2010.04.21 - Art Harris Reports,Misty saw animal bones @ the dock

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And not to contradict myself, (LOL) I appreciated Art reporting the Misty/Tommy point of view as it was told to him by their family members. The fact that the family was thinking these were Haleigh's bones is interesting.

I just want the rest of the story. You know. The truth about what LE had to say about the bones Misty/Tommy may have observed.

Darn it.

Perhaps I just expect too much. Must be my age.
As far as I can tell from the transcript, Nancy used the word "purported" two times before Art used the word "purportedly."


I think some of us can see that these journalists, investigative reporters, tv hosts, attorneys, etc. read the forum. I need to quote them accurately, attach links, etc. They may be more likely to choose their words carefully, slow up their speech on the show, think before they "spin," and re articles, reports and/or blogs - write in a more coherent manner, if shown their own words staring back at them.

I don't have a personal interest in any of these conveyors of information and/or opinion. I just want them to do their jobs, and if I need to spend this much time deciphering who said what after viewing the show twice and double and triple checking CNN transcripts because I do not want to contribute to misinformation...well, the conveyors need to re-evaluate their performance on the job.

Off the soapbox now.
I think some of us can see that these journalists, investigative reporters, tv hosts, attorneys, etc. read the forum. I need to quote them accurately, attach links, etc. They may be more likely to choose their words carefully, slow up their speech on the show, think before they "spin," and re articles, reports and/or blogs - write in a more coherent manner, if shown their own words staring back at them.

I don't have a personal interest in any of these conveyors of information and/or opinion. I just want them to do their jobs, and if I need to spend this much time deciphering who said what after viewing the show twice and double and triple checking CNN transcripts because I do not want to contribute to misinformation...well, the conveyors need to re-evaluate their performance on the job.

Off the soapbox now.

Thanks ephiphany. And I'll take that soapbox for a moment.

You are right. And you have more patience than I. It shouldn't be this hard to know if you are hearing facts about the remains discovery of a child - or not - when listening to an Emmy award winning investigative reporter.

Yes, I'm jaded. I find the NG-gang doublespeak with a following day retraction demanded by NG to be nothing but performance art. Planned, rehearsed, purposefully misleading, ratings oriented.

Off soapbox. I promise.
I think Art Harris tried to be clear on this one, but he should've done a better job of following through. He should take a stance & stick to it. He comes across as one way on Levi's show & then another on the Nancy Grace show. I think Nancy has another source that tells her things & she 'pursuades' guests to agree with it. He should be ethical enough to stand his ground. I don't know who their sources are, & who knows...they may be right, but I don't care. I'm not accepting their inside info anymore. Actually, it's been awhile sice I have heard anything in this case that I didn't take with a grain of salt. For every story, there is a counter story, & that's the one thing we CAN depend on..

Respectfully Quoted dodie :)

Exactly. It is true of this case and it happens with news stories(even benign news, not necessarily crime news) I have looked into since I have been online. It's not easy to know what is true/factual. What is great about the internet, is all the information is out there to be sleuthed. It has to be sleuthed because as dodie has said, "for every story, there is a counter story..."

These "discrepancies" matter. It is a matter of ethics, a deep sense of what you have to say can effect important matters. You either have people debating over you while you seem to create controversy, or are above reproach. Growing up I was taught that most adults were above reproach, but I found out for myself it is the opposite. If the "adult" world lived half of the morals and ethics they teach children our would would be a much better place. IMHO. It is because children grow up watching adults do one thing while they say another. I remember my parents answer to this type of hypocritical behavior with, "do as we say and not as we do." :rolleyes:

AH, NG, etc. all of these examples: they are not following even the basics of how to be a good citizen that we all learn in kindergarten. How about "don't lie" for one? A lie is a lie is a lie is a lie. For ratings, for careers, whatever the adult justification for breaking the most simple rule for living ever:

"Do unto others..." This is also about credibility. Websleuthers have more credibility to me than major news sources. There are Websleuthers that have yet to lead me wrong. They have proven again and again, to have factual, credible information.

I said this in a post on another thread in this case, Websleuths is a place of truth because all information is looked at for its source. I love it, I love websleuths.

What we need is a central location for all the different stories coming in, so that all information can be taken into account, and then confirmed for accuracy...oh, wait that would be Websleuths. :blowkiss:

P.S. Imagine, at this point, reading what one article had to say about a story and taking that as the one and only absolute truth about the case. :eek: You would not come near in having enough information to even begin to have an informed opinion. And, each news source wants and expects that you make them "Your ONLY source for news!" :rotfl:

It was NG who twisted AH's words, as Live said. We were going nuts here when she did that. Poor AH. She took his tidbit and made a MESSY bombshell of it.

