2010.04.22 NANCY GRACE:Flora Hollars and Annette Sykes Debate

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Exactly, but he wouldn't have retained custody if his drug activity had come to the surface. His arrests involve a variety of drugs, from marijuana to methamphetamine. The information should be easy to find. It's been posted here many times.

Was he convicted on all of them.

I dont remember seeing the one about meth.

Seems like I remember some about hunting with an illegal gun and having pot.

Ok, I get that too Charlie, I do.
But, my opinion is, her stories change by the hour. I know she has heard and seen a lot of stories, but when she tells each story, she acts like that's the one she believes, then on the next show, like the next hour, it changed.

I just don't get it.

Maybe she doesn't either - maybe she doesn't know which one to believe or if she wants to belive any of them anymore than we do and she is wrestling the stories just like the last 12 pages of this thread are.
Was he convicted on all of them.

I dont remember seeing the one about meth.

Seems like I remember some about hunting with an illegal gun and having pot.


I remember seeing Ron's extensive rap sheet, I wonder why NG never asked to see his Juvi record. I would really like to see that.
Bolded by me:

Bull c**p!

FH asked GMS why TN didn't take the kids with her when Misty asked her to.

GMS said she wasn't aware Misty had asked Teresa to take the kids that night.
Gma Hollers sticks to the story-she still states all 3 were involved!~
Obviously Misty must have re-made the bed after this horrific crime, rather than call LE and then waited patiently for Ron to come home.

It still does not gel with the rest of the facts, like the MH being staged .... was Misty so threatened they did a calm after the fact script and staging, etc?

It is one thing to witness and not report a crime, completely another to engage in a cover-up to protect the perps.

Not buying it. Another Misty, look elsewhere story........

bold by me....if there was a sexual abuse that occurred in the bed and Misty just "re-made it" LE would have physical evidence linking the perp to the home. I can only pray that they have this kind of evidence.
Who knows?????? :crazy:

One thing is for sure, both families have a cast of characters that we can not believe.

I think the only way we will ever know the truth is if someone is charged and we get to see all the information that comes out via the sunshine law.

That could be years if ever.

So sad for this innocent, beautiful baby girl.
OKKAAYY, they must have found a shirt in the river, because G'ma Sykes will be able to say that is NOT the shirt she was wearing, I was there. I figured they may found "the" blanket, but I'll go with shirt now. Something is up there with the shirt.

:clap: Excellent sleuthing, Dee. GrannyS made particular mention of the shirt for a reason.

And she also claimed she took a blanket down from the window..
We know the story about the pee blanket was false, but we have never heard anymore about the blanket she had to wash that came from the window..JMO

Yes, the blanket in the window. So many blanket stories. There must have been something about the blankets! While the whole thing probably isn't true, one part must be.
question wasnt it stated that misty blanket was in the van?

maybe n i mean maybe and i dont even now if i believe this maybe .....
but maybe the bed was made and maybe misty n jr hid under mistys blanket on top of the made bed than maybe she left with the boys n she brought her blanket with her and thats why it was in the van ...be gentle as i clearly said maybe

One thing this case has driven home for me - anything is possible and everything is clear as mud.

You could be right. I do recall Misty saying she took the blanket off the window to wash it to put on her bed because her blanket was in the van. Which in this scenario would mean she calmy washed blankets after Haleigh was taken from the home. Likely ? Misty has shown no remorse over Haleigh being missing - so yeah she could probably just wash a blanket and do nothing about Haleigh being gone.
The Sheriff's words were something along the lines of "it's a very real possibility". All that tells me is that they, at that time, were not sure where she died.

Yes, and he also said that they can move away from the one who abducted her now and on to who murdered her. (paraphrasing)

IMO he still seems to be of the opinion that she was abducted from her home taken in the area of the boat ramp and murdered. Imo he knows the one who abducted her is now one of the POIs involved.

I mentioned that a page or 2 back but no one paid any attention LOL. 309 comes right off of hwy 17 and you turn off of it onto Shell Harbor. Thanks for someone else noticing!

Now we got chelsea in Crescent City...grrrr.

Okay, doobie, what's going on? Do you think this Shell Harbor is a good party area at night. Looks like it would be. You got all those walk ways and it is secluded. Maybe that is where they were all partying that night? Chelsea may know this and relayed that fact to somebody that told GMA Hollars.

I thought Chelsea was Tommy's wife and here it is Lindsay! I always get those two confused!
Maybe JR was out on the porch with GGMS while the "crime" was being attended to inside...........a little truth in the lie thingy.

Oh yeah and don't forget about WHO was with GMS when she went by the mh....
Why in the heck is this Grandmother Sykes getting jailhouse-related information from Grandmother Hollar about where to search in the woods?

Why do Sykes & Hollar have a telephone/investigation relationship? Ron & Misty in cahoots? Such that even the Cummings-Croslin grandparents are in cahoots?

And why is Grandmother Sykes searching ahead of LE? And TN?

And why did GGMS high tail it out to the Mondex?

Is she motivated to find the remains first, so no one else can? So Team Ron has time to write the story? Why?

Also, didn't GGM Sykes go to Vegas almost immediately after. Tell, me please; how could she?
With LE stating at PC a while back that Haleigh might very well have died out by the river tells me they just don't know...and may never know, with this bunch to look to for the truth...very sad situation. So many things in the life of RC, MC,etc should have precluded them, in my opinion, from having small children in the home...MC too young to be responsible on a daily basis and RC known to have past drug involvement...sad to think he was meant to be the lesser of two evils, so to speak, for custody. All my opinion only.
In regards to Misty and Jr hiding under the sheets.....wasn't it later determined that all the beds were made up??

:crazy: The story about the beds being made came from Ronald, IIRC, so whether it's true is a toss-up IMO.
For some reason Misty felt the reason to re-wash the blanket then. The question is why? Possible semen....didn't want Ron to see vomit???
bold by me....if there was a sexual abuse that occurred in the bed and Misty just "re-made it" LE would have physical evidence linking the perp to the home. I can only pray that they have this kind of evidence.

She did laundry! LE said the washing machine was running when they got there. She could have used dish detergent because they said there was no laundry det. in the house.
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