2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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I have no problem with Kaine wanting the best for both of his children in an eventual divorce settlement. I'm also aware that Kaine and Desiree have both stated that they believe that their son is alive, but that doesn't mean that it is so. What's the rush with the divorce is all about? Is it going to help find Kyron?

Imagine that you learned two months ago that your spouse had attempted to put a contract on your head. Imagine that your spouse was sexting and sending no-no photos to your longtime friend within a month of your child going missing. Imagine that, above all else, your spouse is the focus of the investigation into your missing child.

How could anyone NOT want a divorce in such a situation--and as soon as possible? How could anyone not want to cut ties (financially, child custody) with such a person? Would you want to remain tied to a person who had done all of this to you and your child/ren? I would want out 100% completely as soon as possible.
Debs I agree 100% with you. I will go one step further and say that I have some doubts about the MFH also. The sticking point for me is why would she call 911? Why not just shut the door and be done with it?

Either this woman is very smart and dangerous or she is being set up. I opt for the latter. IMO

I've said this all along, and given all the flagrant mistakes made in doing... whatever was done, the whole uber-smart thing doesn't make much sense....
Omg!!!!!!!!!!! That can be the new "if it doesn't fit you must acquit"...defense slogan.

Kinda like the sexting?
I can hear the defence state boldly well... It might of been her haaa but who knows for a fact if it was her hooo depicted in the pictures?

If the whoha isn't liget then we must aquit.
We are forever being asked to make judgments on Terri with the information provided.

Unnamed sources
those close to the investigation
Friends from the past
character assassinations
excerpts from media
excerpts from video
a paragraph here and a paragraph there
failed lie detector tests
body language
spare of the moment social interactions
a one-time body building event
an on-line resume
5 yo DUI
past unsubstantiated drinking habits
unsubstantiated plots to off husband
Sexting messages
texting presented with redacts
gym workouts

As far as I can figure out - not much here with which to make solid, accurate, and formative determinations about a person. Help me - is there anything from the above list presented to us without bias or intent to distort?

I have a real problem making judgments about a person based on the above...I'm sick of trying to do so. I want/need some facts. Where is Kyron! just my opinion and all that stuff.
bbm....Of course, almost anyone, I would think, would be grief stricken. and i hope that you are never in the position terri finds herself in. But only if you were - could you actually then know, what you would do or how you would act in an attempt to console your grief or sorrow. everyone deals with grief in their own way - there is no right or wrong way, in my opinion. unless it is hurtfull to someone else, i guess.

IMHO.. Terri is the one responsible for the postion Terri is in...But I do know and have experienced excruciating pain and sorrow in reference to losing a loved one to suicide..A husband to be exact and sexting or having sex with someone I just met was not on my agenda to console my grief.
Does Kaine have the right to know if Terri had hidden assets used to pay for her attorney?

Kaine has the right to know if any marital assets were used by TH to pay her attorney. However, Kaine knows if TH had access to any marital assets after he left.

IMO, Kaine did not leave TH access to any marital assets. Kaine most likely allowed her access to things like internet, cell, things he could get access too as the account holder. But one of the first things a divorce attorney tells you is how to handle assets so they won't disappear.
IMO, that is the major problem with this motion....Kaine has no financial obligations for any debts incurred after the date of filing and/or separation. Houze was hired AFTER Kaine filed. Therefore, Houze would not be a marital debt.

More to the point, Terri is already on record in the affidavit supporting her motion for abatement as saying that she "did not borrow money to pay Mr. Houze's attorney fees, the money did not come from her funds, and she is not asserting that her attorney fees with Mr. Houze are any sort of marital debt." In other words, someone else is paying her bill and it will have no impact on the marital assets/debts to be divided.
We are forever being asked to make judgments on Terri with the information provided.

Unnamed sources
those close to the investigation
Friends from the past
character assassinations
excerpts from media
excerpts from video
a paragraph here and a paragraph there
failed lie detector tests
body language
spare of the moment social interactions
a one-time body building event
an on-line resume
5 yo DUI
past unsubstantiated drinking habits
unsubstantiated plots to off husband
Sexting messages
texting presented with redacts
gym workouts

As far as I can figure out - not much here with which to make solid, accurate, and formative determinations about a person. Help me - is there anything from the above list presented to us without bias or intent to distort?

