2010.06.21 ~ CNN says focus of investigation not on TH

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Good thought. Just brainstorming here... but lets say you somehow let everyone who was at the school know they are supposed to fill out a questionaire. Lets say you know there were some people there without a doubt but they don't voluntarily turn in a questionaire. Would you then look at those people a little closer? Or, lets say someone whom you didn't know was there that day turned in a questionaire. That would expand your list of potential suspects right? So to further your line of thinking, I wonder if they have any idea at all who was at the school that morning. My guess is no.
Jack, to further your good thoughts: I wonder if they have a sign in sheet for visitors? At my son's last school (we just moved but it was a k-6) if you were visiting you had to sign in and put on a visitor sticker with your name on it.
Jack, to further your good thoughts: I wonder if they have a sign in sheet for visitors? At my son's last school (we just moved but it was a k-6) if you were visiting you had to sign in and put on a visitor sticker with your name on it.

That is a GREAT idea. It should be mandatory at all schools!
See, to me, this sounds like it should be reversed. As a parent who's child goes to a school with lax security like Kyron, this is*exactly* how I would do it if I wanted to fake an abduction.

ETA: I would also make sure that lots of people saw me before I "left"

So, in order to not be seen leaving with the child you would have to remove the child from the school, then go back in so as to be sure you're seen before you left. That scenario would make it even more likely you would be seen going back and forth and have that reported to police who would then ask you why you went out and then came back. That would be suspicious behavior to me. Or if you sent the child outside to wait for you but told police you saw the child walking to the classroom and some other parent saw him outside at the same time that would immediately point to you as a suspect. Again, I just don't think the SM would have chosen to set up a scenario like this when it would have been easier to say the boy just didn't come back in after an afternoon outside playing.
Jack, to further your good thoughts: I wonder if they have a sign in sheet for visitors? At my son's last school (we just moved but it was a k-6) if you were visiting you had to sign in and put on a visitor sticker with your name on it.

I'll search... there was mention that they do have a sign in, but on this day didn't as there were so many people coming and going. Which, ya know... is kinda the reason for such a system in the first place.

I think it was in a handbook pdf posted here.
Jack, to further your good thoughts: I wonder if they have a sign in sheet for visitors? At my son's last school (we just moved but it was a k-6) if you were visiting you had to sign in and put on a visitor sticker with your name on it.
Our child's school scans the ID of anyone coming in . It checks against some type of registry .Not sure if it's a SO registry or just a school registry of people not allowed in. For instance,in some child custody cases a parent may not be allowed access for various reasons.
After they scan our ID a sticker comes out with your picture on it and you sign in.Doesn't matter if you come twice a day ,every day,they do it every time .
Here ya go:

Building Security

All parents, visitors and volunteers are required to check in at the office prior to entering any other portion of the building. Identification tags are to be worn by all adults in the building during school hours. For security purposes, only the main entrance and East door will be unlocked during school hours. All other doors will be locked or monitored, as required by our district’s security policy. Please assist us as you enter or exit the building and check to see that doors are closed securely. If you are in our building and notice individuals without an identification badge, please ask them to register in the office.


Like I said above, somewhere I read they didn't have visitors sign in that day.
I'll search... there was mention that they do have a sign in, but on this day didn't as there were so many people coming and going. Which, ya know... is kinda the reason for such a system in the first place.

I think it was in a handbook pdf posted here.

You are so right ! It's exactly the type of situation that should be monitored.
It was a small school,with about 300 students,IIRC. They must have felt comfortable,like everybody knows everybody else. I would like to think a stranger would stand out like a sore thumb,but in all liklihood ,parents would just assume it was someone's relative or friend.
Oh,how I wish they had cameras. :banghead:
Jack, to further your good thoughts: I wonder if they have a sign in sheet for visitors? At my son's last school (we just moved but it was a k-6) if you were visiting you had to sign in and put on a visitor sticker with your name on it.

Maybe they did something like that but someone showed up in a photo who hadn't signed in. You'd definately look at that person more closely.

BTW, my son's school has a policy that all visitors must sign in but unfortunately they do not require it when there is a public event outside of school hours. Its unfortunate, but I can only imagine there would be many people who would claim their rights are being violated for having to identify themselves at a public event.
this leads me to believe that the perp was someone signed into the building. wow... that narrows it to 600 plus that day per some media articles on how many adults/parents could have been at the science fair plus the faculty and staff.

This is why I go back to my original statement that LE has not yet moved out of that initial circle of the investigation (meaning Kyron with his SM)
I did not like that former Multnomah County LE official mentioning the Jon Benet case. I already am getting bad feelings that LE is lost on this case and is still clingirng to the circle closest to Kyron since that is what statistics tell them to do. It has been far too long to:
A. Not have found Kyron
B. Not have verified Terri's whereabouts for that entire day

I fear that Kyron will not be found for a very long time and it will be an accidental discovery by a community member and that very little will be able to be determined as to what happened. I think that the only way LE finds Kyron is with a confession and it does not look as though that is happening anytime soon. As always with such glum feelings, I hope I am wrong.
Our child's school scans the ID of anyone coming in . It checks against some type of registry .Not sure if it's a SO registry or just a school registry of people not allowed in. For instance,in some child custody cases a parent may not be allowed access for various reasons.
After they scan our ID a sticker comes out with your picture on it and you sign in.Doesn't matter if you come twice a day ,every day,they do it every time .

