2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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I think it was a big deal because the RO was sealed.

exactly. and any violation of it can be prosecuted.

edit: oops. only if terri had been served the ro before trying to get the baby. sorry can't remember if she had been.
I thought this "whole thing was huge" when it happened because MC used the address on the RO to locate Kaine and toddler's location. This event occurred after Terri asked the nursery staff to notify her when the toddler was brought to the gym nursery. Many thought she wanted to abduct the toddler and this is why Terri showing the RO to MC was a big deal.

At the time Terri talked to the gym staff, she hadn't yet been served with the RO, so what would be her motivation for attempting to abduct her daughter? At that time, to her knowledge, she had full, legal access to her daughter.
I thought this "whole thing was huge" when it happened because MC used the address on the RO to locate Kaine and toddler's location. This event occurred after Terri asked the nursery staff to notify her when the toddler was brought to the gym nursery. Many thought she wanted to abduct the toddler and this is why Terri showing the RO to MC was a big deal.

Going to the gym occurred BEFORE the RO. If my husband took our child, I would do everything in my power to get him back-including, but not limited to, contacting everyone/everywhere I know he goes and telling them to let me know if the our child was there. From what I have read TH was told that it was okay for KH to take BabyK because he was her father, eh, then BEFORE THE RO it would be okay for TH to take BabyK because she is her mother.
At this time, taking Baby K is not illegal. At this point it wasn't 'abduction'.

If you have link to a time that TH has tried to 'abduct' baby k after the RO, please link it.
Do you mean something along the lines of him telling people himself where he was staying at the time? Like members of the press?

Oh yea. I bet KH doesn't want where he stayed to be known; MC doesn't want his past to be fully explored in court, and neither of them want whatever was going on--and their prior friendship, and how/why it led MC to rush in and interject himself--to be literally "on trial" in a court proceeding. Had this gotten into a courtroom, lots of doors could have been opened in questioning.

After my initial thud, my thought was "there'll probably be a few more anti-TH things that will get backed off from." Because there's been a lot of gossip, hearsay, personal attacks, all of which distracted from Kyron, IMHO.

Well, well, well. Looks like MC just isn't going to hold up as a stellar witness, is he?
I'm pretty sure everyone knows where Kaine is getting the money to pay for his divorce attorney. He has a very good job. It is no mystery. And we are not talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The mystery is where his unemployed wife came up with the alleged (by Terri) $350k. He is not asking where she got money for her divorce attorney. Just the huge amount for the criminal defense attorney.

But, the better question might be : why does he believe her ( that she spent 350,000 ) ? Because,didn't he say his unemployed wife is a chronic liar ?

"So MC, haven't seen you for twenty years or so, how are you? Say, would you do me a favor and start sexting my wife? Oh, and make sure she sends you naked pictures too. And if you can, get her to show you the RO I just put out on her because she threatened my life and probably kidnapped my son. Don't worry, you'll be safe and this will definitely get her to break and confess what she did to Kyron and where he is. Thanks, ol' buddy!"

I just highly doubt that this happened. Kaine was scared for his life and both of his kids lives. More likely, Terri though she'd get back at him by seducing an old high school friend of his. And her mistakes got her in trouble. I don't know why this is so unbelievable to some. Terri is about as pure as yellow colored snow. She is no innocent victim of Kaine, only an addict of her own uncontrollable libido.

I wasn't putting forward the idea of MC being a plant as a way to excuse Terri's behavior, which I find repulsive. All I'm suggesting is that MC could have been willing to become Terri's friend, and hopefully confidant. I've always assumed (perhaps incorrectly, I don't know) that Terri initiated the sexual stuff with MC, and he went along for whatever reasons.
At the time Terri talked to the gym staff, she hadn't yet been served with the RO, so what would be her motivation for attempting to abduct her daughter? At that time, to her knowledge, she had full, legal access to her daughter.

If I thought Terri was capable of love, I would state that her motivation was to spend time with her daughter since she had been in Kaine's custody. I am afraid to envision what her motivation was for requesting that the nursery staff notify her when the toddler was on site.
This case gives me a headache. Or, maybe that was the glass of wine I had with dinner. Anyhoos, my first thought: a concession on Kaine's part. But not for nothing. We may see more (concessions) in the days to come.

