2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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Sorry to hit this one twice but it just occurred to me. I'm sitting here scratching my head because the transcript of the texts between TH and MC was attached as an exhibit to Kaine's motion opposing abatement but the issue of the $350k is not brought up at all in the motion. I haven't seen a complete copy of the motion with all of its attachments, so maybe there is a tie in with some other document filed that I haven't seen, but the texts are irrelevant to the motion. It's highly unusual to even include a factual exhibit to this sort of motion. Thus the only purpose I can see was to bring media attention back to the whole sexting episode that has recently been buried by actual Kyron-related talk about witnesses and timelines and truck sightings.

I haven't read the papers, but could it be that it's relevant to the abatement b/c he's got a contempt proceeding pending on the fee issue that might also be abated? I know there was some discussion about whether an abatement would abate the contempt motion as well. I didn't think it necessarily would, but I'm not sure of that.
Isn't there a hearing about the lawyer fee coming up soon? Or has that been delayed?
The text did not say how much TH paid her lawyer, only how much it would cost. I have no doubt that Houze could have told her that it could cost up to that much. Right now it probably hasn't cost much because he hasn't really done much, but if she is charged it could add up. I really feel that some kind of media deal is being looked at because there is no way TH or even her parents could have that much socked away. The only thing she has of value is some kind of interview down the line. If that is the case I don't blame Kaine for being angry, to think of TH doing something to Kyron and possibly making money off of it.
I hate to be taking on the role of Terri defender here but doesn't anyone else find it significant that there were redacted text messages between the ones qouted in the article? Either MC was texting with someone else as he was texting with TH or we are getting a very stilted picture of the actual conversation. For example, Terri's statement, "Yep. Guess how much he costs?" follows a redacted text sent by MC. For all we know, she was responding to a MC statement along the lines of "Wow, He's good, bet he doesn't come cheap." There's also a redacted text received by MC just before the "350K"


He was probably texting someone else at the same time.
"Yep, guess how much he costs?" Terri wrote back.

"Zillions?" Cook asked.

"350K," Terri Horman replied later.

Several of their text message exchanges June 30, obtained by Kaine's lawyer from law enforcement, were redacted in Exhibit A filed in court, but Kaine's lawyer alerts the court that she has the complete, unredacted copy that could be made available for the judge's examination.

So at least some of the other redacted texts are between Cook and Terri. Now they may have nothing to do with the 350K. Or they could have something to do with the 350K. They may say she paid a retainer but that is the entire estimate of cost. Or they may say she had to pay her attorney 350K. They might be more personal. Or they could be talking about something else. WE don't know, we can look at it any way we choose. But the judge will know. For whatever reason Kaine's attorney felt that a public document should not include these texts.

This is the part that bothers me more.

"Hey on a side note, the news channels all just announced you've got Stephen Houze! That's awesome (it's in the news so I figured I can text it),'' Cook reportedly texted to Terri Horman at 11:20 p.m., according to Rackner's Exhibit A filed in court.

That sounds as though there was some agreement not to discuss certain matters about the Missing Kyron Case electronically. That bothers me tons that at this point they had some code of silence. We already know M. Cook has admitted to taking pictures of the restraining order and giving it to 2 other people and googling Kaine's addy.

My personal feeling is that M. Cook has provided LE with a wealth of information after he was exposed for the things he has publicly admitted to doing to assist Terri.
The text did not say how much TH paid her lawyer, only how much it would cost. I have no doubt that Houze could have told her that it could cost up to that much. Right now it probably hasn't cost much because he hasn't really done much, but if she is charged it could add up. I really feel that some kind of media deal is being looked at because there is no way TH or even her parents could have that much socked away. The only thing she has of value is some kind of interview down the line. If that is the case I don't blame Kaine for being angry, to think of TH doing something to Kyron and possibly making money off of it.

bbm.....I don't think we have facts re: terri or her parents - worth.
The biggest thing for me is that Kyron wasn't Terri's biological child. He had a mother who was very active in his life. Terri wasn't someone who stepped in and took Desiree's place because Desiree was gone. He had dad and Terri and mom and Tony.
Because she's sending sext messages with her she-she all hanging out doesn't mean anything to me. She didn't lose a piece of her. If Baby K was missing, I may be singing a different tune, but Kyron wasn't any part of her.

