2010.04.21 - Art Harris Reports,Misty saw animal bones @ the dock

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See, NG just twisted what AH stated.

NO, he did not say these bones were those of HaLeigh's but yet this is what she states. NG needs to be more aware of her choice of words. He did not say these were HaLeigh's bones..Yes, police try and get a reaction out of a perpetrator. If there were bones laid out, it's to gauge her reaction and to see/hope she'll say more..

THis is why I do not watch NG anymore..I had it with the Caylee case, after Caylee was found, I stopped watching her show...:waitasec:
It was NG who twisted AH's words, as Live said. We were going nuts here when she did that. Poor AH. She took his tidbit and made a MESSY bombshell of it.
It was NG who twisted AH's words, as Live said. We were going nuts here when she did that. Poor AH. She took his tidbit and made a MESSY bombshell of it.

But AH could of stopped it right there and said NG thats not what I am saying. They are not HaLeigh bones. But no he keeps letting her say it.
Indiana, as I remember it he stuck to the "just bones" report for at least 3 rounds, before NG finally wore him down. He even said there was no report of any human bones. It was NG who was irresponsible. Although AH did finally concede to her that they might have been human. She really had to work at him to get him to concede that.
One thing I really wonder about, and it gives me real pause regarding the validity of Haleigh ever even being taken to this boat ramp, is why Misty Croslin was on that boat ramp, surrounded by LE with no lawyer present. Her lawyer could say no, she cannot be taken to the boat ramp. The lawyer could say yes but only in my presence and so on. But yet, there stands Misty in her shackles and cuffs with no lawyer present. Is this another of her bypass her lawyer moments and a decision on her part to go this on her own ?

After all, she states in jailhouse calls she has something that will make LE look stupid - did she just play it ? I sure am wondering about it.
This is what Art Harris said:
HARRIS: Well, what I`m saying is she was shown bones that my sources believe were Haleigh`s

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, WWW.ARTHARRIS.COM: Nancy, sources are telling me that Misty Croslin has been taken to the crime scene, the St. Johns River, and shown bones by detectives, bones purportedly belonging to Haleigh Cummings.

Sources or not, this is what Art Harris brought to light and infuriated many.
LE can use trickery to get a person to admit to things.

They wanted a reaction they wanted to shake her for more information or into thinking they found HaLeigh's remains. LE needs to put closure on this for HaLeigh and her family. They've wasted valuable time as the evidence degrades, my only wish is that PSCO has enough evidence to move forward with a murder charge and enough evidence to get a guilty verdict. There are no second chances here so it must be right the first time...hoping and praying for HaLeigh....
...is why Misty Croslin was on that boat ramp, surrounded by LE with no lawyer present. Her lawyer could say no, she cannot be taken to the boat ramp. The lawyer could say yes but only in my presence and so on. But yet, there stands Misty in her shackles and cuffs with no lawyer present. Is this another of her bypass her lawyer moments and a decision on her part to go this on her own ?

Good points - and now, according to AH, his sources say MC's attorney exchanged harsh words w/an investigator. My guess - Misty bypassed her attorney on this one.

Good points - and now, according to AH, his sources say MC's attorney exchanged harsh words w/an investigator. My guess - Misty bypassed her attorney on this one.

I think she bypassed the lawyer also. For me that means it is lacking in credibility.
This is what Art Harris said:
HARRIS: Well, what I`m saying is she was shown bones that my sources believe were Haleigh`s

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, WWW.ARTHARRIS.COM: Nancy, sources are telling me that Misty Croslin has been taken to the crime scene, the St. Johns River, and shown bones by detectives, bones purportedly belonging to Haleigh Cummings.

Sources or not, this is what Art Harris brought to light and infuriated many.

Hi Patty, I spent time last night correcting a post I made concerning NG versus AH using this term. I had originally stated that AH had used the word "purportedly" - a very strong word, as I was posting some play-by-plays of NG during the evening of the show. I even remember posting that AH began the rumor, not NG, because "purportedly" as you know, is a very strong word.

