2010.07.12 Friend of Terri's describes her as a good mother

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This nice lady only knew Terri through the school volunteering stuff.....not the Terri who tries to hire hit men and engages in sexting and *advertiser censored* pics of herself with men. I bet she's horrified that she allowed her son to go anywhere near such a person.....I feel bad for her and for her son.
Thank You for posting. Watched it twice. In fact, like many of you, I've been waiting to hear from any of TMH's friends. IMO, this mother of Kyron's classmate seems very sincere. I don't think she has any ulterior motive or agenda for speaking up. (the body language seems harmless in this instance)

Of course, if a bunch of people start talking and raving about what a great mom and teacher and friend TMH is it will confuse me even more. I get a cold chill just imagining maybe TMH really didn't have anything to do with Kyron's disappearance, maybe she geniuely loved children. This lady's friend loved TMH. I am confiused. How could she be so loving, and yet possibly taken Kyron from the SF and put him in harm's way? Why is her own husband pointing the finger at her?

It's sad looking at all these happy pictures, and trying to fit a murder of a child into it. I want Kyron to come home. I want Kyron to be alive and happy. Is there any hope?

It is very sad.

Yet to have testimony like this further supports the idea that whatever was going on with Terri, she was adept at covering. I still have hopes that Kyron actually did experience many happy childhood days under Terri's care. And that is why Kaine & Desiree believed him to be just fine.
I think Terri was very focused on "appearances." I am not at all surprised that there are people who thought she was "Mother of the Year." I think Terri put considerable energy into managing the way she appeared to others.

I so agree. I think Terri picked people based on her ability to fool/manipulate them. Because of an experience my children and I had with my ex's wife I can spot them a mile away now, very transparent to me.
I think Terri's problem was with Kaine.Not Kyron.I don't hear anything bad about her coming from anyone else.I feel it's coming from Kaine.I don't think she hurt Kyron.I'm praying she didn't.I pray they find this sweet little boy soon.
I rather expect people to come out and say what a good mother Terri is. I hope so because that was my first impression when I looked at her Facebook the first night Kyron went missing. I would be surprised if anyone had any inkling that Terri could do anything like this. Kind of like what people said about KC. That doesn't convince me of her innocence it just makes it clear that she was good at putting on good impressions. It's too bad that people who are capable of harming children don't have a sign on their face that would give a warning. How many people were convicted of crimes that had friends and family that didn't think them capable of doing it?
I think Terri's problem was with Kaine.Not Kyron.I don't hear anything bad coming from anyone else.I feel it's coming from Kaine.I don't think she hurt Kyron.I'm praying she didn't.I pray they find this sweet little boy soon.

with kiane placing all this guilt, it makes you wonder why didnt he take actions sooner to protect his children is it was that much of a threat.
I just thought there was a slight undertone of OMG I let my child go bowling with her and she might have done something horrible.

I don't think it would be unusual for people volunteering at the same school and parents of classmates etc. to have a good opinion of each other. Most people would try to keep the good side of their face forward in such situations, and if there is any iffy behavior it occurs more often in more private situations. E.g. she wouldn't have been having any spousal arguments with Terri.
That is also very interesting how the Sunday before the Friday disappearance there is all the photos with this boy bowling and playing games.She takes his photo in front of a science exhibit,almost like saying,see Kyron has friends,look at all he does with them.But this boy is the only one seen in photos with Kyron,except at school.I was under the impression these photos were spread out at different times,he was best friends with Kyron and they hung out.But,his mother said she let him go that Sunday and she's usually very protective,but let him go that day.

Could it be that the family tried not to release any photos of Kyron that had other minors in them? I'd think there would be issues of possibly endangering other children, offending parents who hadn't given permission, etc.

In other words, lack of publicly released photos of Kyron with other children in them doesn't necessarily mean such photos don't exist.

Heck, given the way things get confused in the media, the family may have been afraid that if they released a photo of Kyron with another child in it, a certain percentage would think the other child was the missing one!
The only thing I really want to know is if she loved and cared deeply for Kyron. Is there any chance she did love Kyron, and didn't harm him? This friend's interview does make me wonder about that more.

People change, maybe something hardened TMH so much that she changed into someone that could harm a little boy. It's true, every single day I watch crime stories that show a loving family member turning and changing into a person that shoots their whole family. Snapping. Is that what happened to TMH? Or was she a narcissistic devious liar all along that could plan and execute a murder of a child she loved, then move on to a new affair?

I do know that if I were that friend now, I'm sure I'd be flipping out that I let my son go off with a lady accused of a bad crime against a child, within less than a week of letting my son go with her. Whoa!
I wasn't mocking the child's attempts, or making a snide aside at his mother; in fact, it looked like what a child should produce. If there is any criticism, it is toward Kyron's adults who chose to take a child's school project and jack it into the stratosphere in terms of what should have been Kyron's accomplishment, not theirs.

Oh, I wonder if that says something about the family dynamics that caused great jealousy on her part towards Kyron and additional hurt by Kaine towards her.

It looks to me like allot if not most of that display was engineered by Kaine. He evidently spent allot of time with Kyron on it and possibly this is just a snap shot of how he always doted on him. That division of affection, shown by her doting on the baby with all the photos and Kyron being the apple of his dad's eye could have worked into a bad home situation.

