2010.07.01-Family/ LE Presume Kyron Is Alive~ Need SM To Cooperate UPDATED 2010.07.03

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Don't know if that post will be allowed, but again people, if this is true, it makes today a whole lot less confusing, doesn't it?

I must be missing it somehow..did not see anything on there that explains anything...anyone care to direct me closer? LOL, TIA
If the allergy is true, that should have been released the first weekend and if it is not true than I don't know anything and give up.

When everyone thought he was lost, that would have been the time to release the allergy info...it is important and they were not talking to an unknown perp at the time.

With all due respect I share something my dad (a counselor for years) used to say to everyone, "Don't should on me!" Should works for those "shoulding" on themselves -- but not always healthfully. It does not necessarily work for someone who feels that they don't need someone else's "should" to do that which they think is most appropriate for their situation.

My dad's "don't should on me" left a profound affect on me, can you tell?
I would love to post what I 'think' might have happened, but not sure how I can here.

I will try, if my post goes away, I will understand.

I read something yesterday. I read a bunch about this case everyday. I woke up today with that thing stuck in my head, for no good reason. I am sure that in missing people cases such as this, there are many times that people in other parts of the country think they see that missing person and maybe even take some video tape for the police to watch. If the police were to feel there was the slimmest chance it was the mission person, perhaps they would show that tape to the families involved.

If that were to happen, it wouldn't mean that anyone would know where that person is now, they would only 'know' that person is alive.

Maybe, and it's only my thoughts, that could account for the mother of a missing person to speak as fact. "Kyron is still alive."

Dear God: Please let her words be true.

Please forgive me for quoting myself. I don't know that we can talk about a comment on a news website, if we can I will go get it. But, if you read my post, it could explain a situation that would indeed provide parents proof of Kyron being alive, but still need people to look for him, since they don't know where he is now.

In my opinion.

I have asked the mods how far we can go with comments left on news websites.
Now that step-mom has an atty,(no statement)
if SM tells her atty where Kyron is,is he obligated
under atty/client privledge to tell the police
or must he stay quiet?

It is a privileged attorney-client communication, so ethically he must stay quiet unless the client authorizes him to tell.

If Kyron is still alive, "(b) A lawyer may reveal information relating to the representation of a client to the extent the lawyer reasonably believes necessary: (1) to prevent reasonably certain death or substantial bodily harm . . . .." [See link at end of this post; copied from ABA MRPC Rule 1.6 Confidentiality of Information]

But if he is dead, the attorney cannot tell.

What does the attorney have to lose if he tells anyway? (1) His license to practice law, (2) malpractice lawsuit, (3) his fellow attorneys would despise him because it would erode client confidence in the attorney-client privilege.

Is there a way around this -- even if unethical -- which protects the attorney? Yes! He can tell LE anonymously, where the body is hidden. In this conversation, he can pretend to be someone who came across it while on a excursion of his or her own, totally by accident. He should wait until some time has passed, so his client will not put two and two together.

Problem is that he will have to disguise his voice and call from a location untraceable to him. His best bet is to secretly leave his house in the wee hours, drive somewhere several hours away, make the call, returning to his office at the usual time in the morning.

Another problem is that of whether he can sufficiently disguise his voice, because it will be recorded. He cannot involve another person -- that's the highway to being found out.

Or he could send an anonymous note to a newspaper or other media, or directly to the police. That would be a better plan, especially if he can make absolutely sure that it could never be traced to him. One way to do that would be for him to leave his house secretly in the wee hours and mail the note far away from there, and return to his office at the usual time.

Either way, even if he judges the risk of being caught to be tiny, the potential personal consequences to the attorney are huge. Low risk + heavy consequence = attorney will probably keep his mouth shut.

Here is a good article which explains the situation:
There was an article in my hometown freebie paper last week. Someone reported seeing a boy matching Kyron's description with a man. The man was holding him by the wrist. They were seen at a local store. The authorities ran the credit card that the man used. It was a pre-paid gift card (if I recall the article correctly). The card was used at 4 different locations in my area. They looked at the surveillance tapes from the store. They were convinced enough to look into it.

