2010.06.30 Andrea Lyon is off the Dream Team! She quits!

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She'll just have to fall back on her original plan.

Traveling the world in her RV and selling/teaching Basket weaving, 101, and, how to apply red sticky hearts to objects.....

Maybe KC plans to travel the Yellow Brick Road in search of a Heart .... wonder if she will take GA along to seek Courage and JB to seek ...... something as well.
It does look like a goodbye. I mean....they come all to the hearing and don't plan to go back to the jail afterward???? The hug is a bit curious.

Ah.....but now to find the VIDEO of the hug so you can see the DURATION of the hug......THAT spells GOODBYE!

I completely agree that it was a 'goodbye' hug.

I'm just not 100% convinced that Casey knew that it was.

Does anyone think the revolving door of defense attorney's and other personnel open a door for ineffective assistance of counsel? Possibly an appellate issue for an attorney having depart because of financial reasons?

I sure hope not!
It does look like a goodbye. I mean....they come all to the hearing and don't plan to go back to the jail afterward???? The hug is a bit curious.

As one who has enlightened all of us, Sleutherontheside, of all things Andrea Lyon by having the patience to listen to hours of her lectures and writings, care to share any impressions or thoughts as to her departure? Based on what she "teaches" in her seminars and lectures, did this seem imminent?

I have just marveled at how insightful you have been in regards to how she operates :dance:
She volunteered to work Pro Bono, so why is she now stating it's a fiscal matter that brought about her resignation?
From what I have seen of her performance in court, I don't see it as any great loss to Casey.
I'll bet any amount of money AL wanted KC to cop to a plea for lesser prison time and JB refused. Looks like the Dream Team is becoming more of a Nightmare Team every day.
I think there was a personality conflict between AL and CM.
Regardless, I'm glad she's gone because her demeanor in court was distracting (to me).
Does anyone think the revolving door of defense attorney's and other personnel open a door for ineffective assistance of counsel? Possibly an appellate issue for an attorney having depart because of financial reasons?

I sure hope not!

I guess I am starting to wonder in the opposite direction....

Is there any possibility that this case won't make it to trial and the defense team is now in agreement that a plea may be KC's best bet?

Can't get passed the thought that KC is charged with the death penalty and the one attorney who specialized in keeping her OFF death row just walked away.....

We know from the letters to Casey that Jeanne and Mort recently spent time interviewing family members......what did their investigation reveal that gave AL the impression that even she can't help KC?
I'll bet any amount of money AL wanted KC to cop to a plea for lesser prison time and JB refused. Looks like the Dream Team is becoming more of a Nightmare Team every day.

This is an interesting point...and a source of confusion (at least for me.)

From my understanding, Casey could only cop to a plea if one is offered to her by the SA.

I remember the handwritten claim the Casey made about JA being mad at her and switching to the death penalty because she refused to cop a plea. In a hearing, JA said that it was totally false and JA HAD NEVER OFFERED HER A PLEA. So there is nothing to cop to.

AL couldn't possibly be mad about refusing a plea because one was never offered.

If I'm on the wrong track, please steer me in the right direction.
I wonder if the indigency hearing disclosure that she used most of the DePaul legal clinic's donated funds for KC's case is another reason she is leaving. I wonder if her "donation's" have dried up.

She volunteered to work Pro Bono, so why is she now stating it's a fiscal matter that brought about her resignation?
From what I have seen of her performance in court, I don't see it as any great loss to Casey.

ZsaZsa, I really think nums hit on it in re. the DePaul legal clinic's donated funds. I doubt it went over too well when the Illinois public (not to mention DePaul alumni) got wind that of the huge % of donations were going to fund this circus. And, probably donations dropped drastically.

Although, I really think there were more important issues than the money for AL. (i.e., her perfect record)
You got it!!!! Casey IS the ultimate "indefensible" client!! In other words, the writing is on the wall and Andrea Lyon knows it. This is not about money.....this is about the great liklihood that Casey could receive the death penalty. JMO....
Maybe she finally realized there is no humanizing Casey?
This is an interesting point...and a source of confusion (at least for me.)

