2010.08.05 Dominic Casey emails

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Heavens to mercy, of all times! We forgot to recite Intermezzo's doc dump prayer -

"Dear Lord, forgive me for what I am about to read. Amen."

Should have made myself a little more clear. I was really just looking at the dates right before Nov. 15th and after the 15th. I was trying to see if there was any obvious difference in their emails to each other that would give us a clear indication of Ginette sending DC to that area on the 15th.

Ginette early on seemed to think Caylee was dead... then jumped on the "Caylee is alive" train. Something in November changed her mind again. She was "convinced" that Caylee was dead.

I honestly don't know exactly what kind of information led DC to the remains site, but he says in his January 16th email that the information that Ginette gave him did not lead him to Caylee. That it was 150' off. I don't know if he is simply trying to take credit away from Ginette and paint himself as this amazing detective or what?

I'm still convinced that there is something very wrong with the way DC went out into those woods, and I still fully believe that Cindy sent him out there. Why else would Cindy lie in her depostion to the SA that she had no idea that DC went out there?
Ugh... these people drive me nuts! I'm sick about how they can completely fabricate stories to fit their unbelievable theories.

BBM-And why would DC, in his interview with police, decide to cling to some sort of privilege like glue when the topic of who sent him over there came up? They even went off record with him, but he apparently did not want to talk about that and the whole tone of the interview changed at that point.
DC earned a license for investigating how?


doc pg 1004/5 numbered as 21419/20

Email on December 9, 2008...

Of course this will be done and on Friday. Cindy and George left this morning for LA to be on Larry King Wednesday night and will be back Thursday night. I will get with Cindy and she will surely accommodate. Have a good day my friend, congratulations, and grateful thanks for the new team member.

Soooooooooooooo Dom anticipated it being done by Friday the 12th The day AFTER Caylee was found??????????? WOW!!!!!!!!!!
DC earned a license for investigating how?


I am sure the school taught him well...but I am also sure that hanging around defense attorneys taught him the "real deal"-Think about AL's PI's...they are highly trained to...seek out exculpatory information.
Have you ever heard of a PI that was out to prove that spouses were not cheating? Infidelity cases became low level stuff to DC when he entered the world of Baez.
DC earned a license for investigating how?


Earned?....Bought?....who knows? Can you buy one of those certificates online maybe? lol

All of it is just crazy...totally absurd.

The visual - Dominic Casey is the PI and Baez is lead defense counsel. Picture it. What are the odds?

You really can't make this kind of stuff up. No one would believe it.
From Luke P to Dom Casey
Monday 12.08.08, 9:27 p.m.

Dominic - We have a new member on the team - a very accomplished sensitive who has worked
missing person cases exclusively and well documented with Law Enforcement, I would like to
get her working on Caylee's location and ask if Cindy can send me something worn by Caylee
and Casey - it has to be something that was worn - like a shoe or t-shirt for both. I don't
want to ask for the Teddy - that's too precious. Would you ask Cindy to place another trust
in us and send these to me?

From DC to Luke P
Tuesday 12.09.08, 1:35 p.m.

Of course this will be done and on Friday . . . Cindy and George left this morning for LA to
be on Larry King Wednesday night and will be back Thursday night. I will get with Cindy and
she will surely accommodate . . . have a good day
So very true. I can't begin to imagine the movie that will eventually be made of this chit storm. It will most definitely have to be a mini series. Seriously. Hollywood couldn't dream up a story line like this with this cast of characters. Out of all of the doc dumps we have seen, this one floors me.

All they'll need is a room full of toilets and throw them at the screen.:sick:

doc pg 1004/5 numbered as 21419/20

Email on December 9, 2008...

Of course this will be done and on Friday. Cindy and George left this morning for LA to be on Larry King Wednesday night and will be back Thursday night. I will get with Cindy and she will surely accommodate. Have a good day my friend, congratulations, and grateful thanks for the new team member.

Soooooooooooooo Dom anticipated it being done by Friday the 12th The day AFTER Caylee was found??????????? WOW!!!!!!!!!!
Wasn't Caylee found on the 11th? I'm confused.

doc pg 1004/5 numbered as 21419/20

Email on December 9, 2008...

