called Tommy to help her because Ron would kill her. Maybe Tommy did because he hates Ron? Maybe Tommy DID go over at ten and knocked but they pretended like they weren't there so he wouldn't know. Maybe a later call from WBG isn't in the phone records because he just went over there at such n such time as planned. I'll bet Ron had to be worried she would be flinging with WBG at his house when he was at work. Geez. He would be stupid not to.

Added: In the video of WBG by AH, I laughed when he said he wouldn't go to some guys house to get with his girlfriend. I believed that ZERO percent. He would, no doubt.
The only reason I would not guess Amber is because None in this circle of people IMO would protect her. I believe it is someone in the circle.....Maybe not the ones in jail right now but they all covered for a reason.... probably they were all culpable in some way or were dragged into the cover up.
She was the only person who IMO, had a motive that would've involved Haleigh-get Ron's 1st born. But I think Steve Brown was speaking to people who got their info from tv-in other words, those who had been saturated with the 'Misty did it' slant. So to them, anybody besides Misty would be a shock.

You mean the Nancy Nation? :crazy:
That sounds possible that Misty would give Haleigh a pill or something to knock her out so she would not talk as a previous poster mentioned.
This is probably way out in left field, but in the first few days of the case it became apparent that drugs were an issue with just about everyone of the players involved.

Within that first week, we researched the criminal and civil records for Putnum County and Baker County (where Crystal lives) and found drug arrests. With that in mind, those first few weeks, I was leaning towards a drug related crime. I thought perhaps a drug dealer was retaliating against Ron for a drug deal gone wrong.

If it turned out to be a surprise, someone unknown or someone that we know but is a peripheral player, I would guess someone who's heavily involved in drug traffic.
Well, lets start with the players that are not incarcerated: (shouldn't be that long of a list)
The Croslins - JO, TiC,CC,HCsr,LC The Cummings - TN,GGS The Sheffields - CS,MG
Did I miss any? Or have any of the players wrong? Please add if I did.

Now out of this list, who had means, motive & opportunity?

JO was in town, had use of a vehicle and is rumored to have had a dispute with RC. Also was said that he had been cleared by LE, I do not know how they cleared him, but I do believe he was not and had not been suspected by LE. I cannot fathom that LE would have overlooked a likely suspect. I am of the opinion, the more MC & ToC point at JO, the less likely he had anything to do with it. I also think that LE met with him in TN to tell him that he is probably going to be Public Enemy #1, the cousins are implicating him, but they (LE) know he did not kill Haleigh. I think they (LE) have the true suspect in mind and asked JO to go along with this (JO saying I want to say something but I can't ...) anyway, I am getting sidetracked. JO has also been called a pedifile, not sure if this is true or not (maybe someone can fill me in) I thought this was based on Misty's comments about him messing with her when they were young (I don't know if this would be considered a sex offense since they were both young, or just kissin cuzins - the hills are full of them) In reading back over this assessment of JO, it reads as if I am 100% convinced of him not being involved. I am not. He could have done it all, and by himself for all I know.
TiC was bouncing around with Cuz Jo & has an alibi by CC (is this concrete??) He seemed to get out of town as soon as his feet would let him, and also has stated, I am not coming back there or I would be arrested too (paraphrased) I don't know why he would make a statement like this if he were innocent of any wrongdoing. The others are in jail for drug trafficking at this time, I do not recall TiC on any of those tapes.
HC & LC were at hosp due to HC being involved in an accident. (I do believe this is concrete)
TN - do we know why she was unable to babysit that night for the kids? I have been following since the beginning, but there are so many facts that are still missing. She supposedly lives 80+ miles away, but was at the mh within minutes of ron calling with an 8X10 photo of Haleigh at the ready. This seemed odd to some, normal to others. TN also has stated that she had GGM go over to check on the kids and all was normal, eating dinner on the front porch, she dropped off clean laundry etc. Was is common for GGM to go over when Misty was in charge, or was this a special visit due to Misty's 3 day party binge. If TN was aware of the binge, why didn't she go over to watch the kids? or have GGM stay with them, she went over a few hours after ron went to work anyway.
Crystals family, I don't have much information on their whereabouts when Haleigh went missing (at least I don't recall, but there has not been much speculation so I am wondering if it is safe to say they are "clear")

There are so many posters that are so much more informed than I, and I respect everyone's thoughts and opinions, so maybe you can add some facts / or debunk some myths about some of these players I have mentioned.

Maybe the back screen door was propped open so WBG could run like he77 in case RC came home, knowing Ron would shoot him. :) Just a thought..
He is a P I. This is only his take on what happened. What makes any of us think he knows more than all of the officers doing the investigation? In my opinion, nothing of value was found in the river. If the cinder blocks match the one from the MH, what does that tell us? Two people have been planting evidence and ideas for over a year. When he stated that in his opinion, there was one person that was not involved (don't want to name-names) I knew he didn't know what he was talking about. So, now we have him solving the case, Grandma Hollars solving the case, Misty solving the case, and Tommy solving the case. This case ain't solved!

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