As for MC, I think he was just another of Terri's pawns....just like Kaine and/or the LS and/or who knows who else?

Who could make this stuff up?
I'm thinking this is either petty in the scheme of things, or this is Kaine's way of sending a clear message to Terri that he's serious and not going to be immature and petty like she is, or he knows she's going to jail soon anyway, so he doesn't have to use the contempt card to get her in jail anymore.

In any event, this is not a sign of weakness or reconciliation. It's a sign of strength, solidarity, and getting down to business. There are more important things here than dragging all of this sexting stuff out and starting the media gossip mills again. This is not about Terri and her chosen form of foreplay. Kaine is not stooping to her level for a cheap win.
For weeks, many have been speculating about how this would play out because Terri would be under oath, and the door would, potentially, open for information about Kyron. Many have asserted that Terri and her lawyers are avoiding any situation in which she will be place under oath. And then the least likely thing in the world happens, and all that pressure, all that potential is alleviated by Kaine voluntarily dropping the contempt motion?

Kaine just gave her an out! WHY?!

Am I the only one who sees this as completely jaw dropping in its implications?
Mr. Horman's accounting of his assets and liabilities will be offered in the regular course of the divorce proceedings.

And AFAIK, neither party is from the south, so they will have to rely on ordinary common sense.

well said gwen...common sense matters no matter where you are from...there are no winners here....has common sense on either side bought Kyron home...I do hope Mr.Kaine Horman's producing his assets and liabilities bring Kryon home beyond his divorce.....the south by the way is a lovley place to live...I also have a neice in Portland with 5 children in public schools who love it there as well...and are very concerned as well...we are both on the same page...let's find a way to bring Kyron home....right now the liabilities are against him....

So you think the two people that MC showed the RO to were reporters? Why would he do that? Incriminate himself like that? Money? Not disagreeing, just wondering why. It makes little sense to me.
For weeks, many have been speculating about how this would play out because Terri would be under oath, and the door would, potentially, open for information about Kyron. Many have asserted that Terri and her lawyers are avoiding any situation in which she will be place under oath. And then the least likely thing in the world happens, and all that pressure, all that potential is alleviated by Kaine voluntarily dropping the contempt motion?

Kaine just gave her an out! WHY?!

Am I the only one who sees this as completely jaw dropping in its implications?

Nope. YOu're not the only one. And I see this as the beginning of at least a trickle of thud-worthy actions and moments to come. JMO
So you think the two people that MC showed the RO to were reporters? Why would he do that? Incriminate himself like that? Money? Not disagreeing, just wondering why. It makes little sense to me.

Don't know, just a guess. Maybe to feel important?
I'm thinking this is either petty in the scheme of things, or this is Kaine's way of sending a clear message to Terri that he's serious and not going to be immature and petty like she is, or he knows she's going to jail soon anyway, so he doesn't have to use the contempt card to get her in jail anymore.

In any event, this is not a sign of weakness or reconciliation. It's a sign of strength, solidarity, and getting down to business. There are more important things here than dragging all of this sexting stuff out and starting the media gossip mills again. This is not about Terri and her chosen form of foreplay. Kaine is not stooping to her level for a cheap win.

Speaking solely from a using the courts perspective, hasn't it been Kaine's side to initiate everything but the abatement?

IMO KH, DY, and TY started the 'gossip mills' in the first place, in respect to TH, because they thought that it would further the case (ie she's a habitual liar, post-partum depression, ect.).

TH didn't tell the world she was sexting.

When all these motions were filed, wasn't it a 'cheap win' that people were suggesting KH was after (ie get her to perjur herself, maybe having to say something about what happened that day under oath, ect). Now, it is KH 'not stooping to her level for a cheap win'?
Imo Kaine is clearing his calendar for what, IMO, he knows is coming. IMO come next week we are going to see some shoes dropping.
Me thinks Kaine knew he was going to do this for at least a week, but waited until after Kyron's birthday to do so.
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