Of course this will be done and on Friday. Cindy and George left this morning for LA to be on Larry King Wednesday night and will be back Thursday night. I will get with Cindy and she will surely accommodate. Have a good day my friend, congratulations, and grateful thanks for the new team member.

Soooooooooooooo Dom anticipated it being done by Friday the 12th The day AFTER Caylee was found??????????? WOW!!!!!!!!!!

After reading the original email quote that you bolded, it seemed to me that the reply was to whether or not Cindy would be able to send Luke an article of Caylee's clothing for the new team member.

Am I reading that wrong?
From Luke P to Dom Casey
Monday 12.08.08, 9:27 p.m.
Dominic - We have a new member on the team - a very accomplished sensitive who has worked
missing person cases exclusively and well documented with Law Enforcement, I would like to
get her working on Caylee's location and ask if Cindy can send me something worn by Caylee
and Casey - it has to be something that was worn - like a shoe or t-shirt for both. I don't
want to ask for the Teddy - that's too precious. Would you ask Cindy to place another trust
in us and send these to me?

From DC to Luke P
Tuesday 12.09.08, 1:35 p.m.

Of course this will be done and on Friday . . . Cindy and George left this morning for LA to
be on Larry King Wednesday night and will be back Thursday night. I will get with Cindy and
she will surely accommodate . . . have a good day

to follow up....

Yeah, that new team member worked out well, huh?

From: Luke Phillips [mailto:dearmont@wildblue.net]​
Tuesday) December 09) 2008 5:00 PM
J: D&A Investigations) Dominic
Subject: RE: Another request
Importance: High
Sensitivity: Confidential
Dominic - many thanks) as I said this new" team" member is no more - I try very hard to be selective and I was duped. She wanted $1000 for her work on the case and she was already predisposed that Caylee was dead. So) at this time) I won't need anything from Cindy. How's it going in getting the Mall surveillance tapes? Anything on the location in Tampa? Best of luck.

That is my question- according to DC Cindy is holding it for Casey.. I am sure would not volunteer this information to LE.
Can you imagine the look on Cindy's face when they asked for it?
After reading the original email quote that you bolded, it seemed to me that the reply was to whether or not Cindy would be able to send Luke an article of Caylee's clothing for the new team member.

Am I reading that wrong?

That was how I interpreted it, too. That Dom couldn't forward an article of Caylee's until CA returned from Los Angeles, CA. It just so happened that Caylee's body was found before DC would be able to oblige.
to follow up....

Yeah, that new team member worked out well, huh?

From: Luke Phillips [mailto:dearmont@wildblue.net]​
Tuesday) December 09) 2008 5:00 PM
J: D&A Investigations) Dominic
Subject: RE: Another request
Importance: High
Sensitivity: Confidential
Dominic - many thanks) as I said this new" team" member is no more - I try very hard to be selective and I was duped. She wanted $1000 for her work on the case and she was already predisposed that Caylee was dead. So) at this time) I won't need anything from Cindy. How's it going in getting the Mall surveillance tapes? Anything on the location in Tampa? Best of luck.


Oh Beach.... I am :rotfl: and so very grateful that you added this...
Pg 611, From DC to Luke. This must be the story they cooked up.

Here is copy/paste of email to Baez. I also attached the map ... he will use this to get
money from the Geraldo show . . . Dominic
& Jose)
You wanted the goods) here it is) details on Puerto Rico including
locations: Caylee WAS flown (private jet from Orlando Exec Airport) to San Juan PR and held
there until plans were made to take her out of the country to Colombia. She was then taken
across the border into Venezuela to Puerto Santa Rosa (near Puerto Cumarebo» knowing there
will be no extradition or investigation possible due to the prevailing diplomatic situation.

other details can be released until such time as Caylee positively identified and an
extraction is in play.
Security of surveillant(s) is at risk should any of this information be released. THIS
Dominic Casey) Private Investigator
D&A Investigations) Inc.
E <mailto:dominic@daacci.com> dominic@dgator.com

