2010-04-23 JVM: Tommy Croslin's Attorney Speaks

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In addition to his criminal activity, drug abuse, penchant for young teenage girls, there is clearly something psychologically wrong w/Ron in the mood area.
Not excusing him; just stating.

I agree epiphany. I've learned so much about the legacy of emotional abuse in this case. It's been like an ... um ... you know ... one of those things where the lightbulb goes on and you have a major realization...um...what's that word?
Tommy's attny keeps talking about his excellent relationship with LE & the investigators and that he wants to keep it that way and he's very interested in seeing this investigation to succeed. He doesn't want to discuss anything that would jeopardize the success of the investigation.

I think that's kind of a big clue.

If he is vested in the investigation as he says and he wants to see this investigation succeed, then he must he is interested in it's outcome with regard to his client Tommy.

His words make me think that a successful investigation will be GOOD for Tommy.

Do you think we can eliminate Tommy as the killer? Maybe even eliminate Tommy as accessory-after-the-fact?

Why did Ron call Tommy that night and have him go to the trailer to check on Misty & kids?

Even though one investigation has nothing to do with the other..wink-wink..Tommy wants out of his drug and burglary(?) charges BAD. His life depends on it if he wants his wife and children to be a part of that life..Everybody in these families has to have had some suspicion of what that thought happened. I think people are putting their suspicions into words right about now. I think Hank Sr had great suspicion of both his daughter and Ron...he really as much as said so imo. I'd bet life is SO tough for all of them right now, he probably would have told Tommy..if he knew anything..anything at all..to spill it..let the chips fall where they may..MOO..
Tommy's attny keeps talking about his excellent relationship with LE & the investigators and that he wants to keep it that way and he's very interested in seeing this investigation to succeed. He doesn't want to discuss anything that would jeopardize the success of the investigation.

I think that's kind of a big clue.

If he is vested in the investigation as he says and he wants to see this investigation succeed, then he must he is interested in it's outcome with regard to his client Tommy.

His words make me think that a successful investigation will be GOOD for Tommy.

Do you think we can eliminate Tommy as the killer? Maybe even eliminate Tommy as accessory-after-the-fact?

Why did Ron call Tommy that night and have him go to the trailer to check on Misty & kids?

Sounds right to me. Now I have to think on the call. And the call back to Ron.
Are we finished discussing Tommy's lawyers comments? Take your theories to the theory thread please.
Watching NG tonight, I saw Hank SR on the phone with Misry.. he said something like, me and your mom might end up in there soon...???
can someone tell me exactly what he what he said???

Lisa and Hank both have outstanding charges they are facing.

Hank Sr ...doctor shopping and Lisa C, grand theft to name one. There are threads here at WS with a lot of deep discussion on both, but a quick reference can be found here: http://www.putnam-fl.com/clk_apps/crim_dkts/frame.php

type in croslin% in the name slot and scroll until you find their names. HTH
BBM..IMHO..Most definitely ..She is stoooopid enough to do that..
Whatever the case and whatever story she told, I suspect she hasn't told Tommy the whole truth...JMO

I agree with you and lone! I have been saying for awhile now that I thought that was a very good 'possibility' Somewhere bogged down in the theory thread were my thoughts on that.. I can just imagine Ron asking her to do that and I could totally see her agreeing to it easily..Bonnie and Clyde..bonded forever, you know//:sick:..and a lot of things would make sense..imo..
Well we can say one thing Tommy and Joe got good lawyers.

Sounds to me Tommy cut a deal.

I really think the turning point in this case was the rat gate and CJ.

Anyone that Ron thought that Misty might had been secretive with....Ron try to intimidate.

I really like to know what DonnaB has to say.

I wonder if Ron try to intimidate her.
Tommy's attny keeps talking about his excellent relationship with LE & the investigators and that he wants to keep it that way and he's very interested in seeing this investigation to succeed. He doesn't want to discuss anything that would jeopardize the success of the investigation.

I think that's kind of a big clue.

If he is vested in the investigation as he says and he wants to see this investigation succeed, then he must he is interested in it's outcome with regard to his client Tommy.

His words make me think that a successful investigation will be GOOD for Tommy.

Do you think we can eliminate Tommy as the killer? Maybe even eliminate Tommy as accessory-after-the-fact?

Why did Ron call Tommy that night and have him go to the trailer to check on Misty & kids?

Personally, I can't eliminate Tommy yet as either a participant in the homicide at some level, nor as an accessory-after-the-fact after listening to JVM. I was more than open to that tonight had his attorney said he passed the poly. Matter of fact, I'm a little more cemented in my theory that TomC is somehow responsible w/Misty. In my mind, I'm convinced he helped in the disposal.
IMO, he HAS to be around other people. Once I started thinking about it..it made sense to me anyway.. Ron, has NO control of what's going on right now..he CAN'T talk or he's history. IMO Ron and Misty are in this alone..and Misty has lied to everybody, family..everybody. No one knows what to believe..so Misty has them (and us, imo) chasing our tails..suspicious of everybody because of Misty's changing stories...there's where most of the Joe, TC, TC etc. came from..Misty. The only consistent thing about Misty is that she is going to lie and lie and lie again..

Ron sitting in a cell by himself pondering his fate, which, imo he probably feels that for better or worse is in Misty's hands,..nah, he couldn't do that, no way..I wish they could MAKE him be by himself.