When I checked the CNN transcript before responding to a post, I then thought I read that "purportedly" was spoken by NG - according to the CNN transcript. I was confused because I had edited my play-by-play post after viewing a Repeat of NG when I realized that during the play-by-play I had typed "reportedly," instead of "purportedly."

Did I have it correct the first time - that Art Harris used this word? Maybe I was tired when I read the CNN transcript, and thought I saw that NG used the term.

I'm confused...
Dear Art:

It appears you stepped in it big time, put words in LE's mouth.

Now you force me to wonder how many times have you done the same thing with Chelsea, Lindsy, Hank, Misty, Teresa, Annette and Ron?

I'm more than a little annoyed.

Grow up.

Maybe even enroll in an ethics class.


Dear Emma:

All those people you noted above - most likely are Art's sources :D
Greetings Gma Kat you sure summed it up. And to add even more credibility to what you say. NG is well aware of the fact per this letter sent to her by Tommy's Lawyer http://www.artharris.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/James-Werter-Press-Release.pdf in which Tommy actually broke his silence first. .

Nancy Grace is actually using grandma Holler,even though she has the above letter,so she knows grandma didn't break the story first, Grandma didn't even call the LE first she called CrimeStoppers the Reward Center hoping she could cash in on the $35,000. The LE won't even talk with her now, why should they have the tapes...But Nancy, and JVM will entertain her rantings for their ratings.

I cannot even imagine how Crystal must feel if she is heard grandma..rambling on about how she didn't even know if Haleigh was dead when she hit the water, and then taking a caller in, wondering/asking Nanacy if Haleigh was eaten by crocodiles would any evidence be left, unbelievably insensitive since these calls are screened before she gets them on air.

She shows no objectivity by constantly poor, poor Ron remarks. What about Crystal Nancy?
Crystal is living every mother's nightmare. And learning the sordid spectulations and details on these shows.

Yes Nancy is not that nice, wonderful person worthy of any of the praise her screened callers heap on her. Its all about the Benjamins, and ratings. :twocents:



How do you know this. I have not seen it anywhere.
See, NG just twisted what AH stated.

NO, he did not say these bones were those of HaLeigh's but yet this is what she states. NG needs to be more aware of her choice of words. He did not say these were HaLeigh's bones..Yes, police try and get a reaction out of a perpetrator. If there were bones laid out, it's to gauge her reaction and to see/hope she'll say more..

THis is why I do not watch NG anymore..I had it with the Caylee case, after Caylee was found, I stopped watching her show...:waitasec:

I'm no fan of NG, but if she twisted what AH said she certainly had some help...
HARRIS: Nancy, sources are telling me that Misty Croslin has been shown bones at the crime scene on the river in Satsuma, Florida. She was taken to the crime scene, to the river, and detectives showed her what they had found. The bones have been sent to the crime lab to be analyzed, Nancy, and compared with DNA from Haleigh Cummings.
GRACE: OK, repeat. Misty Croslin was taken by police down to the St. John`s River, and...
HARRIS: That`s right.
GRACE: ... at that time was shown bones. Haleigh Cummings, 5-year- old Haleigh Cummings`s bones?
HARRIS: Well, what I`m saying is she was shown bones that my sources believe were Haleigh`s. And she told this to cousin Tommy on a ride back to the St. John`s County jail, where they`re both being held on drug charges. As amazing as it seems, they were allowed to ride together in the police car.
Hi Patty, I spent time last night correcting a post I made concerning NG versus AH using this term. I had originally stated that AH had used the word "purportedly" - a very strong word, as I was posting some play-by-plays of NG during the evening of the show. I even remember posting that AH began the rumor, not NG, because "purportedly" as you know, is a very strong word.

