2010.06.21 ~ CNN says focus of investigation not on TH

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Thank you SO much for finding that...I was going nuts going through all those articles, lol.
So, which is the lie? Was bio mom due and called around 1pm, but then just didn't leave for whatever reason (geez, are they ALL aware of the truth?), or was bio mom NOT due to have him that weekend, thus no phone call was made and why she was still in Medford when they notified her he was missing?
Sorry, but that really bugs me, trivial as though it may be. There was speculation early on that it was an opportune time for something to have happened....just when he was due to be gone all weekend.
Just thought of something.
Maybe it wasn't DY's weekend to have Kyron, but SM WANTED everyone to think that......thus explaining why he was gone all weekend (few days head start).
Ugh, of course, that doesn't make sense with the meeting at the bus part.
I hate circles.

The following is just speculation and not founded in any verified information (in this case, verified information is hard to come by!).

IF TMH called DY to tell her to start driving, that sounds to me like they were planning on meeting at some point, probably around halfway. That arrangement makes sense to me, because it would mean that each set of parents would only need to block out time for a 5 hour trip, rather than one set of parents having to block out time for a 10 hour trip.

As I recall, DY has primary custody of another son (not related to Kaine Horman). When Kyron came up missing, I can easily see how DY may not have been ready for a drive all the way to Portland; her son in Medford may not have had care arrangements for an indefinite period of time. I believe they also have pets, who would need care as well.

So when DY gets the call from the Hormans that Kyron is missing, she stops (to freak out) and then has to plan out what to do next. Continue all the way to Portland and hope that everything and everyone will be okay at home or return home, make arrangements for the care of her other child, then go to Portland the next day?

IF my speculation is correct, it sounds to me like DY made a practical decision: return home to Medford, make hurried arrangements for an indefinite absence, then drove to Portland the following day.
this is now a criminal investigation. LE's focus is to find evidence of a crime committed against Kyron, so the DA can prosecute the person(s) they believe committed the crime.

Totally agree!

It looks like it was just a reading comprehension problem. That article misquoted their sources.

Were TH and/or Kyron really at Skyline on Friday, June 4? - Page 8 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I have seen more irresponsible reporting in this case than in any other I can remember. It is so frustrating.
I think the focus at this point is on finding Kyron. :twocents:

Yes, I should think so. I wonder why Lt Lindstrand or CNN didn't say that instead? Seems odd to specifically refer to and single out TH and no one else in the context of "focus".

If they meant to say that the focus of the investigation at this point is finding Kyron, they could have just said that. I wonder why they didn't?
Respectfully, I disagree. The REASON one would use the school is to take the focus off of them. It would inject many players into the mix, on purpose. If the disappearance is in your yard or a few blocks up at the bus stop, etc then it NARROWS the pool of potential suspects.

To your second point, I doubt there was a scene made. It would have defeated the purpose of disappearing virtually unnoticed.

IMO, the child disappearing from inside a school severely limits the potential suspects. It would have to be someone who was there in/at the school. There were people there, no guarantee someone wouldn't see you if you took the child and left. If the child disappears while out playing it greatly increases the number of people who would have had access to take him. Could be anyone from a neighbor to a person just passing through. If you were planning to do harm to a child and blame the disappearance on abduction you'd place his last known whereabouts where there were as many potential suspects as possible. A school with a limited amount of people would not be ideal.

To my second point, I'm thinking you did not understand it. I meant that there have been no reports of anything happening at the school between the child and the SM that would have made her lose her temper and decide right then and there to severely discipline him or otherwise do away with him.

If she did this, she is either the luckiest person in the world not to have been seen leaving with the child, or she had help from someone else who was at the school too. Both are unlikely IMO.
Throwing in my 2 cents on the pings. Unless they have become more reliable in the past couple of years, the pings can also be misleading. I got my phone bill one day and it said I was in another town 45 minutes away and charged me long distance. I knew I was no where near that other town! Then, the phone company told me that it could just have been that the signal bounced off the other town's tower?? Either way, I still ended up paying for a long distance phone call when I knew for a fact I was not there. That leads me to believe that SM could have been in some other place and bounced off the SI tower??

My situation was a couple of years ago. I realize that technology could be a lot better by now. Anyone else have any experience w/ this type of thing?

