2010.08.16 Brad Conway Resigns

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Didn't Dr. Spitz drop out??? Maybe out of embarrassment?

And don't forget CA saying something to the effect of, "just because people say things, doesn't make it true." jmo
Didn't Dr. Spitz drop out??? Maybe out of embarrassment?

And don't forget CA saying something to the effect of, "just because people say things, doesn't make it true." jmo

Science<Charlatan Psychics :rolleyes:
Maybe Gloria Alred (spelling her name wrong I'm sure). Gloria manages to get herself involved in every case that is in the newspaper. I don't think I could stomach her voice.
I don't believe she works outside the state of California.
I like Tim Miller's explanation of why Brad resigned. In his recent interview he said Mark figured out after five weeks he wanted NOTHING to do with this family. Brad, in a wheel chair, has tried to do the very best he could with them for a year and half, and now he has washed his hands of them, all they have done was lie from the beginning , he told the reporter ( paraphrased ).
I like Tim Miller's explanation of why Brad resigned. In his recent interview he said Mark figured out after five weeks he wanted NOTHING to do with this family. Brad, in a wheel chair, has tried to do the very best he could with them for a year and half, and now he has washed his hands of them, all they have done was lie from the beginning , he told the reporter ( paraphrased ).

I'm not so sure BC has "washed his hands" of them though .... according to BC they are good people, and deserve good counsel and he will help them find a new attorney, and he would have stuck it out to the end if it was possible, and he will continue to advise them, and attend the Hearings....
Didn't Dr. Spitz drop out??? Maybe out of embarrassment?

And don't forget CA saying something to the effect of, "just because people say things, doesn't make it true." jmo

Don't know if Dr Spitz dropped out voluntarily ... or was UNinvited to be on the defense team? He has been replaced on the Defense witness list....
I'm not so sure BC has "washed his hands" of them though .... according to BC they are good people, and deserve good counsel and he will help them find a new attorney, and he would have stuck it out to the end if it was possible, and he will continue to advise them, and attend the Hearings....

A girl can hope, right?

First off, Caylee's remains were skeletal, hence, no body!
Second, by the time he viewed Caylee's remains, Dr. G had already removed the duct tape to check for evidence. Dr. Spitz is working for the defense. He too has to report what he saw but he didn't get to see Caylee's remains the way Dr. G did...JMHO

He can't simply dismiss Dr. G's autopsy report. I believe she took photos every step of the way. I believe she took photos of Caylee's skull when the duct tape was on her. I also believe, this will be shown in the courtroom for all the jurors to see. That they will not be able to just push those images to the back of their minds. JMHO

Justice for Caylee

What part of this dont they understand? Did they even read Dr.G's report? Or is it possible WS. is computer illiterate and so is B.I am also sure they took pictures before they even touched the remains. You are right,Dr.G. cut the hair releasing the tape.What a bunch of M-----.:banghead:
What part of this dont they understand? Did they even read Dr.G's report? Or is it possible WS. is computer illiterate and so is B.I am also sure they took pictures before they even touched the remains. You are right,Dr.G. cut the hair releasing the tape.What a bunch of M-----.:banghead:

The more I think about the nonsense WS was saying, I could almost laugh, it it weren't so darn sad. I could almost say it is evil.
What part of this dont they understand? Did they even read Dr.G's report? Or is it possible WS. is computer illiterate and so is B.I am also sure they took pictures before they even touched the remains. You are right,Dr.G. cut the hair releasing the tape.What a bunch of M-----.:banghead:

"Beyond the age of technology"?
I think Dr. Green was the one who concluded that Caylee was "savagely abused". Is this the same person?

First off, Caylee's remains were skeletal, hence, no body!
Second, by the time he viewed Caylee's remains, Dr. G had already removed the duct tape to check for evidence. Dr. Spitz is working for the defense. He too has to report what he saw but he didn't get to see Caylee's remains the way Dr. G did...JMHO