Step-parents have different relationships with their step-children v. biological. Yes, they love them. Yes, they take care of them. But that bond isn't there. It's not blood.
Listen, my husband has raised my 12 year old since she was one. He's been around for 11 years. She calls him dad. But he doesn't have that bond with her that he has with our child in common. Yes, he loves her and teaches her cool skateboard tricks and they share the same love for Japanese animation.....but when she was incredibly ill, it was me who lost sleep and worried and fretted. He was all "what's for dinner? did you get a chance to wash my work clothes? wanna watch this show with me? look at this funny email I got!". But when my five year old falls and scrapes her knee, he carries her to the sink, gently washes the scrape, puts the band-aid on carefully, and then carries her EVERYWHERE because she scraped her knee. I'm not saying he's uncaring, it's just different when it's "your own".

And really, Terri does look guilty. If you took only media reports and court filings, she looks guilty as all h e double hockey sticks. Oh yes, she does. But people keep saying "she wasn't out looking for Kyron". How should she have?
Should she have rented a horse and walked the terrain?
Should she have made a website asking for his return?
Should she have made shirts and bracelets?
Should she have given interviews and gone on the news crying?

LE doesn't/didn't want the parents looking for the child with horses or walking the terrain.
If she made a website, or shirts, or bracelets then people would be saying she was using the donation money for private use. (IE Crystal Sheffield)
If she went on the news crying then she was probably getting paid to show her "poor me" attitude and how dare she take that money.

It was made, pretty clear in the beginning, that the only people talking to media was Desiree and Kaine. So, she followed their instructions and didn't speak to the media, but yet she hasn't looked for Kyron.
No matter what she does she's going to be wrong in the court of public opinion.

I will be so interested to see what the grand jury thinks. I wish I was a fly on the wall to hear all the testimony!
Can't help wondering when this MC guy will be going to the GJ, he has got to be on the list. It is disturbing to me that he thinks it is so great that she got a high-profile lawyer...awesome? Very strange way to think about a friend obtaining a defense attorney...awesome?
That strikes me as odd. I don't think LE ever had anything to do with this guy and are only dealing with him now due to his "relationship" with their POI.
I lost the love of my life, my soul mate, in 2003. Because of his situation and because of my situation (long story) I couldn't grieve as I needed to. It was absolutely the worst time of my life.

I did some very inappropriate things at 38 years old in the weeks and months after his death. Granted it wasn't sending nasty texts messages and didn't fall into bed with whoever. Yet I wasn't far from it. The alcohol I was drinking didn't help matters either.

I have lost others who I was very close to as well - yet none of these affected me as profoundly and sent me into a spin as the one above did.

Thank you for sharing...and I am so sorry for your loss....but in your grief you were looking for something to stop that horrid pain hence the alcohol....you were trying to end the pain not have gratification.....am sorry but sexting or texting immediately after this little guy went missing is pure gratification in my opinion.....and that is all it is an opinion...of course I have lost a child so I know what horrific grief is....and I am sorry but sex never entered into it at all......there just are no words for this....I could have overlooked a lot with TH had it not have been for this.........if nothing else her own child was taken away...........where was her grief over that???????????? IMO
Why would she lie about the amount she paid to retain Houze? Lies, lies, lies. This woman is disturbed. I believe she had everything to do with Kyron being missing. I wish so badly that LE would find that critical piece that will lock her up and bring some answers for the family.:banghead::banghead::banghead:

If TH would lie about the cost of retaining an attorney, she would lie about anything, whether it be to make herself look good, to duck responsibility, or as in this case, to brag.

TH may be a habitual liar like Casey Anthony.
Sorry, I'm not buying it. I'll grant you your statement is true in many cases. Here, though, it just doesn't fly for the following reasons:
(1) KH has sole custody of the baby and TH is restrained from any contact;
(2) We aren't talking about postponing the divorce, TH isn't contesting the divorce and the divorce can be granted immediately, we're only talking about delaying the division of custodial rights and marital assets;
(3) TH is unemployed, has no independent assets amd is likely unemployable until the criminal case is resolved - KH isn't getting any money out of this divorce, he'll only be paying it out to TH;
(4) TH's motion for abatement stipulated away all of the other valid financial reasons KH may have had to oppose it (e.g., she waived any claim to the earnings on the marital assets post separation); and
(5) the baby is not old enough to understand and be anxious over a delay in the resolution of her parents' financial situation.

No, KH has no reason to fight the motion for abatement other than as a vehicle to sling mud at TH via court motions that are immediately released in the press.