Add to that she learned he was having an affair and possibly spending less time at home with her - snap. That was just it and she made some decisions to get back at him. Just sayin'
i think body language depends on an individual's personality in my opinion and sometimes you just dont know enough about a person. With that being said, giving that TH "attempted" to fill deseriee's role with kyron and kaine when she got sick, you would expect TH to be a caring, unconsicous person. Her deceptive movements seem weird and uneasy.

My personal impression (which is often wrong, so take it for what it is worth) is that she seemed uncertain. I thought she believed in what she was saying but has started to question herself due to the things that have come out in the media.

And maybe, a little bit, trying to convince herself that she wasn't misled.
It seemed to me that she was kind of like "crap, I let my son go with them days before this happened". She is simply stating her views on how TH acted, what she saw. Look at what most of KC's friends said about her mothering.
with kiane placing all this guilt, it makes you wonder why didnt he take actions sooner to protect his children is it was that much of a threat.

My sense is that what seemed benign before has become incomprehensible and horrific now. How would you feel if you found out the spouse you loved was likely involved in the disappearance of your child and in a plot to kill you? I would be sick, enraged, horrified. If LE told me that there was a proof of this and that I needed to protect myself and my family, I would do so in a heartbeat. I think that is exactly what Kaine is doing - following the advice of LE and trying to protect his loved ones and himself from the person he never thought could harm them.
When I look at the presser where TH is nestled in Kaine's arms or putting her head on the mother's shoulders, it makes me sick. It would make me feel so dirty and repulsed to know that the person most likely responsible for the disappearance of my child was all over me and that I trusted that person and let them touch me. Yuck.
I don't see dishonesty. After all, she is not saying that Terri is not guilty, she's just saying she seemed like a good mom. She never said that there is no way TH is guilty or innocent. She's just talking about her impression.

She seemed like a nice, believable, shocked lady to me.

I prefer this that her coming out saying she never trusted her...yet she let her son be in her Company.

I thought this lady was very honest. I do believe her when she said she thinks Terri is a good mother. I wish more had the courage to step forward and give their opinions on the Terri they knew/know but with the media so much against Terri some may be fearful to do so thinking they will suffer backlash themselves.

To this day I have never seen anyone say that Terri was an abusive mother to Kyron before his disappearance. Not even Kaine.

I also agree with this lady when she said if the person is guilty then they deserve all of this but if they are not it will destroy them (paraphrasing).

Ummm... I'm Italian American. My whole clan uses hands to gesticulate when speaking.Doesn't have any bearing whatsoever on our truthfulness.


I'm not Italian but I definitely talk with my hands too. Friends always are telling me that if they tied my hands behind my back that I wouldn't be able to talk....LOL!

I find the lady very truthful, in fact one of the most candid of any I have seen in this case. Wish we knew more of what her son had to say...like when he saw Kryon last and who he was with? Of course I am sure LE knows everything he had to say.
I'm troubled by this woman's hand/arm gestures. Notice how many times she puts her hands in front of her mouth. She might not be truthful in what she is saying. jmo

Maybe she ate pesto for lunch & hadn't had a chance to brush/floss her teeth & was thinking "Have I got green specs in my teeth? Oh dear, I'm on national TV - have I got green specs in my teeth? I should've checked my teeth before the interview..."

J/K Kudos to this woman for coming out & giving another side to the story. It's about time someone did.
Are you saying this mother is relatively new to the community or relatively new to raising five children on her own since the death of her spouse?

Also, I'm truly sorry to hear about her losing her husband. I cannot imagine how emotionally difficult it must be having to raise five children after the death of a spouse...JMO

I meant relatively new to being single mother to 5 boys and still going through the grieving process. I think from the interview that she didn't appear real comfortable in front of the camera.
I appreciate that TMH took the time to take pictures of the boy. I'm sure his mother appreciates it, thoug I'm not sure I would be appreciative of her posting them on FB, seemingly without the mom's knowledge, since they don't appear to be friends on FB.
Just wondering If she didn't use this child to be even less suspicious to LE IF she was planning to harm Kyron.. Also, wondering how many other playmates have been invited over for a play day or an outing with Kyron on a regular basis...JMO
Also, I would be really interested in hearing from some other couples the Horman's may have socialized with on regular basis.. Wonder IF there are any other couples who also have children they may have interacted and socialized with on weekends.....JMO
I thought this lady was very honest. I do believe her when she said she thinks Terri is a good mother. I wish more had the courage to step forward and give their opinions on the Terri they knew/know but with the media so much against Terri some may be fearful to do so thinking they will suffer backlash themselves.

Or get kicked off the 'team'.
I think Terri was very focused on "appearances." I am not at all surprised that there are people who thought she was "Mother of the Year." I think Terri put considerable energy into managing the way she appeared to others.

My mom was like this. In the public eye, she was Mother of the Year, PTA President, volunteered for multiple non-profit community organizations, etc. My friends all loved her...she was the "cool mom". But at home, in private, she was a horribly physically and emotionally abusive narcissist.

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