P 407.865.7152
F 407.865.7158
C 407.448.4565​
<http://www.daacci.com/> www.dgator.com
Access to

First off ~ My hats are off to ALL of you that have been reading and commenting on the doc release today.
{have my Florida g/c here for a few days and am happy to see them, hug them, and hear them call me Grandma}

Anyway ~

I'm going to be a little snarky here ~ I know this topic is just SO over the top, but, will try to interject a little "karma here", with using the quote from above:

I wonder if Geraldo and Jose are still gonna be "friends" tomorrow on FaceBook?
Are the best-bud boatin' and floatin' days behind them now??

I wonder if Jose has been madly dialing Geraldo up to explain all this?

I wonder what attitude Geraldo is gonna take on this info this coming weekend~!!!??

And, does anyone remember early on, when Jose was really chumming it up with Geraldo, that there was speculation that Geraldo was possibly fronting some of the expenses in exchange for ***????

Okay = carry on ~ and thanks again.

{Keep the Faith folks ~ Justice WILL be done and FOUND in the end}
Okay - so I have read all of Dom's emails (garbage), and I am reading the thread and listening to what you all are saying - and honestly I am dumbfounded.

I alternate between being unbelievably angry and completely shocked such a huge job of Anthony manipulation actually went on for so long. It explains much of George and Cindy's earlier comments and behaviors - notice I said explains not excuses - but I've been sitting at the computer for about three hours this evening and really all I've accomplished is thinking - I definitely need a shower and at least one adult beverage.

What! a! Travesty! Pretty clear why Dom clammed up and refused to tesify! I wonder if HHJP will allow loud and unruly laughter in the courtroom.
I can't be confident that the "article of clothing" is what they were referring to. What caught my attention was the "congratulations". When you read the emails back to back......you see it building.

Immediately after Caylee is found.....(yet BEFORE she is identified) they all go into spin control and discuss when they could say the remains were placed there.

Perhaps I am mistaken.....but given all the double aka spin aka code speak in these mails.........I have my own opinion.
Well. I have only read up to page 400+ of these emails. I am speechless. So much is explained here.

I think there should be laws passed to keep wackadoodles like these out of missing children cases. It borders obstruction. I can't imagine what the OSCO detectives battled in getting this case together. They must have realized early on they had a cast of idiots. Idiots who would listen to some kookoo psychic whose husband evidently doesn't like what she does because she seems to have to "hide" what she is doing when he is home. It should be crimal for amateur gumshoes to interfere with an investigation.

ITA!!! OSCO knew after 6 hours with Casey what they were looking at. Lie after lie after lie. All of these emails point to "reasonable doubt" IMO. Ever hear of a psychic who blames every living breathing person around except ONE? The One? What a doc dump!!
First off ~ My hats are off to ALL of you that have been reading and commenting on the doc release today.
{have my Florida g/c here for a few days and am happy to see them, hug them, and hear them call me Grandma}

Anyway ~

I'm going to be a little snarky here ~ I know this topic is just SO over the top, but, will try to interject a little "karma here", with using the quote from above:

I wonder if Geraldo and Jose are still gonna be "friends" tomorrow on FaceBook?
Are the best-bud boatin' and floatin' days behind them now??

I wonder if Jose has been madly dialing Geraldo up to explain all this?

I wonder what attitude Geraldo is gonna take on this info this coming weekend~!!!??

And, does anyone remember early on, when Jose was really chumming it up with Geraldo, that there was speculation that Geraldo was possibly fronting some of the expenses in exchange for ***????

Okay = carry on ~ and thanks again.

{Keep the Faith folks ~ Justice WILL be done and FOUND in the end}
I don't think it will surprise Geraldo. He's gotten slammed in the past and bounced back. He probably thinks nothing of being made to look foolish. I find it soooooooo ironic that we have proof positive that Jose is a media wh*re. Wasn't he the guy that kept spouting how the prosecution was leaking info? He picks Casey up from the jail and can think of nothing better to do than start spinning with the networks. He's the one who should be red faced come the light of morn.
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