When I checked the CNN transcript before responding to a post, I then thought I read that "purportedly" was spoken by NG - according to the CNN transcript. I was confused because I had edited my play-by-play post after viewing a Repeat of NG when I realized that during the play-by-play I had typed "reportedly," instead of "purportedly."

Did I have it correct the first time - that Art Harris used this word? Maybe I was tired when I read the CNN transcript, and thought I saw that NG used the term.

I'm confused...

As far as I can tell from the transcript, Nancy used the word "purported" two times before Art used the word "purportedly."

I'm no fan of NG, but if she twisted what AH said she certainly had some help...
HARRIS: Nancy, sources are telling me that Misty Croslin has been shown bones at the crime scene on the river in Satsuma, Florida. She was taken to the crime scene, to the river, and detectives showed her what they had found. The bones have been sent to the crime lab to be analyzed, Nancy, and compared with DNA from Haleigh Cummings.
GRACE: OK, repeat. Misty Croslin was taken by police down to the St. John`s River, and...
HARRIS: That`s right.
GRACE: ... at that time was shown bones. Haleigh Cummings, 5-year- old Haleigh Cummings`s bones?
HARRIS: Well, what I`m saying is she was shown bones that my sources believe were Haleigh`s. And she told this to cousin Tommy on a ride back to the St. John`s County jail, where they`re both being held on drug charges. As amazing as it seems, they were allowed to ride together in the police car.

I am reading it as Nancy asked Art a question : "Haleigh Cummings' bones?"

Art replied: "We'll what I'm saying is she was shown bones that my sources believe were Haleigh's."

A responsible investigative reporter can choose to call LE and check up on his source's info - tell LE what he's going to report in his blog and on national TV via NG and ask for LE comment. Of course, I can't know if AH did this. But if he had, I have to think he'd have said so somewhere in his blog or on NG. Since he didn't provide LE confirmation or even LE's failure to return his calls, I'll assume he didn't.

(Even Granny Hollar has the sense to say LE won't return her calls. :) )

If AH is not willing to take that step and call LE and confirm his sources info, then he's just reporting hearsay from anonymous sources and, in my book that's not investigative journalism.

Sorry, this just burns my butt.

I don't mind the role Art plays, however, I take exception to him branding it as "investigative journalism".

(Same could be said for many, not picking on Art alone, but Art happens to be the topic of this thread.)
The way I took it when Art broke the story about the bones was that someone from the Croslin family called Art to tell pass on what Tommy or Misty said about the bones. How else would Art know that they rode together in the car. I also find that NG tries to push her guest into saying what ever she wants to hear. If it's something she doesn't want to hear she will cut them off. I am not defending Art, just saying. He stumbled a few times trying to keep the story straight and NG just kept digging. He went with the flow, but did say that he had not confirmed that the bones, the human bones, if any, were found in the river.
I do think that MARLAINA & JEAN made excellent points about the bones and LE not saying anything.

"Snip" http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1004/20/ng.01.html

GRACE: I am hearing in my ear we have breaking news right now. Let`s go to Art Harris, investigative journalist at Artharris.com. Art, what is it?

ART HARRIS,: Nancy, sources are telling me that Misty Croslin has been shown bones at the crime scene on the river in Satsuma, Florida. She was taken to the crime scene, to the river, and detectives showed her what they had found. The bones have been sent to the crime lab to be analyzed, Nancy, and compared with DNA from Haleigh Cummings.

GRACE: OK, repeat. Misty Croslin was taken by police down to the St. John`s River, and...

HARRIS: That`s right.

GRACE: ... at that time was shown bones. Haleigh Cummings, 5-year- old Haleigh Cummings`s bones?

: Well, what I`m saying is she was shown bones that my sources believe were Haleigh`s. And she told this to cousin Tommy on a ride back to the St. John`s County jail, where they`re both being held on drug charges. As amazing as it seems, they were allowed to ride together in the police car.

