2010.04.26 - Tommy's Lawyer: "Tommy knows what happened"

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He is deserving of blame for keeping silent. I agree. One has to stop at blaming him for her death if he had nothing to do with it. Based on the fact that he's been physically attacked and then had a headless rat placed in his mailbox, his impetus to stay alive might have been stronger than his moral obligation to let LE know what happened.

No excuses, simply seeing the route Tommy might have taken, and those reasons he used to take that route.

bold by me...A lot of people could stop being blamed for her death if we actually knew who was to blame.

Debs...if Tommy knew what happened and came clean to LE then the person that you assume he is afraid of would be behind bars for murder and Tommy... heck, none of the Croslin's for that matter ....would have had to have been afraid of him anymore. All he had to do was speak with LE and he would have been free to get on with his life and let Haleigh's case be brought to rest. The " I was afraid of RC thing don't seem right to me". LE would have locked him up and thrown away the key if Tommy told the truth. JMO
I still think it's possible that Tommy was not told anything or enough about what happened until shortly before he and the Croslins tried to get Misty away from Ron, then put the dead rat into his mailbox.
bold by me...A lot of people could stop being blamed for her death if we actually knew who was to blame.

Debs...if Tommy knew what happened and came clean to LE then the person that you assume he is afraid of would be behind bars for murder and Tommy... heck, none of the Croslin's for that matter ....would have had to have been afraid of him anymore. All he had to do was speak with LE and he would have been free to get on with his life and let Haleigh's case be brought to rest. The " I was afraid of RC thing don't seem right to me". LE would have locked him up and thrown away the key if Tommy told the truth. JMO

Tommy is in jail for trafficking drugs. I'm pretty sure logic isn't a route many of these folks use on a regular basis. The fact is, it happens over and over. Tom Campano's own brother kept quiet for years, and he WAS complicit in the crime of hiding Fahey's body in the ocean. Fear is a strong motivator, even over and above logic.
If it is Ron,Tommy is afraid of. Ron being behind bars would not protect Tommy from being killed. Ron could get someone to do it for him.IMO
I still think it's possible that Tommy was not told anything or enough about what happened until shortly before he and the Croslins tried to get Misty away from Ron, then put the dead rat into his mailbox.

He placed himself there after he got squeezed by LE last summer.... Now he is being squeezed again....he knows the whole truth and it will come out...

Had he told the truth way back when...LE would not have been riding him...he and his FAMILY could have moved like LC wanted too...and began a different life.

But this is just my opinion....I do not have the mind of a criminal, yet. I am still young.
I don't know of any justice system that would see not telling what you know about a murder after the fact to be just as deserving of blame as committing the actual murder.

Blame requires fault, and *if* all Tommy did was keep the secret, it's shameful and disgusting, and should be punished, but it isn't his fault that Haleigh is dead.

Even aiding and abetting after the fact has a much lesser punishment than committing the deed itself.
Tommy is in jail for trafficking drugs. I'm pretty sure logic isn't a route many of these folks use on a regular basis. The fact is, it happens over and over. Tom Campano's own brother kept quiet for years, and he WAS complicit in the crime of hiding Fahey's body in the ocean. Fear is a strong motivator, even over and above logic.

Yes I agree fear is a strong motivator but in this case I would be more inclined to say his drug addiction is more of a factor than fear. I just don't believe that he was scared of RC.....you remind that he was assaulted, but he went to RC's home and was then assaulted, did fear drive him over there? Fear would have kept me away.
The dead headless rat in the mailbox has always intrigued me. I think it was done because a horse's head was not available.
But to me, the message was very clear - Don't be a rat or you'll be a dead rat.
It was a warning and it must have worked since Tommy is only now coming forth with information, from what little we know about the investigation.
I see Tommy as a punk, petty B&E criminal with a drug problem.
I really like his attorney from what I see and hear from him.
On her show, NG tried to put words in Tommy's attorney's mouth that Tommy knew who the killer was. His attorney handled her sensationalizm in a to the point manner shooting down that comment. He was factual and seems to care about his client and keeping a good relationship with LE at the same time. Keeping his relationship with his client confidential as an attorney should.
I hope Tommy is able to help break this case. He may have to serve time for the drug offenses, but let's hope this is a time for him to turn around his life.
I don't know of any justice system that would see not telling what you know about a murder after the fact to be just as deserving of blame as committing the actual murder.

Blame requires fault, and *if* all Tommy did was keep the secret, it's shameful and disgusting, and should be punished, but it isn't his fault that Haleigh is dead.