She sure did. And anyone watching her show is not surprised. I actually think AH was embarassed for her, and tried to readdress it, but Nancy was off and running, caring less if she ruined his reputation.
But AH could of stopped it right there and said NG thats not what I am saying. They are not HaLeigh bones. But no he keeps letting her say it.
Yeah AH could have, and should have but he showed class, and as a added bonus had he...I doubt he would be invited back on her show.

Sometimes ppl are not just victims, they are participants.

Just saying,

This makes me wonder if Misty and Tommy purposely led police to the WRONG location so that police would never discover the body? That might be better than finding the body and therefore the cause of death.

What are we raising? A 17 year old who was the last person known to LE to be responsible for a missing 5 yr old - with more than one failed polygraph and the ability to tell LE and anyone else, over and over that she knows nothing - while some members of two families (at a minimum) have apparently acted together to help hide a heinous crime.

But now looking at serious jail time for drugs and other charges - are all willing to stab their siblings, cousins, children and grandchildren in the back - in order to be the first to tell their own version of mistruths - and granny is worse than all of them - instead of calling LE, she called a tip line.

Police Confirm Misty Croslin Saw Bones!

"Snip" http://www.artharris.com/2010/04/22/police-confirm-misty-croslin-saw-bones/#more-4197

The Putnam County Sheriff’s Department Wednesday confirmed The Bald Truth exclusive that Misty Croslin saw bones at the St. John’s River crime scene, bones that a source close to the case told us were being examined and tested to rule them in or out as Haleigh Cummings’ remains.

The sheriff’s department declared in a hastily issued press release that the bones detectives showed Misty were not human remains, and certainly not Haleigh Cummings.

Laid out on the dock, the bones were ruled to be “animal remains such as alligator claws and teeth, and a multiple (of) animal bones,” identified at the scene by an anthropologist as “being non-human,” said the press release.

The incident also shook up a meeting later Friday night between detectives and defense teams for Misty and Tommy Croslin, my sources tell me, as Misty attorney Robert Fields exchanged harsh words with one investigator for taking Misty from the squad car to the boat ramp — and a photo op that may have given some the impression she’d helped with the alleged dumping of Haleigh’s body. Fields declined to comment on the account, as did law enforcement.

Anyone besides her mama, who needed this field trip to think Misty helped with the disappearance of Haleigh - needs to swallow a big dose of reality... (oh yeah - her mama said she thinks Misty knows more than she is telling months ago!)

Hmmm - If they found nothing human, why is it still being called a crime scene? I'm having a hard time believing a bunch of litter (while wrong) is going to get LE and and a bunch of lawyers this riled up....

Maybe if they just admitted the bones are assumed to be non-human until proven otherwise.
Yeah AH could have, and should have but he showed class, and as a added bonus had he...I doubt he would be invited back on her show.

Sometimes ppl are not just victims, they are participants.

Just saying,


What are we raising? A 17 year old who was the last person known to LE to be responsible for a missing 5 yr old - with more than one failed polygraph and the ability to tell LE and anyone else, over and over that she knows nothing - while some members of two families (at a minimum) have apparently acted together to help hide a heinous crime.

But now looking at serious jail time for drugs and other charges - are all willing to stab their siblings, cousins, children and grandchildren in the back - in order to be the first to tell their own version of mistruths - and granny is worse than all of them - instead of calling LE, she called a tip line to try and pick up the reward money. :sick: :sick:

Anyone besides her mama, who needed this field trip to think Misty helped with the disappearance of Haleigh - needs to swallow a big dose of reality... (oh yeah - her mama said she thinks Misty knows more than she is telling months ago!)

Hmmm - If they found nothing human, why is it still being called a crime scene? I'm having a hard time believing a bunch of litter (while wrong) is going to get LE and and a bunch of lawyers this riled up....

Maybe if they just admitted the bones are assumed to be non-human until proven otherwise.

BBM, can you tell me where you got this info from that she called the tip line?
BBM, can you tell me where you got this info from that she called the tip line?

No I can't, I read it/heard it - somewhere... but good point. thank you for being so respectful. I removed the comment.
BBM, can you tell me where you got this info from that she called the tip line?

It's here in JVM transcript

HOLLARS: This has been a miserable year. And when Sunday came, it just felt like everything was lifted off of my heart.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you know who turned in the tip?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did you call the police?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am, I did. I turned it in to Crimestoppers. I turned it into the police department.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Wow. You told everybody.

HOLLARS: I called everybody.


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