2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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They were in an adult relationship. As distasteful as people think this is (myself included) it isn't our business. Why do we know this, anyway? How does knowing this help find out what happened to Kyron?

Her attorney fees are a matter for divorce; I get that. But frankly, I believe it's her divorce attorney whose fees should be subject to a marital dispute, since it is apparent she came up with funds some other way to pay for a criminal attorney. And her divorce attorney submitted, just like his, an affidavit for spousal payment of fees.


I cannot speak for the rest of the population but, I'd gather that to LE and/or the FBI would think this is to be the oddest behavior to be partaking in immediately after the disappearance of her 7 yr old stepson. Lends to her character and imo...speaks volumes to how much she cares about Kyron being found.
I lost the love of my life, my soul mate, in 2003. Because of his situation and because of my situation (long story) I couldn't grieve as I needed to. It was absolutely the worst time of my life.

I did some very inappropriate things at 38 years old in the weeks and months after his death. Granted it wasn't sending nasty texts messages and didn't fall into bed with whoever. Yet I wasn't far from it. The alcohol I was drinking didn't help matters either.

I have lost others who I was very close to as well - yet none of these affected me as profoundly and sent me into a spin as the one above did.

Very respectfully to you...although you feel that you may have partaken in some less than shining moments after the loss of your beloved...I believe we are talking about much different scenarios here.

TH did not lose the love of her life...there has been nothing shed about her & Kyron's life that would even come close to that description and her behavior since just cements those thoughts.
Here is a link to the restraining order: http://www.kptv.com/download/2010/0708/24187664.pdf

The RO mentions only Baby K, not Kyron. There must be another document that refers to Kyron between the RO and this one.

Under the Oregon FAPA, the RO has to address custody of the parties children. Since Kyron was not TH's child and she had no custodial rights with respect to him, it wasn't necessary to refer to Kyron. Kaine didn't need a RO to keep Terri away from Kyron.
Sorry to hit this one twice but it just occurred to me. I'm sitting here scratching my head because the transcript of the texts between TH and MC was attached as an exhibit to Kaine's motion opposing abatement but the issue of the $350k is not brought up at all in the motion. I haven't seen a complete copy of the motion with all of its attachments, so maybe there is a tie in with some other document filed that I haven't seen, but the texts are irrelevant to the motion. It's highly unusual to even include a factual exhibit to this sort of motion. Thus the only purpose I can see was to bring media attention back to the whole sexting episode that has recently been buried by actual Kyron-related talk about witnesses and timelines and truck sightings.

Way off topic...but, your reason for editing "fat fingers" made me giggle! :waitasec:Maybe that's what my problem is, too!
Under the Oregon FAPA, the RO has to address custody of the parties children. Since Kyron was not TH's child and she had no custodial rights with respect to him, it wasn't necessary to refer to Kyron. Kaine didn't need a RO to keep Terri away from Kyron.

Then why does Rackner talk about "the children" here..?
Want to say that I appreciate all the different POV's on this thread today and want to let everyone know I am so happy you all are here to share your views with me.

Also want to say that I learned some awesome Latin today: "flagrante derelictum"

I also learned some awesome Yiddish: "hoo-hah"

Gotta love ya WS. :heart:
I am sorry emeralgem. I shouldn't have made any assumptions of your grief. I am sorry for your loss.

if terri kidnapped kyron - she is responsible for the position she is in - if she is innocent of any wrongdoings, then no - she doesn't deserve to be in the awful position she is in. my opinion of course.

I totally agree and your sentiment is appreciated..

My problem with Terri is.... Seems Terri doesn't really care too too much about anyone other than Terri..But thats just my opinion..
Me too - always wanted to use this smiley!


And no one will ever convince me that rushing to Sext and Tell info with your husband's old friend is a normal grief response. JMO

Kaine is not to blame for what Terri chose to do.

Actually, I've wondered if this could be a normal (however counter-productive) stress response for Terri?
Terry lost her oldest son, and he was rejected by the father who raised him for part of his life, sent to live with people he didn't know, if I'm following along correctly.
This may have triggered Terry back to when she was adopted, depending on what she went through as a kid.
What concerns me is where she got the money for the attorney.
Did she get money for giving access to someone from Kaine's Intel account?