From my understanding, Casey could only cop to a plea if one is offered to her by the SA.

I remember the handwritten claim the Casey made about JA being mad at her and switching to the death penalty because she refused to cop a plea. In a hearing, JA said that it was totally false and JA HAD NEVER OFFERED HER A PLEA. So there is nothing to cop to.

AL couldn't possibly be mad about refusing a plea because one was never offered.

If I'm on the wrong track, please steer me in the right direction.

There WAS a plea deal on the table BEFORE the discovery of Caylee's remains. Casey (and/or) JB refused to bite.

Currently there is NO PLEA DEAL on the table from the SA. Therefore, unless the defense gets humble and requests one, there will be no deal. Even if they request one, it does not mean the SA will agree.

(I know there is an email from LDB to JB regarding this, but darn if I know where to find it right now.)
This is an interesting point...and a source of confusion (at least for me.)

From my understanding, Casey could only cop to a plea if one is offered to her by the SA.

I remember the handwritten claim the Casey made about JA being mad at her and switching to the death penalty because she refused to cop a plea. In a hearing, JA said that it was totally false and JA HAD NEVER OFFERED HER A PLEA. So there is nothing to cop to.

AL couldn't possibly be mad about refusing a plea because one was never offered.

If I'm on the wrong track, please steer me in the write direction.

I agree that there is no SA plea offer currently on the table (as far as we know) but it does not stop JB from exploring what-if scenarios with SA since there can be mutual benefit to preclude a trial with a resolution.

HOWEVER, given the dynamics I do not see, as follows:

JA (SA) agreeing to any plea deal ever unless they get something really substantial, since they have such a strong hand and are not fond of JB (to be polite)

JB agreeing to any plea since it is a matter of pride and would be a major climb down for him and a win-win for SA. No way Jose.

KC agreeing to any plea since she is so stubborn and defiant and would rather marytr herself to retain her defiance and preserve her lies as the truth

KC has committed the ultimate crime and will pay by making the ultimate mistake, believing her lies will set her free
Thinking the state won't save any money offering a plea, as KC is young, and LWOP is going to cost the state a LOT no matter what. So is the trial, and so would applying the DP at some future date. So, I don't see why the state would allow a plea, as it comes out about the same no matter what happens, except of course a NG verdict.
As one who has enlightened all of us, Sleutherontheside, of all things Andrea Lyon by having the patience to listen to hours of her lectures and writings, care to share any impressions or thoughts as to her departure? Based on what she "teaches" in her seminars and lectures, did this seem imminent?

I have just marveled at how insightful you have been in regards to how she operates :dance:

What all of my hours of listening to lectures and reading articles tells me..... AL sees things through. She does not quit. She is tenacious, passionate and has a goal. TO SAVE A LIFE!

If, in her mind........KC's life will be spared , her work is done. IMO....Either she is aware of some sort of "plea"in the works......or she feels 100% confident that all of the info that the mitigation efforts uncovered will save KC from the DP and that she will receive a lesser sentence.

That is just my impression of what would make sense in her mind.

I lean more toward believing that what the mitigation work has uncovered makes her almost sure of a sentence less than death.
WOW! I just got back from an evening out and went to check on Kyron Horman...scrolled past this and it jumped out at me!! Didn't expect anything new today here! Guess that's how she keeps her perfect record!
Whatever the Lyon's true motivation was for leaving, I can't deny that it gives me great pleasure to see her go.
Mainly because this Inmate never deserved that quality of lawyering for free.
And JB did not deserve to ride on the coattails of a real lawyer.
And the Inmate did not need to continue in the false hope that this celebrity anti death penalty hero was going to miraculously save the Inmate. IMO

I couldn't have written it better myself.

There WAS a plea deal on the table BEFORE the discovery of Caylee's remains. Casey (and/or) JB refused to bite.

(I know there is an email from LDB to JB regarding this, but darn if I know where to find it right now.)

Thanks for that Beach.

If you find that link, could you post it. I will look again for the hearing where JA stated that no plea was ever offered.

This might be a bit OT but I appreciate getting this fact straightened out.

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