Funny you should ask. I was talking about this case last night with my family. My daughter & her fiance have an extra service on their cell phones that indicates exactly where incoming calls are originating from. My daughter called her fiance recently & on his end it showed that she was in one place, when in fact she was home. The phone pinged off that tower (which made it appear she was calling from that location) before it was routed to another tower on his end.

Based on that, I suppose there are times that pings aren't 100% reliable in determining someone's exact location, but are probably reliable enough most of the time to give LE a direction in the investigation.
Do you think it is possible that a container of some sort was used to carry in that froggy exhibit?
Do you think it is possible that a container of some sort was used to carry in that froggy exhibit?

I guess it could, but I don't see why that would be necessary. Just fold up the main piece and carry the little diorama box.

You are SO right. I've often been bashed (on other boards) for saying people who are innocent need an attorney. But in a situation like this, I think she would be wise to seek legal counsul. While it's nothing personal, there is no way LE wouldn't suspect her. They would be amiss in their role as investigators if they didn't.

While it is obvious the most important person here is Kyron, someone ultimately being imprisoned for a crime they didn't commit isn't going to solve anything.

That said, I'm no longer so sure she is telling truth. I hope she is.


Maybe they do not have the money to retain an attorney. Maybe they are waiting to see if someone will do it pro bono.
I have a hard time accepting that the SM has anything to do with the disappearance. My reasonings are these;

1) If she intended to do him harm it would have been a lot easier for KH to "disappear" while out playing, or walking to the bus stop or home from the bus stop. I don't think she would try to pull off a scheme where the two of them were together in a very populated public place. Too many unknowns, no guarantee there would be oportunity to "remove" the child without being seen. Too risky.

2) Haven't heard anything about any sort of dissagreement, tantrum, or other episode that would make her suddenly want to do him harm and just get lucky that there was no-one to witness the two of them leaving together.

I could be way off but I think if they are focussing on her it is to eliminate her as a suspect.

See, to me, this sounds like it should be reversed. As a parent who's child goes to a school with lax security like Kyron, this is*exactly* how I would do it if I wanted to fake an abduction.

Especially if it was on the day of an event like the Science Fair.

We never get a call when my daughter is absent and visitors come and go all the time even thought they are supposed to sign in, they usually don't. I'm not happy about it, mind you, but it is the reality of that school.

Especially if it was on the day of an event like the Science Fair.

ETA: I would also make sure that lots of people saw me before I "left"
I have a hard time accepting that the SM has anything to do with the disappearance. My reasonings are these;

1) If she intended to do him harm it would have been a lot easier for KH to "disappear" while out playing, or walking to the bus stop or home from the bus stop. I don't think she would try to pull off a scheme where the two of them were together in a very populated public place. Too many unknowns, no guarantee there would be oportunity to "remove" the child without being seen. Too risky.

I definitely agree that the "my child was playing outside and I haven't seen him" scenario would probably be easier than coming up with a whole plan that involved school. In fact, the "my child was going to the bus stop and never made it" might work even better because the school would have marked him absent, and not notified anyone - so an entire day would have elapsed. The only problem with that is it would have centered the entire investigation on the house/area surrounding the house. Maybe it's a six in one hand, half a dozen in the other situation.
In regards to whether TH is or is not the focus of this investigation, I stated a few days ago that although she's made some poor choices, I don't think she is responsible for the disappearance of Kyron. As I also stated, in my mind it doesn't make sense for me to feel this way but I do. No facts to base it on -- just a feeling that won't go away.
Detectives say a small clue could lead to a break
I don't speculate too much on WS but I'll give it a try.

Say you've decided to 'get rid' of a child. You start planning how and when you are going to do it. In the middle of your planning, your child starts working on a project for school. Suddenly, that project lines up with the day of your plan. Why NOT take your child to school that day for a last "hoorah"?

Makes me sick how practical it would be. Maybe this is why I don't speculate.
at the school, while very risky for the perp, the pool of possible suspects (basically every adult in the building... and that day there were a lot more due to the science fair) is huge compared to an at home scenario imhoo. Every single adult in that school building would have to be interviewed by LE......

Which, since I am a stream of consciousness thinker got me to thinking something else... why are they interviewing all adults at the building with fliers??? When they started at the investigative center ((Kyron and SM)) and starting working outward did they get stuck on that first circle?? Two polys etc? Is that why they interviewed this otherwise HUGE pool of possible suspects with questionnaires ((that, I might add have pictures of SM and questions about her whereabouts?))???

