2010.05.14 - Nancy Grace - Atty: Tommy Croslin: Haleigh Cummings died in trailer

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I don't think Ron suspected JO the day after Haleigh went missing. But as time passed he did say he was about 75% sure that JO was involved in someway. For all we know LE may have been monitoring JO for awhile. They did go back to meet with him several times. That shows that they do think he was there that night imo.........if they believed that he really wasnt there would be no need to go back to talk to him again.


Ron never said it was Joe he was 75% sure of - never. In fact when confronted about that statement, that he was 75% sure of who took Haleigh, Ron denied ever even claiming that. Watch Geraldo interview - Ron does another sterling job of being as untruthful as the rest of this gang.

Several times LE met with Joe ? 3 times only, the last two being almost a year apart.
Well if she died and than very soon after she was taken to the river would the cadaver dogs pick up on anything? How long does it take for them to smell human decomp?
I found studies that state that a cadaver dog can hit on a cadavar 110 minutes + in death....not a few minutes after death.

"In a study published last year, the forensic pathologist Lars Oesterhelweg, then at the University of Bern in Switzerland, and colleagues tested the ability of three Hamburg State Police cadaver dogs to pick out – of a line-up of six new carpet squares – the one that had been exposed for no more than 10 minutes to a recently deceased person.

Several squares had been placed beneath a clothed corpse within three hours of death, when some organs and many cells of the human body are still functioning. Over the next month, the dogs did hundreds of trials in which they signalled the contaminated square with 98 per cent accuracy, falling to 94 per cent when the square had been in contact with the corpse for only two minutes. The research concluded that cadaver dogs were an "outstanding tool" for crime-scene investigation.

Our investigation was based on using scents that were obtained from individuals with a postmortem interval of less than 3 h—an interval in which some organs and many cells of the human organism are still vital and have not yet started the process of putrefaction."


http://www.pawsoflife.org/pdf/Library articles/carpet squares.pdf

Did LE ever release if the cadaver dogs hit on the blanket in the van?
It's not quite ringing true yet. MC and TC are STILL covering something and it isn't Joe.

Let’s assume for a minute that Misty, Tommy and Joe are the only ones in
the home when something happened to Haleigh….
it is two against one….
IMO if Misty or Tommy did anything.. I think they would cover for each other…
“two against one”…. who would LE believe… the two… or the one?
Wow...rope length matches what was in a package at ToC's home. 15 ft and 5 ft missing, 5ft is what they found in the river? Did I hear that right. So, if it was still packaged was it premeditated on ToC's part. So far from ToC's end, all roads lead to him...not JO. Who had the rope? Where was it found? In two videos that I've seen of MC she is twisting items when talking or thinking of Haleigh. One is where she is coming out of the court house after getting her and RC's marriage license. While she's talking she's twisting a photo of Haleigh in her hand over and over again. Then a couple of weeks ago when NG was following the case they showed small clip inserted into the top left of the screen and it shows MC twisting her necklace. I think that perhaps she is the one that twisted the rope around Haleigh. IMO. Why is she always twisting items when she thinks of Haleigh? Is it the act of twisting rope or twisting the truth or both? All in my opinion.

Great observation, and worthy of a psychological opinion. Anyone?
I really don't know. Fear is a paralyzing emotion. It is hard to define. Like why do people that know someone has committed a horrible crime keep it to themselves for years and years and tell no one and then tell after so many years have passed? Most of them say it was out of fear of the perpetrator and they thought he/she would do the same thing to them and were often told by the perp that they would be killed too or their family if they told.

I am sure he told Tommy since he had helped him dispose of Haleigh's body that if Tommy told anyone he would go down too and of course Misty would want to protect her brother from being charged in Haleigh's case and she didnt want to be implicated either.

I am sure LE could have helped his family or they may not have believed him. Who really knows. I think when Tommy came clean this time he did ask LE to watch his family or make sure JO was in TN.


If they had done the right thing then........Haleigh probably would have been found. Pretty hard to deny when you have a body.
Let’s assume for a minute that Misty, Tommy and Joe are the only ones in
the home when something happened to Haleigh….
it is two against one….
IMO if Misty or Tommy did anything.. I think they would cover for each other…
“two against one”…. who would LE believe… the two… or the one?

That's ASSUMING the third party was Joe. I don't think it was.
Let’s assume for a minute that Misty, Tommy and Joe are the only ones in
the home when something happened to Haleigh….
it is two against one….
IMO if Misty or Tommy did anything.. I think they would cover for each other…
“two against one”…. who would LE believe… the two… or the one?

