2010.04.21 - PCSO asks Bloggers and TV Personalities to back off....

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LE is Pizzed over the bones. The talking heads decided to prosecute the LE once again. Debating the legality of confronting "Poor misty". LE doesn't want defense attorneys filing actions agains them which I surmise they have already done.

Just what we need..Hardy to not say anthing anymore...LOL. I have no pity for LE regarding the latest debacle. I laugh at Hardy saying he is going to put his foot down. I suggest he pick it up and walk over to a microphone and announce who is NOT a suspect in the main players.j This type of thing like bones has happened in other cases too. Hardy is inexperienced and does not know how to control the media. It would not have occurred it he had said day one they found bones and they were animals.

Why does this case cause concerns was the question asked on the video that Kim referred? It is one of the few cases out there has four suspects for fourteen months and not one person can share their ideas of the case and call anyone of them a POI/suspect.

LE should get out there and say what the facts going on with this case. Straighten out the misinformation that was stated by them, such as the ac man is clear(Iwho is he?), the first call time. Clear RC if he isn't involved. In fourteen months you can't clear the father? If he has an airtight alibi, announce it! The LE wants no one to talk and tell hours rc worked, yet they wonder why bloggers and locals are getting irritated? They are frustrated because they can't believe LE hasn't cleared ONE person and this has called mistrust with the local departments in charge...GMAB!
LE is Pizzed over the bones. The talking heads decided to prosecute the LE once again. Debating the legality of confronting "Poor misty". LE doesn't want defense attorneys filing actions agains them which I surmise they have already done.

Just what we need..Hardy to not say anthing anymore...LOL. I have no pity for LE and I laugh at Hardy saying he is going to put his foot down. I suggest he pick it up and walk over to a microphone and announce who is NOT a suspect in the main players.

Why does this case cause concerns? It is one of the few cases out there has four suspects for fourteen months and not one person can crack the case and call anyone of them a POI.

LE should get out there and say what the facts going on with this case. Straighten out the misinformation that was stated by them, such as the ac man is clear, the first call time. Clear RC if he isn't involved. In fourteen months you can't clear the father? If he has an airtight alibi, announce it! The LE wants no one to talk and tell hours rc worked, yet they wonder why bloggers and locals are getting irritated? They are frustrated because they can't believe LE hasn't cleared ONE person....GMAB!
see now i agree with your statement too .. there were ALOT of ppl that cared enough to go search for haleigh .. send in donations ect ..and as one man stated in an interview i saw on a site its thier community they are taxpayers and they have a right to know whats going on .. they ask for the publics help, well the public has a right to be set straight on what is going on so they can help .. they cant help correctly if all they can do is speculate .. but then you always get the bad apples that hinder an investigation so where do you draw the line .. so its a good thing hardy said what he did but he should know that the public cares for this child .. and we wanna know what they have and what they dont have .. UNLESS it could hurt the case .. but i really lol dont see what could hurt it .. the ppl in jail did it to themselves with all thier lies .. this is why i am SO mixed up with feelings in the case ..
Thank God! It has gotten completely out of hand, just as so many of the speculations have too! Im glad to see LE try to wrangle this in(which is almost impossible at this point) But hopefully now that LE has seen just how much this has spun out of control, with everyone adding/putting their personal spin on what is an already an extremely tragic situation(&thats no matter who the "culprit(s)" end up being, the tragedy of a precious little girls loss of life will remain the same) LE seeing what's happened and that they can do, just as they did today, verify&therefor nip in the bud any such harmful, hateful and/or detrimental "rumors", atleast as many as they can without in any way compromising the on going investigation.(ie, bringing down the hammer on those who "get off" on implying completely fraudulent scenarios, "selling" to the ppl that are standing by,praying for swift justice for little Haleigh. selling/spreading lies as fact.) It does NO GOOD FOR ANYONE, especially for those working diligently to ensure Haleigh's life not be wasted in vain&all involved appropriately brought to justice. I know we are getting close to that justice being served, but this served as a reminder that None of us know what LE know and to wildly speculate has served as anything but helpful, if not detrimental...

