2010.04.26 - Tommy's Lawyer: "Tommy knows what happened"

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Thanks, Charlie! I was just barely paying attention to things at the time, so had completely forgotten about that timeline. :rolleyes:

Well, there you go. That does look like another good reason to believe this man.

He appears to be the type who wants to maintain a high professional standard and reputation for integrity, so I don't see him making claims like these, which LE would know he was lying about, if they weren't true.
Going back to Werter's comments on JVM:

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What were the results? Did he fail or did he pass and what was he asked about?

WERTER: Well, I can`t really get into what he was asked about. I have a good working relationship with law enforcement, so that`s part of the investigation. So I have to refrain from that.

But because of the polygraph that night, Monday night, April 12, we were on the dock with Tommy and law enforcement. That would have been FDLE, Putnam County Sheriff`s Office, and those two agencies. We were there discussing the scene with Tommy.

Jim, again, we want to get your side of the story. Your client had originally said, according to published reports, that he went to the trailer the night Haleigh disappeared at 10 p.m., knocked on the door, nobody was there, Misty wasn`t there and he left. Now we`re hearing possibly many other different stories. My question to you is why did police bring Tommy to the dock?

WERTER: Again, we`re getting into the facts, and I talked to your producers about this. Getting into the facts of that evening, which are in the hands of law enforcement. And it`s really hard for me to discuss that because I don`t want to jeopardize the investigation.

I will tell you that I feel comfortable with Tommy and representing Tommy. But the fact of the matter is I don`t know if they pulled anything out of the river because I can`t get a straight story from anybody on that. So all the things about bones or cinder blocks, things of that nature, I think it`s pure speculation at this time until an arrest is made.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let me just say this. I guess what we`re all wondering, and I understand you`re limited in what you can say, but I guess what we`re all wondering is, if he had nothing to do with it, how would he know what to point out down at the river? That`s what nobody seems to understand.

WERTER: It is a good point, and I`ll leave that to your speculation. You`re a brilliant woman.


MARK EIGLARSH, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Oh, gosh, I have so many, Jane. First of all, phenomenal interview. You didn`t let him off. And finally, he admitted that his client knows something but just isn`t guilty. All right, so we got that out of the way.

But I`ve never seen a defense lawyer, including myself, bring up a polygraph unless the flying colors, passing with flying colors comes next. He didn`t say whether he passed or failed it. Is it fair, then, to suggest that he failed it, and what was the relevant question asked before he failed?

BROOKS: He`s not going to answer.

WERTER: Oh, is it back to me?

EIGLARSH: Oh, it is.

WERTER: OK. Yes, OK. It`s not going to answer. And if you remember my interview, if you`ve seen my interview on Nancy`s show, polygraphs, it`s not always a fail or flunk thing. It`s an investigative tool. And it led us to that dock, so I would say that it worked.

It worked.....whatever that means!
If Tommy knows who killed Haleigh then he should get the book thrown at him for withholding information in a criminal case. NO DEALS!
If Tommy knows who killed Haleigh then he should get the book thrown at him for withholding information in a criminal case. NO DEALS!

We should most likely not assume that just because the information has been withheld from the public, DOES NOT mean that he has withheld that information from LE.

I don't think it's an accident that Tommy ended up with the least serious trafficking charge, as compared to the others in this case. I believe LE knew from the beginning who they wanted to use as a witness, in the prosecution of the others. These charges were brought to reach an end result and that's ok with me...IF, LE uses the right witness (the one w/ the least involvement). It's either use the least culpable as a witness or forget the murder charges, when there is little evidence to work with.
Going back to Werter's comments on JVM:

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let me just say this. I guess what we`re all wondering, and I understand you`re limited in what you can say, but I guess what we`re all wondering is, if he had nothing to do with it, how would he know what to point out down at the river? That`s what nobody seems to understand.

WERTER: It is a good point, and I`ll leave that to your speculation. You`re a brilliant woman.


BBM...IMHO.. That was an excellent statement to her question..JMO
If Tommy knows what happened and didn't tell his wife for 15 months, my thought is that he was afraid she would leave him if she knew. Or that she would contact LE with the information.

Either way, Tommy has been holding back information and hindering an investigation NO MATTER WHAT and that makes me ----------> :furious:

On one of the last tapes of HC and Mc, she kept asking about LinC andTC, Hank told her at least twice they were in a private room talking. I always wondered what they were talking about because I never heard of a private room before. I would think everyone would want a private room. So i assumed TC was talking to LinC about something important.
So much of this discussion depends on the truth of what Tommy's lawyer is saying:

- that Tommy knows what happened, and is telling all
- has a good relationship with LE
- he isn't responsible for Haleigh's death
- won't commit to being able to ID who actually killed her

So how credible is he? I like his CV, and that he isn't usually a defense atty, but was a prosecutor who now focuses primarily on non-criminal law.
I also watched a couple of interviews with him (Thanks, Patty!) and my personal impression of him is positive. (Unlike most defense attys.)