I have a real problem making judgments about a person based on the above...I'm sick of trying to do so. I want/need some facts. Where is Kyron! just my opinion and all that stuff.

It's up to every individual to set his or her own bar for what he or she requires to form an opinion.

Considering the sum total of everything I've learned about this case, my criteria have been satisfied sufficiently for me to form my opinion on this case. I feel that I have been objective in reading, listening, viewing all that I have, and I am confident in my opinions.

If your criteria haven't been satisfied yet, it doesn't mean that you set your bar higher or lower than I set mine. It just means that the way you consider information and the way I consider information is different.

I don't know who's asked you to make judgments on Terri? In my opinion you should take your time and consider the information and decide in your own time.
IMHO.. Terri is the one responsible for the postion Terri is in...But I do know and have experienced excruciating pain and sorrow in reference to losing a loved one to suicide..A husband to be exact and sexting or having sex with someone I just met was not on my agenda to console my grief.

Thank you, Em for sharing something I am quite sure is one of, if not the most painful, difficult, and tragic of times in your entire life. I can not even imagine the excruciating pain but I do very much appreciate your forthcoming and honesty in relaying that in such tragic times it is "inappropriate" to say the least and as you said last on your agenda to be engaging in these behaviours. IMO this crap of "ugly coping"[introduced by Baez] is nothing more than that, crap and a boatload of it. Its the exact same with Terri as it is with Casey Anthony behaviours of sociopaths.. JMO..

[Am so very sorry for your loss]
2. I went to the store the other day and I bought a 12 pack of toilet paper. It costs 10.99$. However I had a coupon so I only paid 8.99$.
My favorite iced tea costs 6.99$ for a six pack, but because it was on sale, I only paid 4.99$.....of course this was all without tax and my super saver card discounts :D
I think we all get where I'm going, right?
She doesn't say "I paid 350k", she said he "costs 350k". IMO, that doesn't tell me how much she physically wrote the check for.

Snipped by me.

I think it is reasonable to infer -- in the absence of a "paid" statement -- that the cost is what was paid. If you witness that I have my favorite tea on my desk, and I tell you that it cost $6.99, then it would be reasonable to conclude that I paid $6.99. Likewise if you asked me what it cost, I would likely respond with the amount I paid, probably without the clarification as well: "$5"

That clarification, from the point of view of the divorce case as well as the criminal investigation, seems a reasonable pursuit for KH's lawyer. I.E. Whom or what did she sell/do to raise that kind of money?

Moo, etc.
I don't believe MCook was a plant. I think M. Cook found himself swimming in the wrong direction and is now doing the backstroke with LE telling what he knows. MOO

Me too - always wanted to use this smiley!


And no one will ever convince me that rushing to Sext and Tell info with your husband's old friend is a normal grief response. JMO

Kaine is not to blame for what Terri chose to do.
IMO, the redacted portions of the text messages, are messages MC was sending and receiving from someone else other than Terri.

Kaine's attorney would need to show exactly what order and times these text messages took place (such as in the form of a monthly bill) and not just snip them together like the newspaper has done for us. This is why all text messages from that time period are shown on the exhibit.

IMO, the conversation makes sense in the order it is without the redacted sections, making the redacted sections not part of the convo.

Thank you. That makes total sense.
IMHO.. Terri is the one responsible for the postion Terri is in...But I do know and have experienced excruciating pain and sorrow in reference to losing a loved one to suicide..A husband to be exact and sexting or having sex with someone I just met was not on my agenda to console my grief.

I lost the love of my life, my soul mate, in 2003. Because of his situation and because of my situation (long story) I couldn't grieve as I needed to. It was absolutely the worst time of my life.

I did some very inappropriate things at 38 years old in the weeks and months after his death. Granted it wasn't sending nasty texts messages and didn't fall into bed with whoever. Yet I wasn't far from it. The alcohol I was drinking didn't help matters either.

I have lost others who I was very close to as well - yet none of these affected me as profoundly and sent me into a spin as the one above did.
It's up to every individual to set his or her own bar for what he or she requires to form an opinion.

