2010.07.15 - Hearing - 2PM EST

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Quote Respect Dallasdon

No. In context, Cindy Anthony stated that she thinks Caylee is alive. Not picking on you, but I wanted to clarify I heard it with my own ears there is nothing else she could have meant than: Cindy believes that Caylee Marie is alive and well and breathing air while she wears jewelery of her granddaughters remains!

Cindy is going with the Van der Sloot defense: if there is no body, there is no crime but in this case Cindy there IS a body and it is of your granddaughter Caylee.

I think she is trying to act crazy so she won't have to go to jail.


We both heard with our own ears and interpret the statement differently.
"My sister", "My sister"... not "Casey" but Caylee is "Caylee" and not "My niece".

That's because he doesn't care for Caylee like he does Casey.

so let me get this right - CA thinks Caylee is still alive and Lee thinks this is a joke?
"absolutely," "absolutely." "absolutely!" "absolutely;"

IF Lee starts kissing and slobbering all over his wrist again I'm gonna puke :yuck:
I just heard on Ch 13 local news that Lee mouthed something to ICA as he took the stand and that's what started her crying
We sometimes lose sight of the fact that witness are not called for the defense or for the prosecution, they are called for the truth no matter who they are called BY.

Some testify. Some testi-lie. But there has not yet been a person born who is a good enough liar to never, ever, screw up.

The great thing about the truth is that it doesn't change. That's a sort of Mark Klass quote.

I expected her to show more bias in the other direction.
Why is Lee so damn CHEERFUL? There is NOTHING to be cheerful about today! WTF?
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