2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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He didn't have to "fight for" custody of Kyron.

That said, I agree with you that women don't have more parental rights than men. :)

The child lived with his mother then because she had to undergo some medical treatment he went to live with his father for awhile. Maybe we've heard differing accounts but it seems that when mom was able to have him back dad decided not to turn him over and sued for custody. I'd call that fighting for custody.
I just thought of something.

Terri will surely get a lawyer now. She has to. She just got divorce papers.

This means, Kaine held off on serving these papers until LE was ready for Terri to have a lawyer. These papers were ready to go the moment LE gave Kaine the high sign. IMO.

Man, Kyron's family has really good poker faces.

Family law attorneys only deal with family law issues, right? That's how mine operates, anyway.
You know how when you are working on a little connect-the-dots puzzle, and you get to that point where you really don't need to connect any more dots to know what the picture is?

Well, we're there.

Kaine waited a long time to make his move, but he was ready, wasn't he? (IMO)

I have to wonder what dots were connected for him over the weekend by the LE investigation that prompted his (and Desiree & Tony's) actions today.

They made it clear on Friday, on a national junket, that Kaine & Tony were speaking on behalf of ALL FOUR of Kyron's parents.
IMO, they weren't clear on Friday that they spoke for all four parents. I sensed that Kaine wanted to speak for all four parents, but that there was some tension surrounding that statement. Given that SM's friend said that her statements had been given the green light by SM...well, I took Kaine's statement about the family with a grain of salt. I think he wanted to speak for all four parents. I don't think he necessarily was speaking for all four parents, or that he really believed it at the time.

Edited to add: I do think something happened between Friday and now to turn the rest of the family from what appeared to be cautious support of SM to this statement today. I think on Friday there was some doubt (along with a real need/desire NOT to give in to those doubts). Something happened...probably today...that turned that cautious hope/slight doubt into the family cutting SM out and leaving her on her own.
Meh, I'm not sure that I believe that the papers were "a complete surprise." I mean, what else is she going to say? If she suggests she "saw it coming," she's admitting she knew something was going on or that she knew of some problem that would make Kaine take the baby. She can't possibly admit to any such thing -- so she claims shock that he left.

One of the most common traits of a narcissist is the ability to be "blindsided" by things that other people saw coming a long time ago.
As the biological father of the child he would have the right to take her from the mother's custody. There is no law that says woman somehow have more parental rights than men. Notice that he fought for and got custody of his son, he knows how it works.

Do we know this to be fact? Did KH "fight" for custody of Kyron from DY?
Does KH have full physical custody of Kyron? I've always been under the assumption both parents had joint custody...am I mistaken?
As the biological father of the child he would have the right to take her from the mother's custody. There is no law that says woman somehow have more parental rights than men. Notice that he fought for and got custody of his son, he knows how it works.

no, he wouldn't -- at least not without her express permission. They would have equal rights to the child unless one or the other could establish that the other bio parent was not entitled to those rights. That's what an RO would be for.
I should be asleep right now but I am so sure something is going to happen in the next hour or so...
You know I don't care if shes shocked or not. They better have a darn good reason to do this NOW, because the focus will be taken off Kyron. Just listen to our posts, everyone falling off the fence because they take this as a sign the Sm is involved.
Well, apparently everyone agreed to his actions, but standing out here looking in the window it makes you wonder. LE better has some serious evidence.
There are many things that I thought that the SM was less than truthful about including her information on a site that linked about her schooling and qualifications.

SM's hubby said that he didn't know about her FB comments about the gym on FB.

Perhaps in the beginning he did believe in her. As more and more info came out about things that she said, he grew to question her.

We have no idea what LE has told him, and he said that he was with investigators today.

Whatever they told him today might have got him off the fence as well.
I highly doubt Kyron has been found. A body discovery is never kept secret for very long.
Why is there a "cheating" card out?

If the theory above was even true...how did Kyron come in contact with TH's "acquaintances" when she states the last time she saw Kyron, she was waving good bye as he was entering his classroom...?

What does that have to do with the possibility that Terri's actions or those she may have been involved with ("cheating" or not) may have put kyron in danger?
So clearly Terrie was not lying when she said everything was fine, that her husband and baby had not moved out of the residence.

Sounds like she might be in a pickle PickieChickie. Love your NIK BTW. xox
Desiree and Kaine have the custody,so if Terri did hide him,she could be arrested right? I know people who have shown up after thousands spent on searches aren't charged,but hiding a child from a legal parent,even if married is illegal,true?
annalyzer said:
Not me. I've been sitting back and just waiting for this to all happen.

I think we're saying the same thing :).

Actually I think many -- maybe a majority of posters from the earlier threads -- were "sitting back and just waiting for this to all happen." We just weren't allowed to say so, and speaking only for myself, I simply went away rather than participate in an ostrich festival. Hopefully we can talk openly about reality now.
I think if she is failing polys he started to have doubts. I also think LE have told him something.
Family law attorneys only deal with family law issues, right? That's how mine operates, anyway.

Kimster, I feel confident that any attorney representing Terri will read the restraining order reasons and, if they felt they couldn't represent her in the Kyron missing matter, they would certainly advise her to also retain counsel for this investigation.

I don't see how her family matter is at all disjointed from the Kyron missing matter.

IMO, she doesn't need a family matters attny for this divorce as much as she needs a criminal attny with side order of family matters.

no, he wouldn't -- at least not without her express permission. They would have equal rights to the child unless one or the other could establish that the other bio parent was not entitled to those rights. That's what an RO would be for.

No he does not have to have her permission. If he took her and filed for divorce all he had to do is ask for temporary custody to be established until a future court hearing and it would be granted.

Eta a RO does not establish custody, however if he asked for temp custody and stated he was concerned she might take her and run he would be granted a retraining order until a future court date also.
One of the most common traits of a narcissist is the ability to be "blindsided" by things that other people saw coming a long time ago.

Yes, that is also true. But then I wonder if this is a munchausen (sp) case, in that she did something to gain attention or recognition for herself.
OK, now that I have calmed down, I thought the RO that you guys were discussing was the one that Desiree had against Kaine. I did see it discussed somewhere in here. FTR it was so that property wasn't taken from the family home, until it went before a judge.

I will check 1st thing in the morning, to see if the divorce is listed. They usually update during the evening sometime.
Was it said Desiree was afraid he would take the kids?Did I read that somewhere?Well,He just did it again.
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