Don't worry precious Haleigh Marie Cummings no one is backing off finding and bringing you home, sometimes we have to leave the "BIG stuff" to those IN CHARGE and do what we can do the best to help ensure that to happen, by praying that God leads them straight forward in your direction to bring you home to the so many that love you... It won't be long from now...
Thank God! It has gotten completely out of hand, just as so many of the speculations have too! Im glad to see LE try to wrangle this in(which is almost impossible at this point) But hopefully now that LE has seen just how much this has spun out of control, with everyone adding/putting their personal spin on what is an already an extremely tragic situation(&thats no matter who the "culprit(s)" end up being, the tragedy of a precious little girls loss of life will remain the same) LE seeing what's happened and that they can do, just as they did today, verify&therefor nip in the bud any such harmful, hateful and/or detrimental "rumors", atleast as many as they can without in any way compromising the on going investigation.(ie, bringing down the hammer on those who "get off" on implying completely fraudulent scenarios, "selling" to the ppl that are standing by,praying for swift justice for little Haleigh. selling/spreading lies as fact.) It does NO GOOD FOR ANYONE, especially for those working diligently to ensure Haleigh's life not be wasted in vain&all involved appropriately brought to justice. I know we are getting close to that justice being served, but this served as a reminder that None of us know what LE know and to wildly speculate has served as anything but helpful, if not detrimental...

Don't worry precious Haleigh Marie Cummings no one is backing off finding and bringing you home, sometimes we have to leave the "BIG stuff" to those IN CHARGE and do what we can do the best to help ensure that to happen, by praying that God leads them straight forward in your direction to bring you home to the so many that love you... It won't be long from now...
i just wish this would end and haleigh would be found that poor child she deserves to RIP .. the mother and family need closure i cant imagine what crystal has gone through reading all that im almost sure she has .. that poor woman
I hope that AH and NG give a national apology as well as one directly to Halieghs family.

I hope that Shoemaker does the same regarding the talk of the "funeral". He danced around that and that is okay. He should not get a pass but I know he will.
I guess the bones were the last straw. It's not a good idea to insinuate that a victim has been found if she hasn't.

I feel like LE could have been more forceful nipping things in the bud right from the start. If there had been a few more terse press releases in the beginning, ("By the way, that rumor is false") it might have embarrassed some people and encouraged them to doublecheck and verify before flying with the rumor and discouraged the use of unreliable "sources".
I hope Hardy himself comes out today and asks the tv personalities and bloggers to stop with the rumors. I understand ratings, I really do, but could never understand how anyone on this earth could want ratings bad enough that they use and abuse a missing, or thought to be deceased child to get them. To me, it truly shows a lack of compassion for the child and for the family.
AH and his sources need to just stick a sock in it and allow LE to make the statements that need to be made. At this point, unless he goes into the jail and has a one on one with Misty, Tommy or Ron, I will not read nor listen to anything he has to say....PERIOD!
Yes AH and Nancy are a pain..........BUTTTTTTTT. LE brought alot of this on themselves by being so tight lipped. From day one even the daily pressers were a joke. They did not handle this case well from a media and public view. Look at some other high profile cases and wow.......this one was handled so differently.
Dear Mr./Ms. Source,

you are so full of it.


Sheriff Hardy.

I bet LE often has a pretty good idea who the sources are.
LE is Pizzed over the bones. The talking heads decided to prosecute the LE once again. Debating the legality of confronting "Poor misty". LE doesn't want defense attorneys filing actions agains them which I surmise they have already done.

Just what we need..Hardy to not say anthing anymore...LOL. I have no pity for LE regarding the latest debacle. I laugh at Hardy saying he is going to put his foot down. I suggest he pick it up and walk over to a microphone and announce who is NOT a suspect in the main players.j This type of thing like bones has happened in other cases too. Hardy is inexperienced and does not know how to control the media. It would not have occurred it he had said day one they found bones and they were animals.

Why does this case cause concerns was the question asked on the video that Kim referred? It is one of the few cases out there has four suspects for fourteen months and not one person can share their ideas of the case and call anyone of them a POI/suspect.

LE should get out there and say what the facts going on with this case. Straighten out the misinformation that was stated by them, such as the ac man is clear(Iwho is he?), the first call time. Clear RC if he isn't involved. In fourteen months you can't clear the father? If he has an airtight alibi, announce it! The LE wants no one to talk and tell hours rc worked, yet they wonder why bloggers and locals are getting irritated? They are frustrated because they can't believe LE hasn't cleared ONE person and this has called mistrust with the local departments in charge...GMAB!

I respectfully disagree.

Years ago, a little boy in my child's class was murdered. The story as presented made a lot of people believe the mother killed her son, then came up with this lame scenario to cover her butt. Pretty much every time this came up, the people I spoke with, and myself included, were outraged the mother was still walking around free instead of being behind bars.

A little over a year later, the ex-boyfriend was arrested. It turned out the mother had agreed to go along with police and basically let the whole town think she was a child-killing , meanwhile, the ex, who had actually killed her son and raped her, felt free to call and taunt her on a regular basis, which is what gave LE the ability to track him down and arrest him. This also gave him a false sense of security, which kept him flitting around the area instead of leaving the country.