Sounds like the kind of system EVERY school should have!
Here ya go:

Building Security

All parents, visitors and volunteers are required to check in at the office prior to entering any other portion of the building. Identification tags are to be worn by all adults in the building during school hours. For security purposes, only the main entrance and East door will be unlocked during school hours. All other doors will be locked or monitored, as required by our district’s security policy. Please assist us as you enter or exit the building and check to see that doors are closed securely. If you are in our building and notice individuals without an identification badge, please ask them to register in the office.


Like I said above, somewhere I read they didn't have visitors sign in that day.

So only the main door and East door were unlocked & unmonitored? Main door would be too obvious an exit route. Wasn't Kyron last seen by the East door by someone? I think whoever took him knew that security procedure very well. As in....go out the East door then meet me here........while the perp goes out the main door alone.
Here ya go:

Building Security

All parents, visitors and volunteers are required to check in at the office prior to entering any other portion of the building. Identification tags are to be worn by all adults in the building during school hours. For security purposes, only the main entrance and East door will be unlocked during school hours. All other doors will be locked or monitored, as required by our district’s security policy. Please assist us as you enter or exit the building and check to see that doors are closed securely. If you are in our building and notice individuals without an identification badge, please ask them to register in the office.


Like I said above, somewhere I read they didn't have visitors sign in that day.

It was said on HLN tonight not sure if it was JVM or the regular news before her there were no sign in on that day.
It was said on HLN tonight not sure if it was JVM or the regular news before her there were no sign in on that day.

Is it just me or does this not make any sense? On the day you KNOW there are going to be extra people and maybe unknown people...that's the day you skip the sign-ins?

I am sure they do it just to make it easier on the staff, but why limit/monitor access to a school most of the time, and then just throw the doors wide open with no checks? It WAS still a school day, after all.
...if, (and I do mean a very hypothetical IF) I were trying to dump a body....and I knew about cell phone pings.....I think I might drive around to random places with my cell phone and then while I was actually doing the dirty work I might just leave my cell at home.

Because all the while they are searching a random place for a body, I would have hidden it somewhere completely different and as we all know from the Caylee Anthony case,the more a body decomposes, the harder it is to determine cause of death.

Just sayin.


I've been thinking this one myself. This possibility concerns me as they may be searching in a goose chase fashion. Still, I think this possibility is remote. I think they have some good reason for searching SI extensively. Although LE did do a search of the pond very near the school last week so who knows!?
this leads me to believe that the perp was someone signed into the building. wow... that narrows it to 600 plus that day per some media articles on how many adults/parents could have been at the science fair plus the faculty and staff.

This is why I go back to my original statement that LE has not yet moved out of that initial circle of the investigation (meaning Kyron with his SM)

I'll have to search around. It was reported somewhere they didn't have sign-in.
It was said on HLN tonight not sure if it was JVM or the regular news before her there were no sign in on that day.

Thanks. I read that elsewhere early on too.

Because of too many people coming and going. That's crazy... that's when you NEED the security. :furious:
just FYI, in the article I linked to before, it said TY drove straight to Portland as soon as she found out about Kyron. That takes away the waiting to make arrangements, etc...she got there that night.
That's a rough trip to make, too.....if they were to start driving at say 5, (even though supposedly SM told bio mom to start "heading this way" at 1), then they meet up at 10 and don't get home until around 3.
Seems more plausible they would meet up on a Saturday.
Sorry if this is OT, I think about the little things :)
Maybe they did something like that but someone showed up in a photo who hadn't signed in. You'd definately look at that person more closely.

BTW, my son's school has a policy that all visitors must sign in but unfortunately they do not require it when there is a public event outside of school hours. Its unfortunate, but I can only imagine there would be many people who would claim their rights are being violated for having to identify themselves at a public event.

I don't see the point of a sign in sheet for deterring folks who enter with ill intentions. They aren't going to sign their actual name. Or they could sign illegibly, like so many people. My best friend's signature is completely unreadable. A sign in sheet would only be effective if a) it was staffed by an attentive person, b) if you had to show ID at the time you signed in, and c) the name entered was legible.
just FYI, in the article I linked to before, it said TY drove straight to Portland as soon as she found out about Kyron. That takes away the waiting to make arrangements, etc...she got there that night.
That's a rough trip to make, too.....if they were to start driving at say 5, (even though supposedly SM told bio mom to start "heading this way" at 1), then they meet up at 10 and don't get home until around 3.
Seems more plausible they would meet up on a Saturday.
Sorry if this is OT, I think about the little things :)

Or DY spends the night in Portland, and heads back in the morning.

But I don't believe DY headed up at 1. I saw a news report with DY's neighbor, and she said DY was at home after Kyron was reported missing, very worried and preparing to head to Portland.
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