Art, it`s not that amazing. Cops put people together in the back seat all the time, hoping they`ll start talking and the cops can hear them.

: That`s what they did, Nancy. And apparently, this is what erupted, and Misty Croslin told her brother that she had been shown bones at the crime scene. I don`t know what his response was. But this is considered a major break in the case.

OK. Art Harris, where did the bones come from? Do we know?

HARRIS: Nancy, I don`t know that. I know that bones have been found in the river. This is an area where Tommy has gone before to go hunting and thrown deer carcasses into that river. Divers have found deer bones in the river. I have not confirmed that the bones, the human bones, if any, were found in the river.[/U]

GRACE: But you know that they showed Haleigh`s bones to Misty Croslin after bringing her down. And what do they hope to gain by showing her that, to get a confession?

HARRIS: Nancy, I think in any situation like this, they hope to shock her into some sort of revelation, into some sort of evidence or some sort of piece of information they can compare to what she`s said before or use it to refute what others have told them in the case that will bring it one step closer to a conclusion and an arrest.

GRACE: Art Harris, investigative journalist, breaking the news tonight that Misty Croslin, the baby-sitter-turned-stepmother, the last one known to be with Haleigh, the 5-year-old little Satsuma girl, alive has been shown purported bones belonging to Haleigh.

GRACE: Straight back out to Art Harris, breaking the story that Misty Croslin, baby-sitter-turned-stepmother, taken down to the docks of the St. John`s River and shown bones purported to be Haleigh`s, little 5-year-old Haleigh`s bones. She`s then put in the back of the police car with Tommy Croslin.

Art Harris, what can you tell me about DNA?

I can tell you, Nancy, that the bones that were taken from the river and shown to Misty Croslin will be compared to DNA from Haleigh. Now, the parents of Haleigh Cummings, Ron and Crystal, had parked (ph) that DNA, had saved it for just such a tragic eventuality. A lot of parents do have DNA of their children. And the crime lab now has Haleigh`s DNA. They`ll be comparing it to these bones.

GRACE: Do you know, Art, whether the two parents individually gave their own DNA?

HARRIS: I`m sure they would have volunteered it, if they...

GRACE: But they had Haleigh`s DNA that they gave. It could be anything, a toothbrush, a hair strand with a root, or they could even try mitochondrial DNA. Art Harris reporting that Haleigh`s DNA and the parents` DNA now at the crime lab in order to compare to bones found in the river.

I want to go straight out to Marlaina Schiavo. What more can you tell me, Marlaina? She`s joining us there in Florida.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, with what Art is saying about Misty being down by the river and these bones -- you have to remember, there was a van from the University of Florida, from the human identification lab, that was down by that river during that search for an hour-and-a-half. Why was it there? Could have something to do with what Art is saying. But there is a lot of buzz down here about bones and remains. I asked lead detectives today. They`re still denying that they found any human remains, Nancy. But the question is still on the table.

GRACE: Jean Casarez, weigh in.

"IN SESSION": The forensic lab that was on scene, I think it`s very relevant. Let`s look at the facts. Law enforcement has told us that forensic anthropologist and lab was on scene to look at what was being taken out of the water. Nancy, we know forensic anthropologists deal in bones, so they can determine on site if something is relevant or not relevant, human bone or animal bone. And they decided some things would go on for further testing. That tells a lot right there.
I think Art Harris tried to be clear on this one, but he should've done a better job of following through. He should take a stance & stick to it. He comes across as one way on Levi's show & then another on the Nancy Grace show. I think Nancy has another source that tells her things & she 'pursuades' guests to agree with it. He should be ethical enough to stand his ground. I don't know who their sources are, & who knows...they may be right, but I don't care. I'm not accepting their inside info anymore. Actually, it's been awhile sice I have heard anything in this case that I didn't take with a grain of salt. For every story, there is a counter story, & that's the one thing we CAN depend on..

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