I'm wondering about something else I read that would give more credibility to him, if true: he apparently dropped Tommy as a client for Haleigh's case after the day Tommy took the poly, but then took him back after Tommy agreed to come clean with LE...?

Can anyone clear up what is known about how that went down?

Sounds like the same story we've been given since Haleigh went missing. Smoking mirro's, Red Herrings, CYA, , time of the month, who knows...

Novice Seeker
On one of the last tapes of HC and Mc, she kept asking about LinC andTC, Hank told her at least twice they were in a private room talking. I always wondered what they were talking about because I never heard of a private room before. I would think everyone would want a private room. So i assumed TC was talking to LinC about something important.

BBM: maybe he was allowed some "alone time" with his wife if he came clean...kwim? Like a conjugal visit:waitasec:
In other words they were playing hide the weenie in the bun.
When someone says they know what happened, they either witness it happening or they know from several different people witnessing it who all say the same thing.
If Misty and Joe and whoever else are all telling a different story, then how can Tommy KNOW unless he was there?
If Tommy was not present when Haleigh was killed, he will never get the same sentence as whoever killed her, as far as I know. He may be charged with tampering, withholding evidence, lying to police, and even disposing of a body, if he did, but not murder, if he was not there at the time she died. I saw one case on MSNBC where two teens killed another teen and then tried to burn the body but it did not work...so they got a ghoulish friend of theirs from school to chop up the body in order to better hide it...this guy got 5 years or so for mutilating a corpse...just saying...things that happen after the murder are never the same as what happens during, as far as sentencing...maybe that is why his lawyer is saying what little he is saying...he somehow knows or believes that Tommy was not there at the crucial moment...
He may be guilty of one hundred moral crimes...and half a dozen legal ones...and if he IS the one to break the case for LE may well be able to plea to some of the lesser charges and do a couple of years...who knows. Solving this case is worth a lot to LE. JMO
(But I do think if he is scared, it IS of Ron...)
When someone says they know what happened, they either witness it happening or they know from several different people witnessing it who all say the same thing.
If Misty and Joe and whoever else are all telling a different story, then how can Tommy KNOW unless he was there?
Even if you weren't there, I don't think you'd need several witnesses to tell you the same thing, if physical evidence supports a single witness' story, or if there are enough pieces of several stories to connect the most pivotal points. (LE said they were only at the beginning and didn't know where it would ultimately lead.)

We also have no idea what Joe is saying, or what all Misty has said, or what Tommy's poly showed, or what evidence LE has.

I've never wanted to believe the gunshot theory, but it - or another obvious injury - would fit with all this. Say Tommy was called to take Haleigh away, and in so doing, he saw a bullet wound...

He would know what happened to Haleigh, without knowing for sure who did it, and LE might even have evidence - like a spent casing, or even a bullet in the river or somewhere around it - or other reasons to believe that to be truly what happened.
Know what happened could simply mean he knows Haleigh died.

He knows what happened to Haleigh, she died. She is not alive and kidnapped. He might not know how or why.
If Tommy knows who killed Haleigh then he should get the book thrown at him for withholding information in a criminal case. NO DEALS!
I agree with you in a moral sense. because that makes him a part of this crime, & that's irreprehensible. But, if he's the only one willing to talk, then I guess LE is stuck making deals with him. I think this is a case of 'no deal, no answers'. I think LE figured him for the weak link, from the beginning-hence the least amount of drug sentence time. It's like they were dangling a carrot in front of a rabbit & saying, 'see what you can get, if you talk'. But I still don't like it. A decent human being would tell the truth, because there's a dead little girl involved, & not just speak up to save his own sorry but some jail time. He's a junkie thief & I don't think he'd know the truth if it bit him where the sun don't shine. So, is he telling the truth? I have major doubts. & I'm still amazed that this whole bunch played right into LE's hands. drug trafficking together. mind boggling.
If we view the dead rat story in light of Tommy's current cooperation, and in light of Tommy's willingness to put himself at the MH that night - then it does characterize Tommy's involvement as having "knowledge", rather than being someone who deliberately harmed Haleigh.

At least, as far as Ron was concerned at the time of ratgate.

If Tommy harmed Haleigh, and Ron knew it ... what would be the point of a rat?

maybe that is Rons way of telling Tommy that he knows Tommy knows what happened to his daughter and he is warning him to fess up.......
Refresher course please... if I want to make a comment on this thread, it has to be about Tommy's attorney and what he knows (am I right so far?). If I want to make a comment on the case regarding the impending arrest, what thread would I post on? TYVMIA.
Refresher course please... if I want to make a comment on this thread, it has to be about Tommy's attorney and what he knows (am I right so far?). If I want to make a comment on the case regarding the impending arrest, what thread would I post on? TYVMIA.

Geez, There are so many threads, I don't know IF there is a thread about any impending arrests..I'll go look... IF not you can start one...JMO

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