Also consider this statement by the former DA:

While investigators continue to follow tips and sift through returned questionnaires, former Multnomah County Deputy District Attorney Jim McIntyre shared his insight on the Kyron Horman investigation.

"The probabilities are that it’s somebody close in – and when I say that I don’t mean immediate family members I mean that it’s somebody that may or may not know Kyron or know the routine. It’s usually someone closer in but closer in can include a retail store clerk that sees him all the time that decided to do something," McIntyre opined.

The former deputy DA also said maintaining a lead on the right suspect is key.

"You don’t want to put the investigators off on the track that could be an erroneous track because then the individual who actually committed the offense is gaining time," he said http://www.koinlocal6.com/news/loca...District-Attorney/Dz4uMChK60KCWjy3W5FG4Q.cspx
She seems to still be "in the fold" of the family. The family knows something we don't know regarding why all the questions about whether TH was seen at the school that morning, the truck, etc If they didn't, I can only imagine they would speculate the same things about TH that we do, and they wouldn't be so "tight".
My impression was that TH's mom had said TH called Desiree around 1pm to confirm that she should come up, but wasn't clear to me that Desiree was definitely leaving at that time.
IMO, the child disappearing from inside a school severely limits the potential suspects. It would have to be someone who was there in/at the school. There were people there, no guarantee someone wouldn't see you if you took the child and left. If the child disappears while out playing it greatly increases the number of people who would have had access to take him. Could be anyone from a neighbor to a person just passing through. If you were planning to do harm to a child and blame the disappearance on abduction you'd place his last known whereabouts where there were as many potential suspects as possible. A school with a limited amount of people would not be ideal.

To my second point, I'm thinking you did not understand it. I meant that there have been no reports of anything happening at the school between the child and the SM that would have made her lose her temper and decide right then and there to severely discipline him or otherwise do away with him.

If she did this, she is either the luckiest person in the world not to have been seen leaving with the child, or she had help from someone else who was at the school too. Both are unlikely IMO.


Actually no, it doesn't limit the suspects. I've heard of a case where a child was abducted out of a church when she went to the bathroom and was killed by a man not associated with the church. Just because it's at a school doesn't mean the suspects are limited. It could just mean this suspect either knows how to blend into a crowd, took time to study the school before acting, or got really lucky and no one saw or noticed them.

However, LE is calling it an isolated incident, so that in itself cuts down on suspects, I would hope.

Actually no, it doesn't limit the suspects. I've heard of a case where a child was abducted out of a church when she went to the bathroom and was killed by a man not associated with the church. Just because it's at a school doesn't mean the suspects are limited. It could just mean this suspect either knows how to blend into a crowd, took time to study the school before acting, or got really lucky and no one saw or noticed them.

However, LE is calling it an isolated incident, so that in itself cuts down on suspects, I would hope.

Hmmm... the ENTIRE outside world versus only those who were at the school... which is larger? Granted, you don't neccesarily know everyone who was at the school. But still, whoever took this child was at that school, which narrows suspects down considerably over the number of possible suspects outside the school. So it does limit the suspects. Now you just have to find out who was at the school.
She seems to still be "in the fold" of the family. The family knows something we don't know regarding why all the questions about whether TH was seen at the school that morning, the truck, etc If they didn't, I can only imagine they would speculate the same things about TH that we do, and they wouldn't be so "tight".

Sorry to disagree. I don't think they are all so tight. I don't think DY has another child or if she is "tight" with TH. KH & YoungLE( can't remember 1st initial)are close . Not so much DY &TH!!!
Which, since I am a stream of consciousness thinker got me to thinking something else... why are they interviewing all adults at the building with fliers??? When they started at the investigative center ((Kyron and SM)) and starting working outward did they get stuck on that first circle?? Two polys etc? Is that why they interviewed this otherwise HUGE pool of possible suspects with questionnaires ((that, I might add have pictures of SM and questions about her whereabouts?))???

Good thought. Just brainstorming here... but lets say you somehow let everyone who was at the school know they are supposed to fill out a questionaire. Lets say you know there were some people there without a doubt but they don't voluntarily turn in a questionaire. Would you then look at those people a little closer? Or, lets say someone whom you didn't know was there that day turned in a questionaire. That would expand your list of potential suspects right? So to further your line of thinking, I wonder if they have any idea at all who was at the school that morning. My guess is no.
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