I cannot speak for the rest of the population but, I'd gather that to LE and/or the FBI would think this is to be the oddest behavior to be partaking in immediately after the disappearance of her 7 yr old stepson. Lends to her character and imo...speaks volumes to how much she cares about Kyron being found.

It doesn't address Kyron's disappearance at all. It speaks only to her libido. It casts her reputation into a very unfavorable light. But it does not address how much she cares about Kyron being found.
Snipped by me.

I think it is reasonable to infer -- in the absence of a "paid" statement -- that the cost is what was paid. If you witness that I have my favorite tea on my desk, and I tell you that it cost $6.99, then it would be reasonable to conclude that I paid $6.99. Likewise if you asked me what it cost, I would likely respond with the amount I paid, probably without the clarification as well: "$5"

That clarification, from the point of view of the divorce case as well as the criminal investigation, seems a reasonable pursuit for KH's lawyer. I.E. Whom or what did she sell/do to raise that kind of money?

Moo, etc.

In the argument of the money and where did it exactly come from is not one I feel like touching. I've been there done that on another thread and my opinion isn't popular, lol.

As far as paid v. costs, I'm an avid coupon-er so what something costs isn't what I paid. Maybe that's just my thinking from my personal experiences.
And I understand that some see "costs" and think "paid". And that's fine. But for me, when I see "costs" I think the price that was set, but not necessarily tendered....if that made any sense.

IMO, for what it's worth, is that Terri was a very lonely woman. She felt, IMO, sexually repressed and her marriage was not a good one. She embellished the truth with MC in the amount that she paid. She had a crush and didn't want to seem like Kaine was about to have the upper hand. It's embarrassing being raked over the coals in public.
Not only that but you had Desiree "imploring" her to be honest, you had the MFH plot out there, and she was the last person to be seen (as far as we know) with Kyron right before he went missing....she LOOKS guilty. And I'm sure she knows this. She probably didn't want to look like a chump to some guy she was obviously crushing on.
It's kinda like being out on a first date and you decide you just want the salad because you don't want to embarrass yourself by chowing down on a 20oz porterhouse, with steak sauce and cow blood flying everywhere.

Again, just my opinion and thoughts and what-not.
I hope that Kaine and his lawyer have more than this little snippet to tie up the courts as it seems pretty clear that it does not say she paid anyone $350K. If he just wanted to know how she did acquire this attorney and how much she was paying him, couldn't he have just filed a motion of some sort for that? He would know that this is an expensive lawyer. But basing it on this little text message makes it seem almost silly, to me.

I know he has a right to make sure she she does not have hidden assets, and I would assume she has the same right?

Anyway, if this is how they want to keep Kyron in the news...reading this it would make me think, if I was not on top of this case, that a little boy is somehow caught in a weird custody dispute and I'd sigh and move on.

But there is no easy answer.
The MFH was legitimately brought up in the motion for a RO because it was the entire basis for the order. I'm thinking about the lurid details of the sexting and alleged sexual affair between Terri and MC. Those details were needlessly thrown into his contempt motion. All he had to allege was that TH disclosed the contents of the sealed order to MC. The fact that he believes she was also sleeping with MC and had sent him naked pictures and hundreds of dirty texts were made-for-media facts gratuitously inserted in his motion. They are completely irrelevant to the question of whether she knowingly violated a court order.

I am just wondering something, IF TH used sex to try to get the LS to kill her husband. Then is it possible she was using the same tactics to try to get MC to do something for her as well. I mean, just what was her intention of showing MC the RO with Kaine's new address on it? To get her baby back?

Is this possibly why the MC sexting stuff is included as an attachment to the restraining order. Is KH and his attorney implying she was just possibly about to do the same type of thing? Paying for a crime with sex? Just thinking.
Very respectfully to you...although you feel that you may have partaken in some less than shining moments after the loss of your beloved...I believe we are talking about much different scenarios here.

TH did not lose the love of her life...there has been nothing shed about her & Kyron's life that would even come close to that description and her behavior since just cements those thoughts.