I totally agree with you Harleysnana. This is Tommy and Misty's thinking, two against one, a guy who has no alibi and basically an outsider. However, Werter saying that he is not having any negotiations with the SA pretty much tells me what they think of Tommy's revelations.

ETA - just why is Werter on tv anyhow ? He is tipping the LE investigation. All smug sitting there on NG calling out GMa Hollars for being on tv - and there he sits.
I really don't know. Fear is a paralyzing emotion. It is hard to define. Like why do people that know someone has committed a horrible crime keep it to themselves for years and years and tell no one and then tell after so many years have passed? Most of them say it was out of fear of the perpetrator and they thought he/she would do the same thing to them and were often told by the perp that they would be killed too or their family if they told.

I am sure he told Tommy since he had helped him dispose of Haleigh's body that if Tommy told anyone he would go down too and of course Misty would want to protect her brother from being charged in Haleigh's case and she didnt want to be implicated either.

I am sure LE could have helped his family or they may not have believed him. Who really knows. I think when Tommy came clean this time he did ask LE to watch his family or make sure JO was in TN.


If they try to say they never called 911 out of fear of Joe and they have gone through this year and a half of their family being put through pure hell and still were acting out of fear I think they will be laughed out of court.

Oh this guy who lives out of state is going to kill me if I tell............Baloney
If they try to say they never called 911 out of fear of Joe and they have gone through this year and a half of their family being put through pure hell and still were acting out of fear I think they will be laughed out of court.

Oh this guy who lives out of state is going to kill me if I tell............Baloney

I agree, and unless there has been some tectonic plate shifting that I haven't heard of, Tennessee is still just as far from Florida as it used to be, or maybe Florida built a brick wall around itself so no one can get in. What makes him/Misty un-fearful (I don't think that's a a real word) now?

I'm not buying the story, or Tommy's claims of HE can't get to any of us now, I'm scared for my children ...blah blah blah!!
Didn't they ever ask Misty on any of the lie detector tests if her cousin was involved? This whole thing seems so ridiculous when they had so many opportunities to ask her pertinent questions.
Didn't they ever ask Misty on any of the lie detector tests if her cousin was involved? This whole thing seems so ridiculous when they had so many opportunities to ask her pertinent questions.

Supposedly she failed that question. She did not pass a poly on her Joe story from the letter.
I really don't know. Fear is a paralyzing emotion. It is hard to define. Like why do people that know someone has committed a horrible crime keep it to themselves for years and years and tell no one and then tell after so many years have passed? Most of them say it was out of fear of the perpetrator and they thought he/she would do the same thing to them and were often told by the perp that they would be killed too or their family if they told.

I am sure he told Tommy since he had helped him dispose of Haleigh's body that if Tommy told anyone he would go down too and of course Misty would want to protect her brother from being charged in Haleigh's case and she didnt want to be implicated either.

I am sure LE could have helped his family or they may not have believed him. Who really knows. I think when Tommy came clean this time he did ask LE to watch his family or make sure JO was in TN.


If this occurred about like Tommy's lawyer has described, then I can honestly understand why Misty and Tommy reacted the way they did, becaused of the way they were brought up.

Having a person you know well actually kill someone you care about, in your home, is an almost unbelieveable occurence. I think it would throw someone totally into shock. If that person then threatened you, combined with you knowing you had been doing something you shouldn't have (doing drugs? planning a gun theft? allowing someone in your home that you weren't supposed to? sneaking out at night behind your wife's back? not protecting the children in your care?), I think could be overwhelmingly intimidating. It wouldn't have taken much for Joe to scare them. He was no longer just cousin Joe, he was a killer. Misty and Tommy may have felt that they "allowed" this to happen and, given their history, they did what was natural to them and covered it up. Once they did this, they were in so deep that they had to continue the charade or they would risk losing everyone & everything they cared about.

I think normal people would throw up and become non-functional. If they did help cover it up, as soon as the killer was out of sight, I think a normal person would call for help. But Misty and Tommy were not raised like most people and their role models did drugs, did small crimes, and made excuses. This is such an incredibly sad situation that this beautiful, loving little child fell prey to this bunch. My stomach is in knots. Even though logic told me that she was probably deceased, a part of me kept up hope that she wasn't, but now we know. And more details will emerge in the coming weeks.
I personally believe that Missy and Tommy are talking. I believe Jo has talked. I believe they are corraborating each to some extent. I don't believe it has much to do with Flo's story.... I don't think anyone has heard this new story yet. I believe we will be hearing it soon. I hope its quick I am loosing my mind! JMO
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