Because of this, I don't feel very entitled to information in an ongoing investigation. I have to assume LE knows what it is doing, as they are the professionals.
I respectfully disagree.

Years ago, a little boy in my child's class was murdered. The story as presented made a lot of people believe the mother killed her son, then came up with this lame scenario to cover her butt. Pretty much every time this came up, the people I spoke with, and myself included, were outraged the mother was still walking around free instead of being behind bars.

A little over a year later, the ex-boyfriend was arrested. It turned out the mother had agreed to go along with police and basically let the whole town think she was a child-killing , meanwhile, the ex, who had actually killed her son and raped her, felt free to call and taunt her on a regular basis, which is what gave LE the ability to track him down and arrest him. This also gave him a false sense of security, which kept him flitting around the area instead of leaving the country.

Because of this, I don't feel very entitled to information in an ongoing investigation. I have to assume LE knows what it is doing, as they are the professionals.

thanks for sharing that piece...I also wish someone would shut that grandma up....
I think what upset LE is Art Harris saying on Nancy Grace that Misty mentioned the bones to Tommy in the back of the squad car. Art mentioned that he had a source. This little tidbit told LE that there is a small leak somewhere within their department.

JVM and NG seemed to skim over the blunder about animals bones by saying they were tested and found to be animal bones. That is not what LE said. They said, the bones were determined to be animal bones. I'm thinking they determined that on the scene and no bones were sent out for testing. Nice save HLN and Art Harris.

I do wish LE in this case would give more accurate pressers without using the game of semantics. They have been severely lacking in this department. Still, it doesn't give bloggers and TV personalities the license to run with inuendo, rumors and opinions.
Do Misty and Tommy still have access to phones? They might have mentioned their discussion in the squad car to a Croslin relative. AH's getting some stuff from them.
IMO what pizzed off LE was NG and AH talking about the "trickery" used on MC by showing her "bones". I don't believe they (LE) actually said anything to MC about any bones - they (LE) just had the bones laid out on that table and walked MC by them - if she looked, she looked.

Nope it was the trickery and the "talking about the trickery" that got LE's dander up. Now, if they want to try "another trick" MC will be cautious about her actions and response - is this yet another trick?
I respectfully disagree.

Years ago, a little boy in my child's class was murdered. The story as presented made a lot of people believe the mother killed her son, then came up with this lame scenario to cover her butt. Pretty much every time this came up, the people I spoke with, and myself included, were outraged the mother was still walking around free instead of being behind bars.

A little over a year later, the ex-boyfriend was arrested. It turned out the mother had agreed to go along with police and basically let the whole town think she was a child-killing , meanwhile, the ex, who had actually killed her son and raped her, felt free to call and taunt her on a regular basis, which is what gave LE the ability to track him down and arrest him. This also gave him a false sense of security, which kept him flitting around the area instead of leaving the country.

Because of this, I don't feel very entitled to information in an ongoing investigation. I have to assume LE knows what it is doing, as they are the professionals.

Very Interesting! I am inclined to agree with you. Also, by bloggers and television shows throwing all these scenarios out there, it may inhibit the "players" from coming clean.
I hope Hardy himself comes out today and asks the tv personalities and bloggers to stop with the rumors. I understand ratings, I really do, but could never understand how anyone on this earth could want ratings bad enough that they use and abuse a missing, or thought to be deceased child to get them. To me, it truly shows a lack of compassion for the child and for the family.
AH and his sources need to just stick a sock in it and allow LE to make the statements that need to be made. At this point, unless he goes into the jail and has a one on one with Misty, Tommy or Ron, I will not read nor listen to anything he has to say....PERIOD!
The public drives the media. As long as we listen and read, the television personalities and bloggers will speak and write. It's simple economics. We demand news; they supply it. When demand exceeds supply, meaning there is a dearth of strong news, the supply is strained and the end result is a substandard end product.

I've stated this repeatedly, and I'll say it again. We cannot cast blame without holding the mirror up to ourselves. Whether we click on the blogs directly or read quotes on other websites; whether we tune in NG or read the NG threads here at WS, we are still consumers contributing to the demand. If we are truly opposed to the aforementioned popular brand of shoddy journalism, we must examine our consciences and make the tough choice to boycott it completely.

Mydailyopinions, I respectfully used your post as a jumping off point. My post was not directed at you, specifically.

ETA: Lest I be perceived a hypocrite , I should add that I am not ready to make that tough choice and will contintinue to read and listen using common sense to discern the wheat from the chaff. ;)

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