2010.06.03 Misty and Tommy's court appearance

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What the heck do any of them have to offer for a plea deal? The information on HaLeigh would sink them deeper. They are all going to take their hits on the drug charges and we'll never know what happened to sweet, innocent HaLeigh. :( JMO

If anyone can explain IMMUNITY to them, just maybe they would have something to bargain. If they understand IMMUNITY and still don't come forward, then we may have at least a portion of our answers.
My goodness, where did everyone go? Am I here by myself? LOL
No grounds, just a continuance. They will go back to "we want to take it trial" or some b.s.

Well, they have a trial date set, I dont think anything is going to stop Rons trial, that date is set and there is no reason to postpone Ronalds. Now lets say he did go to trial, I guess if he was going to testify against Misty, they could postpone his sentencing. But I doubt thats ever happening.
I think the possession and trafficking were combined. I wouldn't be surprised if that B&E went away. They never found the gun (to my knowledge), so they have soap and towels showing up at Tommy's house. I just don't know how they can prove it was Tommy that did the B&E unless they have prints. Weren't others staying in that house on Tyler with T&L at the same time?

I'm with you on the B&E's. Let's say Tommy did it....even though I don't think he did....they can't prove it was him. They only have Misty's word on this, and we know her word is garbage. No case for the charges, in my opinion.
Ron can still testify against anyone after his drug trial. I wonder if they can change his sentence, if it's minimum mandatory, after they sentence him and he cooperates? I wonder if, perhaps, that's the best way to take care of such things, legally (and from LE/Prosecution point of view) - that they follow through on Ron's drug case & sentencing. Then his sentence is adjusted after-the-fact.

Tommy took the plea, so it may have been his best position after all to bet on the minimum mandatory. He could also testify after-the-fact. In tapes with Lindsy, when she and Tommy talk about his 3 years, she calculates time served, and comes up with 2 years 3 months (or something like that). And he always says "we'll see, we'll see." Perhaps he means it. Perhaps his testimony after-sentencing would have an affect on his sentence as well?

I am purely speculating here - regarding sentence reductiosn - and just mulling possibilities. I've not really seen away around these minimum mandatory charges for drug laws. It rather takes the bite out of them if there's ways around them. (I wonder how long these new minimum-mandatories have been in effect - and if anyone else has had their sentence reduced after-the-fact?)

At the end of the day, I have to also wonder if Donna Brock will serve the longest sentence of all, being the oldest (vs. Misty's young age), her crime falls across state lines, she brought the most drugs into the deal for sale, and she has no information to barter with before OR after-the-fact.

*shakes head*

BBM I think you are right about her being the oldest, crossing state lines, and serving the most time. However, if Misty told her things about Haleigh's disappearance, she might be holding an ace. FWIW
She's just buying time. No way will she go to trial. It does give her more time to come to her senses for a possible plea bargain with the truth about Haleigh.

Your post gives us hope, thanks SoSueMe.
Finally an article that mentions Ronald was involved in all of this too

Based on Tommy's Min/max sentence, and with Ron facing 5 counts, that means Ron would get a min. of 15 years. Misty would be facing 8 counts for a total of 24 years....all best case scenario. If her age is taken into account, maybe less. When Tommy is sentenced, Misty's memory may get a lot clearer. Based on my opinion that Misty is only guilty of covering up for Ron, I think we may know what happened prior to Aug 16th. If she is more involved, she won't talk.
after Hope's plea, I can't believe Tommy's doing the same. I think that good working relationship with LE, that his lawyer keeps talking about, is fantasy. The judge will stick it to Tommy. Their only real bargaining power is Haleigh, & since Tommy wasn't offered the 3 years, I don't guess they bought his Joe story. & the other 2 had better be paying attention. where it says that Tommy can testify against them, is the clincher. He will do anything to get that 3 years.
Dodie, Lindsy calculated it for him at 2 years and 3 months. Imagine if he gets the 30 years!
If I were the judge, I'd give them all the max...that means 30 for Tommy. They can always appeal and probably get it bumped down, but I'd sure scare the c%^9 out of them!
Dodie, Lindsy calculated it for him at 2 years and 3 months. Imagine if he gets the 30 years!
they ALL live in a fantasy world, & that includes their lawyers, if they think these charges are business as usual
From article:

"the lawyer said his client has told police everything he knows about the disappearance - and the presumed death - of Haleigh Cummings. Werter added that the State Attorney's Office seems to be looking for more information."

I call Werter out there on some pretty obvious lawyer doublespeak.

According to LE, they only needed 5% of the rest of the story months and months ago. According to Werter, Tommy's told them everything he knows.

What "More" information is the SAO looking for? And exactly where do they think they're going to get it from? :waitasec:
On one of the tapes that was released Tommy was talking to Hank Sr. and Hank Sr. said something along the lines of everything that is being said is bs and TC replies yes just think about that dad thats what I am saying cause I am just trying to do what I gotta do to get out of here. I think TC was implying that everything he said was a lie made up to get him out of jail. Did anyone else catch that? It made me doubt his story he told police eventhough I wanted it to be true so at least we would know the truth about Haleigh.
I think Fields outfoxed Shoemaker this am..Misty now goes to trial after Ron...no deal.

5 minutes in court, before Ron's trial date, can have it delayed until after Misty goes to trial. :banghead:
Well we get to read all the depo's taken?

someone will have to request them through FOIA/Sunshine Law.

Your question reminded me of something - I guess no one has done a FOIA on Hope's case.

They could only withhold part of Hope's arrest and trial and depo records if the info was senstive relative to an ongoing investigation.

I'm guessing no media has bothered to FOIA on Hope? Kind of surprised about this... ??
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