They found additional surveillance with the same boy a few days later, at the store with a woman.

The case was closed (undetermined) and the surveillance tape was being sent to Oregon LE.

If I recall the article also stated that the boy's clothing also matched the description of what Kyron was wearing.

Now, I wish I still had the article, so I could read it again. :banghead: I only started to really follow this case over the last few days.

From what I got from the article, the local LE didn't think that there was anything there, and that this boy is local.

I have searched all of my other local news, and have found nothing. This paper that the article was in, is a free weekly publication and doesn't have anything online.

Was this it?

Don't know if that post will be allowed, but again people, if this is true, it makes today a whole lot less confusing, doesn't it?

Very interesting thanks for
the heads up.:waitasec:
I must be missing it somehow..did not see anything on there that explains anything...anyone care to direct me closer? LOL, TIA
The post is on page 2 of the list now. It is a restaurant worker in VT relating a story about a potential sighting of Kyron.
If the allergy is true, that should have been released the first weekend and if it is not true than I don't know anything and give up.

When everyone thought he was lost, that would have been the time to release the allergy info...it is important and they were not talking to an unknown perp at the time.

I have to say I'm a bit upset about it, because we could have looked up all the hospital and doctor offices and sent flyers. We did that in Gabe's case and had a ton of people working on it and got a ton of places covered. We even had people going out to doctors offices and community clinics and asking them to put up flyers.

We could still do it. I just wish we had known right away.
I wonder what the family might have wanted to tell the press off record? Could there be something that they want a few to know, but not report so as to protect Kyron?

Just me thinking out loud.
I still don't understand what the person is trying to say. Can someone paraphrase it?

It was posted there about 19 hours ago. It was posted other places too.

It is not one that would need any paraphrasing.'

Sorry, I am new here and haven't yet gotten word from a mod. Don't want a TO. :angel:
I still don't understand what the person is trying to say. Can someone paraphrase it?

A guy works at a restaurant, they think Kyron was there with two adults who were acting suspicious. The police came and checked the surveillance tapes.
I don't know everything is to confusing in this case. It seems to me (MOO) that the family thinks SM has his hidden or knows where he is. Could be wishful thinking which will keep them going and looking for their son or could be that LE told them something to lead them to believe this. Also could be Dad read something on their home computer to lead them to believe it or over heard a phone call. It's really hard to tell with the little infomation thats coming out. All I do know is I HOPE Kyron is alive and SAFE
I was thinking that too, about him finding something on the computer, MY BIG FEAR IS...since there is currently no search warrant for police to search the home, she could remove possible evidence ie: computer, clothing, etc.
I still don't understand what the person is trying to say. Can someone paraphrase it?

There is a comment after this article from a person who works in a restaurant in Vermont. Based on what they are saying Police and Investigators came and studied video they had of a couple with a boy who the investigators told the staff at the restaurant that it was the boy missing from Oregon.

A guy works at a restaurant, they think Kyron was there with two adults who were acting suspicious. The police came and checked the surveillance tapes.

posted by a guy in Vermont, about 3/4 down the page. 19 hours ago.

(got answer from mod, thanks)


I don't know, it just would make many things over the last few days and today make much more sense. It said this happened a few days ago.
I was thinking that too, about him finding something on the computer, MY BIG FEAR IS...since there is currently no search warrant for police to search the home, she could remove possible evidence ie: computer, clothing, etc.

or decide to commit suicide and take the answers with her.
Way way back at a presser the LE liaison that was staying with them read info the parents had given him about Kyron. That his favorite color is red, that his cat Bootsie follows him to the bus stop every morning. Why in the world give info like that and not that he's allergic to bees. I just can't for the life of me figure that out.

Then there was the early presser when a reporter asked LE - Gates - if Kyron had any medical problems and Gates hesitated and stumbled and then said he couldn't say because of the HIPPA privacy act. You would think right then he'd have gotten permission from the parents and sent out a follow up press release that day to say Kyron is allergic to bees.

It's such an important clue to find him. I don't like to second guess LE. I don't like to second guess parents. I'm trying to think of a good reason for not releasing that. I'm stumped right now.
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