2010.06.30 Andrea Lyon is off the Dream Team! She quits!

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Can this kind of thing affect appeals? The main DP attorny needing to resign because the State doesn't pay enough? Is this a new angle for them?
ETA: Just read other response re: pro bono....so they flew her coach?
i'll stick with my theory that mason coming in march and lyons leaving now is to stack the deck for a DP appeal based on having totally incompent sitting counsel at trial.
That's raising some questions for me as well. Especially since the news of her leaving for "Financial Reasons" is coming from JB's mouth and not hers. I find it kind of strange that any attorney would be making such a comment? Discussing another attorneys finances in a press statement? Let alone using it as a reason for a lawyer to leave a case? Something seems off there?

Judge Perry did say that JAC would adhere to very rigid, strict guidelines as far as travel, hotels, rental cars, ,etc.

The cheapest flights, no high class crab cakes in the sky hotel rooms, economy cars only, and, if anyone wanted better, they had to make up the differance.
Not making fun of Andrea Lyon's larger size, but, I would almost bet that she had been flying first class, on possible frequent flyer miles with a boost. To fly economy, she may have been looking at picking up the price of an extra seat to accomadate her size?
Being stuck in a lowly Econo-Lodge for the months of the trial, may not have been to her liking?

It is odd/strange, that she bails out now though.
It's been very obvious that NO work what-so-ever had been put into preparing for this trial until Perry put the peddle to the medal and told them to kick it into high gear.
Since Andrea Lyon came on board, IMO, given her speciality, she has been working on the mitigation all along.

Now, with the fee rates going down tomorrow on that, they obviously decided that they have what they need?
But, puzzeling given this is her area of arguement.

Some have mentioned that maybe she couldn't get Casey to budge, and that could very well be it also.

I can't remember who brought up that Casey is going to enjoy the attention of the trial, etc, and seeing "everyone" from her past.
I don't think so ~ She doesn't want to be in court now ~
But, she obviously doesn't mind sitting her jail cell, and, as long as she is at home at the Orange County Jail, that's one less day she sits in prison.
She's content to take the long ride, all the way to the end, then, maybe, just maybe break down and have her boys offer a plea on her behalf.

But, overall, it is strange that Andrea is stepping down now.
I tend to think that it has more to do with DePaul and the alumni closing the check book and raising hell over what is has been depleted from that account.
Can this kind of thing affect appeals? The main DP attorny needing to resign because the State doesn't pay enough? Is this a new angle for them?
ETA: Just read other response re: pro bono....so they flew her coach?

Yes, everyone had to fly coach, have the smallest, cheapest rental car, and, no high class hotel accomidations. Perry made it very clear, if they wanted better or a boost up, it was at their expense.

As far as using this for her future appeals ~ I say, you betcha ~ They'll take and use anything plus the kitchen sink to throw at the bench for her appeals.
Did she take all the tacky matching shirts with her? Tell me the ruffles are gone!

:woohoo::woohoo: I honestly hated looking at her and a trial of her was almost as scary as cindy in that green shirt!
CM will mumble me to sleep - jury too, so KC is going down!!!!!

Personally, and IMHO, I did think she felt really uncomfortable in front of the cameras. Her skirts were too tight, as well as her jackets. As an experienced attorney, a good wardrobe is a must. I kinda felt sorry for her :(

But in any event, she's off the case now, and JB's head must be spinning about now.


Personally, and IMHO, I did think she felt really uncomfortable in front of the cameras. Her skirts were too tight, as well as her jackets. As an experienced attorney, a good wardrobe is a must. I kinda felt sorry for her :(

But in any event, she's off the case now, and JB's head must be spinning about now.



'her skirts were too tight'

thats surely somethin i wont miss.......
Ego ego ego. I agree she's trying to protect her precious record (even though that's a bit of a farce in itself). She is out for herself, not her clients and lacks the courage of her convictions. I hope there is outrage over the utterly nonsensical waste of money from the depaul law clinic - throwing tens of thousands of dollars down a sewer for an out of state 'client' when dozens/hundreds of truly needy people could have been helped.

What a cynical waste of time, money and effort and what a horrible reflection on the legal system. She sure was adamant about how horrible the death penalty is and how important her wrong headed crusade was to her...then...she just leaves. Amazing.

All I can say is I hope this is a damaginf blow to the defense and it means Casey is one step closer to the needle.

Does this mean Andrea won't be getting Casey into Depaul Law School?? Oh my.
Ego ego ego. I agree she's trying to protect her precious record (even though that's a bit of a farce in itself). She is out for herself, not her clients and lacks the courage of her convictions. I hope there is outrage over the utterly nonsensical waste of money from the depaul law clinic - throwing tens of thousands of dollars down a sewer for an out of state 'client' when dozens/hundreds of truly needy people could have been helped.

What a cynical waste of time, money and effort and what a horrible reflection on the legal system. She sure was adamant about how horrible the death penalty is and how important her wrong headed crusade was to her...then...she just leaves. Amazing.

All I can say is I hope this is a damaginf blow to the defense and it means Casey is one step closer to the needle.

Does this mean Andrea won't be getting Casey into Depaul Law School?? Oh my.


poor casey, her letter of reccomendation rescinded!
Those of us in the astrology forum have expected this for ages. It was predicted in the charts done by our very own Tuba.