It is very different scenarios - but grief is grief doesn't matter how it comes. One does not know how one (or another) is going to act/react regarding any situation whether shocking, unexpected or expected.
To me the text about the money she has to pay for her lawyer doesn't say much except if such a large amnt. was needed to pay him, and she didn't have a job or assets only what was jointly theirs in marriage, then the money must of come from somewhere? Maybe her parents or another relative? Don't know who will find out about that though, i guess LE & Kaine has the right to find out about it?
The sexting, if this is truly what she did with MC, that is weird? If they only just met recently, and he is an old school friend of KH, then that is even weirder. What kind of friend would do that under the circumstances? I would find it to be more reasonable to fathom if the guy was just a stranger she had picked up for whatever purpose. But i don't really think TH could be that stupid as to do any of this knowing she is under scrutiny in the fact her step son is missing? Why would she do that? What kind of guy would want to be involved with TH under the circumstances, knowing there will be a whole lot of speculation about him if caught having any kind of relationship at this point in time with TH, and an old friend of Kaine's.
To have this uppermost in one's mind while a child is missing is incomprehensible also.
I had my eldest son die at 23 yrs. of age, and an intimate relationship was the furthest thing from my mind, for a very long time. If it was a spouse then reactions are different, but with a child that is just an entirely different type of grief. And believe me i have experienced both.
Other mothers i had spoken to after their child died felt exactly the same after we shared personal experiences of our tragedies.
I'm not saying that Kyron has died, but surely there is an awful lot of grief of him being missing, and not really knowing his fate, unless someone does actually know for sure. None of any of this makes sense to me.
Its not really about it being distasteful to me. Its the fact that shes supposed to not have sex on the brain when her step son who she claims to love is missing. This also was a new affair, I think, started just days after the child goes missing. and its with Kaines friend. Its really, really, bizarre, I mean are we supposed to give Terri a pass because she is a uber sexual being or something, because thats not an excuse. Her bizarre behavior is rivaling in Casey Anthonys brave walk to her office at Universal, cops in tow.

I mean there is no difference between what Terri did, and what Scott Peterson did with Amber Frey.

Exactly Chablis....Her behaviour reminds me so much of Casey and Scott. As if everything is perfect, and, I believe TH said somthing along those lines to a reporter....the day she was served the RO i believe. It's as if they think if they pretend to go about their merry days, all of this will just go away. HA! She needs to realize it is all a matter of time before she is behind bars just like Casey Anthony and Scott Peterson......

Unfortunately, there are going to be many many victims in this case......Kyron poor little child........and his family..........UNBELIEVABLE.
I hope that Kaine and his lawyer have more than this little snippet to tie up the courts as it seems pretty clear that it does not say she paid anyone $350K. If he just wanted to know how she did acquire this attorney and how much she was paying him, couldn't he have just filed a motion of some sort for that? He would know that this is an expensive lawyer. But basing it on this little text message makes it seem almost silly, to me.

I know he has a right to make sure she she does not have hidden assets, and I would assume she has the same right?

Anyway, if this is how they want to keep Kyron in the news...reading this it would make me think, if I was not on top of this case, that a little boy is somehow caught in a weird custody dispute and I'd sigh and move on.

But there is no easy answer.

If I were in a divorce and saw a text message from my (rhetorical) soon-to-be ex that said, "Guess what my new boat cost? 350K!" I'd tie up the court's time with it.
I hope that Kaine and his lawyer have more than this little snippet

He doesn't need anything more than a little snippet, imo. From the court's perspective, this is probably *no big.* The Judge is not going to look any further into this then to note that there's some evidence from her own *mouth* that she paid a lot of money for her lawyer. He will either order her to disclose the amount and the source of the funds, or the parties will enter into some kind of stipulation that adequately protects each parties' interest -- although I think if there's any proof that the amount actually paid was any where near $350k, or even something significanlty south of that, I would think the court will probably allow inquiry into the source, since that is a whole lotta moola for a sahm from a family of apparent average means to come up with on her own and have it *not* be a marital asset -- at least partly. Not a family lawyer, though, so jmoo.
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