The only thing I can say about ron is he absolutely cannot tolerate being alone. I have seen this type before and can read him fairly well concerning this part of him. He would rather be in jail then at home alone. He bonds with the first girl that will tolerate him and keeps her glued to him using money, drugs, whatever it takes.

You are 100% correct about this side of rc.

Concerning tommy, if rc is involved and he knows it through misty; he will spill. JO will spill his guts about rc too. rc better be real clean in this story. He has many enemies.

So far we have a definite misty and probably a pretty sure Tommy.
Why do I feel like I got more out of one JVM interview with Tommy's lawyer than an entire week of all Granny Hollar all over HLN? :)

Also, I'm not feeling as completely exhausted. GH wears me out. Gotta admit.
EPeel: Perhaps, because TomC's attorney appears to be emotionally intelligent.
Are we finished discussing Tommy's lawyers comments? Take your theories to the theory thread please.

Sorry grandmaj....I didn't see your post until after I answered the question about Lisa and Hank's charges.
James Werter says he can't tell what was asked on poly. But because of the poly they were on the dock with Tommy.

Why did police bring Tommy to dock? Werter can't discuss because it will jeopardize the investigation. Doesn't know if anything was pulled out of river but he feels comfortable representing Tommy.

Did you hear that Tommys lawyer wont represent him on the Haleigh case? only on the drug charges.
Did you hear that Tommys lawyer wont represent him on the Haleigh case? only on the drug charges.

Art Harris reported that, he said he got an email from him saying that but the lawyer is representing him still in the case and said he felt comfortable doing it.
The only thing I can say about ron is he absolutely cannot tolerate being alone. I have seen this type before and can read him fairly well concerning this part of him. He would rather be in jail then at home alone. He bonds with the first girl that will tolerate him and keeps her glued to him using money, drugs, whatever it takes.

You are 100% correct about this side of rc.

Concerning tommy, if rc is involved and he knows it through misty; he will spill. JO will spill his guts about rc too. rc better be real clean in this story. He has many enemies.

So far we have a definite misty and probably a pretty sure Tommy.

Yep and as we've said before, I think LE is just letting Ron twist in the wind. They knew from the get-go that he wasn't budging, (and for good reason imo) so let him feel like he MAY be the cat that swallowed the canary for a while..keep him off balance wondering what's really going on..and let him sweat. THAT'S why Ron wanted to be in GP and as you said attached to the first girl that comes along.. he's can not allow himself to be alone with Ron..He!!, I don't blame him..if I were him, I wouldn't want to be alone with me either..:waitasec:...did that make sense, lol?!
Tommy's lawyer is so smart that I really can't make heads or tails about the poly Tommy took. Lawyers usually run up to the top of the hill and scream their client passed. This is one where we have to be extra careful with what he doesn't say. With all the others it is a matter of deciphering what they say..not with this one.

1. He did not say Tommy was not involved with the disposal
2. He did not say Tommy passed the poly.

Where he tripped me up though was on the phone call to Flo. I wish I had it taped. At first he said, there were tapes of the call to Flo and he didn't have them. Then later I thought he said Tommy never called Flo. I am confused, again..can't remember completely how it went. Is there a tape or transcription yet?
Watching NG tonight, I saw Hank SR on the phone with Misry.. he said something like, me and your mom might end up in there soon...???
can someone tell me exactly what he what he said???

I believe he was referring to himself and his wife's charges...they could do time.
Tommy's lawyer is so smart that I really can't make heads or tails about the poly Tommy took. Lawyers usually run up to the top of the hill and scream their client passed. This is one where we have to be extra careful with what he doesn't say. With all the others it is a matter of deciphering what they say..not with this one.

1. He did not say Tommy was not involved with the disposal
2. He did not say Tommy passed the poly.

Where he tripped me up though was on the phone call to Flo. I wish I had it taped. At first he said, there were tapes of the call to Flo and he didn't have them. Then later I thought he said Tommy never called Flo. I am confused, again..can't remember completely how it went. Is there a tape or transcription yet?

Transcript is up

MIKE BROOKS, HLN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST: Well, again, since we know that there was a phone call from Tommy to Flo Hollars, most likely it was tape recorded by the Putnam County sheriffs. Have you heard the content of that exact phone call yet?

WERTER: No, I haven`t. They`re kind of slow on releasing those kind of things.


But I can tell you this. I had a discussion with Tommy twice, and when he called to get in touch with myself and Steve Brown, he did not talk to Flo Hollars about what happened that night. He simply told her to get a hold of Lindsay, to get a hold of me, that he wanted to talk to Steve and myself. So if you put her on the stand...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So are you saying that Tommy -- are you saying that - - she`s saying Tommy called her, and Tommy said Joe did it. Can you at least tell us whether your client is denying that?

WERTER: Oh, yes. Flat out, he is denying that. He did not discuss the case with Flo Hollars, and that was on Sunday night. Flo, from my understanding, got a hold of Lindsay, Tommy`s wife. Lindsay got a hold of me, and then we discussed everything on Monday morning.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So you`re saying Grandma Flo is making up this entire story out of whole cloth, because you`re saying Tommy has said to you flat- out, "I did not tell Grandma Flo anything about who did what to Haleigh"?

WERTER: This is what Tommy told me.


ETA: There's comments about pass/fail on the poly too that Werter made.

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