Even aiding and abetting after the fact has a much lesser punishment than committing the deed itself.

lol....I don't like those rules.
bold by me...A lot of people could stop being blamed for her death if we actually knew who was to blame.

Debs...if Tommy knew what happened and came clean to LE then the person that you assume he is afraid of would be behind bars for murder and Tommy... heck, none of the Croslin's for that matter ....would have had to have been afraid of him anymore. All he had to do was speak with LE and he would have been free to get on with his life and let Haleigh's case be brought to rest. The " I was afraid of RC thing don't seem right to me". LE would have locked him up and thrown away the key if Tommy told the truth. JMO

BBM-not if LE can't prove it. They can't throw someone in jail for murder without proof. I believe Tommy and others are in fear of someone, but it isn't Ron.

If it is Ron,Tommy is afraid of. Ron being behind bars would not protect Tommy from being killed. Ron could get someone to do it for him.IMO

And whether he could or not, I expect Tommy wouldn't want to have to look over his shoulder for acts of revenge, whatever they might be.

Another thing at play is probably this image Ron appears to project that he has an "in" with LE. Tommy could well have feared that possibility too - maybe he wouldn't be believed over Ron. Who knows.

He might also have worried about driving away his family for implicating baby Misty. :rolleyes:

Still, if he knew enough to be any value to LE, Tommy should have manned up. He would have ultimately been a happier person if he had. imo
BBM-not if LE can't prove it. They can't throw someone in jail for murder without proof. I believe Tommy and others are in fear of someone, but it isn't Ron.


I read your theory, you put a lot of work and thought into that. Kudo's!

I don't think Tommy is scared of RC either.
Yes I agree fear is a strong motivator but in this case I would be more inclined to say his drug addiction is more of a factor than fear. I just don't believe that he was scared of RC.....you remind that he was assaulted, but he went to RC's home and was then assaulted, did fear drive him over there? Fear would have kept me away.

As I see it there are two core emotions.. LOVE and FEAR...I can assure you people turn to a lifestyle of drugs in the first place from the standpoint of FEAR ........Everyone involved in the lies and the coverup surrounding the death of this beautiful child has been led and motivated by FEAR rather than LOVE...JMO
BBM-not if LE can't prove it. They can't throw someone in jail for murder without proof. I believe Tommy and others are in fear of someone, but it isn't Ron.


I agree Twall. Just to add, I don't think that is Joe either, someone local with reach.
I keep talking to myself - asking this question over and over:

How do I "know" things, how do I "know" things I was not involved with ?
So much of this discussion depends on the truth of what Tommy's lawyer is saying:

- that Tommy knows what happened, and is telling all
- has a good relationship with LE
- he isn't responsible for Haleigh's death
- won't commit to being able to ID who actually killed her

So how credible is he? I like his CV, and that he isn't usually a defense atty, but was a prosecutor who now focuses primarily on non-criminal law.
I also watched a couple of interviews with him (Thanks, Patty!) and my personal impression of him is positive. (Unlike most defense attys.)

I'm wondering about something else I read that would give more credibility to him, if true: he apparently dropped Tommy as a client for Haleigh's case after the day Tommy took the poly, but then took him back after Tommy agreed to come clean with LE...?

Can anyone clear up what is known about how that went down?
I keep talking to myself - asking this question over and over:

How do I "know" things, how do I "know" things I was not involved with ?

Me too. Throw in that he doesn't want to commit to being able to ID the killer.

It sounds like he either was there to help take her away and could tell what happened by looking at her ( :( ), or he was told what happened, and for some reason, LE thinks the story was at least partly true.

I'm wondering about something else I read that would give more credibility to him, if true: he apparently dropped Tommy as a client for Haleigh's case after the day Tommy took the poly, but then took him back after Tommy agreed to come clean with LE...?

Can anyone clear up what is known about how that went down?

I think you know as much as any of us do about that Muffet. Werter's media release provides a time line - and if you read it carefully, it does say that Lindsy contacted him the Sunday night before the search. Werter also goes on to say that he, Steve Brown, and Tommy sat down Monday morning to discuss the results of the poly, after this meeting he contacted LE and the SA's office and the three of them met with FDLE, PCLE and the SA at 5 pm Monday evening. This meeting lasted longer than 2 hours. After the meeting Tommy took investigators to the Shell Harbour boat ramp.

So, I guess reading between the lines, Tommy flunked his LDT, Werter told him and quit. Sunday night Tommy calls GMa Hollars and asks her to tell Lindsy to call his lawyer. Lindsy gets Werter to agree to talk with Tommy. They all yak and somehow something comes to light that Werter feels LE should know and that Tommy should tell...and so it goes.

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