We knew it was close in coming when she gave Casey a big old bear hug at the end of one of the hearings. It definitely appeared to be a goodbye hug to us. If I'm not mistaken, the most recent hearings, AL checked in by telephone instead of being there in person.
Something else just occured to me in regards to Lyon's seemingly sudden departure.

She has witnessed the pure, strong hatred for Casey, and for anyone that associates with her.

Maybe she thought it was in the best interest of not only her career that she has strived and dedicated herself to for over 25yrs, but, for any FUTURE clients that she may be called upon to represent.

She took quite a kicking when it was revealed that she was a party to that innocent man that sat on death row for how many years?
And, her all to famous speech at that convention.
That went over like a lead balloon.
Ego ego ego. I agree she's trying to protect her precious record (even though that's a bit of a farce in itself). She is out for herself, not her clients and lacks the courage of her convictions. I hope there is outrage over the utterly nonsensical waste of money from the depaul law clinic - throwing tens of thousands of dollars down a sewer for an out of state 'client' when dozens/hundreds of truly needy people could have been helped.

What a cynical waste of time, money and effort and what a horrible reflection on the legal system. She sure was adamant about how horrible the death penalty is and how important her wrong headed crusade was to her...then...she just leaves. Amazing.

All I can say is I hope this is a damaginf blow to the defense and it means Casey is one step closer to the needle.

Does this mean Andrea won't be getting Casey into Depaul Law School?? Oh my.

Yes, I agree with all above the reasons also, Horace.

Actually, she had many reasons to jump the good ship USS Caylee Marie.
That boat will never float, at least not in the manner to which we are to believe it is for.
Something else just occured to me in regards to Lyon's seemingly sudden departure.

She has witnessed the pure, strong hatred for Casey, and for anyone that associates with her.

Maybe she thought it was in the best interest of not only her career that she has strived and dedicated herself to for over 25yrs, but, for any FUTURE clients that she may be called upon to represent.

She took quite a kicking when it was revealed that she was a party to that innocent man that sat on death row for how many years?
And, her all to famous speech at that convention.
That went over like a lead balloon.

like i said on page 7.

you lay down with dogs you wake up with fleas.

i think anyone that has sided with casey and her family in the past and dissapeared (padillia for example) regret ever having met any of them.
I just looked at my notes from the JAC Budget hearing and Judge P said nobody is irreplaceable.
The Judge said Jeanene had gathered what she has done, and asked if someone in FL could take over from her work. They went to a sidebar.
The Judge said they can keep her, but Jeanene must keep detailed records to make sure of no duplication.
Judge said he would go over her billing with a fine tooth comb and so would JAC - may get cut.
Rate goes down to $ 40/hr in July.
Just because the Judge said the Defense could keep her on - does not mean that Jeanene (or Lyon) could make the decision for herself to leave the case, when she feels her work is at a point where another mitigation expert could take over. IMO

Oh I do not like to be so cynical and I have not caught up with the thread so props to those who said this before, but the bold/red above just leapt out at me....
Wait just a minute. Wasn't this case pushed back so far mostly because of Lyon's teaching schedule? If that's the case and she's now gone...ooooh, defense. This could be a really, really bad move for you! HHJP is not going to like the one reason this case was pushed back so far LEAVING, especially since he made special arrangements because of Lyon! Could this mean the trial gets moved up now?

Yes the courts certainly operated around her precious teaching schedule! Sheesh I hope hope hope the trial gets moved up. There is NO reason for this not to already be over with. Sheesh. I wonder what her little creep students will do in their spare time now?
"As for adding new members to the team as the trial approaches, Baez said, "I can't say at this time. If the need arises, yes. If it does not, no."

Quoting from the OS article. I wonder if we might be seeing a familar name or two joining the defense team at some point down the road?

Hmmm could RH be the newest member? I did see RH in the courtroom right behind the defense table. JMO
Wait just a minute. Wasn't this case pushed back so far mostly because of Lyon's teaching schedule? If that's the case and she's now gone...ooooh, defense. This could be a really, really bad move for you! HHJP is not going to like the one reason this case was pushed back so far LEAVING, especially since he made special arrangements because of Lyon! Could this mean the trial gets moved up now?

You could be right! AL had to attend her daughters graduation. I would love it if the trial was moved up.
May 11 Hearing
Lyon is hugging and so is Jeanene Barrett



SO inappropriate and unprofessional. Won't miss seeing this disgusting fabricated display. Sick sick sick.
Oh, I love your passion Aedrys. But, don't fret...no one will admit Casey into Law School when she gets out. However, she may have years and years on the inside to get her GED and graduate college...so ya just never know.

What a waste of time for KC to further her education. What does she hope to accomplish by getting a GED or taking some college courses. I say let her rot in that jail cell. She screwed up her life by murdering Caylee, and she will never tell us why. We can come up with many theories, but I want to hear the words come from KC's own mouth.
What a waste of time for KC to further her education. What does she hope to accomplish by getting a GED or taking some college courses. I say let her rot in that jail cell. She screwed up her life by murdering Caylee, and she will never tell us why. We can come up with many theories, but I want to hear the words come from KC's own mouth.

maybe she wants to be the most educated death row inmate ever?

the irony is she showed no intrest in education (or employment) BEFORE She murdered caylee. now she wants to go to law school :waitasec:.

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