*looking for clapping smiley*
Thank you for sharing...and I am so sorry for your loss....but in your grief you were looking for something to stop that horrid pain hence the alcohol....you were trying to end the pain not have gratification.....am sorry but sexting or texting immediately after this little guy went missing is pure gratification in my opinion.....and that is all it is an opinion...of course I have lost a child so I know what horrific grief is....and I am sorry but sex never entered into it at all......there just are no words for this....I could have overlooked a lot with TH had it not have been for this.........if nothing else her own child was taken away...........where was her grief over that???????????? IMO

Thank you for expounding on the subject of loss, grief & responses to it.
I'm sorry for your loss, too!
Well, her attorney stated that estimate was grossly overstated. I'll take him at his word, since it's his fee, after all.

It was her divorce attorney, Mr. Bunch, who claimed the amount paid to her criminal attorney, Mr. Houze, was overstated. How would he know? Because Terri said so?
Wow. All along it's been said that it was in writing how much Terri paid. But this doesn't say how much she paid at all. It says how much he costs.

"Yep, guess how much he costs?" Terri wrote back.

"Zillions?" Cook asked.

"350K," Terri Horman replied later.

Now I see what Terri's attorney meant.

(A Coach purse I wanted costs $400. I went to an outlet where I paid $150 for it.)

Right. I buy all my designer attorneys from the outlet mall. The look the same. Talk the same. Only difference is the price. No one will ever know the difference!:innocent:
I hate to be taking on the role of Terri defender here but doesn't anyone else find it significant that there were redacted text messages between the ones qouted in the article? Either MC was texting with someone else as he was texting with TH or we are getting a very stilted picture of the actual conversation. For example, Terri's statement, "Yep. Guess how much he costs?" follows a redacted text sent by MC. For all we know, she was responding to a MC statement along the lines of "Wow, He's good, bet he doesn't come cheap." There's also a redacted text received by MC just before the "350K"


desquire, I was just going to post that we can't read this in context since parts are redacted.

MC asks how much, Terri replies something that is blacked out, and then she replies 350K.

Who knows in what context the 350K is meant? I really expected more from this.

Thanks for pointing this out.
Thank you for sharing...and I am so sorry for your loss....but in your grief you were looking for something to stop that horrid pain hence the alcohol....you were trying to end the pain not have gratification.....am sorry but sexting or texting immediately after this little guy went missing is pure gratification in my opinion.....and that is all it is an opinion...of course I have lost a child so I know what horrific grief is....and I am sorry but sex never entered into it at all......there just are no words for this....I could have overlooked a lot with TH had it not have been for this.........if nothing else her own child was taken away...........where was her grief over that???????????? IMO
I am so sorry for your loss also.:(
If I thought it was all BS, yep. I'd believe it was through deceptive means. Has that MFH been proven? Seems to me Terri called the police when she was solicited that day. Did this LS with the information that Terri tried to get him to off her husband do the same? . No he didn't.


No, the MFH has not been proven because the case has not gone to court yet. The DA has no obligation to prove a case that has not even been charged yet. That does not mean it never happened.
If I thought it was all BS, yep. I'd believe it was through deceptive means. Has that MFH been proven? Seems to me Terri called the police when she was solicited that day. Did this LS with the information that Terri tried to get him to off her husband do the same? . No he didn't.

Link please? I have not heard any msm say that LS never reported it to LE.
OK, say she gets a "discount." Say she is paying him a fourth of his regular fee. That's still a huge sum of money, the source of which Kaine is entitled to know.

And if she's got him pro-bono, then knowing that will satisfy Kaine's question.

And to add to this, even if he is working pro bono (which I highly doubt), he is not going to eat the costs associated with this which could be tens of thousands--or more. Experts don't come cheap, you know.
This is just an exhibit to a filing in a civil suit, so the other texts could have been redacted by KH's lawyer for any reason at all. Of course, if an unredacted version later comes out in discovery and it's shown that KH's lawyer redacted the document to alter the reader's perception of the conversation, she'd get whacked pretty hard by the court. The most likely explanation is that KH got this in redacted form from the police. Ordinarily you'd expect them to redact conversations with others but we have no way of knowing and there really aren't any rules that they would be bound by.

Why business is it of the police to assist a private citizen in their civil divorce case? If the police want to hand evidence over to Kaine regarding Kyron's case, more power to 'em. If they want to give him evidence (such as it is) that Terri tried a MFH plot, go for it. For them to hand over texts discussing her divorce case? That bull. I'd love to see people in Multnomah County descend upon the sheriff's office and demand LE assist them in their divorce cases too.
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