He can't simply dismiss Dr. G's autopsy report. I believe she took photos every step of the way. I believe she took photos of Caylee's skull when the duct tape was on her. I also believe, this will be shown in the courtroom for all the jurors to see. That they will not be able to just push those images to the back of their minds. JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Well, in a professional sense Werner Spitz, M. D. was correct in commenting about the "body" per se no matter what condition it presented as it was the final remains of the decedent but your point is very well taken since he was commenting to a lay audience!
NOW after giving him his sense of dignity regarding THAT point, I'm stripping EVERYTHING away given his next declarative statements! NO WAY IN GOD'S GREEN ACRE should one indicate that one would EXPECT to find primary evidence upon remains while conducting a secondary/consulting/defense/confirmatory post mortem! IT JUST SCREAMS lack of attention to detail! AND then he also tossed a throw away statement of .... (paraphrased) and I haven't seen the duct tape yet. WHAT??????? I was yelling at the video! (THANK YOU ThinkTank, had NEVER seen that!). Let's also challenge the good doctor regarding his observation of the camera documentation from the ME TEAM! (YES, the TEAM as the ENTIRE autopsy report was generated from the TEAM WORK and let you all understand, it takes a VILLAGE to perform this feat!). My team knows my work style so well that they set up and snap before I speak, and I have such faith in them that their SUGGESTIONS are taken & evaluated, often followed over mine!:blushing: (they are so Streetwise!) COME ON, THE DISTRICT 9 photos & some reports were available on 12/08, I'm sure! Werner, dearest, Jan had to REMOVE the tape for forensic testing (you remember that: prints, trace, GC/MS peaks), the skull had been cleaned and tested also (ummm, any adhesive material would be DOCUMENTED as TRACE/foreign substance/GC/MS peak and there's a REPORT with QC!!; you remember that concept:documentation of results found, right?). SO....let's all play by the same rules: observe, document,report, interpret,defend and testify under oath at the correct time.

BTW: Question about the adhesive material adhering to bone or leaving residue on/to bone after decomp, is yes it can occur and yes the extended exposure to the enviroment could "wash" it away but trace might be there!:angel:
She looks scared to me in some pictures like the one think tank has, she looks as if she just got spotted doing something by someone who scares her. Could be my imagination its just the way I feel when I look at it, kind of like ut oh I'm gonna get it now. So I do believe there was some abuse. No disrespect think tank I think your posts are wonderful...
And don't forget CA saying something to the effect of, "just because people say things, doesn't make it true." jmo

*snipped* & BBM

Thanks LambChop!

As many times as I have heard that audio...something about seeing it typed ...I laughed out loud at the absurdity of this statement. C R A Z Y

I may just dig around for the direct quote and use it for a sig line. Cindy succinctly summed herself up in that brief comment.

I've typed "Indeed. The irony is rich." more times in the past week that I can count.
Thanks Joypath .... I was hoping you woud chime in on this one. I for one, so value your posts and opinions. I needed to read this especially after reading CA/GA/LAs Morgan depositions. You are always spot on!
In re the attorneys. I have heard of (and appreciated) the term dueling attorneys before, but usually it refers to the battles between the defense attorney and the state's attorney or prosecutor. This is the first case I have seen where the term "dueling attorneys" refers to the defense and the attorneys for the defense witnesses! And more than once too.

Here is what I am seeing and questioning in BC's statement. He states that the defense filed a false filing without confirming the details. Ie someone else may have told the defense a false statement, and the defense then wrote a filing based on that statement without reviewing it with BC to make sure it was accurate. Now who could have given the defense false or inaccurate information???? LOL of course BC is not accusing his ex clients of course. But since someone may have given false or inaccurate info to the defense, and since the defense then acted on that info without verifying it, that makes BC a witness and gives him a convenient excuse for withdrawing from the case without either losing face or accusing his clients.

And it doesn't look good for the defense either in that they failed to verify the info they were given before they acted on it.
In re the attorneys. I have heard of (and appreciated) the term dueling attorneys before, but usually it refers to the battles between the defense attorney and the state's attorney or prosecutor. This is the first case I have seen where the term "dueling attorneys" refers to the defense and the attorneys for the defense witnesses! And more than once too.

Here is what I am seeing and questioning in BC's statement. He states that the defense filed a false filing without confirming the details. Ie someone else may have told the defense a false statement, and the defense then wrote a filing based on that statement without reviewing it with BC to make sure it was accurate. Now who could have given the defense false or inaccurate information???? LOL of course BC is not accusing his ex clients of course. But since someone may have given false or inaccurate info to the defense, and since the defense then acted on that info without verifying it, that makes BC a witness and gives him a convenient excuse for withdrawing from the case without either losing face or accusing his clients.

And it doesn't look good for the defense either in that they failed to verify the info they were given before they acted on it.

But this isn't even really verifying. The defense was IN THE COURTROOM, standing in front of the Judge, on at least 2 or 3 occasions, when in response to their direct questions, BC stood up and very clearly stated that no conflict existed. His clients were in the room seated next to him at the time. This is kind of going to the far edge of "somebody gave them false info" and then leaping off of it headfirst. If nothing else I suspect that HHJP has some very clear expectations that the attorneys for all sides pay attention to and remember exactly what happens in his courtroom each session. (There will be a test!).
since the attornys seem to be a revolving door, i have a suggestion for getting this case a kick in the butt . lets ask judge judy to be involved , nancy grace and oprah- now that would be a clash in the as-- ! oh i would not want to miss that court date - no way! we would have a riot of personality - casey would be overwhelmed and even cindy would be in a shock! wow- maybe they can all volunteer
Lose internet for a week and I missed all the fun :(

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