Considering the sum total of everything I've learned about this case, my criteria have been satisfied sufficiently for me to form my opinion on this case. I feel that I have been objective in reading, listening, viewing all that I have, and I am confident in my opinions.

If your criteria haven't been satisfied yet, it doesn't mean that you set your bar higher or lower than I set mine. It just means that the way you consider information and the way I consider information is different.

I don't know who's asked you to make judgments on Terri? In my opinion you should take your time and consider the information and decide in your own time.

No doubt about it - processing information is a complicated process and different for each one of us. The information each of us needs to make decisions and conclusions varies greatly. Some need more and some need less - in this case, I need more. :wink: TIA moo mho
I totally agree with your first paragraph, although I'm not sure we can totally separate "the Kyron case" from the divorce proceedings since Terri is clearly under suspicion for his disappearance and that has an impact both on Kaine's wanting a divorce and custody of the daughter.

I'm wondering which nasty allegations you're referring to as being not relevant to divorce/child custody issues. Should he have not brought up the MFH plot or the lurid sexting messages at all? And if not in a filing, then what other way to include them in the legal proceedings? Thanks.

Sorry to hit this one twice but it just occurred to me. I'm sitting here scratching my head because the transcript of the texts between TH and MC was attached as an exhibit to Kaine's motion opposing abatement but the issue of the $350k is not brought up at all in the motion. I haven't seen a complete copy of the motion with all of its attachments, so maybe there is a tie in with some other document filed that I haven't seen, but the texts are irrelevant to the motion. It's highly unusual to even include a factual exhibit to this sort of motion. Thus the only purpose I can see was to bring media attention back to the whole sexting episode that has recently been buried by actual Kyron-related talk about witnesses and timelines and truck sightings.
Also, $350k could be a gross overstatement from anything to an actual rate of $0 to something closer to $250k. Just an observation.
I have this niggling feeling that won't go away that suggests that MC was asked to engage Terri and she refused to play beyond the informational Kyron is missing level, and that someone else took it upon themselves to send pictures of Terri in flagrante delicto in order to bolster the public's view of her.


What I know is that it cannot be proven based on the information we have here, that Terri is the one who sent those photos and sexts to MC. All we can know is that it appears something of that nature was sent between the two phones. Who really had Terri's phone, since it is obvious she had need of a bat phone.

If someone was going to hijack Terri's phone to make her look bad, wouldn't it be much more useful to implicate her in Kyron's disappearance? Something like: "I never liked that kid. KH will never see him again."
She may have said that is what Houze costs but she NEVER said that is what she paid. IMO, Huge difference.

IMO, the fact that she said what he cost and didn't add that she paid a different amount gives rise to the very reasonable inference that she actually paid (or was in the process of paying) that amount.
Imagine that you learned two months ago that your spouse had attempted to put a contract on your head. Imagine that your spouse was sexting and sending no-no photos to your longtime friend within a month of your child going missing. Imagine that, above all else, your spouse is the focus of the investigation into your missing child.

How could anyone NOT want a divorce in such a situation--and as soon as possible? How could anyone not want to cut ties (financially, child custody) with such a person? Would you want to remain tied to a person who had done all of this to you and your child/ren? I would want out 100% completely as soon as possible.

I will make one brief comment and then, I'm outta here.

I qualified my comment about the divorce by saying, "What's the rush?" I've been married to my college sweetheart for more than 39 years and know very little about the perils of divorce. I DO know that my sister's divorce - that did not involve a lot of property and little friction regarding custody of my niece and nephew - required litigation that lasted more than a year.
IMHO.. Terri is the one responsible for the postion Terri is in...But I do know and have experienced excruciating pain and sorrow in reference to losing a loved one to suicide..A husband to be exact and sexting or having sex with someone I just met was not on my agenda to console my grief.

I am sorry emeralgem. I shouldn't have made any assumptions of your grief. I am sorry for your loss.

if terri kidnapped kyron - she is responsible for the position she is in - if she is innocent of any wrongdoings, then no - she doesn't deserve to be in the awful position she is in. my opinion of course.
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